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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Cheeseburgh

  1. Cheeseburgh


    Does your gym have a foam roller? I had a trainer (who happened to also be a chiropractor) show me how to properly use one and it really helped me.
  2. Cheeseburgh


    Pretty dress, hope you had fun!
  3. Cheeseburgh


    Got married 22 years ago in Vegas.
  4. Cheeseburgh


    @sillykitty $9.99 at Amazon baby! My first statement necklace, I wish it was a little longer. This could become an addiction!
  5. Cheeseburgh

    WTF Hunger?

    An acid blocker might really help with your hunger, excess acid mimics hunger.
  6. Cheeseburgh


    I had no idea there was a Maurice’s less than 3 miles from me. I had zero luck there. The jeans that fit me had a pattern on the pocket and I’m super picky. I ended up going to the Gap. The girlfriend jean turns out to be a good fit for me. I am now the proud owner of one pair of pants that fit me. They have flattering sizing.
  7. Cheeseburgh


    I like your jeans too, can you share the brand? You look fantastic and congratulations on the promotion! Can you tell I can’t find jeans I like?
  8. Cheeseburgh


    May I ask what brand your jeans are? They are very flattering on you.
  9. Cheeseburgh


    Cute statement necklace! Ok, now I see what has been missing from my life. Thank you for the fashion advice!
  10. Cheeseburgh


    I love that look on you!
  11. Cheeseburgh


    Congratulations, you look great !
  12. Cheeseburgh


    Thank you! I just spent 45 minutes going down a statement necklace rabbit hole. I really do like a lot of them, I’m wondering what earrings you wear with that type of jewelry, I don’t necessarily want to go over the top. I don’t know if any of you watch the Great British Bake Off but I always love Prue Leith’s jewelry.
  13. Cheeseburgh

    WLS and Clothes

    Oh shoot me too! I never read or post in this forum.
  14. Cheeseburgh


    I’m not trolling with this dress. I ordered it in I SWEAR a different color. (Much lighter) lo and behold I got a SOLID navy dress. It was a really good sale and they only had a few left so I rushed when I ordered it. It is crazy comfortable so I’m keeping it. Problem: I feel like I look like an employee somewhere. Which look is better? 1. Flight attendant or 2. June Cleaver with pearls
  15. Cheeseburgh


    It can be temperamental. I believe it only works on text from the original post, I don’t think it works if you try and highlight a repost. I think I’m explaining it poorly! I don’t know if it works on the phone app, I don’t use this site on my phone. Edited to add: That outfit fits you very nicely and you look fantastic.
  16. Cheeseburgh


    Great dress and I love your hair!
  17. Cheeseburgh

    WLS and Clothes

    Congratulations on your weight loss. My husband wore a 42 before he lost weight and could easily find pants/shorts at pretty much all the big box stores. I don’t shop at Walmart so I don’t know about them, but Target did carry some, not a lot. Their quality can be a bit inconsistent so the fit can also be inconsistent. He had a lot of luck at Kohl’s and Amazon. You can find great sales and coupons for Kohl’s and if you check out Amazon Essentials line you will find awesome pricing.
  18. Cheeseburgh


    Same No way am I baking cookies. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, however cookie dough is pretty much one of my favorite things on the planet. Last night we were going to run some errands. I always joked that we live close enough to walk. Last night we decided to walk instead of drive and it was an easy walk, minus crossing the one busy street of death. I guess that trip was the opposite of getting out into nature. Struck out at belt shopping at Kohl’s and Target, but walked a few miles.
  19. Cheeseburgh


    I just did this on my iPad.
  20. Cheeseburgh

    The Maintenance Thread

    I am officially in maintenance. Saw the surgeon today and they don’t want me to lose anymore weight. He is the nicest young guy, he is so excited at how well I’ve done. He and the nutritionist both suggested I gain a few pounds because of my age and health history (cancer). I explained why I don’t want to do that and he understood I was ignoring his advice. Here is a video of him, he’s so cute I want to stick him in my pocket. (He reminds me of my oldest son) Matthew Pittman
  21. Cheeseburgh


    Just in case you don’t know, you can highlight just the phrase or text you want to copy. Just click and drag, a little pop up comes up that says “quote this” . It is what I just did with your post. Saves on scrolling through the same pictures and bandwidth.
  22. Cheeseburgh


    Ugh, I don’t have a lot of before photos. Here is one I stumbled on, but I’m sitting.
  23. Cheeseburgh


    I’m not going to do yoga but I’ll do some stretching. For cardio today I’m going to go on a bike ride. I still have to adjust my bike though, I think that will take a few rides to get it sorted out. My 1 year follow up with my surgeon is in an hour! Times flies.
  24. Cheeseburgh


    I honestly believe if the teacher could have given me an F in Home Economics in 7th grade she would have. I think I passed just because I showed up. I have zero skills in sewing or crafting. I am a good cook though.
  25. Cheeseburgh


    I have a 28” inseam, I have short legs too.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
