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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by RoxanneRoll

  1. RoxanneRoll

    The day after

    I stayed doped up on vicodin the day after surgery. I had surgery a week ago and still experiencing horrible gas pain in my left shoulder, my doc said this could last for ten days. Most people only have this for a very short period of time. I do walk eventhough it hurts to be in an upright position, I am trying to do whatever I have to in order to rid my body of this pain.
  2. RoxanneRoll

    Support Group Fees?????????????!$!$#$#$%

    I had no fees, my surgery includes a year of free fills, and if you lose 50% of your weight you can get the second year of fills free too. I am not required to go to an additional support group either....I am getting that here...thanks to LBT!!!
  3. RoxanneRoll

    scars and tanning

    I was wondering about tanning as well. I went into surgery with a really nice tan. The nurses in recovery even commented on how tan my tummy was and how cute my little heart "tan tatoo" was. I was wondering how soon any of you started tanning again after surgery. And how long would you recommend me putting sunscreen on the scars? My tan is still nice....but I don't want to lose it!
  4. RoxanneRoll

    Share an account of your first week?

    My First Week__________________ Well I am on day five post op today. Day of surgery they had a hard time waking me up. I had to be on oxygen as my saturation would not stay at a normal level. I can't tell you how many times I kept hearing..."Dena, take a deep breath"...I would do as instructed and start to fall asleep and my O2 sats would drop. They gave me sips of Water and the pain from taking even the smallest sip was horrible. When I finally got to the step down recovery unit I felt totally drugged up, and just chewing two tiny pieces of ice was extremely painful once it went down. I had to do a barium swallow test to make sure all was ok after that. My swallow test came back normal, and was told I just was having a lot of gas pain. Ok...so finally I am able to pee, burp, walk a bit in the hallway...and off to home I went. My pain was really bad, I kept myself doped up on the liquid vicodin for two days straight. The gas pain in my stomach improved....but lucky me...it just moved to my left shoulder where it still resides. It likes me...doesnt want to leave. I have walked, taken extra strenth gas-x, tried heat, massage, excercise, position change, hot tea...you name it. My pain today is still as bad as it was on post op day one....lucky me huh!! My incisional pain is no biggie, I was sleeping back on my tummy on night three. I pretty much feel like I could go back to work, go shopping, etc if it were not for this intense pain in my shoulder. It is hard to describe how horrible it is...it only hurts if I am sitting or standing up. I am still trying to walk and move regardless of the pain, but after awhile....I have to go lie back down for some relief. My doc says this could last 10-12 days, and I am only the second patient in 1600 that has had the gas pain this bad. Good news is that I do feel restricted, I hope this feeling lasts and does not go away as swelling goes down. My doctors instructions were to do full liquids for 24-48 hours then onto mushies for four weeks. I went to soft food on day three and have not had a probem. I can only eat a small amount at a time, which is good for me.
  5. I work for the University of Texas..I know they have a school near you, and their PPO covers it. I havent paid for all of it yet, and just had it done ...so I am not sure what my total out of pocket will be. Good luck!
  6. RoxanneRoll

    Rx, do i crush all the pills?

    , I thought we were supposed to avoid NSAIDS?? Are we able to take ibuprofin if it comes in gelcap form??
  7. RoxanneRoll

    Massive gas pain

    Hi..I am at day five post op...and am still experiencing the most excruciating gas pains in my left shoulder. I have tried everything.....I called my doctor's office yesterday and was told it can take 10-12 days for it to pass. ARGH!!! I can't stay in an upright position for more then five minutes without the pain being so horrible it makes me want to lay right back down. Laying on my left side relieves most all the pain. Good luck!!
  8. RoxanneRoll

    LapBands on Ebay?

    I am going to guess the expiration date has something to do with the sterility of the item. When instruments in the operating room are sterilized they come back with an expiration date on them. Of course the instruments are still good....but the sterilization date expires. This is just a guess on my part.
  9. RoxanneRoll

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    Thanks...my doctors post op diet is full liquids for 24-48 hours then onto mushies for 4 weeks. I know others diets require them to be on liquids much longer. Anyhow, I just listened to my body and went to mushies at 3 days. I can drink now with no problem. I know i still need to keep up my protein intake, so this morning for breakfast I had a protein drink made with soy milk...went down fine. Then I had one scrambled egg....I wasnt able to finish it before I felt I needed to stop. Even with my soft food...I take really tiny bites ..chew chew chew (as much as possible with soft food)..and take my time eating. My doctor didnt put a restriction on how many meals a day or drinking after meals until after week four when I move onto solids. However....I am still not drinking with or after meals just to get used to it. I do crave meat...my docs soft diet listed fish....but I bought some of those spreadable meats....consistency of baby food....and they are yummy!
  10. RoxanneRoll

    4th day post op

    Hi there....I am at day 5 post op. I am having some of that pain....but I barely notice it because the gas pain in my left shoulder hurts SOOOO much worse.... I was wondering however how you feel as far as restriction goes. I can't eat much at one time without feeling it (which is what I want). I thought this was just due to swelling and having recent surgery...so I want to know if others feel the same way?
  11. RoxanneRoll

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    I was able to walk around this morning without much pain....and was thinking that maybe finally it had gone....but then it set in within 20 minutes....but still that is a record for me....usually the pain sets in within 1-5 min after getting up. So getting better....but the gas isnt gone yet....I went back to the doctor yesterday and they confirmed it was just gas pain....which is what I had already told them...they said they just wanted to check my incisions to make sure it wasnt anything else....she said that they had only one other case that reported the shoulder pain as bad as mine.....and my doc has done over 1600 of these surgeries...so lucky me huh? I was told that it can take up to ten days for it go away completely. Ok....so new topic. I have asked this before but havent received any replies. I have heard some people say they felt no restriction until their first fill. I have felt restriction from day one. I assumed it was just from having surgery with the swelling and all. I am only at day 5 post op now. I was wondering if this feeling of restriction will stop eventually until I get my first fill. I like being restricted!!! This is what I need to lose weight..I don't want this feeling to go away it prevents me from eating much. How have others felt about this right after surgery?
  12. RoxanneRoll

    Switching Surgeons in Houston

    I was banded by Dr. Spivak on 2/27/06 and have felt restricted from day one...Ok...so I am only five days post op now...so is that normal in the beginning just due to swelling? Will this feeling pass before I get my frist fill? I like feeling restricted....I am addicted to food....and now can't take much in before I feel full....so I just dont want to eat more (this is huge for me, as before surgery I didnt have to fill hungry to eat).
  13. RoxanneRoll

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    The vicodin doesnt make me nauseated....just druggy....which is why I stopped taking it during the day...I didnt want to feel drugged out all day long...two days of that was enough. It hurts so bad that after I have been up and moving for awhile...I actually start to sweat because the pain gets so bad. I just can't believe how bad it hurts. I have three more days before I have to be back at work.....so it needs to go....there is no way I could work and remain in an upright position all day with this kind of pain.
  14. RoxanneRoll

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    That is the biggest problem...I know I need to walk...but with this severe pain its hard to keep up. Laying on my left side relieves me of most all the pain. I switched to tylenol liquid during the day, but will continue to take the vicodin at night to help me sleep more comfortably. Pretty much I feel that I could do just about anything right now if it were not for the pain in my shoulder, so at least I know I am recovering well. I am hanging in there...I know this is all worth it!!
  15. RoxanneRoll

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    Thanks...I've been chewing on those too.....I am on day three of this severe pain...I am in pain now as I type this...but am trying to stay up and keep walking around in hopes that will help.....
  16. RoxanneRoll

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    Hi guys....I was banded at the end of Feb....am 3 days post op today....doing great except for EXTREME left shoulder gas pain...I am moving a lot....but can't seem to get rid of it....I have tried different position changes that work temporarily, pain meds, heat...you name it....I hope it leaves my body soon!!!
  17. RoxanneRoll

    I am having surgery in the morning!!

    I have tried that position.....we call it the knee-chest position in labor and delivery....it worked just fine for relieving the pain....but even after staying in the position for awhile...when I changed positions...the pain came right back. I am trying to walk around and move more regardless of the pain...but it is still very uncomfortable...perhaps I'll assume that position again and see what happens. Thanks
  18. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30am tomorrow (2/27/06). My surgery is scheduled for 7:30am with Dr. Spivak. I am having it done at Hermann hospital for any of you who are familiar with the medical center. I am nothing but excited...I am not nervous at all....I just can't wait to have this done and begin my journey as a bandster. I talked to a nurse from day surgery and she said I should be good to go home by noon tomorrow. This forum has been so helpful to me in so many ways. I read so many good things about the doctor I chose that it gives me added confidence. I found a shopping list of things to buy post surgery. I didnt know what PB was until I read this thread...and so on. I think the tips I receive here will definitely help me make this procedure a success for me. I am so glad you all are here to help me along. Thanks to all!! I'll be back on when I am feeling up to it to update my status. Wish me luck!! Dena
  19. RoxanneRoll

    I am having surgery in the morning!!

    My incisions are fine...I can barely feel the pain from them. Last night I resumed my favorite sleeping position, which is mostly on my tummy but a little propped up with pillows on my side and I was comfy. The gas in my left shoulder however will not go away. I have been walking...but after awhile the pain is so intense I have to go lie down on my left side for it to go away. I have tried excercising the shoulder, have tried heat...pain meds...nothing helps except for laying on my left side. Everything I have read says it goes away within a couple of days....well it has been with me for two solid days and I am more then ready for it to be gone. I already feel restricted....is that normal? I woke up this morning with a wee bit of a tummy ache....and havent felt like consuming anything....just a few sips of Water. OK...the pain in my shoulder is very instense again..I am gonna go lay back down on my left side... Thanks for all you support and messages! Dena
  20. RoxanneRoll

    I am having surgery in the morning!!

    The incisional pain isnt so bad today....still hurts, but I didnt take any vicodin today. The gas pain in my left shoulder however is KILLING ME!! ARGH....I can move into a position where I feel relief...but once I move out of that position the pain comes right back again. I did take the liquid vicodin around the clock until sometime early this morning because the incisional pain was so bad. I wanted to go without during the day cause it makes me so drugged. I will for sure take some before going to sleep tonight. I havent had much Fluid intake either. I am trying to keep it up, but its not easy at this point. I finally had a bowel movement today...that sure feels better!! I dont have to be back to work until Monday...so for that I am very grateful! Dena
  21. RoxanneRoll

    I am having surgery in the morning!!

    I have tons of sick days at work...so I took the entire week off. I am going to take is easy and not rush anything. And Stacey I am sorry some people did that to you for posting your story of recovery. I believe different people have different experiences and that is what helps us to learn from each other. This is a support forum...not a bashing forum. I think it is great you have had such an easy recovery...good for you!!
  22. RoxanneRoll

    I am having surgery in the morning!!

    Wow Stacey you just had your surgery a week ago. How are you feeling? At what point did you feel ok to drive? I am just wondering how my recovery will go. I havent had surgery in over 13 years..and that was to get my gallbladder out. Previous experience and the fact that my job has me in the operating room often...probably are the reasons I am not nervous at all.
  23. I am having surgery in a week...and was told to eat a low fat low carb diet...that is it. What did you eat, or what were you told to eat? Dena
  24. RoxanneRoll

    BCBS of Texas UT Select

    I met with Dr. Spivak in Houston on Feb. 4.....my insurance approved me on Feb. 14th. It was almost too easy. I was told however that my insurance is one of the easiest to work with. I am very excited about my upcoming surgery which is scheduled on Feb. 27th. If you have this insurance..and you qualify...you will get approved. I feel very lucky after reading the problems others have had. Dr. Spivak is not in my network however, so he does cost more then a network doctor would...but I really think he is worth it!! Dena:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  25. RoxanneRoll

    BCBS of Texas UT Select

    I am really excited....I am not worried about my co-pay....it is worth it..and I am sooo worth it!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
