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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DonnaB

  1. DonnaB


    Try to remember that the majority of people posting on a lap band board are most likely newly banded and very likely to be happy with the results they're achieving. The person who stays on a lap band board for years, either has made some internet friends that they want to stay close with OR they're having some issues or complications with their band and the board is their source of information and comfort. Either way, we're a pretty subjective group of people and I doubt our answers will help you with your decision. Having said that, I was banded a little over 3 months ago and have lost 35 pounds now - must go change my signature line to reflect that loss! - and have experienced ups and downs in my opinion of the band. For the most part, I'm very happy with the band and would do it again, but, like DevilMayKare, I don't think it's for everyone. Good luck in your weight loss journey.
  2. DonnaB

    Liquid Stage Recipes

    I expect that "the yummy vanilla soy" at Starbucks is FULL of sugar! I know that the post-op liquid diet is for healing and not weight loss but . . . That may not be the best start to your new life. But hey, to each their own.
  3. Hi PlanB, Welcome to LapBandTalk! I felt pretty good at two weeks and probably could have gone to work. On the other hand, I've seen plenty of posts that wouldn't have made that two week deadline, or wished they had taken off a little more time. Congratulations on your surgery date. Where are you having it done? I mean, who's your surgeon? Good luck on your journey!
  4. I don't think it was an overshare, lol. I just don't have an answer for you. Sorry. P.S. If you kick someones ass, no matter how provoked you were, you risk losing your children to the state. It's sooooooooo not worth it.
  5. DonnaB

    What's My Problem

    Hi Sylvia, welcome to LapBandTalk. I agree with the others that you should talk to your doctor and possibly get a slight unfill. A couple of questions occurred to ask you about though, because it sounds like you may be in a cycle of vomitting and irritating your stomach, not giving it enough time to COMPLETELY heal, and then trying to eat something which gets stuck due to swelling, starting up the whole cycle again. After a "PB" ("productive burp" which is a polite euphamism on LBT for vomitting or spitting up food) do you go on liquids for a few days? How long do you stay on liquids before progressing through mushies back to solid foods? Have you talked to your doctor, or someone in his office about your problem with liquids? Give them a call and see what they say, then get back with us so we'll know how you're doing, OK? Good luck.
  6. DonnaB

    My Husband was approved today !!!!

    Congrats to your husband MelAnne! This should make things a lot easier. Is your hubby going to join the LBT party any time soon?
  7. OMG - you mean it's NOT 2005? What happened to 2005? What happened to the 90's? The 80's? Man I'm gettin' old fast! lol Of course you're right, I did misread the date. The rest of my novel, I stand by! lol
  8. DonnaB

    Spelling Bee

    This Spelling Bee came from AOL. http://reference.aol.com/nowyouknow/spelling-bee I thought I was a pretty good speller, but I only got 7 out of 10!
  9. OMG! I forgot how horrible the Wonder Woman shorts were! Yikes!
  10. DonnaB

    Be honest....

    I've only done it once - and YEP! I was on liquids for 3 days. It was a bad PB.
  11. DonnaB

    Who do I have to thank.....

    Not a fan of silver. I wonder if there's a Gold Jewelry Club? NO
  12. DonnaB

    Who do I have to thank.....

    Not a fan of silver. I wonder if there's a Gold Jewelry Club? NO ONE RESPOND TO THAT! My husband will thank you. lol
  13. lizziegrace, I think you should know that the typical bandster cannot eat ice cream and lose 75 pounds in 5 months! I'm not sure what 'Banded1/05' is doing that the weight is just LEAPING off, but I know for most of us there is a lot of work involved. The difference for me is that I can no longer mindlessly eat. It's hard to become food-hypnotized when you have to carefully, thoughtfully, chew each bite to oblivion or suffer a painful, burning-golfball-in-the-chest sensation, and believe me, it takes only one six hour slime and heave session to become very, very aware that care must be taken when eating (at least it does for me!). In addition to being more careful about how you eat, you become far more aware of WHAT you're eating. It was easy to inhale a hamburger and fries but when bread and fries are no longer an option, you must find alternatives - and while you're looking, you might as well find options that are also better choices. Another thing that has changed for me is my perception of what tastes good and is worth eating vs. what tastes OK and is not worth the calories wasted. With a reduced capacity, if a food isn't particularly tasty, I don't waste the space or calories on it - I find something thats good and good for me. I'm suprised again and again that food I used to just eat because it was easy (fast food for the most part) doesn't even taste good. How did I not see that before? I've never been a happy exerciser. I don't enjoy it and frankly find it boring as hell. However, when you see a change in your weight, which you can definitely attribute to an increase in activity, you begin to be inspired to see just how much of a difference you can make through more exercise. At least this has been my experience so far. I've only been banded for three months and there have been several conversations here on LBT about new bandsters being in a honeymoon phase. Even if that's the case, I expect this honeymoon to last a long, long time because my weight loss will be ongoing. It's easier to keep trying when your efforts are being rewarded. In the past, the first time I went on hiatus from my diet (vacations and holidays come to mind), the diet was generally over. With a band, you really can't walk away from your diet. Everywhere you go, there it is! It's true, you can cheat the band and sabotage your weight loss, but even bad choices are somewhat mitigated by the reduction in capacity and the amount of diet-damage you do is limited. What IS required of you, is that you make a conscious decision to return to your newly learned, good eating habits - AND THAT IS WHERE THE WORK COMES IN. Some people do well with a band and some people do not. If you're a grazer or a sweet eater, the band may not be a good idea for you. If you're a constant over-eater but have an open mind about making better choices in food, and a willingness to make the changes, the band is a good option. If you really don't want to have to make choices on your own about they quality of your food, the lap band may not be your best choice. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to explore my own experiences and perspective on this subject. I don't know if it helped you or not but it's been a good affirmation for me! lol Thanks. Good luck on your weight loss journey, no matter what path you choose.
  14. DonnaB

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    LOL Cashley! *looking nervously around* Vines! I'm SO, SO, SO happy for you! What a struggle you've had and are still having. Losing five pounds is just the kind of encouragement you need to keep moving forward. Congratulations.
  15. DonnaB

    stinky question

    Immediately post op I had gas - of course - but nothing unusual since then. It could be that your diet has changed and you're eating something now that your body isn't liking. Conversely, it could be that something you were eating in your pre-band life was keeping gas to a minimum. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
  16. DonnaB

    Normal 1st fill amount

    If you feel restriction and you're losing weight, I would definitely cancel the appointment. You can only have so many fills. I think it would be wise to play out every fill all the way to the end. In other words, work with each fill until you stop losing weight completely before getting another one. I just had my first fill at 3 months post-op and my fill doctor gave me 1.4cc's in a 4cc band. I think it's probably too much and I worry about the 2 week kick-in I keep reading about. I don't like the idea a being too tight. If you spit up a lot or are having reflux, you're too tight. JMO
  17. Sparkling water is carbonated. I wouldn't do it. Ice water with a lemon and a swizzle stick. Looks like a drink but won't KILL you with calories. I mean ice water between actual alcoholic drinks! Alternate.
  18. DonnaB

    Job interview help needed

    I think you should hold out until they put a dollar amount on the table. Why limit the negotiations before they've begun? Just because they know you know, doesn't mean you should fill in the blank for them.
  19. DonnaB

    A very embarrassing problem

    Careful about the warm bath. My doc said no warm bath for - I can't remember how long. I didn't remember because I'm not a bath girl. Give me a shower every time. Any one out there remember how long you're supposed to wait before you submerge your body in Water? I'm thinking you should wait until your port wound scab falls off? Sorry, can't remember exactly.
  20. DonnaB

    Job interview help needed

    Alexandra, Congrats on being interviewed for the job you want. I have no doubt, since you're well qualified for the job, they know you, and are interviewing you first, that they'll offer you the job. 1st thing, don't let them know how much you want that job! It'll bring any $$ amount they have in mind down. Wait for them to bring up money. Chances are they'll offer you the job and will either make the offer with a dollar amount attatched OR will make an offer and want to discuss your salary. Try not to be the one to give a figure first. If you tip your hand, they'll make the lowest offer they can, sometimes even lowering from the amount you suggest. The reason they would do that is because they'll think you're negotiating by throwing a number out and that that number is your high end. Try to avoid being the one to offer a figure. Remember, they're trying to get the best deal they can too, so their first offer will be on their low end. Be prepared for the negotiations by knowing how much others in your field are making. Figure out how much you want to make and counter their offer to above what you will accept. Either they'll agree to your price or they'll tell you that they can't offer that much. But don't dispair! THAT'S the time you get to make them put their offer on the table. WHEN THEY DO, see if you can negotiate for some additional benefits to bring the two figures together. For instance, you can ask for additional vacation time, or 1/2 days on Fridays, or . . . whatever. Obviously you should try to get a feel for how strongly they want you for the job. The more they want you, the more they'll be willing to negotiate. If your discussion begins with a scenario in which they're wavering between you and another candidate, or you have a group interview - the worst! - you'll have to re-assess your negotiations. What kind of job? Why did you leave it before?
  21. DonnaB

    I Love Watermelon!

    According to FitDay, raw watermelon has ony 49 calories per cup. I find it to be VERY filling and can only do a cup at a time. Then, an hour and a half later, ANOTHER CUP! LOL Love me some watermelon. I'm not gonna say "never" or even "ewww", but, watermelon pie? I can't even imagine the knife coming out clean! Well, maybe after baking for 8 hours! lol Hmmmmm. Anyone gonna try this one? I hope so. I want to know how it is!
  22. Gopher, The Soprano's hav 8 more episodes 'in the can'. There will be onother season beginning in the fall. Did I just make your day?
  23. DonnaB

    I'm a little freaked

    Is anyone taking odds on ringworm yet? If so, put me down for $50. Sorry HunnyBun, I'm not making light of your spots, but it's sounding more and more like ringworm to me too. I still think you should see a doctor as soon as you can. Covering the spots with bandaids and washing your hands frequently is also very good advise. In addition to making a doctor's appointment, you should also make a veterinary appointment. Let us know what's going on so we won't worry HunnyBun.
  24. DonnaB

    Soda's ???????????????!!!!!!!

    It's about the carbonation. It puts pressure on the pouch while its above your band, and puts pressure on your band when it gets down into your lower stomach. Both of those things are bad news. Time to toughen up and move away from the soda. Sorry. Honestly, though, you have to ask yourself, do you like the soda well enough to put your band in jeopardy for it? Uh uh. As to the caffeine . . . my doctor wants me to limit caffeine but he's fine with my having some if I want it. I drink four cups of coffee about twice a week. Fortunately, that's about the frequency I've always enjoyed coffee. Good luck.
  25. DonnaB

    PCOS....Does the surgery really help?

    Don't let anyone push you into RnY. If it's right for you, you'll decide that after doing a lot of research on all of the different weight loss surgeries - at least that's the way it SHOULD go. Lot's of doctors really push for the RnY because they have a lot more experience with it than the band - it's been the so-called Gold Standard here in the U.S. for many years now. If someone pushes hard for RnY I would be wondering if it's because they've only don't a limited number of bands and are not yet proficient with it. I'd keep looking.

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