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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I_Said_NO

  1. I_Said_NO


    I did not understand fully like you say you do. I thought I did. I did not realize that it was going to be like a diet. Frankly I only lost weight during the liquid phase. Then it all kind of slowed down, and then came to a halt. Don't be offended by people who are frustrated with this procedure, if I had it to do over, I'd have chosen the gastric bypass, hands down. Instead of being mad look at this as a cautionary tail. I wish someone had warned me. Good luck to you.
  2. I_Said_NO

    In a slump and in the dumps...

    Do you think we've all been duped? I do. If I could lose weight 'dieting' I would have spared myself this band.
  3. I_Said_NO


    Thanks for your input molly. I see that the band has really worked for you. I just wanted to point out a couple of things, hopefully it will be taken in the light it is sent. You are obviously a kind person, but please don't assume that when someone is not losing with the band that they are self-sabotaging. I was already eating healthy foods before I got the band... am I perfect? No. But I am eating WAY less food and my body is simply not going to lose. I was never able to lose on a diet, while others would drop weight I would be stuck at the same size. The fact that I have lost anything at all, is a miracle. So with that respect, maybe I should be grateful. <crying> there is only so much a person can take, and I feel like my dreams of being thin, are just that, dreams.
  4. I_Said_NO


    I'm having a @!%# of a time with lap band. Right now I wouldn't recommend it to my worse enemy. I am such a positive person that it is hard for me to handle these feelings. I tend to find the bright side of everything. To admit that this has failed me... brings up a plethora of feelings. I wake up and blame myself, but decide that 'today is the day' I will not fail. I decide to do all the perfect things ... I do all the right things, and maybe go off a bit, then whatever that means... but if I could DIET, then I wouldn't have done the lap band to begin with. I am feeling hopeless and this is so not like me.
  5. I_Said_NO

    Just one change...

    Good morning everyone! I'm at a dreadful plateau. I refuse to surrender to it. It has been several weeks, perhaps even a month or two, but I am also refusing to read the exact date, because I'm afraid I'll fall apart. Anywho, each day/week I try to tweak just one thing. I've been scrutinizing my diet, exercise, etc, and each day I review it to see what I can change the next day and then a big change for the next week. For example, one of my biggest changes has been to only have a shake for breakfast, high protein of course. I was having eggs, but that sometimes led to other things with breakfast. This way it is done and over, and I'm satisfied. Then the next week I made sure that I got all the grams of protein I needed. Then last week I focused tracking every morsel that went into my mouth. It has been an eye opener to say the least. So I'll start this thread with a promise to end my foods after dinner. I have been staying up late, and then having a snack before bed. It may be what is keeping me from moving on. I'll just sip water for the rest of the evening. Do any of you do things like this to keep on track? I hope you'll join me, because I'd love to read your ideas as well. I am on the verge of falling apart over this plateau. literally hanging by a thread here... trying not to be a debbie downer...
  6. I_Said_NO

    Just one change...

    Sue, excellent idea! I've heard a lot of people do that. I went to visit a friend of mine who just had a gastric bypass, and she swears by it. Thanks ... any suggestions on which is the best? Susan I think I'm headed there next. My dh said to join any time but I've been holding out for ??? what I do not know. Congrats on turning it all around. Thanks Molly for the tips... I'm determined to turn this around. ty ty ty Have any of you kicked the sugar habit completely? I mean I eat a LOT less of it but I've never actually given it up completely... I really want to. I'm thinking that it may be that 'one' change that could make the difference.
  7. I_Said_NO

    7 months,and losing sloooooooow!

    I'm also losing slowly. I have been writing down what I'm eating and comparing it to my past food journal. I'm really doing much better compared to my pre-surgery eating, but there are times when I choose to have a 'treat' and even though it is not much, for what ever reason, my body is not cooperating. To get the weightloss to start up again, I know I need to change my exercise up a bit, and write down every morsel because you may see that you have too many carbs or you could see that you do not have enough to eat, because that too can halt your weightloss. I bet if you keep up the walking, write down what you eat and be meticulous:smile2:, your scale will keep moving!
  8. I_Said_NO

    Turns out that I am crazy

    Mine was odd, she asked me the same above questions and then spent 1/2 hour talking about her weight issues. I was giving her advice by the end of the session! I think I even talked her into getting a lapband. :smile2:
  9. I_Said_NO

    Why are people afraid of atheism?

    Protests are a good thing. It is what makes America great! Freedom of speech. And regarding the topic, I'm not afraid of atheism, but perhaps you have misinterpreted their concern for anger. It would be selfish and go against all religions who believe in God, Yahweh, Jehovah, etc, to not include or try to persuade someone to consider a higher power. Some people are rather passionate especially since hell is a scary place and eternity is a long time. So if they come across as angry, just think of it as passion and let it go. But if you feel compelled to know more, then just ask. :blushing: Are all atheists Darwinists? Just curious.
  10. wow... glad I found this thread... I thought it said need help with some 'MUNCHIES' ... which I do... but nice to read the ideas for high Protein soft food. I will try that 'fake' lasagna. I also found no flavor soy protein pwd great to doctor up any Soup. I really enjoyed split pea with extra protein pwd. For a treat i would get some egg drop soup. keep up the good work!
  11. I_Said_NO

    When did your period come back?

    happy to have found this PCOS group... anywho... I had 'fairly' regular periods but after this surgery I've only had 1 period and then over a month ago I had one day of bleeding... what the heck?! Not sure what is going on. Any of you had this to deal with?
  12. I_Said_NO

    for the ladies...

    HELP, I think I'm losing my mind... been checked out ... seems I'm NORMAL, or normal for having PCOS, and going through possible early menopause. It is the cravings of salty and sweet... mainly chocolate that is KILLING me!!!! And the mood swings... angry, silly, sad, repeat I think that I used food to help me with overwhelming feelings and now I'm left high and dry... HELP :cursing:crazy :drool:crazy :huh2:crazy:lol:
  13. I_Said_NO

    Turns out that I am crazy

  14. I_Said_NO

    Turns out that I am crazy

    Hey we're all a little crazy some days... do the eval on another day and you'd be sane... I'm CRAZY today but yesterday I was CRAZY-CRAZY... kids are good but my patience is NOT

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