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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by EmzBee

  1. Interesting! I am glad to hear that it is treatable. Hope you are feeling well now. My gastric bypass is on Feb 13 so I still have 6 days left of this miserable liquid diet. I am not adjusting well--not just hunger, but I have headaches and some nausea. The smell of some of the Soups I'm eating is off-putting. I went grocery shopping tonight for more supplies and--no surprise--it was difficult. For some reason I wanted cheese really badly. I thought of sucking on cheese cubes! I didn't, but was thinking about it! I did buy some sugar-free hard candy to keep me occupied when the hunger strikes.
    I craved cheese, too!
    The good thing about starting my diet early was that I had a cheat day where I got cheese and crackers out of my system. That and sushi, crisps, ice cream and a caramel slice. Nom!

    First time I went thru the ketosis flu/detox was the hardest. Like you, I had headaches and nausea in the evenings... I had a policy of 'IDGAF about anything else, I will treat myself to sleeping as much as I want and playing hours of video games so long as I don't cheat on this stupid diet'. The distractions seemed to work, but I get that not everyone is lucky enough to be able to check out and watch hours of Netflix.

    Though if media isn't your thing, I totally recommend pedicures, massages, going to a sauna/swimming etc... really important when you're doing something this hard to find ways to keep your honeypot full [emoji4]

    Sent from my CPH1719 using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. 21 hours ago, Gottajustdoit said:

    Congrats on the weight loss PRE surgery! I see your weight goal and I bet anything you'll blow by it. Nice!

    Thanks, Gottajustdoit!

    My weight loss goal is based on losing 75% of my excess weight from my highest weight... which is on the higher end of what the surgeon said I should aim for. Incidentally, it's also the weight I was when I moved to Christchurch for university back in 2007-8... I'd be quite content maintaining that weight long-term! But yes, at this rate I wouldn't be surprised if I make it back into my healthy weight range. Gosh, that'd be a blimmin' miracle. Ha!

  3. Congratulations, Idawn and Courtney! Showing us all the way it's done :)

    Gosh, I disappeared for a while, didn't I? Nice to finally catch up with everyone and see where we're all at. I notice we now have quadruplets (or, potentially quintuplets??) booked on the 13th! How exciting!!

    I've now finished my pre-pre op diet and I'm on to my plain old pre-op diet--no room for the occasional cheat day now.

    Since December, I've lost a total of 35 pounds! I'm already noticing a difference--clothes are a lot looser, certain activities and day-to-day functionality is a lot easier.

    My focus is now on getting my fitness up before surgery. That, and I have a manuscript to edit for a client and a book I'm trying to finish by the end of the month for a competition... it's nice to be busy, though!

    Looking forward to hearing updates from our first bunch of post-ops! Go Team February! =D

  4. Hi hi hi February buddies!

    So I had my last meeting with my surgeon pre-op earlier this week... we're all go for the 15th (that'll be the 14th your time--as we're ahead here in NZ). He's put me first on the list because of anxiety, so it'll be nice to get it out of the way early!

    I had a misstep and a half-day "break" from my pre-emptive pre-op diet. Said goodbye to a few delicious carby things. Surgeon said 2 weeks of Opti, Dietician said three... doesn't matter much, as I'm back on it now anyway. 10kgs down, and after my day off earlier this week I'm back to losing!

    I don't know if anyone here is doing Optifast or powdered shakes... but I thought I'd share a few tips and tricks I've learned over the past couple weeks:

    • Make up chocolate shakes with coffee, or orange low-calorie cordial/juice for different flavours.
    • Make up vanilla shakes with tea, and/or 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp each of nutmeg and ginger for 'chai' and 'vanilla spice' flavours.
    • Make up low-cal jelly with half as much Water, cool it down, and whizz it up (while it's still liquid) with an ice-cold shake to make a 'flummery' style pudding.
    • Make up low-cal jelly with half to quarter as much water and set in a tray. Cut up into small pieces and add to shakes or tea to get a kind of 'bubble tea'.
    • It's summer over here, but I'm loving making spicy roasted eggplant Soup, roasted Tomato Soup, and zucchini noodles in homemade Tomato sauce for my 2c vegetable allowance!
    • Above all, keep tea and coffee and other mixers in the fridge! And try to stay away from artificial sweeteners as much as possible... diet coke and low-cal cordials in large quantities give me killer carb cravings!

    Anyways, I hope this might help... if not, sorry for tantalizing you with food talk! 😂

  5. Gah! So exciting that we have more dates!!! So, who's first up so far? I think I saw someone with an early Feb date...
    I have my final pre-op meeting with my surgeon on Tuesday. Hoping to confirm a date then (though likely it will be the 15th). I want to postpone and ask for a morning time if he hasn't got me in the morning slot, though -- to reduce the likelihood of complications due to fatigue.

    Sent from my CPH1719 using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. 13 hours ago, smedae said:

    I wonder why this is. Did she elaborate? If we lose weight and feel better, why would that impact us mentally in a negative way? I've read this before in other places...but I don't understand it. Thanks, and glad you are on track. You got this!

    Ha -- yeah, she did also say that losing weight can be very motivating/positive. Kind of a catch 22.

    Her concern was more straight after surgery/if there are complications. She said something along the lines of "So, imagine you've had surgery, and you're five days post-op. What are you going to do when you're struggling to keep anything down and you feel absolutely miserable?"

    I guess it was just about having those support systems in place... and really thinking about what that will be like before it happens.

    From reading a few posts and things, it seems like some people have very intense. visceral reactions straight after surgery. They feel like "Oh fudgesticks, this was a complete mistake" and they really, really struggle. Fighting through feelings like that is freaking hard, so, I mean, I get it... there's no guarantees that any of us won't wake up thinking that this has been the worst decision ever. And I guess it's just about being prepared for that possibility?

    That's my speculation, anyway.

  7. Psych appointment done. Phew.

    Her main question was "tell me about your weight history", which meant I did go through my mental health/family history too, but she's cleared me for surgery provided she talks to my psychologist first.

    Other half of the appointment was basically striking the fear of the gods into me.

    She mentioned that people with mental health issues can experience a worsening after surgery. She wants to pull the "stop, freeze, and curl up into a ball" response I have to overwhelm away from me... and that kinda scares me because it opens the door to other harmful behaviours.

    It can't just be easy, can it. Lol! [emoji28][emoji23][emoji23]

    Sent from my CPH1719 using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Hey EmzBee--

    What is the phsyc eval like in New Zealand? I'm in the United States and I was surprised at how limited mine was. All the psychiatrist did was give me a quiz of about 100 true of false questions. I take meds for both anxiety and depression and that wasn't even discussed. She seemed to want to know about my outlook about food, ensure I knew what life would be like after surgery, whether I had a support team, and general stuff--nothing too invasive. The meds never came up (even though I listed them). Some of the questions on the assessment were sort of funny to me--like "true or false, you were on the cover of 50 magazines during the past year." I think the assessment was to ensure I wasn't delusional. Some folks have issues with that. I think you will be fine, especially if you talk about what you are anxious about re: the surgery. But, like I said, it might be a lot different in New Zealand! Best wishes!
    You're right -- chances are I'm overthinking it. It's only an hour... and I can prove I'm working on the other stuff with an external psychologist.

    Phew. Okay. Anxiety levels decreasing.

    Thank you [emoji171]

    Sent from my CPH1719 using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Emz, just be yourself
    Thanks, Marine [emoji4]
    I have an hour to figure out who that is... wish me luck! [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23]

    I have a long history of depression/anxiety with a suicide attempt thrown in the mix... it's just hard to go over that with someone new.
    I also reported historical indecent assaults by my grandfather (when I wss a teen into my early 20s) last year and went thru a loooong process with the police, which no doubt will come up too. It's still painful, but I'm so ready to claim my self and my body back for ME.

    Urgh, feelings.

    Sent from my CPH1719 using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. On 12/21/2018 at 10:23 AM, mousecat88 said:

    I JUST turned 30 (had RNY a few weeks ago at 29). I am 100% planning on needing plastic surgery. I have batwings for days. No way that is all snapping back. lol. And super thick stretch marks on my butt and stomach. Those don't return to normal.

    I'm in a similar boat! 29, about to have RNY in Feb. That weight loss is awesome! Hope I can follow suit, mousecat! =D

    believexrebecca, there's a show on Netflix called "The Big Ward" that's shot here in NZ. On the second season is a 19 y/o. Also a couple of young( NZ RNY/sleevers on insta: Simone Anderson, Ariana Omipi, and Nicole Donald (they all have YT accounts, too).

  11. I’m in the waiting room waiting for surgery today. The doc was talking about hernia repair, adhesion removal and scar revision from an old battle wound. No longer excited, more like terrified.
    Hey NZR! Just popping in to say good luck today! NZ represent! [emoji6]
    I'd love to hear how you get on -- I'm getting a bypass with AWLS next month [emoji16].
    Sending you happy healing vibes! [emoji171]

    Sent from my CPH1719 using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Oh, dear--I'm a big Water chugger, and I hadn't thought of practicing small sips pre-op. It makes sense, however. I haven't started the pre-op liquid diet yet, since the exact date of my surgery in February is not yet set. (I see the surgeon again this Wednesday and hope to get the date then!)
    Here's hoping for a surgery date Wednesday! Hopefully sooner rather than later, huh? [emoji6]

    Just had a nutritionist appointment today. It went well! Over here we get onto 'real' food pretty quick after surgery. Got the psychologist on Thursday, then hoping to lock in a surgery date on the 22nd when I'm booked to see my surgeon... part of me still feels like this isn't real...

    Sent from my CPH1719 using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. On 1/12/2019 at 5:47 PM, taylormomto6 said:

    Yes! Me too. I was kind of afraid I could lose too much before surgery if I do all liquid for the whole month, which is another reason to do low carb, but I just need to get myself mentally under control.

    I guess I shouldn't call it 'liquid', but 'pre-op' instead. Over here we follow the intense level of Optifast, which does allow for 2 cups of veg and any 3 optifast products (shakes, Soups, bars, desserts). First two days were hard -- mainly due to headaches in the early evenings -- but I'm on day 3 now and I think I'm over the 'keto flu' stage, thank goodness!

    2.2kgs (close to 5 pounds) gone in 2 days. Gotta be happy with that! =D

    Hope everyone's getting excited! I think my next prep step is to start timing Water consumption, taking small sips instead of chugging like I usually do. So nervous I'll muck something up by downing a glass of water too quick after surgery...

  14. 8 hours ago, taylormomto6 said:

    I kind of keep trying to tell myself “don’t you want pizza or donuts or whatever one last time”, but then I think dang, the list never ends, lol, plus I already had them the last time...lol

    Oh gosh, yeah! That was me, too--thus why I decided to put myself on the liquid diet early. I mean, I know I have an unhealthy relationship/addiction to food, I know it's holding me back big-time, and I know I'm going to fail if I don't commit to the process 100%. So why take the chance?

    I heard a bariatric surgeon on youtube say that you basically have one shot to get it right... it's so much freaking money, I've only got one shot anyways... and I'm planning on wringing every last drop of weight loss out of that post-op honeymoon phase! =D

    6 hours ago, smedae said:

    Set for Bypass on Feb 13. Is this the February 2019 group?

    Yep! I think that's us! (I only found this place yesterday, I'm still figuring things out, too ;) Welcome!

  15. Yay, Wendums! So glad that everything's gone smoothly for you!

    I'm in the 'maybe February' pile, but I just wanted to pop by you lovely January folks to wish you the best of luck. It's so inspiring to see how you're going... and I'll admit, I'm so relieved to finally not feel so alone 😃

    Keep being Awesome!

  16. Awesome, I'll write those down! 😃 Thank you!

    For us here in NZ, it's a 2 day stay for the sleeve and a 2-3 day for the bypass--so I'll be taking plenty of trashy books I probably won't read, and a journal to document my experience I probably won't use. (I'd love to take the opportunity to buy a Switch to play Breath of the Wild, but I doubt that will happen what with surgery costs).

  17. Eeek -- exciting! That is so soon! I still have another month or so to wait until mine.

    I've heard lip gloss/chapstick and moisturizer are musts to stop the dehydration after surgery from cracking your skin. I also heard that taking your own pillow helps -- not only with sleep, but to put across you to stop seatbelt rubbing on the journey home.

    Hope everything goes well for you on Monday! =D

  18. Hey Rinrin! I'm pre-op, so I really don't have any advice except just to be easy on yourself. I myself have persistent depressive disorder with a side of anxiety, and I know how scary it can be to not feel in control. You've been through such a major life change! It's really no wonder that you're feeling weepy... but I think you should feel so proud of yourself, too, for making such an amazing life change.
    Sending you hugs and solidarity! xx

    Sent from my CPH1719 using BariatricPal mobile app

  19. Hey all [emoji4] I'm tentatively down for the 15th. Here in NZ getting surgery publicly is super-hard as they accept so few patients per year, so hubby and I are taking out a BML (Bloody Massive Loan) from a family member to get it done. We want to have a pēpē (baby) in the future and this would give us the best chance to do so. (I'd also LOVE to ditch the depression/anxiety and go back to full-time work...).
    Had my first appointment with the surgeon early December, booked in with the dietician and psychologist next week. I've tried to lose some weight over the past month, but I've only managed about 2kgs, so last nigjt I chucked out all the food in the house and put myself on Optifast early. All or nothing, baby!! [emoji38][emoji6]

    Sent from my CPH1719 using BariatricPal mobile app

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