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Posts posted by Lost&Found

  1. 3 minutes ago, ms.sss said:

    I'm a little over 7 months post-op and I still get that fullness/pressure in my chest when I eat too fast or too much.

    It takes me a really long time to eat, especially if I'm eating something dense. And when I say a long time, I'm talking maybe an hour to eat about a 1 cup (maaaybe 1.5 cup sometimes) volume of food. If I don't, I'll start to feel pain. And if I ignore it, I will eventually need to barf.

    It has gotten better as time goes on, in the sense that my volume limit has (slowly) increased.

    Thank you! That makes me feel a bit better. I guess I need to slow it WAYYY down. Maybe one day we'll be out of the woods!

  2. Vitamin consumption has been sorta difficult for me. I was on the chewables following the surgery until the 2 month period, when I switched to capsules. (For the record, the chewables were not my favorite and I was elated to switch to capsules). The only one that I find that makes me sick now can by the Multi-Vitamin that I take in the mornings. I've had to empty it into yogurt or blend it with a shake. Otherwise, after 20 minutes or so, I feel really nauseous and often throw up.

  3. I had surgery January 9th, 2019 and to date have lost a total of 138.4 lbs. It's really been an amazing transformation for me both physically and mentally. In hindsight, there have been no real negatives post-surgery, except for my most recent issue. I'm almost 6 months post-surgery, and I'm still having a really hard time eating enough food. Every time I eat, I have this really bad 'stuck' feeling, which I know can happen. I've slowed down my consumption, I don't drink liquids, etc...Basically, I'm doing everything I should be doing, but I quickly get full and/or nauseous and feel that way for about an hour after I eat. I've heard of some people being able to eat almost as much as they did pre-surgery and I'm just wondering what everyone's experience on the time frame of that. I rarely have an appetite and find myself often having to eat when I'm not hungry. Obviously, I know we're all going to have different experiences, but I'm wondering if there's anyone else who had a rough time with eating/feeling nauseous and when/if it got better?

  4. This is my first post here, and I'll start by saying that this post in no way is intended to be attention-seeking or anything of the like, but is rather coming from a place of concern. I had surgery on January 9th of this year, and only had minimal upper torso gas pains for a few days that eventually subsided. I felt virtually back to normal by day 3 post-op. I've stuck to everything my nutritionist/doctor have told me to do. At my 5 day post-op follow up I had lost 20.2 pounds. This far exceeded the amount that I or my family thought. I was pleasantly surprised, but that also seemed like a high number. My doctor told me not to worry, and that men typically lose weight faster and that my body is responding the appropriate way. A few days later I noticed I hadn't lost any weight, and had actually gained a couple pounds. I started my work out plan the day after surgery so I was a bit discouraged by this; I chalked it up to my body sort of 'righting the ship' so to speak, and finally on the 4th day, I started losing weight again. This brings me to my current state. I am down a total of 42 pounds since January 9th (6 days shy of a month), and I'm concerned that this is way too fast. Luckily, I have a football build and I think there's be minimum long-term skin issues, aside from my lower stomach. Is there anyone else out there that last weight too quickly (and is this actually a thing?)

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