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Posts posted by Sherilyn

  1. Hi all, been awhile since I was on. Went back to work this past Monday and have been very busy. No time for getting on the computer for myself, however, tonite I am taking a few minutes. I am feeling GREAT. :angry: Not having any "hunger" pains. Had my two week check up and am down 23.5 pounds from beginning. :biggrin2: Blood pressure down 20 points also. :smile: They took blood but I don't know what the results of that was. I go back on June 23 for more blood work and go see my surgeon on July 1st for my first fill (or not). Depends, if I have lost at least another five to ten pounds then they will not give me a fill. The only time they will give me a fill is if I am not losing any weight. I will try to get back on before the weekend. God bless all of you!!

  2. Hi Judy, the decision must be yours. I am 54 yrs old and have had a weight problem ALL OF MY LIFE! At the age of 23 I lost 68 lbs in one year by starving myself and got down to the lowest I have ever weighed in my adult life "180". At age 25 I found love and got married. Ahh....contentment! I put the weight back on plus until my husband became ill with pancreatic cancer. At that time I weighed in at 293 lbs and three months later when he died I weighed 243 lbs. I was 41 years old and alone. Four years later I met a wonderful man to whom I am now married. When I married him, I weighed in at 273 lbs. We have been happily married now for seven years. Remember...contentment? Three weeks ago I weighed in at 334 lbs. During my two weeks pre-op I lost 16 lbs. I had LB surgery last Monday, May 19, 2008 and as of today I have lost three more pounds for a total of 19 pounds. There I just gave you my life in a few words. I don't know about yours Judy but when I look back, my weight kept me from enjoying manying things. I am tired of making excuses and sitting back while everyone else partakes. What time I have left on this earth I am going to live it to the fullest! My motto and you can make this yours:


    By the way, surgery was a snap. Nothing to it. I never threw up, no gas pains, nothing. Just felt like I over exercised my stomach muscles. Good luck in whatever you decide and know that I will always be available if you would like to talk more on a one to one.:biggrin:

  3. Hi all, thanks for all of your information regarding my headaches. It was definitely the Topomax. Since I have been back on it I have not had one. My only problem now is having a bowel movement. I had surgery last Monday (May 19) and I haven't had a bowel movement since the day before. :cursing: I know I am not eating solids, but babys don't eat solids and we all know what they can do. Any suggestions?

  4. Hey all, I did contact my Doctor regarding the headaches and he told be to go back on my Topomax. So I did and so far no headache. Must not be able to just stop taking topomax, you have to gradually get off of them.

    Here is another question. This is Wednesday evening and I still can't get a good nites sleep. I just keep waking up after about two hours. Anyone else have this problem?

  5. It's done! This past Monday I had surgery at 7:30 a.m. was scheduled for 9:30 a.m. Went through surgery with flying colors. It took about 1/1/2 hours and I was in recovery for 1 hour. Very little pain and no up-chuckin. My only complaint is one hellashous headache. :cursing:I came home yesterday around 2p.m. and I laid down then all of a sudden I was freezing! My husband put three blankets on me and then I went to sleep for three hours. When I awoke I was weak and I still had a horrible headache. The doctor gave me liquid Lorri Tab but that didn't help at all, so I had my husband crush one of my Darvicets and I took it with some yogert (It was still very bitter). The Darvicet help


    ed get rid of my headache, however, it keeps trying to come back. Anyone else with this same problem? If so, what did you do to get rid of the headache? If it wasn't for that I would be feeling pretty good right now. Your input would be greatly appreciated!:wink2:


  6. Well group I had my surgery this past Monday. I was scheduled for 9:30 a.m. but they had a cancellation and took me in at 7:30 a.m. I was in surgery 1 1/2 hours and in recovery 1 hour. So far I haven't gotten sick to my stomach but I have been fighting one hell of a headache :cursing:since Tuesday morning. I got home around 2 p.m. yesterday and felt miserable all day and night with this headache. They gave me liquid Lorri Tab but that didn't help at all. I finally had to have my husband crush one of my Darvicets and I mixed it with some yogert and that finally helped. However I am starting to feel it coming back. Has anyone else had this horriable headache besides me? If so, please help me and tell me what you did to get rid of them. In the meantime, I am not doing too bad.:wink2:

  7. Hi all,

    I, too, can't wait to have the surgery behind me. I feel like I am already on my way because as of this morning I have lost 16lbs post-op. Wish me luck and pray for me tomorrow morning (05/19/08) at 9:30 a.m. I too, have to stay overnite. Any words of encouragement is greatly appreciated! I am sure glad I found all of you (my new friends!). May God bless us all!:leaving:

  8. Thank you for responding. It's 5:01 p.m. on Sunday, May 18, 2008. I have to be at the hospital at 5:15 a.m. tomorrow. I am preparing my

    "Advance Directives" for my husband to sign. I am not scared yet, I have never had surgery so I wouldn't know what to be scared of. Except, maybe, the pain I will be in afterwards. You are doing great!:leaving: I hope I do as well.:sneaky: As soon as I am able, I will be in touch.


  9. Hello all! 10 days into my pre-op and so far I have lost 14lbs. My surgery is scheduled for Monday, May 19, 2008. Not nervous yet, but I probably will be on Sunday. Problem is I have never had surgery before, so I am not sure how I will respond to everything. By the way, I am 54 yrs old and I have one grandson who just took his first steps this week all by himself.

    Any words of wisdom from those of you who have already gone through the surgery, I would appreciate.:party:

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