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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Cheeseburgh

  1. Cheeseburgh

    Workout Tunes~Name 'Em! What are You Listening To?

    Earth Wind and Fire Bruno Mars Pink The Go Go’s The Kinks Dreamgirls soundtrack The Clash Queen Prince Greatest Showman soundtrack My taste in music is all over the place.
  2. Cheeseburgh

    Post Your Theme Song

    I’m going to go with Pink Beautiful Trauma for before surgery Beautiful Trauma I’ll stick with Pink and go with Get the Party Started for after surgery. Get the Party Started
  3. Cheeseburgh


    What a perfect gift to yourself! Happy Eid!
  4. Cheeseburgh


    I forgot to look at the daily thing, I did 20 minutes of elliptical first thing this morning , then a 2 mile walk this afternoon. If the weather holds out I’ll go out for another walk tonight. I did listen to my favorite gym playlist on Spotify while I was working out. we are having the best dinner. My husband is smoking a pork loin I marinated in Rick Bayless Carnita marinade. It is super good and low calorie. It really feels like a cheat meal. I don’t know what my goal is this month. I think it is to figure out maintenance and increase my exercise so I can eat more than 1000 calories a day.
  5. Cheeseburgh


    @ms.sss You look fabulous!
  6. Here are 2 really easy dinner ideas. I currently have the jalapeño sausage out of the freezer, I normally use the same brand Italian sausage. Cut up the sausage add peppers and onions or whatever veggies you like and sauté them a few minutes. I put the low carb tortilla in the oven to dry out a bit then put a tablespoon of pizza sauce on it. Top with sausage and veggies then sprinkle 1/4 cup of part skim mozzarella on it and bake it at 400 for 8 minutes or so. Second one, repeat just about everything but instead of the tortilla nuke the cauliflower gnocchi and toss with the tomato sauce sausage and veggies.
  7. Cheeseburgh

    Frustrating weight loss

    I lost about the same rate you are currently, it really felt slow and yes it was frustrating. I had surgery on 8/13/18 at 204 pounds, on 10/8/18 I weighed 186.6 . If I did my math right that’s about 14 weeks? (I’m horrible at math lol) I personally think adding calories is crazy, I just stuck with it and tightened up my diet and exercise. Journal down everything you eat, I kept under 800 calories, avoided processed food and drank a ton of water. I didn’t get serious about exercise until I was about 6 months in because I really started slowing down, then I kicked it up a gear the weight continued to come off again. I never lost quickly and a 2 pound week was huge for me. I got to goal (I’m currently 130) last month, I had to fight for every pound it wasn’t easy, but it has been worth it. I don’t take it for granted. You got this.
  8. Cheeseburgh

    50 and Up Sleevers

    Hit goal last month and figuring out maintenance right now. 1 year anniversary is Tuesday. I haven’t felt this good or active in awhile. I’ll be 59 this fall and I will continue to live an active and healthy lifestyle for the rest of my life. Being overweight was a lot of work, I much prefer this. edited because I thought I was a year younger than I am!
  9. Cheeseburgh


    I caught myself wondering if you would walk up to me and introduce yourself when I was at Eaton Center. I was wearing one of the OOTD. Lol
  10. Cheeseburgh

    The Maintenance Thread

    I’ve maintained 130.4-130.8 with astonishing accuracy for the past few weeks. I was even on vacation for 6 days with no access to a scale. What scares me is that I’m currently eating 900 calories a day and maintaining. I have not been exercising as regularly or as hard as I was before although I have been walking 1-6 miles everyday. I meet with the personal trainer on Tuesday, (which happens to be my 1 year anniversary) so I’ll be back to working out regularly. I’m hoping that will allow me to increase my calories.
  11. Cheeseburgh


    Just got back from Toronto. I walked and walked and walked but I didn’t do any formal exercising. We spent so little time at the hotel so it was easy to skip. I ate healthy and within plan the entire trip and had a great time. I think I win the happiness challenge though. I got to meet and hangout with my 1 month old granddaughter. Our first and only Grandchild. I’ll start following the August challenge calendar tomorrow!
  12. Cheeseburgh


    Made it to Canada, super easy trip. Walked 2 miles after dinner. Granted we walked to Tim Hortons but I only got a decaf coffee! B side. Anyplace I’m missing.. My hometown Madison, WI. I love that place.
  13. Cheeseburgh


    Road trip today. I’ll still go for a walk after we check into our hotel. We should get there early evening depending on border traffic. The place we are staying tonight is right on Lake Huron so it looks like a great place to go for a walk.
  14. Cheeseburgh


    If that was in navy blue I believe your outfit sums up my entire wardrobe! Stripes and polka dots all the way.
  15. Bread is my weakness, I would not have the same result if I walked into a bakery making fresh croissants. I would have 1/2 with no regrets. The truffles are small and expensive so one would be a great choice for a chocolate fix. The store All Chocolate Kitchen is still a fun place to stop by even after surgery. They have a life size display of an astronaut made of chocolate and a beautiful chocolate tree in the middle of the shop. If I want to have something while I’m there I get a cup of coffee, which is superb. Here is a shot of the tree made from chocolate.
  16. Went for a walk in charming downtown tonight. I stopped in my favorite place, bought 6 truffles for someone, took pictures and walked away. Not even a bite, no regret. *Warning, if you love chocolate and/or gelato look away. This place is amazing.
  17. Cheeseburgh


    You look great!
  18. Cheeseburgh

    Food Before and After Photos

    This hits the spot for lunch. 3.5 oz grilled chicken breast with a cup of Taylor Farms Asian salad (salad from Costco) Total about 250 calories. I’m having a not hungry day so I probably won’t finish it.
  19. Cheeseburgh


    Day 2. Read an inspiring book. I can’t do that in one day! I am reading the book “The View from Flyover Country “ by Sarah Kendzior. It is a very eye opening read to say the least. I haven’t decided what I’m doing to workout today, I have a ton of stuff to do but I’ll fit something in. I finally nailed down the personal trainer and I’m meeting with him next Tuesday. I’m looking forward to getting back into a gym routine vs. just winging it.
  20. Cheeseburgh


    Wake up 30 minutes earlier. Good morning. I woke up an hour earlier today, I have a lot of laundry and packing to do before we head to Toronto in a few days. I need to get some food for the road trip. I’m going to pack nuts, fruit (note to self toss before border), and jerky of some sort. Anyone have ideas? It’s a long trip. I avoid protein bars and most prepared snacks because I know I would enjoy them too much. I’ll do the elliptical at home today and go for a long walk tonight, it’s gorgeous here.
  21. Cheeseburgh


    I can see a big difference! Wtg! If I remember, I’ll take a follow up today too.
  22. Cheeseburgh

    6 months post op and gaining? :(

    I’m trying my best to remember, I was tracking with Baritastic then, (I now use My Fitness Pal) and it only lets me look back until May. Protien shake for breakfast Deli turkey or ham lettuce wrap, cup of broth and almonds for lunch. Or leftover dinner stuff. Dinner. I ate a lot of grilled shrimp, chicken, fish lean pork or beef on occasion. Usually with a salad or veggie. I only had one snack a day and that was in the evening, back then it was guaranteed to be sugar free pudding. I’m a year out and I track like crazy. ETA, Congratulations on your awesome weight loss.
  23. Cheeseburgh

    6 months post op and gaining? :(

    Are you tracking calories? It sounds like you’ve increased too much and have to cut back. At 6 months I was eating 600-800 calories a day.
  24. Cheeseburgh


    Let me see.. He is nominated for an Emmy again this year. He is medium famous, some people consider him moderately famous. I wouldn’t say he’s a household name...but odds are you know his work. Edited to add, it’s not Brad Pitt lol also, I’m not going to publicly name him. It pinpoints me a bit much. If you want to guess have fun! send me a message if you are dying to know. It isn’t a big deal!
  25. Cheeseburgh


    Personal goal this month. Learn to relax a bit and figure out how to live at my current weight. Surgery VSG 8/13/18. My one year follow up is this month, I’m kinda in maintenance/clueless land right now. I’m still eating like I’m losing, but I’m not losing. Current weight 130-131 BMI 22 Fun fact: I dated a guy in high school who is now a pretty famous Emmy winning actor.

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