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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Congrats!
    girlaccountant reacted to Mama Kat in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    Surgery April 24th 2019
    Gastric Bypass
    HW 320
    CW 294
    GW 165
    👋From da Bx in NY👋
    Good luck to All in their weight loss journey 🙌🏽💪🏽🙌🏽💪🏽🙌🏽
  2. Confused
    girlaccountant reacted to beautifuldaymonster in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    Your gas may move into weird places like your chest and shoulder. Mine did today. Later I burped and it went away. TMI but the worst part of it for me has been bowel movements: liquid spray, dark, the color of spinach, and the worst-smelling they have ever been in my entire life, haha! Egad do they stink. I woke with stinky breath this morning but they say that's a good sign, ketosis, you're losing weight. It's so exciting reading everyone's journeys! I can't wait until SuzieQ has hers! Thanks for yours!
  3. Congrats!
    girlaccountant reacted to beautifuldaymonster in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    Here's some more encouragement for all you April Babies: my RNY was Monday April 1. I went home the next day. And I am losing weight already!!! Where: face, neck, wrists, ankles/feet, and breasts. I am being careful as I can to keep my Protein up because I have never lost pounds this fast. I sneaked behind surgeon's back and drove my car to the supermarket to buy extra Ensures, and walked laps around the store, and experienced no pain, just a little fatigue when a long term male cashier "suddenly noticed me" and started flirting and wouldn't leave me alone, hmm... I don't recommend store visits. It was kind of hard seeing so many foods that used to trigger me.
    But bottom line WLS does work, oh boy does it. Less than a week and my face is slim and men are "noticing" me and talking to me about "bikinis"? (Not joking either) I can't wait to see at the surgery follow up where my prediabetes is now. That's why I asked for the surgery... Hang in there April Babies... your turn is coming fast!
  4. Like
    girlaccountant reacted to Bootscraper in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    Surgery is Thursday, my last day of my job (ever, I got a new job) was supposed to be Wednesday... But two people came in to work with respiratory infections and I was worried that I'll get sick before surgery. My Dr said they would cancel surgery if I had any infection. My boss said it was OK for my last day to be today instead. Now for the next 5 days to do nothing but prep my house and clean before I go under the knife.
  5. Congrats!
    girlaccountant reacted to beautifuldaymonster in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    I ended up wishing I'd brought less! I didn't need a thing I brought, the hospital had everything except free smartphones, and I was so out of it that first night there I hardly had time or strength to use my phone! Everyone I love called the hospital!
  6. Like
    girlaccountant got a reaction from TxStar09 in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    Things just got real. The hospital called, I’m scheduled for 9:30am Monday morning. I’m the 3rd procedure that day. Check into hospital Sunday night. My nerves just kicked in, so far I’ve been able to not really think too much about it. I know I won’t regret it, just ready to get onto recovering and starting this new chapter. Thank you for all the insight everyone is posting with their experiences. I think in the end that will help prepare me the most for what to expect. We’ve got this thing!! See you on the losers bench Monday!! Any items anyone wished they had with them in the hospital but didn’t?
  7. Like
    girlaccountant got a reaction from TxStar09 in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    Things just got real. The hospital called, I’m scheduled for 9:30am Monday morning. I’m the 3rd procedure that day. Check into hospital Sunday night. My nerves just kicked in, so far I’ve been able to not really think too much about it. I know I won’t regret it, just ready to get onto recovering and starting this new chapter. Thank you for all the insight everyone is posting with their experiences. I think in the end that will help prepare me the most for what to expect. We’ve got this thing!! See you on the losers bench Monday!! Any items anyone wished they had with them in the hospital but didn’t?
  8. Like
    girlaccountant reacted to ThinT in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    I imagine that’s the fluids they give . I also only had to do 1 day of liquids preop. So never lost weight preop.
  9. Hugs
    girlaccountant reacted to ejmom86 in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    My Gastric Bypass is Monday April 8th at 2pm in Ontario, Canada. I'm 5'4, starting weight is 289 lbs, current weight is 245, goal weight is 130-140. Nervous but excited to hopefully rid myself of this burden finally after 15+ years battling obesity. I don't even know what I would look like as an adult with a healthy weight. Been overweight/obese/morbidly obese since before highschool! Doing this for me and for my special needs 3 yr old. I need to keep up with him!

    Sent from my LM-Q910 using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Like
    girlaccountant got a reaction from TxStar09 in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    Things just got real. The hospital called, I’m scheduled for 9:30am Monday morning. I’m the 3rd procedure that day. Check into hospital Sunday night. My nerves just kicked in, so far I’ve been able to not really think too much about it. I know I won’t regret it, just ready to get onto recovering and starting this new chapter. Thank you for all the insight everyone is posting with their experiences. I think in the end that will help prepare me the most for what to expect. We’ve got this thing!! See you on the losers bench Monday!! Any items anyone wished they had with them in the hospital but didn’t?
  11. Congrats!
    girlaccountant reacted to naiad in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    Welcome and congrats!! I had to do 6 months as well!
  12. Congrats!
    girlaccountant reacted to ThinT in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    Post op 5 days. Feeling better for sure but having head hunger certain times of day. I’ve lost 10lbs already!
  13. Like
    girlaccountant reacted to LabGoddess in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    Hey there!! Just got my date/insurance approval.
    Surgery is gastric sleeve
    Height 5’5”
    Starting weight 239
    Goal weight dr’s goal 147. Personal goal 130
  14. Like
    girlaccountant reacted to CajunSam in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    Well, as of today I am official POST OP!
    I had a 10 day liquid diet and lost 12 lbs. Not the best it could have been but not bad. I have impressed about how they don’t wait around waist if time here. I get like I arrived here and the next thing I knew I was in recovery. I got up a little earlier and walked around. I honestly feel fine. A little pain and discomfort at the drain site and mid abdomen but other wise, fine.
    I haven’t had anything to “eat” in 2 days but I can tell you now I don’t even care. I have no appetite at all. I’m tired after all the traveling and the surgery of course.
    Honestly the worst part of the whole surgery process was right after surgery while I was in recovery. The nausea and falling in and out of sleep coupled with the normal pain sucked but again...manageable. I am so ready to get home and get my new life started.
  15. Like
    girlaccountant got a reaction from I Am Groot in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    @iamgroot good luck!! Thinking about you, sending good vibes your way! You got this!!
  16. Like
    girlaccountant reacted to Jennifer22672 in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    Good luck to those having surgery!
    I have my final pre-op appointment tomorrow. I will get to talk to the surgeon and will be starting my pre-op diet.
    It is starting to feel real now.!
  17. Like
    girlaccountant reacted to beautifuldaymonster in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    Justmetj is right, it seems slow to you right now. It was for all of us. But 2-4 days before your surgery you probably will feel like things are suddenly moving too fast. You'll have second thoughts and want to cancel the surgery (but you won't), you'll feel a little rushed and scared. It'll pass. Then you'll be in pre-op in the hospital and it all goes REALLY fast. Then the anesthetist will talk with you and you'll go to sleep.
    And then seemingly a few minutes later, but really hours, you'll wake up and start healing with all of us. Enjoy your time before surgery! You can still get around independently, drive, and do things. In healing, that ends...
  18. Like
    girlaccountant reacted to SusieQ2019 in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    Wishing everyone a safe and successful surgery today. I feel like I am on a line watching everyone's number being called except mine. Nonetheless I feel such a special joy for everyone as this journey is life changing and the road may have been rough for some but through it all we made it this far.
  19. Like
    girlaccountant reacted to foxynigeria in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    1st time poster,

    Date April 16
    Gastric Sleeve
    Height? 5'4"
    Starting weight? 295
    Goal weight? 165

    Currently on day two of the pre OP Liver Shrinkage Diet.
    Live in South London, England.

    Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk

  20. Congrats!
    girlaccountant reacted to I Am Groot in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    On my way to the surgery center!

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app

  21. Congrats!
    girlaccountant reacted to nicoleamy in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    It’s almost showtime! Still nervous . Prayers are welcome!
  22. Like
    girlaccountant reacted to beautifuldaymonster in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    Weak and resting. Soooper pain and nausea. Do not regret a thing. More later when stronger and fully awake.
  23. Like
    girlaccountant reacted to TheFlinstones in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    I hope everyone is doing really well. I had a small hiccup in my pre-op diet on the weekend. But back on track. My weight has gone down a little.

    It’s 8 sleeps till I’m on my way to hospital and surgery day. I just want it to be here already. I feel like I’ve been in a holding pattern.

    Anyway I have things to keep me busy till then.

    After all my years of dieting and to-yo weight. Part of me is ambivalent about that feeling of waiting till my weight has gone right down that I’ll be happy at the end. (I used to have a lot of attachment to ‘a certain weight making me happiest’. I know that’s not the case since I reached it quite a few times and there was still life to deal with and then I was afraid of staying there, keeping my weight.

    So a part of me is slightly excited to be getting rid of this weight to have my life back so that my knees, back don’t hurt. I can actually start to go walking and not be embarrassed and not be in pain and more importantly I need to get fitter.

    I think part of me is a little scared and also a bit teary I’m doing something for myself. It’s been a while since I’ve been kind to me/looking after myself. I’ve fallen down so many times in the last 4 years, yet still get back up. I’m a little worried about falling down and not picking myself up. I have isolated myself due to my weight and stopped seeing friends, going out. Feeling a bit daunted by all the change that is going to come and a teeny part of me scared that it won’t come. However I can only take one day at a time.

    Clearly I’m reflecting on a lot today.

    Anyone reading this, I am ok. Just feeling my feelings in a good way. Must be some grieving for what has happened. Finally reached the surface to start paddling and moving towards being more functional in all areas of life.

    I’m wishing everyone in April all the very best. Be well, I hope anyone in recovery from surgery is doing really great - May it all go smoothly, if there is any pain or difficulties it will pass take deep breathes and think of the bigger picture. (Clearly notify a nurse or your Dr if you’re in pain - I’m just wanting to reassure that any tough bits we will get through it)

    8 sleeps, hurry up already!

    Much love & peace to all.
  24. Like
    girlaccountant reacted to soymala43 in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    I hope you have a safe operation and a speedy recovery. My surgery is the 5th. Almost there!
  25. Like
    girlaccountant reacted to nicoleamy in April 2019 Surgeries!   
    Wishing you a speedy recovery! My surgery is tomorrow Z!

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