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Posts posted by chrissymcm08

  1. I am so afraid of cancer. Right now the reflux is ruining my life. I am eating things that give me relief and they are not on a sleeve diet. How can I find the criteria for a revision? I am upset because me doctor originally was going to do the bypass and never told me it could get worse.

    Sent from my LGLS991 using BariatricPal mobile app

    I have to take Pantropazole or Omeprazole, 40 mg daily.

    Sent from my LG-LS777 using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Lisa, a revision for reflux is not considered a weight-loss surgery. I had mine when I was only 20 lbs from goal weight. It is considered a fix to the GERD problem and does not have any weight-based criteria, just the damage caused by the GERD and whether you are responding well to non-surgical treatments.
    Did you take Pantropazole or Omeprazole? I have to take at least 40mg daily.

    Sent from my LG-LS777 using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. As it seems to be the topic of a few videos I've watched during my research, I thought I'd ask if there was anything you've learned since the operation you chose to have, that you wish you'd been told about before hand and weren't? Good or bad
    Yes, the acid problem with the sleeve, guess I will be on Pantrozole/Omeprazile for the rest of my life unless I have a revision to bypass. Also have gallstones now so they want to take my gallbladder out. I am 10 months out.

    Sent from my LG-LS777 using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Its been one week since my surgery and my emotions are running rampant. My husband and I began this journey together 6 months ago, He has not scheduled his surgery yet because of seasonal work demands. We had an argument early on, about into month 4 pre-op. that I was doing all the shopping, cooking, weighing, measuring, and he was reaping all the benefits. He wasn't accountable for his own diet and I felt like the diet police. He picked up responsibility for his own weighing, measuring and tracking then...or so I thought. Last week while I was in the hospital I discovered otherwise. he didn't know that I'd set up our accounts to have receipts sent online. To reduce paper. Imagine my surprise when I received a receipt for: 2 packages of Polish sausage, a family size bag of chips, a bag of Hershey kisses, a package of Klondike bars. When I confronted him, he denied it until I showed him the receipt. Ok...so he said he screwed up. then yesterday when I sat down to do Bills I discover He also has been frequenting Burger King, Wendys, Mcdonalds and Little Ceasers: and the amounts on the receipts indicate more than one person should eat..Someone he works with made a comment online to me about how surprised they are that he has lost so much weight considering the sweets he eats at work. I am so angry with him. I feel like he not only is cheating himself but he is cheating on me and hiding it. This last 6 months has not been easy. This past two weeks on liquid has not been easy. I am so angry and he is brushing it off with "OH Well" Your emotions are just heightened right now.
    You cannot control what others do only what you do. You should be focusing on taking care of yourself and not flipping out over someone else eating a burger.

    Sent from my LG-LS777 using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. So I had my surgery in November 2018, since then I've remained sick. The first couple of weeks went fine aside from some nausea and pain. Now three months, almost four after surgery and I'm struggling to keep food and liquid down and continually get sick with every cold, bronchitis and pneumonia. The only food I can handle seems to be nuts, cheese, red meat, and Beans. Everything else comes right up, not only is this painful but it's annoying and worrisome. I've had several problems, I had this happen before and had to have a PICC line put in my arm (an IV line meant to stay in you for weeks to months or a year if needed) to give me my Vitamins and nutrients I need. I had it for about a week and then was able to eat again, then found out I have a DVT (a blood clot deep in a vein), then got bronchitis twice and got pneumonia. Now I'm not only throwing up again but I'm getting sick again and my doctor thinks that I'm throwing up from what I'm eating. I can't eat much, I eat about 1/2 a cup of food for a meal if even. I'm just wondering if anyone else has had any of these kinds of problems??? If you have what did your doctor suggest, did you try to substitute foods with other items? Surely I can't live off just meat, cheese, and nuts.
    Oh, I just had an ultrasound and have gallstones now, great.

    Sent from my LG-LS777 using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Hi all.
    Im in week 3 and struggling. I just dont know if its normal to be feeling so rough.
    Most wounds have healed. Belly button wound is weaping. Main surgical area is so painful. Sharp stabbing pains and skin so sore.
    Im feeling sick all the time and struggling with everything. Drink food and the awful pills.
    Google just keeps saying a leak or Intussusception.
    Any advice or experiences would be great x

    Yeah, that does not sound normal and it was not my experience. This one girl was allergic to the glue they used for her sutures.

    Sent from my LG-LS777 using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Newbie here! I've just had my first appointment with my doctor and he said that i can choose wheter i'd like to have the Sleeve or the Bypass surgery. To be frank i'm scared of them both! I hear that people who have the sleeve often regain weight but i see the fact that the intestines are not re-routed as a huge plus. When it comes to bypass i feel it is better when it comes to controlling diabetes (i'm pre-diabetic) but the malabsortion factor terrifies me because i have chronic pain and need my meds to be absorbed, especially when i have a bad crysis.
    What are your thoughts on this?
    Please forgive any mistakes; english is not my mother tongue.
    The issue with the sleeve is acid reflux as well. When I stopped taking my omeprazile it was horrible pain, nausea, vomiting am taking Pantrozole now and it is better but thinking i should have had the bypass now.

    Sent from my LG-LS777 using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Hi everyone I have a question about GERD. If your upper GI test results show that you have acid reflux, do you have to have the RNY ? Tomorrow I will meet my surgeon about my test results and we talked about the sleeve before I had the test. I do suffer from acid reflux but it’s mostly when I eat certain foods. I really don’t want the bypass and I’m just wondering do you have to go route if the test is positive for GERD. Any advice on this topic would be helpful, thanks
    I had the sleeve and everything was good until I stopped taking my omeprazile and then it was horrible pain, nausea and vomiting am now on Pantrozole and it is better so now thinking I should have had bypass.

    Sent from my LG-LS777 using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Hey guys hope all is well.
    I've been so hooked on getting RNY but now I've been told my slow release medication might be affected by the malabsorption so I'm curious now about VSG...
    From your experience does the sleeve interfere with the hunger hormones I think it's called GHERIN? I'm just unsure if the restriction on stomach volume is enough for me especially long term I need to lose around 150lbs in 12 months!
    If there's no change in the intestines just the stomach?
    Thanks for your help.
    I know two people who had the sleeve and then the revision to bypass because of acid relux, damage to esophagus and one had gallstones.

    Sent from my LG-LS777 using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Hey guys hope all is well.
    I've been so hooked on getting RNY but now I've been told my slow release medication might be affected by the malabsorption so I'm curious now about VSG...
    From your experience does the sleeve interfere with the hunger hormones I think it's called GHERIN? I'm just unsure if the restriction on stomach volume is enough for me especially long term I need to lose around 150lbs in 12 months!
    If there's no change in the intestines just the stomach?
    Thanks for your help.
    I had the sleeve last April 2018 and am down 100 lbs but went off my omeprazile and had serious issues/pain with acid reflux. Am on Pantrozole now which has helped but am afraid of bell peppers and cooked tomatoes, have not touched citrus. Now thinking I should have had the bypass.

    Sent from my LG-LS777 using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. Why such a weird choice the RNY has been around for years done to millions of people. There's no reason to be scared of a procedure that is so common place and done everyday. I'm I Adelaide and found a great surgeon with good reputation and only costs $3000 out of pocket after health insurance coverage. It's a no brainer. The surgery your talking about is so unheard of and as it appears has little success
    Yes, I had the sleeve and now wish I had done the bypass because of the acid reflux which no really talked about.

    Sent from my LG-LS777 using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. The DS (of which the sleeve is a component) is the most powerful and successful weight loss surgery available, due to the combination of restriction (sleeve) and malabsorption of calories (intestinal re-routing). I think the question that more people should ask is why NOT get the DS, if they want the best odds possible for weight loss?
    If you can avoid the acid reflux issues then I would do it.

    Sent from my LG-LS777 using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. Oooohhhh......I see. Its like a sleeve with the re routing. The bypass is a pouch with different re routing. I have researched the hell out of the sleeve but none of the others. I think I rather stick with the sleeve and have an opportunity for revisions in the future. Thanks for the video it was helpful! Thanks for the responses. Im just now trying to get in some last minute option information since my sleeve was postponed until February now.
    Sent from my SM-J700P using the BariatricPal App
    Any one else having issues with acid reflux?

    Sent from my LG-LS777 using BariatricPal mobile app

  14. Hey everyone. This is my first post to this forum. I am one week post op, and I am feeling so down. Of course, my love of food is partially to blame. But, I live alone and I'm pretty much going through this by myself. Yes, I have friends who live far away that are supportive, but I still have the "sads".
    I am afraid for a few reasons.
    1. I'm afraid that I'm gonna lose my hair. I've grown my locs for 7 years and nothing would be more devastating than to have to cut them off.
    2. I'm in the full liquid diet stage and idk what to think. I had cream of wheat, about 6 bites, and I didn't get full (I don't think) but I stopped because I was afraid I would overdo it.
    3. I'm extremely tired. Even though I work from home, I'm afraid I won't get through the day on my first day back tomorrow.
    4. I'll be starting my Vitamins tomorrow and I'm terrified because nobody seems to be able to tolerate them.
    Idk, yall. I just want to live a normal life and I can't see it. I need to see it.
    Thanks for listening
    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

    I had the sleeve last April and what you are feeling is normal. It will not be long before you will begin to eat more normally and feel normal again. Best advice i would give is if you had the sleeve do not stop taking omeprazile even six months out or later. Hang in there time will pass make the best use of this window in time and do not rush anything.[emoji4]

    Sent from my LG-LS777 using BariatricPal mobile app

  15. HI there. I am considering a revision form SVG to RNY. What all are you required to do pre-op? You have to do everything before you know if insurance will cover your procedure? DO you have any concerns/reservations?
    Two people I know had the revision, one had gall stones and damage to esophagus because of acid reflux so her Doc advised her to do the revision they both said it was easier second time around but am sure there are draw backs with the revision but do not know what exactly. Both say they are happier now.

    Sent from my LG-LS777 using BariatricPal mobile app

  16. It's been 6 days since my magcitrate horrorshow and I haven't used the bathroom since. I've since been diligent with my 3x day Colace, 1x day Miralax, and added in a mag citrate pill in the evenings. Took some milk of magnesia about 6 hours ago to no effect. I've tried everything. I give up! Not sure if it's safe to take senna AND milk of mag the same day? I gotta get something movin'. I think this may be the most annoying thing to deal with.

    Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app

    I would do another dose o milk of magnesia and i have heard that sugar free chocalate acts as a laxative.

    Sent from my LG-LS777 using BariatricPal mobile app

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