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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tyler883

  1. Not only that, but I hear that there are over 800 people already in line for the 25 surgeries per year. I'm beginning to think that healthcare paid surgery is really a ploy to keep private surgeries out of Alberta.
  2. Tyler883

    Need some help with this liquid diet

    The thing I like most about Lapbanding, is I will be able to absorb nutrition that I intentionally put into a drink. This is important to me. I want the lap band to help me deal with my non stop eating, but I also want to exercise including some amateur weight lifting. One of my concerns is ' will I get enough protien and calories when my exercise demands it'? And, fortunately through protient shakes, and homemade juices, I shouldn't have that problem,
  3. Tyler883

    What is maintenance like?

    I'm currently 380 I feel that 250 would significantly reduce my health problems and health risks. I would feel more than energetic enough to do the things that I want to do in life. ie work in my backyard, take my son out camping.
  4. I was nicknamed "newman" from the Jerry Seinfield show. I was also nicknamed "Norm" from Cheers. Why couldn't I have been "John Candy" or "Drew Cary"? I like them. but personally, It pisses me off to no end when someone says "Hey, Boss...."
  5. Tyler883

    Who has kept it a secret?

    I am really sorry for starting another thread on the same topic. If the moderators see this post, could you please merge my thread into the larger thread? Thank you Tyler
  6. Tyler883

    Keeping it a secret?

    I am really sorry for starting another thread on the same topic. If the moderators see this post, could you please merge my thread into the larger thread? Thank you Tyler
  7. Hi, I've recently heard of some comments about some of the bariatric surgeries actually cause Type 2 diabetes to go into a remission like state, long before you improve you insuline resistance throught weightloss. Does anyone know more about this? Personally, I've never wanted to consider anything other that the Lapband, but is it possible that one of the other procedures might be better for treating my diabetes? thanks Tyler
  8. Tyler883

    What is maintenance like?

    Am I correct to say, most people never reach their ideal weight thus requiring a maintenance program. Instead, most of us reach a plateau before we reach our target weight.... a 'balance' rather than a maintenance program.
  9. Hi jjsmiles, congratulations on your progress Thank you for the insight into the Calgary WMP program. It s sounds like a great program. unfortunately I suspect that it I won't be able to benefit from. I've reached and read a million books on health and nutrition. So much so, when I took the Living Well classes last year, I don't think I learned anything new. My weight problem runs much deeper than knowledge. I think it has more to do with my "I'm full" nerve being broken. Plus, I'm finding the information and support for lapband is duplicated many times over in places like this forum, and in the post op services that are offered through the lap band centre that I investigating. MY target date for surgery is September. I am told that I can get surgery in much sooner, perhaps 3-4 weeks. But if I wait till September I will have plenty of time to prepare for it. Plus Sept is a better time of year for me to start off on the right foot, when it comes to changing my lifestyle. Thank you Tyler PS do you mind if I ask you a few questions from time to time?
  10. Tyler883

    My band has slipped

    ok, please forgive the newbie question, how long does it take a slip to reposition itself? ie is it 1 trip to the doctor, or more?
  11. Hi Angie, thank you very much for the phone number. I'll be able to use it to get my family physician to make a referal. Angie, I was hoping for an opinion from you. Do you believe that the information in the weight loss management program is duplicated on this website and others? The reason why I am asking is: I'm beginning to wonder if getting into the calgary program is more trouble than it's worth. After all, the waiting list is long enough that I plan to pay for my surgery in Toronto.
  12. Hi Heather, When I saw this, my eyes lit up with hope. Do you have any contact information, or a tip or a lead that can help me find someone in Alberta? thank you Tyler
  13. Tyler883

    Need some help with this liquid diet

    I have some experience with protien shakes from my days messing around with weight lifting. it is my absolutely strongest opinion ( am I convincing enough?LOL) that the best Protein drinks will come from your blender at home, using fresh milk. Or if you are on the go, just keep a shaker bottle full of the protien powder, and buy the milk fresh from a corner store. I know this might sound a bit disgusting, but I haven't met a can of protien that didn't taste a bit like baby formula, or sour milk. I don't know if I'll be allowed to drink this, but my favorite shake is: - 32 grams of chocolate protien powder - 1 cup of skim milk - 4-6 icecubes - 1 tablespoon of Peanut Butter ( for fat)( probably not allowed, right?) - sprinkle cinnamin to flavor - or peppermint extract
  14. Hi, Today, I had my first interview with an endocrinologist that specializes in obesity, diabetes, and lipid disorders. As I suspected, he wants to start me on a diet and exercise program, and doesn't want to refer my to a bariatric surgeon. His reason " You have sleep apnea, they can't put you to sleep for the surgery" Is this true? Thanks Tyler
  15. I will definitely follow up with my respiratory doctor to see if there are other complications, but I would guess that I was being fed a line for todays doctor. In Calgary, healthcare paid bariatric surgery is funded for 25 surgeries per year, and there are about 800 people in line for it. Today's doctor may be trying to steer me in a different direction. However, I was only hoping to get the workshop seminars in Calgary, then I'm prepared to become a paying customer in another city.
  16. wow, thanks for the prompt response. I should add that I have a respirator disturbance index of 120. My CPAP pressure is 13-15 cm of Water. And, recently I had a hernia repaired where the doctors used local anestetic instead of putting me to sleep ( on a side note: I think they made a mistake because I was able to watch a poorly placed TV monitor for the whole operation - yuck!) Anyay, my next question would be: Have you heard of any extenuating circumstances where a Lap band surgeon would refuse to operate on someone with sleep apnea?

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