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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I_Said_NO

  1. I_Said_NO

    In a slump and in the dumps...

    woo woo!!! Good for you!!!
  2. I_Said_NO


    Those cheetos happened to be at a family gathering. UGH. Funny we have individual chip bags for lunches, baked, pretzels etc. Some good some bad. But I think I will even stop buying them altogether. My skinny family can do without. Thanks both of you. I think that it is not so much a 'trigger' food that i have problems with as a trigger situation. then I just start looking for something to eat. For example, in the car this evening, something my dh was saying was driving me up the @#!$ wall. He was just talking, and for some reason it was getting on my nerves. So I pulled out my side salad that I had not had time to eat, (from McD's) and started munching. I KNEW it was because something he said triggered something in me and I was feeling overwhelmed with emotions of annoyed, angry, agitated. So the chewing, eating etc, helped. Frankly, he said nothing that was bad. He was just stating an opinion, that wasn't mine. BELIEVE ME I was being childish. After several loud yawns, I had to eat something. Thought I would explode. :sad:
  3. I_Said_NO

    Just a few questions...

    YIKES... YES... they keep telling me I'm in early menopause!!! I've not had a cycle since Dec 07! And I'm in my early 40's. I had my lapband in Oct 07
  4. I_Said_NO


    TY TY TY!!!! I've been doing pretty good. Your 'band rules' are a little different than mine. They said my meal should be 1/2 cup to 1 cup. I should, as i said, start my day with a high Protein drink. They have us basically follow the bypass plan. That is a mistake. I see that now. I did wander off my plan this weekend. I need to really figure out why I do that. Of course with the band I can't eat much, but it was the kind of things I put in my body. Like cheetos??????? :sad: I'm going to keep coming back here, and humbly admit when I fail, and open up to all the wonderful help that you all have provided.
  5. Hi Karen, There is a PCOS group here on LBT. I have heard of many people being approved when they don't have 100 pounds to lose. It has a lot to do with your co-morbidities and your conditions. PCOS is definately a reason to lose weight... and lapband may be the right thing. I want to warn you that even though you lose weight PCOS still makes it a very slow process. I'm at maybe 1 pound per week.
  6. I_Said_NO


    I am grateful for your reply. This is such a huge thing we are all doing. Sometimes it is easy to forget that this was a big decision. I had the option to do either and I chose this one and when the weight doesn't come off like we think it makes one wonder if we made the wrong decision. When I step back and look... I see rationally that this was really the best option for me. I just need to be patient, and believe in myself, and move forward one step at a time.
  7. I_Said_NO


    I'm sorry about your Mom, salsa. My surgeries were more of a bowel problem that I had and some hernias that came from those other surgeries. I've been lucky to have good 'fat' health. I have parents in their 70's, and both overweight but healthy. It was the right decision for you to do this. For me it was wanting to be fit when I am old. Although my parents have good hearts, BP, etc, they are not able to get around great. (I'm rambling... coffee doing overtime here) I'm glad your doctor prepared you for the surgery. You are going to do well and seriously as long as the pain is managed you will be thrilled with the flat tummy that you won't care. How exciting!!!! Your students are so fortunate to have such a caring teacher.
  8. I_Said_NO

    Question about your doctor

    It does the opposite with me. He will say things like "you are on track with the average loser but at this rate you will slow down and stop losing, so you need to step it up." It seems like a double entendre. I always leave deflated. I used to go in feeling like, "wow for the first time in my life, I'm losing!" Then after a few visits it was "well at least I lost." Now it is more like, "why can't I lose more!" I'm working on this. It is a mental thing with me. I seem to take others opinions over mine. I did tell him off, in a kind sophisticated way. I basically told him that maybe "people like me" (a category he made up with that title) have not failed the lapband but rather you've failed our category. I told him he seemed to have no room for those who lose slowly. A few other things, and it did feel good to have at least been able to state my point, and not just nod and go home deflated. Working on not being too sensitive so that I can take constructive criticism, and yet confident enough to take the good and toss the useless information. Thanks.
  9. Does your doctor accept that you are a slow loser or does he frown at you because the scale is not moving fast enough? My doctor is the later. I hate going to him. It has always moved at each visit, but this part is so mental. I feel like wearing ear plugs and just go for the check up.
  10. I_Said_NO


    No problem... life goes on whether we want it to or not, right? BTW, I have already had a tt. Yes at 270lbs!!! I have a nice flat tummy. It was not done for cosmetic reasons, but part of a bigger surgery. I just want to 'warn' you ... I've had 14 plus operations and all were painful, but nothing compared to the TT. Of course there was a lot of other stuff going on. I say this not to scare you, but so you can talk pain management with the doctor. Once they get your pain under control, it is just rest, recoup and enjoy the new tummy!!!! Yes I agree that too tight is just a set up for eating chocolate bars and other soft bad foods. I mean there is only so much a person can take before they start to want to eat anything that will go down. So far today is going well. When is the TT? Thanks to again to you & all! You have no idea the confidence I've felt again in myself, just from the feed back from my new 'mentors.' I know we can go to the LBT for anything but it is nice to have some experienced losers to help some of us who have issues from time to time. ty ty ty
  11. I_Said_NO


    I am thrilled. The scale has been stuck for so long and 2 days in a row it has moved. yes I'm a daily weigher. I only track one day, but I have looked at the same weight 4-ever. Thanks for your help. Sometimes it is hard to just hear/see the good news. I'm sure I'll be back for more help. Like, do any of you have problems with your band being to tight some days to get food down? I run into that sometimes, which I think is just as bad as being too lose because when it is too tight it is hard to find things that go down. Yesterday was one of those days, but I remembered that refried Beans work well on those days. So I had that for dinner. Do any of you have other suggestions for tight days? Because it is tempting to eat foods that go down easy but aren't packed with Protein. Yesterday even tuna salad, soft eggs would not go down. Other days I'm loose as a goose.
  12. I_Said_NO

    The untold of lapband

    Oops... meant to add something else. If you take MoM you need to triple your Water consumption. And if you require a stimulant, think about using yoga moves that help get the intestines going. Just google it and you'd be amazed... when done right, they can get the job done. :wink2:
  13. I_Said_NO

    The untold of lapband

    A friend that is a doctor told me once, don't underestimate the power of water. He said most people are lacking water, and they don't even know it. I added water and it helped but did not solve the issue. Also, he added, most people lead such busy lives that they don't leave time to actually do this ritual. So the constipation sets in and then they are back to square one and not two. sorry for the pun. Now as for me, it is not constant, but random. So far Mom does work for me. But have you ever tried the sugar-free candy? It has something in it that makes you v. regular. When was pregnant I used to eat the chocolate. It won't mess with your blood sugar, and it will regulate you. How about coffee? Excellent topic btw. :wink2:
  14. I_Said_NO


    Thanks!! All great ideas. I will scrutinize my measurements! ty ty ty
  15. I_Said_NO


    Yes I do recall my doctor saying that low-fat and fat free had 'fillers' in them that could hurt my weight loss efforts. I agree, maybe I am not accurate with the measurements. I will start being strict about what I eat, because it may be just what is keeping me at this plateau... which moved today for the first time. :thumbup:
  16. I_Said_NO


    thanks Kat, God bless you. Sometimes I find the kindest people on these lists. It gives one renewed strength. Now I'd better sign off and get to a chorus concert... a kindergarten one, it should be delightful!
  17. I_Said_NO

    In a slump and in the dumps...

    Oops... I'm very sorry. Good point Atallen Bullpen, I'm especially sorry. My posts start from the newest, so I never even read the original posters request. I'm losing my mind. Listen to the folks here, the ones that have been there/done that. I've found some hope in just reading posts. I started a mentor topic on general lapband. Maybe there are some bandsters that will help you there. Also, while reading posts, I found mylapband.com and it seems helpful as well. Good luck to you and sorry again for the goof.
  18. I_Said_NO


    thanks for your positive post, it is good that you have your eyes wide open. I have to say that before surgery, I had dieted a LOT, learned to eat much healthier and lowered my Cholesterol by 30 points. My HDL was high, and my LDL low, my triglycerides were outstanding to quote the nurse. My doctor was v. pleased but she knew something was wrong when I couldn't lose the weight. She ran some tests and found a hormone disorder. I take meds for it now. But the lapband was supposed to be that one thing that would finally get me to lose weight. I really wish I had considered bypass surgery. My surgeon suggested it. But I was sure lapband was the right thing. There are so many things that need to be studied about obesity. I hope that one day they discover the missing link. I'd hate to see my kids go through any of this.
  19. I_Said_NO


    First, ty ty ty! I feel v. special that you took the time to help me, a stranger. The calories you estimated are not accurate, I entered them in at sparkpeople: Breakfast: 244 Lunch: 246 Snacks: 161 I'm at 54 protein 26 carbs, calories 651 My salad dressing was full fat, and so is the mayo in the egg salad. I entered everything in spark people nutrition.One thing my doctor said was to not do low-fat. So I literally got rid of my fat free dressings, etc. It didn't make sense to me, but he seemed to know what he was talking about. He told me NOT to count calories, to only count protein grams, and carbs. I was to eat 90 grams of protein and 70 grams of carbs (or less). ( I haven't done atkins, but maybe that is that sort of mind set) BUT if you think this is holding me back, then I'm going to go lowfat now. He is adamant about starting day with protein drink and no carbs, so I will continue that. But I will go out and get low fat everything and start counting calories too. What should calories be? One reason I'm posting so much today is because of the bronchitis and the bum knee. On a good note, the knee is really much much better and I see myself exercising v. soon. OH the chili. Well I tried something new. I got a v. lean piece of sirloin with no fat on it, it would normally be tough to eat but I've cooked it in a crock pot ALLLLLLLL day. I have added many veggies, Beans, BUT I doubt I will be able to eat it. It is so lean that it looks a little dry. I've added juicy veggies, tomato sauce, etc, but I have such a tough time with meat. I may have a couple of tablespoons over a salad. Here is the next tough part for me, stopping eating at night. I feel like I barely can get 1/3 cup of cottage cheese down by day and at night, I finally can eat something of sustenance, so I do. I will make a promise to not eat after 8. Maybe will suck on some sugar free Popsicles. A nutritionist told me to have something filling and high in protein before bed as my last snack... I haven't been doing this. I think over the past few weeks I've just slacked off... I've been at this weight for a long time. Before that it was another plateau that was lifted by dropping 2 pounds.
  20. I_Said_NO


    AMEN to that Mango... I did that and gained. NOT for me.
  21. I_Said_NO


    That is sad, I've heard about people, and met them at my fills that got the band and continued to eat like junk food junkies. I gave that garbage up years ago, my gutt made me. One lady at my last fill (I have had 5 fills and I'm at 6.6 out of 10) she got the one fill and never came back and gained ALL she had lost. She was at her wits end. She gained courage, came back and did the fill, I've not heard or seen her and wonder just how she is doing. Lets face it I was in for an easier ride and that is just not panning out for me, I've faced much bigger problems before I'll get there one way or another. --- going to go find more posts ... thanks for your input.
  22. I_Said_NO

    In a slump and in the dumps...

    Froggi, if and when you get the band I would take what you say more seriously but it is really hard to find you posting all over the place that you want only to hear the good about the band. That is not reality. This place LBT is for all sides of the fence. And when people need help, feel frustrated, or duped, they want to come to the one place they can count on. What kind of place would this be if everyone came here and shouted chants of joy about the lapband? It would be a commercial by lapband people. I wish you well, and I hope you have your eyes wide open, and that when you are super successful you can come back here and help those who are struggling.
  23. I_Said_NO


    As it should. I hope that anyone out there researching the lap-band sees these posts and opens their minds up so they can make an informed decision. Lets face it, the band is not for everyone. Mango, I tend to agree with you here. I was having a lot of gastrointestinal problems pre-band and I had already cut out lots of the bad foods. I was eating very small amounts compared to the typical normal diet. I did have about a 5 day pre-band party ... eating things I had not allowed myself to eat. Then once I was banded I followed the doctors orders and lost then it has come to a complete stop. Maybe I'm just in a cranky plateau. Keep trying, I started a post called Mentor, and I'm looking forward to reading what the 'pros' have to say. Maybe I'm doing something wrong and they can tweak it for me.
  24. I_Said_NO


    Thanks everyone. I just PM salsa, but I think what I'll do is cut/paste my PM and put it here... looking forward to lots of your tough-love. It's just what I need. Here is the PM: Hi, thanks for your reply to mentor list. I'm going to drop my defenses, and be honest, hoping to turn things around and fall in love with the band again. about me: I'm a SAHM, with 6 kids. Some in college and some at home, ranging in age from college to preschool. All from the same wonderful dh. I have a hard time eating chicken or tough meats. I love veggies, ALOT. My doctors plan for me was to eat mostly Protein, some veggies, some fruit, little carbs. I was told to eat 3 meals with 3-4 Snacks to keep my metabolism burning. (maybe that is too much food) today, so far I've had: Breakfast, one ounce of cheese, one 24gram Protein Drink (110 calories) Lunch: 1/3 cup egg salad (homemade with olive oil, mayo), snack size cheetoes (100 calories 13 gram carb,) sugar free dessert cake (90 calories, 12 carb) Snack: (right now) 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese, some sugar snap peas with blue cheese dip, about 2T I have bronchitis right now, and a twisted knee. My exercise has slowed right down. I had the knee x-rayed and have Water on it, and an arthritic knee cap. I'm being put on anti-inflammatory meds, and also have been asked to have physical therapy to learn how to use the leg better. I miss the exercise a lot. I do hand weights and lots of chores to stay busy, i.e. laundry, (while standing), picking up, dishes, etc. Looking forward to hearing from you! OH for dinner, I have chili planned. I have it in the crock pot, made from scratch. All good things in it and I added tomatoes, carrots and mushrooms for extra Fiber and nutrition. After dinner, I haven't even planned anything as of yet, but maybe some melon with ff cottage cheese.
  25. I_Said_NO


    Thanks Cindy for your reply. May I ask you what a typical days foods are for you? How much exercise do you do? Looking forward to sharing with others who have been successful.

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