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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Mj77803

  1. On 09/12/2019 at 11:29, Panda333 said:


    Guys, I’m so happy I could cry. After really going full scorched earth/raising Cane with Aetna, my dr.s office, and with my employer, I found out today I’m approved. I really can’t believe it. Still don’t have a date but this is fantastic news. Thanks Everyone and I’ll be seeing you online here with probably more questions.

    It was not easy, had to complain to the business office supervisor, the surgeon directly, I saved all of my correspondence and had an extensive timeline for everything and named everyone I spoke with at Aetna. If they approved me only to shut me up, I’ll take it.

    This from getting initial “Sorry you are denied come pick up your paperwork”. I found out my advocate didn’t know how to file and appeal and that’s why she told me that.

    Congrats!!! I'm so excited for you! Glad you didn't give up and fought then!

  2. My doc prefers the sleeve, he only does bypass is medically necessary I have/had history of gerd at the time, said if needed we can convert to bypass later, 17 months later I was bypass. But my gerd did improve at first with the sleeve, it wasn't until about 10-11 months that it go worse

  3. This is my experience with the sleeve and gerd:
    I was 227 at the time of surgery BMI 39. I had reflux before surgery and on the max dose of protonix. I was sleeved and my symptoms subsided for a couple of months. About 6-9 months in they started coming back, I seen my pcp and was added zantac 300mg. Months 10-15 I was taking 2 bottles a month of alka zelter chews on top of the protonix and Zantac. I finally consulted my surgeon, after finding it that my sleeve could be the reason. After an EDG I found out that I had a severe case of inflammation to my esophagus and a restriction. Only way to correct this was bypass. Within a week ( because I was producing acid while I was sleeping, and due to heavy sleep medication and not wakeing up, and already aspirating while sleeping) ins approved bypass and I was in the OR 3 days later.

    This is something you have to decided for your self. The sleeve can either make it worse or better. Everyone's experiences are different. But for me I would still do again, knowing this would be my outcome.

  4. 10 hours ago, gabybab said:

    Thankfully the scale is moving ever so slowly the last 2 days. I've been in a 2 week stall, and I do not take in enough calories that I shouldn't be losing weight.

    It happens! I'm 21 mo post op sleeve/ 4 mo post bypass, and I still suck gettin calories. But don't focus on the number. I know that's hard, because that's our validation that the surgery is working. What keeps me motivated is that I'm still losing inches even if the number isn't moving. You'll still notice your clothes are loose ;). Stay positive, stay motivated, and keep following the plan.

  5. I had a restriction and severe gerd as well, with taking ambien and seroquel for severe insomnia I wasn't waking up at night when I was producing acid while sleeping, aspirated a few times, I was bypassed fairly quickly. I credit my surgeon for being quick and amazing. Super important to have someone who listens and acts fast.( he fixed my HH when he did my sleeve.)

    Good luck in your recover process. I can say it's been the best thing. It's been great to be reflux free. Although I'm in dumping syndrome prettt regularly. However, I'd rather deal with that for 45 mins then deal with the insane reflux!

  6. I tell people. Surgery is becoming a more common thing now. For me, I feel like I'm educating people. Everyone has weight loss surgery for different reasons. Everyone gains weight for different reasons. I have never been an emotional eater. It's never been a comfort thing for me. I gained weight due to medications. High doses of prednisone ( 3 months causes 80lbs). Then add ambien, and I tend to sleep eat. Which is rough, because I have severe insomnia. I've tried all the other insomnia meds on the market ( and my ins didn't cover some so I was paying over a $100 a month for 2 of them) and they didn't work. I take ambien (which I get for 97 cents) and seroquel ( ambien puts me out, seroquel keeps me asleep)- if I don't take them, I'm up for 35-40 hours straight. I've tried to get better by keeping some "healthier" Snacks hidden by my bed. But sometimes I'll get up and make a butter tortilla. And forget to turn the burner off 🤦‍♀️.but I've gotten better with that! And no late night drives to Walmart! I'm maintaining at the weight I've wanted. So I'm happy about that.

    I've been sleeved and then bypass due to reflux getting increasing worse after, and cause aspiration at night. So I get questions on both. So I talk about both procedures, that not everyone you see get surgery is having because they "eat or lazy". People are quick to judge just by looking, had they talked to the person I'm sure they would see a much bigger picture. But really it's not their business unless that person wants to talk about it. Genetics also plays a factor in it as well. So it's not all about food as 90% of people want to jump on.

  7. 1 hour ago, Chardonnay40 said:

    Great post and i get where you are coming from. I haven't had surgery yet and I am experiencing all the things you say about happened to you pre-op. Girl, that is me and I am pre-op. I have been job hunting for a year and still haven't gotten an offer. My ideas get overlooked at work but yet I get glowing EOY reviews. I say stay strong and yes therapy. I am seeing a therapist now talking about how I get treated now as a larger person that when I was a size 12. So frustrating!

    I have the same issues with getting interviews and I'm almost 2 years post sleeve and 100lbs lighter. It's crazy. I have 2 interviews tomorrow so I guess I'll see how that goes.

  8. I have a rare auto immune disorder ( about 200,000 cases, extremely rare in white women, can effect any organ in the body, currently effects my heart, sleep, and lungs) I have 2 lung masses, I see cardiology, pulmonary, and oncology. I have svt on top of that and had an ablation in hopes that it will keep me from getting a pacemaker (so far, my episodes have decreased), even with all this, I still feel better then I have in the last 7 years. Acid reflux got really bad after the sleeve but I was bypassed 3 months ago and that resolved completely. It was easily the best choice I made

  9. You know what I though was crazy, when I did my mental evaluation, the lady says:

    " you will get more interviews, and your sex life with increase"

    I thought that was just crazy. Why would you say that? And no I'm not getting interviews left and right, even though I have an incredible amount of experience. It's been hard to find a job over the last 3 months- I was let go when I went out for bypass conversion. Out of no where. Over 270 applications, maybe 15-20 interview. 3 offers. I have an interview Thursday and I'm praying it happens, I'm dying to get back in a clinical setting .

  10. Had reflux before I was sleeved 10/17, it improved but got worse about month 9, pcp put me on Zantac on top of my max dose of protonix. Finally talked to my surgeon and when I told him that I was vomiting in myself and that I take ambien and high dose of seroquel to sleep and that I'm not waking up when it happens he said the situation was dire and we needed to convert to bypass immediately. I had an EDG done a week later showing severe inflammation, a restriction where the esophagus and pouch meet, info was submitted to insurance and I was on the table a week later. I am almost 12 weeks post op, and acid reflux free.

  11. On 05/31/2019 at 06:55, FluffyChix said:

    With all due respect. You are a gastric bypass. The OP is a VSG. From my observation in the US, most VSG patients have a MUCH longer time on liquids and purees than us bypassers.

    Gastric you are on each stage for two weeks- my surgeon did both my sleeve then my bypass 17 months after my sleeve- and it was the same same diet, for the same length of time- 2 weeks each stage

  12. I'm not judging. I ambien eat at night, I don't even know I'm doing it. My team is well aware of this. At 6 days post op, I was eating a slice of pizza at 1 am. I contacted my dietician, because she is on fb and accessible to us at anytime. I was told I was probably fine and if it was going to sit right I would have probably thrown up (which I didn't per my husband), now a few nights later i apparently ate some popcorn, and that did come back up- I woke up for that! And found the bag next to my bed. I called my surgeons office that following week, left a message and no one got back with me, and when I spoke with him at my 6 week he was pretty confident I was fine and had done no damage. Now, I do have a stomach of steel, so not everyone is the same. But I've been sleeved and bypassed in a 17 month span. Other then eating a little fast and frothing, I have had no issues and transitioned quicker in stages with bypass because I felt comfortable. If I had an issue I backed off. I don't recommend everyone do that, but I know my body and what I can handle.

  13. Wow, I read your stories and realize even more how lucky my process was. I have BCBSTX, I got sleeved 10/17. From when I did my seminar In August of 17 to my surgery it was 2 months. My surgeons office is the best and always on top of things. He is also my general surgeon, so it was a no brainer to go with him when I did this. My pcp brought up gastric surgery in August 2016 but I was 220 and didn't think I was "fat enough" to do it. But I had several comos that qualified me. I'm a shit medical magnet though, I had reflux before this, and about month 8 it got super bad. Pcp added Zantac on top of the protonix. On top of that I was going through a bottle of alka seltzer chews like crazy, about a month before I call my surgeon I was up to 2 bottles a month. I called him, went in and he said I was at risk of aspirating in my sleep because I'm on several meds to sleep at night and I was vomiting up acid in my sleep and because of the meds I wasnt waking up. He ordered and EDG and found out I had severe inflammation due to the reflux, and a restriction where my esophagus and pouch was meeting, that day they submit to insurance to convert my sleeve to bypass, by the following Wednesday I was approved, that Friday I was preop and that Monday I was converted. I'm blessed my husband has amazing insurance. And they don't drag their feet. Once I meet my deductible my meds are covered at 100%. Never had ins do that before! We found that out after I had my sleeve! Too bad Vitamins aren't covered under ins! They should be!

    I know the waiting game sucks! My sleeve was scheduled and it was literally a week and I still hadn't gotten an answer and the medical assistant in me called and demanded that I get an answer because I had a week, and I wasn't going to pay and preop and not have an approval, I had an answer in 24 hours! Don't be afraid to call your ins yourself! Be your own advocate! They can escalate to a higher rep and get you an answer in 24-48 hours in most cases. It's a rough journey. But it's worth it. The stalls, the medical nightmares, the pain, the aggravation, I'd go through it all again.

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