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Posts posted by Riseup

  1. My surgery got postponed AGAIN because te doctor's assistant (who calls herself a nurse, she is NOT!) kept neglecting to send tings to insurance, and se LOST 29 pages of my medical records I had sent directly to her from the Dietician back on Sept. 15th! They have confirmation she received them! I called the insurance company and she never sent them. When I called her, she said she never rec's them, I had the resent, the insurance then put it high priority but she is not taking responsibility, won't tell the Doctor and ask him to get me in this year before he goes on vacation. I have met all my deductibles and copays and this unprofessional nurse whom I have had to remind of every thing I had had to get done, make sleep assessment appt., make dietician appt., make Paychologist appt., etc., it is not my fault I keep getting delayed. Sorry, I am a little bumed and frustrated.
    Hopefully she gets her act together real soon! Especially since u paid your deductible.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. My surgery is same day surgery center- after few hours, up walking, able to sip and hold down Fluid, you are discharged. I live in Las Vegas. People from all over the country come to this practice to get this procedure done. They call it fast track. In 5 days get all testing done Psychological is done on line, ULTRASOUND IF NEEDED, EKG, STRESS TEST, EGD, BLOOD WORK, NUTRITION CONSULT, VGS SURGERY, IV THERAPY NEXT DAY then return home. The surgeons have been here for years, they have perfected the process, the patients absolutely get door to door service. Hotel, private car service to and from all appointments. [emoji16] Of course I live here so I completed my process over few weeks.
    Good Luck tomorrow , remember go into procedure with happy positive thoughts [emoji2]
    Oh wow..5days that's amazing!!

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Only the bestest and neatest people have December Birthdays and I'm glad to meet another. Mine will be on the 26th, 73 on that day and like Peter Pan , I may never "grow up" ,at least not into sour pickle-hood . Had a lady in my childhood [emoji547] church , got up to testimony , said" Oh How I love Jesus" with her face all scrunched up. I used to think "Golly why don't you smile? You aren't a very good and pleasant advertisement for the Christian Life!"

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. I have a rant. A big one. The dang Premier Protein class action lawsuit that apparently caused ALL THE GOOD FLAVORS to disappear from shelves! I'm aware they have to reformulate and re package. But it doesn't make me happy about it! I know they issued a statement that they are continuing to produce their most popular flavors vanilla and chocolate. UH HELLO.... every Protein Drink company and their dog makes chocolate and Vanilla! Its the only stupid flavors I can find anywhere in ANY BRAND! I miss Peaches and banana and Caramel and Cookies n Cream! Wish I could go back in time 3 months and buy a bunch up to get me through this "difficult time"
    Oh no.. I love the Peach & Banana [emoji31]

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. Surgery planned 12/17 for VSG. I’m somewhat new to this forum and enjoy reading posts but see that many of the threads are pretty self limiting-
    I’m looking for a few people with dates in the same week as me to really connect, support and keep each other motivated over the long run.
    Suggestion? I’m willing to create a group text chat or any other type of chain email communication for us to stay connected as we begin the journey!
    Hey.. I would be interested. My date is 12/20 for VSG.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. I'm on my pre-op diet for surgery on the 20th. I'm two days into the diet and I am pretty sure this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever convinced myself to do. I've been known to be a quitter in my life and I'm afraid that I won't make it through. My state of mind right now is that "it's okay to be fat and unhealthy and hurt trying to walk around because my knees and back hurt and I'm okay if I die early from obesity. At least I am enjoying good food" I really hate everything I am eating right now and can't imagine doing this for the rest of my life and cutting out all the foods I like! I HATE vegetables and I'm not wild about meat either. Help you guys! I have fibromyalgia and i don't know if the stress of this has me flared up right now, or the rain, or that fact that my 14 yo dog won't eat, but I can barely get out of bed I am in so much pain, I feel like I will never be able to get out of bed again. Maybe now is not the right time for me to be doing this.
    I want to encourage you to stay steadfast and determined. DONT GIVE UP.. my date is 12/20..we can do this!! Its only food.. there are so many other things in life to do to get the joy that food gives you. We were meant to eat to live...NOT live to eat. So continue on your pre-op diet.. look at some of the YouTube video from others such as Kat Branchman -I love hers.. I have had SOOO many things happen in life that no one would blame me if I just stop trying at life..but I can't do that.. We were born for a reason..so lets live!! And be healthy..[emoji4]

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

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