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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by minidriver

  1. minidriver

    Lap band Deaths

    I'm scared too. But I keep reminding myself that there is nearly 100% chance that my excess weight will cause me serious harm and a very very low chance that the surgery will harm me. But, yes, it's a scary thought.
  2. minidriver

    Lap band Deaths

    Hi Paws. Sorry, I wasn't meaning to be snarky in my reply, just logical. I'm sorry if I offended you in any way. I sure didn't mean to.
  3. PS- my DH and I were discussing this thread last night and remarking about the strangely fond memories we have of our old, piece of crap cars. All the more poignant for you because of your brother. Thanks for sharing your story.
  4. OH DEAR!!! That reminded me of a funny story. When I was in grad school, we lived in a house that had a shared driveway with the neighbors who had a teenaged daughter. Apparently someone was angry at her and decided to get back at her by spray painting the "b" word on the trunk of her car. Unfortunately, they chose MY car instead and, in big red letters, spray painted "bich" on my trunk. Realizing the errors of their ways, they then painted a "t" above with a carat showing that it should have been part of the word below. Anyway, I went out and hopped in the car on the morning after the incident and didn't look at my trunk for any reason. Drove to school, went to the library, stopped at the store, etc. Didn't notice a thing until I got home and my son saw it. I called the police to report it and the woman taking my report started to laugh her butt off. Apparently an officer had seen me driving around town and thought that I was just letting people know that I'm one cranky woman. I guess everyone at the police station had been laughing about it. I started laughing too and pretty soon I had tears rolling down my face from laughter. The woman at the police station said that we'd need to catch the perps and prosecute them for "crimes against spelling". Luckily we were able to remove the spray paint with nail polish remover. But it still cracks me up every time I think about it.
  5. minidriver

    Lap band Deaths

    I read in the paper nearly everyday that someone dies in a car accident. I actually know people who have died in car accidents. I'm going to go get in a car now and go to the store. There are risks in EVERYTHING in life. Which risks are you willing to take?
  6. And someone needs to update her ticker to reflect her INCREDIBLE weight loss this week. :thumbup:
  7. Yes, he told me he does it at 4 weeks . . . although he didn't really say why. I'm just so excited for my surgery date. It feels like it will never get here, but I know the time will fly by!

  8. Congratulations Mal and Dee!!! Fantastic! Whoo hoo!!! Mal- the zoo story is too freakin' funny. LMAO!! Deb- I thought I was the only person in the world with the weird battery/back seat fire problem! What a bummer about your car though. Bikini-yes, this is definitely the best place to hang out. I feel soooo much better about my upcoming surgery knowing that I have such great support on this board. And we have fun, too!
  9. Ooo, your first cars sound fun! And, yes, you should get yourself a Jeep!! And how fun that you skated!
  10. My first car was a green VW beetle from the 50's. The floorboards were rusted through and you could see the road below. The back seat was "sprung" and if you sat on it it would catch on fire from pressing on the battery (yes, the battery was under the back seat). You could shift without putting in the clutch as long as you listened for the "sweet spot" of the rpms. I was driving on the highway once and somehow got it up over 45. Both running boards blew off and flew down the road. No wonder I'm afraid to drive! Can't wait to see how you all do on your weigh in tomorrow. I can't WAIT to have my surgery. I am so ready for this.
  11. I hope the fill thing works out too. I am for sure going to go to Denver for the first fill anyway.

  12. That's sad. Little girls need a mom. Big girls need a mom.
  13. Oh, ugh. How (sadly) typical. Happiness has so little to do with how someone looks. Besides, when you love somebody they become more and more beautiful.
  14. I hear ya' sister. There are soooo many beautiful women who are obese. Have you ever noticed how many bigger women are really great dancers? And how sensual bigger women can be in their movements, etc? And we're soft - not bony and spikey like skinny women. so there! And good looking men can be real a$$holes (pardon my French). Not all of them, of course, but too many of them. My friend and I have a good testosterone/bad testosterone classification system about guys. Some of them are good looking and manly in a really great way. But some of them - just plain trouble.
  15. You didn't offend anyone. It was adorable. Wow, a blind date would be hard. Men are so "appearance driven". One of my least favorite things about them. Funny story about the 900 number voice. Another possible career choice for you . . .
  16. Beautiful car! And the daughter's pretty darned beautiful as well! DH drives an xterra and loves it.
  17. Well, we certainly have lots of multi-tasking moms on our roads. I don't know how they do it!! Okay, here's an embarrassing thing - I'm really wimpy about driving and don't drive on the freeway. I don't drive at night. To be honest, I only drive in my general neighborhood. I bought a MINI Cooper because I can't park anything any bigger than that. It's really awful. So I won't find myself driving in Denver, that's for sure. Well, now you all know what a BIG WUSS I am. But I save a lot on gas!!
  18. Shelbi, we can definitely chat later. You have a WONDERFUL time at the beach. We'll all be sending lots of warm fuzzies to your husband. Sooo good that they caught it and he's getting treated.
  19. Well, well, well, Miss Trouble. You have yourself some pleasant dreams. Perhaps they'll involve purple high heels and handcuffs.
  20. Excellent advice, Lap Dancer. We ARE worth the investment in ourselves. And I think it would be unusual not to have some degree of doubt. Sometimes ya' just hafta' take a leap of faith.
  21. Thanks! Wow, with your multi-tasking abilities in the car, you'd fit right in here in Utah :wink2::lol:
  22. Well, Dr. K. is going to check into FillCenter USA for me and see if the one here is any good. I'm really torn . . . I want to just go to Denver but I'm worried that I will get too busy and then not end up going as often as I should. I'm a professor at Westminster and I get really busy during the school year.


    I told my doctor last week about my plan to be banded and he was REALLY supportive. That made me so happy. I was worried that he'd try to talk me out of it, too. so it was nice to have some support.

  23. Well, what a great day on this forum!! DEE!! A huge NSV. You must be so happy about the positive changes in your health and stamina. You've come such a long way. LAP!! Congrats on your weight loss. Bitch-slappin' that head hunger made a big difference! Munchkin - I don't know you, but I'm so happy that you can fit into a size large. Someday, someday . . . Too bad about your PF. I have it bad in both feet and I am really hoping it will clear up without surgery. And, yes, do tell us about your dogs. Bahot - That's so awesome that your husband is chasing you around the house. I told my hubby that I'll buy some lingerie when I lose weight. He hasn't seen me in anything but sweats and t-shirts in bed for a loooonnng time. Deb - I don't feel that the rate I got at Holiday Inn was all that great. Dee suggested that I call and talk to a manager, so I may give that a try tomorrow. I'll be curious to see what they quote you. I had a good (non-weight related) thing today. I have a 26 year old son with paranoid schizophrenia who has also battled addiction for several years. He's sober now and stabilized on his meds. We met with his case manager today and he is going to try moving into a supported living apartment. This is a huge step for him and I just wanted to share because I'm very excited for him to take this step.

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