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Barbara V

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Posts posted by Barbara V

  1. On 2/9/2019 at 12:55 PM, Lena809 said:

    I was highly allergic to the nausea patch behind the ear, I no longer can use them and broke out in hives and was extremely itchy around my arm area

    On 5/13/2020 at 6:11 PM, Tiff71 said:

    Hi Barbara,

    I have just come across your post. I had a Gastric Sleeve almost two years ago. I had no complications and my diet, although smaller quantities, has not changed in any way. I have suffered from chronic hives since the surgery and never had them at any time in my life previously. I'm going through hell. Every morning I wake up with them all over my body...feet, hands, face, hair...everywhere. They are huge, raised, red lumps that itch like nothing on earth. My eyes are red and swollen. I take antihistamines which eventually take them down 2-3 hours later. I'm clueless as to what is causing this. I am in misery every day. There are cases like ours online but no studies or conclusions.

    Try to find a really good dermatologist and see if they can start you on Xolair injections. They were a lifesaver for me for a couple of years. I had to switch to another injectable because they were causing me Migraines.

  2. No allergy medicine on the planet helps my hives and itching. Prednisone helps but you can’t be on that forever. I’m on my fourth or fifth biological medicine (now taking Humira injections). I was on something called Cimzia last year that was working and then I had a brain aneurysm. Don’t know if the two are related. Next month it’ll be five years since my gastric sleeve and I’ve gained back all the weight I’ve lost plus some. Most of this is my fault but I’m sure prednisone doesn’t help either. I’m having to take it off/on until Humira kicks in.

  3. I’m new here. Is there a way to respond to individual comments/replies?

    I had food allergy testing, changed all my Vitamins to the best quality I could find, even stopped them altogether. For about six months, I wasn’t even taking any meds. Even went gluten free for awhile

    I haven’t had metal allergy testing yet because it’s not covered by insurance and even if I test positive, I don’t think the staples can be removed.

    Yesterday I made an appointment to see a new bariatric surgeon to see what his thoughts are.

  4. I had a gastric sleeve a little over 3 years ago. Had a pretty bad local allergic reaction to the steri strips used to cover incisions. Took a week of prednisone and got better. Shortly thereafter, I broke out in horrible itchy hives. Was tested for every allergy and disease possible and everything was negative. Had to go on biologics/ immunosuppressants and am still on them to this day. My theory is that I’m allergic to the metal staples they use to close the stomach pouch after the gastrectomy. Anyone else dealing with this or have an opinion on my theory?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
