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Posts posted by minidriver

  1. That tummy is the flattest thing I've ever seen! Are you feeling like it was the greatest thing to do? Any regrets?

    You look like you don't even need to lose more! :)

    Thanks, you're sweet. Nope, no regrets at all. I just can't wait till the swelling is all gone so that I can see the final results. It's just the weirdest thing to see myself in the mirror with this tummy. Blows my mind.
    Oh my gosh, Mini, I'm so jealous! You look great. I don't even want to broach the subject of a Tummy Tuck with my husband since it was just last March that we sprung for my band surgery...but your before pictures are more flattering than my belly right now.
    Thanks! Yeah, I taught extra classes all summer to pay for it. I feel really guilty spending all this money on myself, but DH seems to enjoy it just as much as I do!
    Just wanted to come on and say I'm quite nervous right now. My knee surgery is at 1PM tomorrow (for 2 torn meniscus)

    It's fairly minor...but still general anesthesia. I just hate that....

    Good luck, Julie! I am always so scared about the anesthesia, but I know you'll be fine. Let us know how it goes. I'll be thinking of you.

  2. Hi Mini,

    I went for my 2 week blood tests today. I should know by Wednesday or Thursday if Oct 28th will be my surgery day. If my Iron is still really low they may consider an Iron infusion (IV) but it has it's own risks and my family doctor may not go for it. She may just want me to continue on with the iron. Anyways...I'm going to think positive!

    How are you doing and feeling? How is the healing coming along?

    Thanks for checking in'



    Have you heard back on your tests yet? Let us know. I'm doing well . . . every day is a little better. Lots of swelling in the afternoon though. Very annoying.

  3. Well, it's been four weeks today since my Tummy Tuck, and I'm pretty darned happy with the outcome. Having some swelling in the afternoons, and the "Ken" area is always swollen, but hopefully that will go away some day. I also have a little extra swelling on the left hip where I had the hematoma, but the massage therapist is getting rid of that slowly but surely. My incision is still kind of sore where it wraps around onto my back, but the front is not a big deal at all. I'm really not trying to wear smaller pants or anything yet . . . maybe I'll try in a few more weeks.

    I have posted some updated photos. The link is:

    Plastic Surgery Pictures, Videos, Photos, Pics, Before, After, Cosmetic Surgery

    password: goobgone

  4. Absolutely will do, luv2teech! I work at Yale University in New Haven and am covered by their health plan, so that's where I'm looking for info.

    Dr. Schulman in NYC has a thread here...I've just gotta break away from my office to call his office and make an appointment for a consult. I'd love to do the surgery this year, but it really depends on timing and money...he recommended 3 weeks off for me, and right now I can cover that, but only with the help of our regular holiday shutdown.

    I may not be ready for the surgery - I've heard reports that you should be at goal for 6 months before surgery, and others that said they had the surgery to help them reach their goal...I'm of two minds about it - part of me wants to GET IT OVER WITH - but not at the risk of my health.

    I'll keep y'all informed - and if I find out I can make this happen this year, I'll start a plastic surgery thread so I don't 'hijack' this one! :)

    My issue was with timing as well. I also work at a university and am on sabbatical this term, so it was really the only time I had when it made sense to do it. My PS said that, as long as I didn't lose more than maybe 10-15 more lbs, he didn't care at all that I wasn't at goal. He just said that if you lose more than that, the skin starts to sag again. Made total sense.

    I really am fine with the idea of only losing ten more pounds. It has taken me six months to lose the last ten, so I don't think that, reasonably, I can expect to lose a whole lot more. I won't be skinny, by any means, but I am pretty happy with how I look and feel at that weight.

  5. Mini, your experience sounds wonderful, I am going to check around to see if there is any such program in my area. I guess this means you stopped draining blood? I would think increased urination would mean the massage was VERY effective!!!

    Keep healing and congrats on your 4 pound loss. Thanks for the detailed information on the Flexsees, I was able to go right to the correct one to look at it on Amazon.< /p>


    I had some drainage Tuesday morning, but nothing since then. I just came back from the PS, and he thinks all the old blood is gone. YAY! I LOVED the massage. Loved it loved it loved it. I think it will really help with keeping the swelling down.

  6. YAY!!! I just had my unfill! Dr. K took out .4 and I feel SO MUCH BETTER!!! I had 2 chicken strips and a 5 ounce bowl of salad at the hospital cafeteria to test it out. I haven't been able to eat salad for so long!!!! I am ecstatic! I can go back to eating what I am supposed to because I actually can EAT IT!!! I am looking forward to making food again because I can eat!!! YAY!!! I love unfills!!! Ok, maybe I am a little crazy, but it really has been about 6 months since I have been able to eat things besides Soups and slider foods, but I still managed to lose 20lbs in 6 months. I am headed home now, waiting for my flight. I hope it's less bumpy than the last one. It's the only time I have actually gotten nauseated on a flight.
    Marie, I am so happy to hear that you're able to eat again! I think being too tight just sounds awful. Have a wonderful flight . . . I hope it's not bumpy either. It's really not my favorite flight . . . .

  7. Hi Minidriver!

    Ebony makes note...lymphatic massages - must do!

    I just found out there is a plastic surgery "department" at the university where I work - they are a teaching hospital and I know a lot of the residents there. I've sent the chief physician an inquiry regarding their requirements and such. If I can get it done right on campus, that means less expense (possibly). The medical plan at my job might cover more of the expense that way...it might also be easier to qualify since they work with my bariatric surgeon.

    How long was your process of approval, etc from start to finish? Or were you self-pay, and so did not have to jump through hoops - I can't remember right now...:)

    Ooooo, that would be awesome if you could get it done through the program there! Unfortunately, I was self pay. So I had no hoops . . . just had to come up with the money! Luckily my PS was very reasonable - $5800 for everything. I thought that was pretty good.

  8. Hi ladies. I had my first lymphatic massage today. It was FABULOUS!!! The massage therapist claims that it will really help with the swelling and with general healing. All I know is that I felt so much better after I went. I can stand up straighter and I just feel much closer to "normal". I have been peeing like crazy since I got back, which I'm hoping means that some of that excess Fluid is draining away. I am going again next week and can't wait. I highly recommend it for anyone having a Tummy Tuck.< /p>

  9. You guys were right!!! I did manage to lose the 1.8 I gained last week. This week I am down 3.2. Anyone else?......

    Snowgator -5 lbs

    PartyAntOvrYt -25 lbs/ -4

    laptastic -16 lbs/ 0

    deboregon -10lbs/ -2/ +.8

    Kayleighsmommy -15 lbs/ +1.8/ -3.2

    Coloradomom -25 lbs

    Lap_dancer -8 lbs

    minidriver -12 lbs/ -3

    mem620 -15 lbs

    BellaPerdente -5 lbs

    Hi Julie. I was also down 1.4 last week. I thought it was posted at one point, but then it disappeared. So mine should say -1.4, then -3.

    Congrats on reaching the 250's! It's always so exciting to reach one of those milestones.

    Deb, have a blast at your reunion tonight and a wonderful trip. I'm glad your mom is doing better.

  10. Wow! That side view is Amazing!

    Do you have kids? I have 4, and my lower tummy looks similar to your befores... I just can't imagine how its going to be after I lose the weight. Sag City!

    You are such an inspiration!

    Yep, I have two kids (27 and 30) and my lower tummy has looked like that since the first one was born (c-section). Well, I guess it wasn't quite as bad, but it didn't look very good. I can't believe how I look from the side. It's just weird. I really can't remember ever being that flat from the side. You'll be there before you know it!!

  11. Hello, ladies. Let's see . . I will try to make sure I answer everybody's questions.

    Mimi and Skinnyjeans, I think I'll wait till next week for a massage. Even if the masseuse could deal with the blood seeping out of my leg, it really grosses me out. I would be totally grossed out on her behalf. Seriously. I just talked to the nurse and if it hasn't stopped by Monday, they want me to come back in. She said they might have to "go in again" and remove the blood. Poop. Oh well.

    Let's see, I bough a Flexees firm control corset with panty and ordered it on Amazon. I wanted that particular one because it has hooks and eyes all the way up the front, so I figured it would be less difficult to put on. I don't have sweaty skin per se (haven't hot flashed for awhile since I had a hysterectomy 10 years ago), but the thought of pulling something really tight over my incision sounded kind of oogy.

    Barb, my energy levels are kind of up and down. I was feeling great yesterday morning and went grocery shopping with DH. By midafternoon I was pretty tired. My daughter and her husband came by to visit last night, and I was beat by the time they left. I am really happy I'm not having to deal with work right now. I think it would be tough for someone my age to go back to work after two weeks. How is your red blood count looking? Still tolerating the Iron supplements okay?

    EbonyRose, thanks for looking at my pics and for your kind words! Sounds like you are doing great on your weight loss! You must look fantastic at your height and weight! Wow! And your time for surgery will get here before you know it.

    Speaking of weight, I weighed this morning and I am 4 lbs less than I was the morning of surgery. YAY! So I'm hoping that trend will continue. I'm actually quite (pleasantly) surprised! I figured it would take longer to show up on my scale.< /p>

    Well, I'll post again soon, and more pics next week or something. And I'll let you ladies know what happens with the seeping blood thing.

  12. Mini, you look friggin awesome!!!! I am so happy for you!!! The glue will wear off soon enough. I am so happy for you!


    Why thank you, Miss Mimi! Friggin' awesome is definitely what I'm going for!

    So I switched today from my binder to my Spanx type thing. Unfortunately, I went to the grocery store and by the time I got back the hole from my drain had quite a bit of blood and I don't want the Spanx to get bloody so I put the binder back on. The Spanx thing definitely works better under my clothes though.

    I am soooooo close to being fully upright. That will make such a difference in my back pain, I think. I can't wait to go have the massage, but I don't want to go while I'm still bleeding from the drain hole. I don't want to subject anyone else to the potential grossness. :tongue2:

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