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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rondawood63

  1. If any of you out there have a few favorite recipes that you have used once you were on "Regular food" again, I would love to see them. I am compiling a recipe binder for such items. Thanks! :tongue2::thumbup::smile::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
  2. rondawood63


    I am just now starting to date again. I guess after two divorces and one other long term relationship under my belt I am a little gun shy to say the least. I really am not looking for a long term thing, just someone to hang out with and do things together that I won't do by myself. So far if anyone has asked about my eating habits, I have told them. I don't feel I have anything to hide. I am proud of what I have done and if they can't handle it then they weren't for me anyway! At least this sounds good on paper?!?!?!?
  3. rondawood63

    Why are YOU Fat?

    I completely understand! I confronted my father 23 years after the fact, he and I have a relationship now only with my ability to forgive him. Not a close relationship mind you. Mainly how is the weather, work, etc.... Small talk. My parents are still together, I have more issues with my mom as she knew about it when it was happening and did nothing to save me from going through that. We have a strained relationship at best. But I understand about keeping peace. And it isn't your dad's fault. But he will put it on himself if he found out. I pray for you!
  4. rondawood63

    Why are YOU Fat?

    It is only through the grace of GOD and lots of theraphy when I was younger that I can move past it all.
  5. rondawood63

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Maybe he had been told that by a number of his patients and he was just assuming. But it is great when someone can overcome that obstacle and move on with their lives. I have been asked to become a motivational speaker for incest victims and feel like I am being led to do that. Just have to find an outlet for my experiences. I do hope the lap band process does help those who have been effected by incest to move past it and lead fun loving, productive lives. Life can be good once again!
  6. rondawood63

    Why are YOU Fat?

    It does seem to be a major common denominator in most of our lives!
  7. rondawood63

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Well my weight issues started when I was around 10 years old. Up until that time I was always the thin one, in fact my mom told me she took me to the doctor when I was 2 and then again at 4 because I was so thin. Well, at 10 years old I was molested by my father and you can see in pictures the weight just piling on and the defensive posture I adopted. I went from being a free, fun-loving child to a depressed, backward little girl. Once in high school things turned around some and I became a cheerleader and officer of many different clubs but at home I was still that shy, awkward kid. I moved right after high school and I thinned up. I got married (to someone with my father's attributes when it comes to women) and I ballooned out of control again. Had two babies and kept on the baby weight and much more, just gaining more and more as the years went by. Finally divorced after 18 years of marriage and lost 120 lbs that first year. Married again and gained back 80 of that because of the alcholism I married into. Now I am single again and doing for myself. I have lost around 65 lbs now and feeling great. So I would say the reason I am fat is from self worth, self esteem and so on. I just have had to learn to love me for me. Something I have never really been able to do. I stuffed my feelings into a bowl of pasta! But NO MORE!
  8. rondawood63

    Banded and feeling great!

    It has been along time since I blogged here. I think it was when I was approved which was May 12th. I had surgery on June 18th and am getting ready to have first fill on July 31st. I lost 20 lbs on pre diet and then have lost 14 since surgery. It is coming off slowly but I am glad of that, it is more apt to stay off that way. I am in lap band limbo with very little restriction right now, but use my little plastic rubbermaid containers that hold like 3/4 cup and when the food is gone I stop! Basically, it is a mind game, if you have a craving for something BAD then go have something not so bad, just a small amount. Chocolate, sugar-free pudding has been a life saver for me when that urge to eat something sweet hits me! And it only has like 60 calories! Keep up the hard work everyone!
  9. rondawood63


    Well, my name is Ronda and I have decided to try and have the lapband surgery here in Springfield, MO with Dr. Edwards from St. John's. I went to the seminar in Feb. 08 and started the process. I finished the last requirement with them this last monday and now my paperwork has been submitted to my insurance company and I am just waiting to find out if I am going to be able to go through with the lapband procedure. I am very excited about this process and have really enjoyed everything that Dr. Edwards office requires you to do to be compliant with the changes you have to make in your lifestyle to be successful after surgery. His staff are great to work with also. I will let you all know if I am successful with the insurance company!
  10. rondawood63

    Life is good!

    I am loving life after my surgery on 6-18-08. Life is so good. I have lost about 65 lbs as of today and doors are opening for me (or maybe I am actually opening them since I feel better about myself and not so self conscience about my appearance.) I am really excited to see more changes!
  11. rondawood63

    Start of Jouney 280 lbs

    Good luck! You will be so glad you made this move in your life!
  12. rondawood63

    Life is good!

    I am loving life after my surgery on 6-18-08. Life is so good. I have lost about 65 lbs as of today and doors are opening for me (or maybe I am actually opening them since I feel better about myself and not so self conscience about my appearance.) I am really excited to see more changes! :cool:
  13. rondawood63

    Since Lapband surgery!

  14. Hey girl! Isn't it wonderful to feel lighter! Sounds like you are doing great! I am so glad I did this even with the set backs. It was so worth it! I do check your blog fairly often, but I understand with all you have going on how hard it is to find the time! Hope to hear from you again soon!

  15. hey how are you doing??

  16. we have luncheons at my office too. I always bring in something I can eat and if that is all I can have than that is what I do. Last time I brought in Chili. I also bring in my small Snacks just like any other day, like apple sauce, yogurt and stuff like that so I won't have to even go backto the breakroom except for lunch time. I also tell my gal pals to keep an eye on me and not let me venture towards the forbidden room. They are all very supportive and it also helps that I have told everyone here that I have had surgery and you are more accountable when you know others are watching to see if you are being compliant!:cool2:
  17. rondawood63

    My hair...

    I too am just over 3 months out and had 2nd surgery in that time as well. And last week I had the same thing start with the hair loss. I have been blessed with ALOT of hair so I have a ways to go before I see significant hair loss, but I have read on this site before that it is normal for alot of people to start losing hair 3-6 months out. And that Biotin is a great supplement to take to help regain the hair loss. I bought my first bottle this a.m., So I am going to see what happens with it. I wonder if it is due to being put under and the effects of that, and the lessened nutrition at first being on liquids so long AND the decreased caloric intake. Just not sure!
  18. Well, I have found that if I know I am going somewhere with friends or family I go ahead and try to find their menu online first to see what my options are. And if things don't look too Lapband friendly:sad_smile:, I will have something at home to curb the hunger and then I am basically unable to eat much at all. I sometimes have an iced tea and a small side (cottage cheese or something like that). That way I am still out with friends and family but haven't sabatoged my NEW way of life!:thumbup:
  19. I had it confirmed yesterday that I will have to have a second surgery to unkink/untwist my tubing. The surgeon wanted to see the twist himself and he said out of the over 2,000 patients he has had, he has only had 2 cases of this happening before mine. So I am waiting on his staff to get the surgery approved via insurance before we procede. He is just going to cut out a length of tubing and then re-attach it back together. I guess my torso was too short for the amount of tubing that was put in. Fun Times! :smile2: Good note is I have hit the 50 lbs lost point. I am counting the 10 I lost before the pre-op diet and everything after that! I am still losing even though I only have 2.8 cc in my band!
  20. Okay, my unkinking surgery was this last Wednesday, August 27th. It went well, except for being kept waiting for emergencies that were placed in front of me. My surgeon used the same incision areas as before minus 2. So I only had 4 incisions. Surgery took longer than he predicited. I will find out this week why as I did not see him after surgery. He was called into another emergency surgery after mine. Recovery was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much easier this time. I was push mowing my yard the next afternoon! :tt2::thumbup::thumbup: I go for my post op appt this thursday to see how things are looking. And move on from there!
  21. rondawood63

    Buffet discount for banders

    Well, they postponed it until next wednesday, but they are going to make one or two incisions and pull some of the tubing through, cut off a certain amount and re-attach. Then put it back in.... He said about 5-10 mins total!
  22. rondawood63

    Buffet discount for banders

    I recieved a card from my surgeon's office once I was approved and scheduled for surgery. The front says: "Special Dietary Needs" The back side says: Dear Foodservice Operator: the bearer ofthis card has undergone surgery and is medically unable to eat full adult portions. Please allow this person to order from a senior or child menu, order a "half portion? or share an entree with another adult. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Christopher Edwards, M.D. I haven't had to use it yet, but I do carry it with me. Most restaurants are willing to work with you, the ones who aren't maybe you shouldn't go to! LOL

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
