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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by FindingMeWithin

  1. Looly, Great Question. I’m also dealing with those last 15 pounds and have been playing with the same one pound for a month or more. I’ve dropped my calories by 100 but not seeing a difference yet unless you count Hair loss. Ughh I know patience is a virtue but man we get spoiled with the rapid loss in the beginning. Overall, I’m thrilled at this life changing choice I made. I’m staying with my original plan but I do appreciate your question and the great answers coming in.

  2. I too am shedding hair. It started about 5 1/2 months post op and still at 7 months. I’m thankful that I had thick hair to start with but it can stop anytime. My nutritionist stressed that its very common and if I’m eating properly and taking my Vitamins and Iron it will subside. They don’t promote extra Biotin outside what’s in the multi Vitamin. I take ProCare Multivitamin with iron. It’s still unnerving that’s for sure. I cant tell from your post if you are post op or not? If you have not, have you had your thyroid checked?

  3. Congratulations on needing smaller sizes its a wonderful feeling. I find TJ max a go too right now. And some really old favorites I hung onto.

    I’m so excited to be able to buy something not only smaller but stylish! From past weight loss experiences (non surgical) I’m nervous about getting rid of all those larger clothes only to rebuy them again. Been there done that. But I’ve got to let it go. I like the eBay idea too

  4. How ironic, I’m 10 weeks out and I feel the same way. Sometimes within an hour how eating. It almost makes me feel a little nauseous. I know that sounds weird. I was told dehydration could be the cause. The nausea could be my Vitamins? Not sure but definitely things that are different from the beginning

  5. I’m now 10 weeks vsg post op and have had my cpap since thanksgiving. I’m so ready to be done with it. Some folks come to love it but not this girl. Down almost 40 pounds and I’m hoping the cpap will be discontinued soon. And also yes to all the gas issues. More in the beginning then now.

  6. Iliana, I made an appointment prior to surgery to see a psychologist post op. I wasnt sure how I would feel emotionally after surgery. Actually I felt pretty good a few weeks out but it really turned into a great benefit anyway.I can hash out a few things before they really bother me and she’s been wonderful.

    You’ve had major surgery so don’t rule out a medical issue. But with that said you have young children and life can get overwhelming. You might be surprised talking it over with an outsider.

    Best Wishes.

  7. Notmyname I had a similar issue 6 years ago when I lost a 60 pounds (only to gain it all back within a year) with weight watchers. Every meeting I would ask the ladies if anyone else complained about back pain thinking my back should feel better with the weight off. They agreed and said customers always felt better. My GP said what your surgeon said. After going to chiropractors and acupuncture, I had X-rays done and then an MRI. I had degenerative disc disease and within a year it had gotten significantly worse. I also had shots with the pain clinic and after they quite working I had a spinal fusion. Best thing, next to VLS that I did. If you don’t get answers soon ask for the X-ray.

    Best wishes

  8. I too have AETNA and 1 week from surgery. My BMI is 35-36 and I have 4 cormorbidites. However one weigh in I was under the 35 like 34.7) and the clinic said if I fall under the insurance guidelines I wont be eligible. I totally panicked. My next weigh in was maybe 3-4 pounds higher. I was so used to Weight Watcher weigh ins that I figured I was supposed to try to lose. But for me that was an issue. But beware that you cant gain from your initial weigh in either. It was a bit hard trying not to fluctuate a few pounds either way. I really needed to talk to the clinic better at the beginning because they work with all the insurance companies and know well what needs to happen to get authorization approved. Best of Luck.

  9. I too had an issue at one of my clinic appointments where I fell under 35. They were like if this stays here you wont meet the eligibility guide lines. I panicked as well after all the preop things I had done. I needed like 2 pounds to be back where I was. I had to also send in 2 years of Doctor checkups. Some of which were close but not 35. I have 4 comorbitities against me. Too say I was worried was an understatement. Finally,insurance approval came in.

  10. Lesslana- thanks for the heads up. I realized too late that there was a thread started. I just joined today and I’m having a bit of trouble learning to navigate. For insist, is there a way to comment of an individual message? Like me under yours?? Can you tell I’m not a Facebooker lol.

    Andieintheek- I’m having the sleeve procedure. I start the liquid preop 3/10.

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