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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by mrs_brontosaurus

  1. On 10/11/2019 at 18:01, ValerieInMexico said:

    Sounds like your Mom is competitive. My Mom encouraged and cheered me on, any time I worked at losing weight. Do you favor your Mom in looks?

    Not really, no. She is honestly has a lot of other issues too, and I do all I can to stick to small talk with her like the weather and gardening etc. she’s a handful lol.

    I’m glad you’ve got a supportive mom.

  2. I don’t have anywhere/anyone else to vent about this weird behavior to so I’m putting it here so anyone else with weird/unsupportive people in their lives can commiserate.

    I had surgery in May, after beginning the process in December. Things are going great, I’m losing weight slowly but surely, feeling great, and beginning to love my new appearance. You all know how it goes. Anyway, my mother was unsupportive surgery, didn’t think I should do it, tried to make me second guess myself, told me how she would NEVER do something so drastic, that she and I just needed to get on a diet together and lose our weight the “right way.” I got surgery anyway, and now I’m nearly 60 pounds down and over half way to my goal weight. I weigh less than my mom and now she is telling me that she has only been eating 800 calories a day and she’s going to lose weight without surgery and every time we are together and she is eating, she makes a point to eat a few bites and tell everyone how full she is, how she simply cannot eat that much food!

    It’s bizarre and annoying. I hope she does diet and lose weight, and if she wants to eat 800 calories, that’s up to her, but it’s just obnoxious and silly the way she is carrying on when we are together.

    Can anyone relate? Has anyone been weird about their own diets/weight with you since surgery?

  3. Thank you, Frustr8. I am beginning to feel a bit better. I had some Soup and it was good. I am dehydrated according to my doctor and I’ll need to go get a bag of fluids on Monday. I also got thrush from the antibiotics I had to take pre-op. Lots of little bumps in the road but I know I’ll get better. I’m sorry to hear about your daughter. It’s a shame she treats you that way. Families can be very difficult.

  4. I was sleeved on the 29th too and I’m completely exhausted and if I stand for more than a few minutes I feel like I’ll faint. I’ve had my mom and sister here to help me with The kids because I couldn’t do it on my own. I called my doctor yesterday and they said to drink more Water. I’m doing my best but so far I still feel weak and dizzy. I hope there are answers at my post op appointment tomorrow because I can’t live like this and it’s beginning to make me regret surgery.

  5. On 05/01/2019 at 12:53, Dabeyhive said:

    I was thinking about geting the zozo suit for my measurements but im sure My granny can help me . Someone said if i have a stall dont worry about it my body is working on my inches instead of weight .

    I just saw that the xoxo suit isn’t sending out and more suits or selling clothes in most parts of the world anymore.

  6. I don’t have a date yet, but the only thing I have left to do is my scope and a final meeting with the surgeon to begin my two week pre-op diet. Scope is on the 30th this month, then middle of May I’ll be out of town for a week. My scheduler was certain that I could have a June surgery. Cheers to all!

  7. I’m still pre-op so take my advice with that in mind. When I was pregnant and had to take zoftan to help my serious morning sickness, I got seriously, horribly constipated. I got to ten days with no movement and was finally advised to use an enema. The fleet enema is just a saline solution and it did the trick when nothing else did. I tried stool softeners, Miralax, everything I could safely use. The enema fixed my problem in about 5-10 minutes. I know it seems like an extreme tactic, but it beats suffering with a stomachs ache and sore backside. If it isn’t contraindicated with was, I think it’s worth a try. Good luck!

  8. I have this issue even pre-op at 245 pounds. I’ve dealt with it since I was 10. It’s an annoying thing my body does. I can’t say if it improves as your weight stabilizes, but I can tell you that most remedies have been useless for me. Increasing sodium, taking atenolol, wearing compression stockings, chugging Gatorade, it was for naught. I know now to just manage the symptoms as they come. I try to avoid triggers like doing anything too exerting first thing in the morning, exercising too intensely, standing stationary too long, especially in stuffy/hot environments. If I feel an “episode” coming on, I try to lie down if possible, and if not I sit down and try to ensure I won’t fall if I faint. Good luck!

  9. I don’t think you sound impulsive. Even if you were, the process to get surgery can be frustrating and long. I’ve been considering surgery for five years at least. Only now that my insurance changed is it a possibility for me. I went to a seminar with the surgeon in December, had to reschedule my intake appointment in February, and probably won’t get surgery until June once Ive jumped through all the hoops, and that’s without a 6 month supervised diet. I think that being active in communities like this, discussing your plans with your doctor, and making any changes you can ahead of surgery is a good way to gauge your level of commitment. I wish you all the best with whichever option you choose.

  10. I’ve got a ton of clothes as small as a size twelve stored away that I can’t wait to wear. It’s hard to look too far to the future because I’m still pre-op, but if things go as planned I should have lost enough to wear a really great jeweled sweater that I only got to wear once before I outgrew, and a pair of grey pointe knit leggings with some black heels to Christmas this year!

    I also have a pretty red dress I bought to wear on my honeymoon but I thought it was too snug so I didn’t. It’s still got tags on it.

  11. I’ve been watching religiously since the first episode. I identify with some of them even though I’m not nearly their size. I always root for them to do well and make progress physically and mentally. I don’t really like the “train wreck” episodes. It’s hard to watch people struggle or act like jerks to each other or poor Dr. Nowzaradan.

    I did change my Fitbit background to a pic of Dr Now.

  12. My moment that really solidified this choice for me was when I had to take my son to the hospital. He was six months old and suddenly got sick. I had to take him to the children’s hospital. He was miserable and he was crying and being walked around helped him calm down a bit. I could barely do it. I have gotten so heavy that my hips, knees, and back ache. I am so fat that I couldn’t comfort my baby as good as I should have. I don’t ever want my weight to impact my children so I’m doing something about it. It’s a big commitment and not something I’m taking lightly. I need to do this, though.

  13. I went to the seminar on December 6 and turned in my information packet. I got a call to schedule my intake appointment and couldn’t get in until February 5. Naturally, on February 2 me and my 7 month old came down with the flu. I’ve felt like complete garbage, but I thought I might be ok to go tomorrow. Then this morning my 5 year old woke up with a fever, chills, and cough.

    I had to reschedule and my new appointment is March 19. It’s really not that long, but I was really looking forward to this appointment and getting the ball rolling and now I had to restart my countdown app on my phone. I’m feeling very sorry for myself. Just needed to whine a bit. I guess I’ll spend the next 42 days revising my questions for the surgeon/psych/nutritionist and pinning my aspirational wardrobe on Pinterest.

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