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Posts posted by ErinshayWV

  1. TMS treatments to get me off of my Pristiq, which I was taking at the highest dose allowed due to drug resistant major depression, of many years duration. We were concerned about malabsorption of my anti-depressant post RNY surgery. So, I was tapered off my Pristiq while taking my TMS treatments (Trans+Cranial Magnetic Stimulation), and after 6 weeks of therapy have had great results. I’m taking a medication to help with my anxiety, but the TMS only addresses the depression.

  2. Also, we have generic store brand Lactaid tabs which are just as effective. From my understanding these tabs are giving you the enzymes to allow your body to digest dairy. As adults, most of us humans, (and cats, weirdly) lose the ability to process milk after about age 20-30 (humans, cats after leaving kittenhood).

  3. Oh thank God it’s not just me. I’ve never been pregnant, but it feels like a hormonal craving. I find myself with the frig door open, eyeing the pickle jar whilst looking around to make sure nobody’s watching my weird obsession with pickle juice! I’m going to look for the drink! I can make my own alcohol-free cocktail!! Thanks so much!! P.s. I eat the pickles too, sometimes. That crunch & burst of Pickle Juice in my mouth - Nirvana! 😂😉👍🏼

  4. I find that if I don’t get all my Water in, my pee gets darker and more unpleasantly odiferous! It can happen overnight if I haven’t invested enough water before bedtime, and I’m asleep, not hydrating for 7-8 hrs. That first morning pee can be strong and darker yellow than I used to pee pre-GBS. I’ve added one small bottle of blue G-2, Gatorade, to my water routine and that has helped loads. Also 2 Probiotics.

  5. I’ve had both too. Sleeve didn’t give me the weight loss or restriction I needed to be successful, and by the time I needed GBS because of GERD, I was a diabetic! Sleeve did not resolve my GERD, even with hiatal hernia repair. So GBS was a Godsend, as I’m now off Metformen, my blood sugars are normal, I’m down 37 lbs and it feels great! I’m losing slower than some because of my history of PCOS, but I saw my surgeon Monday for follow up and he said I was absolutely fine, slower was actually better in the long run and to just keep at it, eye on the horizon and my body would keep letting go of the excess weight. Probably not in a straight line down like a slicky-slide, more like a staircase, with stalls, etc., but it was all normal. I was afraid of the more drastic surgery too, but it’s been fine. 😉I’m so glad I finally got GBS!

  6. I couldn’t get the app to accept my starting weight of 297. No idea why, but I noticed a “skip for now” option and did that, but I will want to enter once I start my pre-op diet. Hope they can fix the glitch! Ps. Wow, congrats on your loss!!

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