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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NurseMelly

  1. NurseMelly

    Port questions

    Mine is right under my left breast, kinda where your bra comes across. I have a low profile port and I can definitely feel mine. Although, you can't see it. Not sure how it will look when I get to goal but it has to look better than the fat that was there before, right?
  2. Oh Lord no, I wasn't trying to say that. My specialty is nowhere near bariatrics. NICU, school nursing, community health, I'm your gal =) I just thought maybe you were one of those people who come on here and say "well my doctor this or that." I just meant I know doctors are fallible just like the rest of us. Heh. And, no, Nelly sounds horrible. Makes me think of that mean snot on Little House on the Prairie
  3. Well, my purpose in posting that was not to scare you. There's no need to obsess over it. I think because I am in the medical field, I tend to look at things through "worst case scenario" glasses. If I was in your position, I would definitely just start stocking away an "oh bleep" fund. We should all have that really cause even if you did go to the ER, they would treat you, but it is doubtful your insurance would pay. Your lapband would fall under a pre-existing condition. Anyways, stop worrying, follow the rules, save some money just in case, and start dropping that weight Good Luck!
  4. NurseMelly

    regrets about lapband choice?

    I'm laughing so hard right now. Damn port is killing me!
  5. NurseMelly

    regrets about lapband choice?

    To the OP: I think it's too early out to make a judgment about my band. I do have to say that prior to having the band I was a "healthy" fat person. I had no comorbidities. That's probably only due to my age and was just a matter of time before I developed something. I will admit my motivation was largely beauty based. I didn't like being fat anymore. So the fact that I wasn't seriously suffering any conditions before the band probably bears a little on my thoughts thus far. I do have some complaints about the band. I tend to get awful shoulder pain after fills. I also have pretty constant port pain. Sure, it's livable but I don't particularly like it. It's enough that it bothers me and others notice. If my insurance had covered the sleeve, I would have opted for that. I'm not really as concerned about the reversibility thing that others seems to be hung up on. I don't want to be fat...ever. I plan on converting to a sleeve when either my insurance covers it or I can save enough to do so.
  6. NurseMelly

    regrets about lapband choice?

    Yeah, your post is particularly offensive. I hate to break it to you hun, but having a silicone tube around your stomach to control overeating is not exactly natural either. If there's one thing that really bothers me on these boards it's WLS snobbery.
  7. I think there must be some sort of reading comprehension problem on your end. 1) I never said "I'm the expert, listen to everything I say" (as she pulls out her pocketwatch slowly swinging it back and forth) 2) I never said the band will fail. In fact, if you look back at my posts and read carefully, you'll see where I specifically said, "I'm not saying bands are bad." 3) It's Melly with an M. I have to disagree with HH about the self pay vs. insurance thing. I'm sure WLS has some effect on prices but I'm sure it's not nearly as great as every wahoo that shows up at the ER with no insurance for a headache, toothache, stubbed toe, nose bleed etc. I pay for my insurance. I'm a little tired of feeling sorry for everyone without a job, insurance, living on the system, etc. Of course, that's a whole other thread. Probably best intended for rants and raves:lol:
  8. NurseMelly

    Bread getting stuck

    I can eat bread, no problems, and I have 6.5 cc in my band. I feel as though I'm losing adequately with all food groups in my diet. I tend to feel sluggish if I eat super high Protein. And just like Jachut, I too have hair =)
  9. Actually, many people have converted from the band due to complications that I tried to nicely point out earlier. However, it seems that the lapband fanboys are out in full force today and refuse to listen to anyone else *SIGH*
  10. I didn't say that. I think that was another person =(
  11. I hope you do not think I'm being mean. I really am a very nice person. I just wouldn't want you to pay for a band and then 4 months down the road need a re-operation(port revision is a pretty common one) and not have the money for that. There have been so many posts on here from people who have wiped their savings, taken out loans, borrowed from friends and family, and then had no money when complications crept up. If you're financially set for any complications that may arise, I say go for it. I really do wish you the best of luck!
  12. And now we have the real reason why you're so bent out of shape over my posts. Yes, I researched the things I talked about. You can do the same. Simply google lapband reoperation rates. Simply go to the complications/removal sections of this forum, of obesity help, of thinner times, etc. I am not going to do your research for you. I am a registered nurse with a bachelors degree, tyvm. I don't just fall on every word an MD speaks. As far as the part that was my opinion, I stated IMO right before I said "I would never self pay for a band." Coincidentally, about an hour after I posted this, another poster in the support forum at 3 years out is talking about how she feels like she's dying. Of course, she will need another operation. Do you think I'm making that up to? The OP understood exactly what I was saying and was not upset with me for being upfront.
  13. These are not my opinions. I really am appalled by the utter lack or research people will do and get a band. The OP did not even understand the fill process. That's basic to having a band, yet she says she's done her research. People come on here and ask what's a PB? How can you not know that before surgery? Do your own internet search which is what everyone should do. Also, access medical journals if you are able. I'm not saying bands are bad. I'm saying it's very, very naive to think it will last forever. Once again, go to the complications forum. I hope others who are more well versed will come in here such as Wasa. Like I said, IMO I would never self pay a band.
  14. There is no need for excessive exclamation point use. I am not yelling at you. If that is what you choose to believe, so be it. I will not argue a moot point with someone wearing blinders. However, to the OP, please consider what I am telling you. Do you have the money to self pay a band and then let's say 4 months later you need a port revision, will you then have money for that? Visit the complications forum here on lapbandtalk. Once again, I wish you luck in your decision.
  15. Bands are not meant to last forever. There are very high reoperation rates with bands. I'm not saying bands are bad. I'm saying, it's very naive to think you will not need another operation. Just look around on these boards. There is almost no one here that is 5 years post op, and the ones that are have had something replaced. I liken bands to breast implants. Some last 5 years, some last 10 but they all eventually need to be replaced. I would not be willing to pay out that type of money. I'm lucky in that insurance paid for mine and fills are $25. This is something people really need to think long and hard about.
  16. Whew. Calm down everyone. I don't think there is a problem with people being banded at low BMI's. We shouldn't have to wait till we're barely able to walk down the street to qualify for surgery. However, having said that, please make sure you really think this out. Self paying a band is risky. Do you live close to Mexico? Otherwise, it can be tough finding a US surgeon who will take you on as a patient. Also, fills can be pricey if you're paying out of pocket. IMHO, and please take this for what it's worth, there is no way I would self pay a band. It's just not cost effective. Bands do not last forever and most statistics show people need them replaced. That will be on your dime if your self pay. If I was self paying, I would look into other surgeries with less maintenance but that's just me. I wish you the best of luck!!
  17. NurseMelly

    Post-Op overeating . . .

    Hi there, hon. Please call your doctor and let him/her know what is going on. They will be able to give you the proper advice. Some doctors allow their patients to eat early out, others don't. You need to follow your doctor's advice, not what is posted on the boards. Are you only 14 years of age? I could not imagine going through this process at that young of age. I'm sure it is quite a struggle. Please call your doctor and lean on your mom during this rough time. It does get better. Good luck to you!!
  18. HAHA Thanks hon! I noticed that I seem to have purple on in all my pictures. I'm gonna need to fix that. How are things going for you?

  19. I still eat "normal" food just like unbanded people. I've just learned to modify some of my choices. I have thin crust pizza, instead of stuffed crust like I used to love. I eat hamburgers with lean ground beef, sans bun. You can't just give up everything and live on a diet of low calorie flavorless crap...well, I guess you could, but that wouldn't be any fun! Chinese, just stay away from the fried & load up on steamed veggies and chicken =)
  20. NurseMelly

    Racism Is Alive and Well

    Sadly, I do know what you mean. *SIGH*
  21. NurseMelly

    Racism Is Alive and Well

    People have said that before as far as the drugs but I live in a fairly smaller city(we are a small group of well known nurses) and considering we visit young women of childbearing age, people know we don't carry meds. If someone accosted me, they would get little more than a baby scale, paperwork, and some diapers. I won't lie. At times it does become very difficult not to become upset with people at my job. I think I only have a few clients with jobs. Most are on welfare, subsidized housing, multiple children despite the fact that I give out free birth control. Did you know that you can actually live in section 8 housing and pay $0 rent for life? There is no time limit. I was very surprised to learn that. I have to remind myself at times that I'm there for the children. They need me and didn't ask for the situation they are in. And actually I've only had a few people who were rude and demanding with me. Most have been very thankful. Of course, I am one of the coolest nurses alive so that could have a ton to do with it =p
  22. NurseMelly

    Racism Is Alive and Well

    Oh, but you're just as smart if not smarter than those quacks =p
  23. NurseMelly

    Racism Is Alive and Well

    HAHA Thanks Beth. I feel better. Luckily, I wear scrubs and most everyone know we're there to help. We give out a lot of free stuff too, like diapers and cribs, so people usually welcome us. I think there have only been a few incidents.
  24. NurseMelly

    Racism Is Alive and Well

    I grew up as what some would term "poor white trash." I went to a very low socio-economic junior high school. Probably 95 % black population to 5 % white. I was literally tortured there. I wasn't even allowed to sit on the bus and the bus driver never said anything because she was scared of the kids. I had my homework taken from me, things thrown at me during presentations. I was called names, hair pulled, etc. I was once cornered by some black guys and touched sexually inappropriately. The school was overrun with gangs and drugs. It was very scary. Flash forward to today. I work as a community health nurse to at risk pregnant moms. I make home visits and as you can guess, to mostly very poor neighborhoods. I visit a lot of section 8 housing, which is downright deplorable. Almost none of the people work, so there are always people out strolling around. In fact, we're forbidden from visiting on Fridays due to there being a proven increase in violence then. Sometimes, I do find myself getting scared before I get out of my car. Especially, if there are alot of black men in front of the residence. I don't consider myself racist, in fact, most of my clients are black and I care for them deeply. I don't know what it is that provokes the fear. If it's the things that happened when I was younger or if it's normal to be frightened of those different from us? Not sure if anyone else will admit to having experienced this.

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