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Everything posted by DonnaB

  1. I've never been to Jamaica Mon! I guess I know where my next tropical vacation will be taking place. Thanks everyone, this is good info. Anyone ever Scuba Dive there? My husband wants to go to Cozumel for the diving - and I agree it's FANTASTIC there - but I'd like to try out some other locations before going back to Mexico.
  2. DonnaB

    Have you ever???

    Wow, good question. I have caught myself thinking things like "How could they let themselves get to THAT point?" before - and yep, when I catch myself doing it I feel guilty about it. Since being banded I always wonder if they've considered WLS or if they'd be interested in hearing about it, but I NEVER approach overweight people with that kind of question or suggestion. I've never felt angry or upset with someone because of their "perfect" figure, but I often tell myself (probably just to make myself less envious) that they probably have some other area of their life which is out of control and causing them misery. Just because they don't have issues or an addiction to food doesn't mean their life is great.
  3. Only drink bottled water, from a bottle you've opened which has it's seal intact. Make sure you brush your teeth with bottled water. Don't drink anything that has ice in it. Don't believe it if someone tells you the water and ice are safe. Only eat food which has been cooked to a high temperature - soup is usually a good bet. Kind of takes some of the fun out of the vacation though huh? I've been sick from the water on a vacation in the past and I will never feel safe eating in a foreign country again. I know, how sad. Oh well, I'd rather enjoy the rest of the vacation than go through a 48 hour purge from both ends (I know, TMI) ever ever again.
  4. DonnaB

    Registered User

    Welcome to LapBandTalk everyone! From the home page, click the forum (the list on the left) that you think your topic belongs in. If your topic doesn't seem to fit into any of those categories, use the Lounge. Once you're in the forum where you want to post, use the "New Thread" button located above the list on the left. So far y'all seem to be getting the hang of it! Good luck eveyone on your research and on your weight loss journey.
  5. DonnaB

    Child Abuse - what do I do?

    Bumping because I revised my post.
  6. DonnaB

    Child Abuse - what do I do?

    Knowing what I do about CPS - my sister fostered children for years, and adopted her two kids through the system, and I am being asked to become a foster parent through CPS for the grandchildren of some close friends of ours - I emphatically WOULD NOT recommend the wife calling CPS - - - IF YOU BELIEVE THAT THIS IS, IN FACT, A ONE TIME INCIDENT. I WOULD recommend getting the whole family into counselling immediately. If they can show that they are taking steps to reassure the children and to take care of this through professional counselling and through their church, CPS will most likely let the parents handle the situation - UNLESS something happens again. The foster care system is overcrowded and decisions are arbitrary - they don't have time to do it right. so they generally cut through each Gordian Knot that comes up. Frequently their 'solutions' don't fit the circumstances in individual situations. Clearly CPS should be called if there's a chance that this obvious abuse is not an isolated, one-time incident. Sadly, no matter what the friend said, there's no way to know the answer to that question. SNAFU. Good luck, sorry you're having to work your way through this one.
  7. DonnaB

    Anyone had Laser Hair Removal?

    Thanks Paula! I've been looking online so I know it will take 5 treatments or more, and that some hair growth will require regular maintenance. How is your hair growth percentage-wise? Are you back where you started or is it still better than it originally was? On that older thread you very much recommended the procedure - do you still? Thanks for the thread - I should have done a search before I posted.
  8. DonnaB

    Record of progression

    I'm running out of space on my signature line but I want to keep a record of the progression of my weight loss: DonnaB Banded March 7, 2006 Dr. Roberto Rumbaut, Monterrey, Mexico 282/274/242/150 (-40) 5' 9" 03/07/06 274 (-8) 03/14/06 267 (-7) 03/21/06 265 (-2) 04/03/06 263 (-2) 04/08/06 261 (-2) 04/16/06 260 (-1) 04/19/06 257 (-3) 05/07/06 255 (-2) Horrible scrambled egg PB = 6 hours! 05/24/06 252 (-3) First Fill: 05/31/06 = 1.4cc 06/05/06 248 (-4) 06/07/06 246 (-2) Went for an UNfill 06/10/06 and the STUPID ASS SURGEON gave me a .5 fill - miserable all weekend, went back on Monday 06-12-06 unfill down to 1.2cc - still feel a little tight. 06/13/06 (-4) probably all water weight since I couldn't drink for 36 hours! Does the lapband work? Is it easier to pound in a nail with a hammer or with a rock? With a hammer of course--but you STILL have to POUND! So it is with a band. - DevilMayKare
  9. DonnaB

    Record of progression

    Ya, that's what I thought too. Thanks.
  10. I decided I needed to make a record of my PB incident which was closely followed by my period and my first fill - bad idea! Quote: Originally Posted by NurseMichelle Donna I am so sorry to see your fill is too tight. I am going to get mine at 11 weeks. I am eating way way too much. Snacking. My compulsive nature is coming back around. I am maintaining 22 pound loss, but I have to really work at not snacking at night. tell me about your experience with this fill. :phanvan Well . . . I was scheduled to have my first fill on May 22nd but that morning I had a terrible scrambled egg PB incident, which was my first PB. It went on for 6 hours! After about the 2nd hour, I cancelled my fill appointment and I called Dr. Rumbaut's patient advocate (or whatever her title is! lol) Cathy. She had Dr. Horatcio call me back and we talked about what was going on and discussed my eating plan for the next few days. I went on liquids for 3 days then moved to mushies and was just getting back to solids, when my period started on the 30th! Just after my PB, I started feeling some pressure and mild pain at my sternum area, front and back. It wasn't terrible so I just figured it was irritation from the PB and possibly my period, and that it would go away in time - it really wasn't that bad, just there. I had rescheduled my first fill for the 31st and I really didn't want to cancel it again because I didn't want them to decide they didn't want me as a patient - I didn't have surgery with them so I thought this was a very real possibility - so I went ahead and kept the appointment. I told them about the PB, the period, and the chest pressure and they told me it wasn't anything to worry about and we proceeded with the fill. I told them I was worried about being filled too tight and that I wanted this to be a conservative fill. They gave me 1.4cc's in my 4cc band. I don't think that's very conservative myself, but I wasn't having any problems so I left it. The pressure/pain that I had been feeling since the PB was a little worse the next day, a little worse that night, and has been with me ever since. I've been in touch with with Dr. Rumbaut's new assistant (her name is Misu Sanson and she's really nice) three times since then, and we decided this afternoon that I should go in and get a complete unfill. Booo. I'm tired of this pressure/pain and at this point I'd rather get the unfill than try to wait it out. Besides, I need to be reassured that this chest pressure isn't something serious. When I had the fill it was with fluoroscopy and they said the band was in the correct position so I don't really think there's a real problem, but after all this time and pressure, I need some relief and reassurance - not to mention some solid food! lol The doctor I'm using for fills wants his patients to be on liquids for 7 days post fill! Can you believe that? I haven't heard of anyone going on liquids for that long after fills! Anyway, today was the first day I ate real food in forever and I didn't have a problem eating but the pressure/pain at the sternum - front and back - was worse again. Damn. Dr. Sanson wants me to do a complete unfill and give it time to completely heal up. If the pain doesn't subside in fairly short order, I'm going to go have an endoscopy. Now that I've completely freaked you out about getting a fill . . . LOL, let me reassure you - the fill was really, really not a big deal. I BARELY felt the sting of the Lydocaine which numbs the area, and I didn't feel the fill needle at all. It was in there and filled before I realized it, and then they were asking me to sip some barium. I swallowed and it kind of stopped like when you've swallowed too fast and I said it didn't feel good, she pulled some saline back out and it immediately felt better and my fill was over. They stuck a bandaid on my injection site and I was done. All told, it took less than 5 minutes and that includes the time I took to explain to them how nervous and freaked out I was! I was worked up for absolutely no reason. Don't let yourself get worried about the fill, it's not a big deal at all. Sorry to write a book here, this is the first time I've put it all down in writing so I thought I'd go ahead and get it right! lol Thanks for your concern - good luck with your first fill.
  11. DonnaB

    Record of first fill saga!

    I decided I needed to make a record of my PB incident which was closely followed by my period and my first fill - bad idea! Quote: Originally Posted by NurseMichelle Donna I am so sorry to see your fill is too tight. I am going to get mine at 11 weeks. I am eating way way too much. Snacking. My compulsive nature is coming back around. I am maintaining 22 pound loss, but I have to really work at not snacking at night. tell me about your experience with this fill. :phanvan Well . . . I was scheduled to have my first fill on May 22nd but that morning I had a terrible scrambled egg PB incident, which was my first PB. It went on for 6 hours! After about the 2nd hour, I cancelled my fill appointment and I called Dr. Rumbaut's patient advocate (or whatever her title is! lol) Cathy. She had Dr. Horatcio call me back and we talked about what was going on and discussed my eating plan for the next few days. I went on liquids for 3 days then moved to mushies and was just getting back to solids, when my period started on the 30th! Just after my PB, I started feeling some pressure and mild pain at my sternum area, front and back. It wasn't terrible so I just figured it was irritation from the PB and possibly my period, and that it would go away in time - it really wasn't that bad, just there. I had rescheduled my first fill for the 31st and I really didn't want to cancel it again because I didn't want them to decide they didn't want me as a patient - I didn't have surgery with them so I thought this was a very real possibility - so I went ahead and kept the appointment. I told them about the PB, the period, and the chest pressure and they told me it wasn't anything to worry about and we proceeded with the fill. I told them I was worried about being filled too tight and that I wanted this to be a conservative fill. They gave me 1.4cc's in my 4cc band. I don't think that's very conservative myself, but I wasn't having any problems so I left it. The pressure/pain that I had been feeling since the PB was a little worse the next day, a little worse that night, and has been with me ever since. I've been in touch with with Dr. Rumbaut's new assistant (her name is Misu Sanson and she's really nice) three times since then, and we decided this afternoon that I should go in and get a complete unfill. Booo. I'm tired of this pressure/pain and at this point I'd rather get the unfill than try to wait it out. Besides, I need to be reassured that this chest pressure isn't something serious. When I had the fill it was with fluoroscopy and they said the band was in the correct position so I don't really think there's a real problem, but after all this time and pressure, I need some relief and reassurance - not to mention some solid food! lol The doctor I'm using for fills wants his patients to be on liquids for 7 days post fill! Can you believe that? I haven't heard of anyone going on liquids for that long after fills! Anyway, today was the first day I ate real food in forever and I didn't have a problem eating but the pressure/pain at the sternum - front and back - was worse again. Damn. Dr. Sanson wants me to do a complete unfill and give it time to completely heal up. If the pain doesn't subside in fairly short order, I'm going to go have an endoscopy. Now that I've completely freaked you out about getting a fill . . . LOL, let me reassure you - the fill was really, really not a big deal. I BARELY felt the sting of the Lydocaine which numbs the area, and I didn't feel the fill needle at all. It was in there and filled before I realized it, and then they were asking me to sip some barium. I swallowed and it kind of stopped like when you've swallowed too fast and I said it didn't feel good, she pulled some saline back out and it immediately felt better and my fill was over. They stuck a bandaid on my injection site and I was done. All told, it took less than 5 minutes and that includes the time I took to explain to them how nervous and freaked out I was! I was worked up for absolutely no reason. Don't let yourself get worried about the fill, it's not a big deal at all. Sorry to write a book here, this is the first time I've put it all down in writing so I thought I'd go ahead and get it right! lol Thanks for your concern - good luck with your first fill.
  12. DonnaB

    Adoption Drama-advice needed

    I ABSOLUTELY disagree! If she's not bonded with that baby by now she never will be! She's bonded with her drug habit and her irresponsible life-style. Have your cousins talk to an attorney FIRST - then let the attorney take care of reporting to child protective services. I pray to God to let that innocent baby stay with people who already love it and care for it. Taking the baby away from them will cause far more problems through separation anxiety than any benefit of being with a biological parent might bring. Adoption always a last resort? What utter crap. You have to have a licence to catch a fish but they'll let any (insert your favorite explicative) have a baby. Sorry mini-me, I know this is not a debate but I couldn't help replying to that post.
  13. DonnaB

    Record of progression

    I'm running out of space on my signature line but I want to keep a record of the progression of my weight loss: DonnaB Banded March 7, 2006 Dr. Roberto Rumbaut, Monterrey, Mexico 282/274/242/150 (-40) 5' 9" 03/07/06 274 (-8) 03/14/06 267 (-7) 03/21/06 265 (-2) 04/03/06 263 (-2) 04/08/06 261 (-2) 04/16/06 260 (-1) 04/19/06 257 (-3) 05/07/06 255 (-2) Horrible scrambled egg PB = 6 hours! 05/24/06 252 (-3) First Fill: 05/31/06 = 1.4cc 06/05/06 248 (-4) 06/07/06 246 (-2) Went for an UNfill 06/10/06 and the STUPID ASS SURGEON gave me a .5 fill - miserable all weekend, went back on Monday 06-12-06 unfill down to 1.2cc - still feel a little tight. 06/13/06 (-4) probably all water weight since I couldn't drink for 36 hours! Does the lapband work? Is it easier to pound in a nail with a hammer or with a rock? With a hammer of course--but you STILL have to POUND! So it is with a band. - DevilMayKare
  14. DonnaB

    HELP! Will insurance cover ER trip?

    Thanks Kristin, My fill was under fluoroscopy and the band was in the correct position. I talk to my doctor every day and, since the pressure is becoming less and less, we're waiting till my TOM is past to decide whether or not to do a slight unfill. I'm glad you're starting to feel better. I'm suprised that you're already back to solid food! My fill doctor made me wait for 7 days post-fill to eat solid food again. Hmmmm. It's weird how they all think something different. Personally, I think the 7 days is to help boost his weight loss stats.
  15. DonnaB

    Loosing weight without fills?

    59 pounds in 2 1/2 months? Is that right? If so, what are you eating? What was your starting weight? I'm only asking because that seems like an awful lot of weight loss in a very short period of time.
  16. DonnaB

    Beans Beans!!

    All carbs are not created equal! lol Beans are an excellent source of protein and fiber - try to find brands that don't use a bunch of fat, or make your own. Try to stay away from "white" carbs like white flour, sugar, bread, even whole milk (ff still has carbs but the no fat makes up for it), etc. Good luck.
  17. DonnaB

    Folding Sheets, or, My Idea Of Hell

    Oh I DO fold the corners into each other. It works pretty well if only the corners are elasticized but all my new sheet sets have the "shower cap" type of elastic, which goes all the way around. I like that when they're on the bed, but I hate trying to fold them. I do it, and I put them in the linen closet because I don't want the cat using them for a nap . . . but I hate it. P.S. Martha Stewart's middle name is Beelzebub.
  18. DonnaB

    Did I 'slime' ?

    I'm pretty sure that "slime" is nothing more than spit. I think we just don't realize how viscous our saliva is full time. We only notice when theres a larger than usual quantity of the stuff.
  19. DonnaB

    HELP! Will insurance cover ER trip?

    Oh YAY! I'm glad you're doing betting Kristin! I'm curious about how you feel right now? I had a that really bad (single) PB incident and felt sore front and back right at my sternum. I thought I had recovered from the PB - did 3 days of liquids, etc. - had my first fill 10 days later and the pressure/pain came back. Now I'm curious about how long it REALLY takes to recover from a PB. I know you don't know the answer to the how long question yet but, how does your sternum feel? If you breathe deeply does it make your sternum and back hurt, or can you feel a kind of pressure there? I'm following my doctors orders and I think I'm on my way to recovery but, when I ate mushies a little while ago the back pain came back. This is kinda sucking right now. I bet you're feeling about the same way, huh? I'm glad you got it taken care of, and I agree with the previous poster, you should ask that other doctor for your money back! Keep in touch.
  20. DonnaB

    Loosing weight without fills?

    I lost 30 pounds in the 12 weeks post-op and pre-fill. I felt like I wanted to lose weight faster (!) and went and had my first fill. I should have waited longer - it's too tight at 1.4cc's in my 4cc band. Good luck.
  21. Hi Alex, I would like to be able to see which forum I am in when I open a thread. I use the "Latest Replies" and the "New Posts" function on the homepage which can sometimes lead me into a forum I don't want to be in or even shouldn't be in. For example, I may reply to a product specific thread and find out after I've posted that I'm in the Canada forum. Canadians have been pretty clear recently that they wish only other Canadians would reply because they don't have the same products and services in their country that we have in the U.S. and we're 'junking up' their forum with stuff that doesn't apply to them or that they can't relate to. I would also like to know if I'm in the "Complications" or "Life after Band Removal" forums. In most cases, I'm not qualified to reply to threads in these forums and have occasionally posted there before realizing which forum I'm in. Having the forum name in the header bar or somewhere else prominent upon opening a thread may help reduce some confusion on LBT. Maybe even just moving the "Forum Jump" bar from the bottom of the page to the top would take care of the problem. I would also like to see the "Delete" function restored for use by members. I watched the discussion about people deleting entire threads and I agree that that's not a good idea, but I think each user should have the ability to delete their own individual posts. Thanks Alex and moderators for LapBandTalk, inception through maintenance and daily monitoring. I can't tell you how grateful I am for this message board. Being banded would be a lot more scary without LBT!
  22. DonnaB

    I need help

    I think you're probably OK as long as you're not pouch packing. If the amount of food you're eating makes you feel absolutely stuffed, then you're probably eating too much. You've discussed it with your doctor and you're still losing weight, so yo're probably not doing any damage.
  23. DonnaB

    HELP! Will insurance cover ER trip?

    I hope we'll hear from you soon Kristen. I'm so sorry you're having a problem. We're all thinking about you and waiting to hear from you soon.
  24. DonnaB

    Researching National Prices for Fills

    1) Area of USA - Dallas, Texas 2) Price with and without fluoro - with $250, they don't do it without I made a $50 co-pay, insurance picked up the balance. 3) Type of Provider, (MD, APN etc) - don't know what APN stands for, my fill was done by a nurse practitioner 4) Is that provider a "bandster? - the doctor isn't but the nurse practitioner is
  25. DonnaB

    OMG Its a cheese log!

    Every time I read someone saying they went to the bathroom and spit up something, or (as in this case) walked down and up a few flights of stairs and spit up something, I get almost jealous! I don't throw up easily. It took six hours to bring up my tablespoon of scrambled eggs. I wish I could just go to the bathroom and bring up whatever got stuck. *sigh* Vegas, did it come up easily in a single heave? Was the birth painful? Flaming golfgall feelings aside that is. Did you then stay on liquids for a few days? Did your sternum feel tender for a few days? I've only had the one PB and I'm trying to figure out if it's going to get easier if (!) it happens again, or if I'm going to be one of the unlucky ones who eventually heaves up their band in the form of a slip. Thanks for your story. BTW, did you name your bouncing baby log? lol

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