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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Xapphirea

  1. 46 minutes ago, KCgirl061 said:

    I went to a Brazilian steakhouse with my husband. You know the ones where they bring the cuts of meat to your table. So I got a little bit of different cuts of steak, chicken, pork, and lamb. I loved having the variety and don't regret doing it at all.

    Ooh those are brilliant! I have visited those restaurants in Brazil! I am not sure i can handle that now but I will probably go to Brazil end of this or next year, so I will definitely try. I remember walking in this restaurant the first time, I couldn't stop laughing for they had meat on their swords haha

  2. I am not a big fan of lying. I am a private person so only the ones close to me have heard it from my mouth. Others heard it from the gossip I guess. So If people ask I either say I have had surgery or tell them it is private. I won't deny it. Also, if something happens to you (for example an accident or if you have drunk/eaten something toxic) and you have passed out, people do need to know about your surgery so they know they can't intubate your stomach to empty it and adjust the medicines to the ones you can stomach. (pun intended ;))


    If you feel comfortable keeping this to yourself, and very uncomfortable sharing, it IS personal, so you can choose to do so. If your boyfriend/husband tells stuff if he is drunk... I can imagine you don't want to share it. I think there are other problems lurking though, which need to be fixed before you have a safe environment to share this. Till that time, you can keep it to yourself.

    Wishing you wisdom, whichever you choose

  3. Oh, that has easily been a year. or more. I did my share of research, decided to wait and try with weight watchers (again) for at least 6 months. But once the decision was made it was a no-doubt one.

    I would seriously suggest to take a couple of weeks, see how it feels for you. Ask around, read up, listen to your heart. It is a irrevocable procedure, and also a life changing one. Are you willing to give up old habits? Do you really feel okay with no more carbonated drinks, careful with what you put in your mouth, never have drinks with your food and so on. You really need that determination, it is not an easy process and there WILL be bumps in the road. Some people have life long problems, others go through it like a breeze, but you will never be the same anymore, that is for sure.

    Then again, if the decision clicks, and you are no longer in doubt, I would say go for it, and don't forget to enjoy the ride!

  4. I had my bill a few weeks ago, the whole surgery including all was a little over 9000 euro's so quite comparable to the UK, I'd say. Luckily my operation was completely covered by the insurance, apart from the mandatory 350 euros per year, which I had already spent. Yay for a good health insurance system right?
    Anyway, good luck finding a good place for surgery.

  5. I didn't have the time to have nerves. Once I entered the hospital, someone was having problems with their IV, and they had to take the medicines 1 hour before surgery, so she and I switched places. 40 minutes after entering the hospital, i was under. It went so quick that I did not have time to adjust. They should have given me a couple of minutes to relax, but yeah, maybe for the best?

  6. I would say if you are steady in weight that you might not want to do this? I don't know your BMI but in the Netherlands the minimum for a gastric bypass/sleeve is 35 with co-morbidities or 40 without. If your lap band is giving you problems, you can consider it, but I wouldn't expect too much weight loss after? Good luck either way

  7. Yes I did. I had been doubting this for weeks. During the pre op diet I had been a good girl. (not a shake diet but i chose weight watchers, half portions) Everyone asked what my last real meal would be and up to half an hour before I took it, I was convinced I would just eat regular food. But then my husband asked if I wanted fries with shoarma (spicy fried meat pieces) I took it, at half a small portion and enjoyed it very much. And you know what? No guilt, for I had been working to lose several kilo's before the operation, my liver would forgive me. I am 3 months out now and haven't had that meal since, and don't crave it.
    So my advice, yes take a last cheat meal but do not go overboard. Like I said, take half of a small portion. And I would advice against taking alcohol the day before operation, it might linger in your body too long? Anyway, good luck either way

  8. I heard about this , and if it doesn't feel good or fit your lifestyle, then don't. Everybody and every body is different so what works for one might not work for you. If you feel one cookie will make you turn the wrong way, then don't. It is perfectly fine to not do so. It is your journey, you are behind the steering wheel. Go for it and enjoy the view!

    It is similar to what happened to me last week. A colleague of his told him I should "train my stomach" by drinking soda and eat and drink at the same time. She also said that doing physical training will prevent loose skin. Because that was what she did. It took quite a bit of talking from my side that no, I will not train my stomach, and no, exercise will not prevent loose skin. If that comes, I welcome it! It means I am successful! But I take my bariatric team serious and even though I do eat chocolate now and then, in general I follow their advice.

  9. I am a pretty private person, I only told the people I know and trust. I am in a group of 10 people who are in the same phase. One of the women is from the home town of my parents. Boy, do I regret telling her that! Apparantly she gossipped and my mom, who was doing grocery shopping, got asked by a someone random if I were to have the gastric surgery 😕 Why, oh why do people talk about other people.

  10. Hi everyone. Today I encountered something I have seen a couple of times now. I am 6 weeks post operation and I am losing sloooowww. Which is fine. But sometimes people ask me about how much weight I have lost. Can be friends or family or total strangers. Today I was shopping for some smaller size jeans, and I was debating with my SO wheither I should buy 2 or 3 pairs of jeans. His answer was, let's take 2 and come back in a month, to get more. The sales woman looked puzzled and my husband told her I had an gastric operation. She then proceeded saying how good that was for me. And asked how much I have lost. I told her friendly, that I am not saying that, it is private. She really got a little angry telling me that it was only to support me and why was I angry. I told her I was not angry, I just consider that private. She got really upset about that. I ended up paying for my clothes in a bad atmosphere.
    But even other people keep asking me. I do not consider that a rude question or something, it is just private and I don't want to tell people. Maybe because I was hoping for more weight loss, but honestly I think not, I think I just don't want to share that information with people who are not in the same situation.
    What do you think? Do you tell random people your weight lost? Do you tell friends/family?

  11. I am Dutch, so yes it was a topic of discussion in our meetings. The answer I have gotten, was that smoking tobacco is not allowed. But smoking marijuana is, if you can smoke it without the tobacco. There are special Water pipes you can use it with or you can digest it in cake or in chocolate (sugar free of course)

    Images of waterpipes to give you an idea https://www.google.nl/search?q=waterpijp&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiXrqKL3bDfAhVENOwKHRt-D7kQ_AUIDigB&biw=1745&bih=864

  12. Now I am 4 weeks post op, but lost a lot of weight pre op aswell (30 kilos/60 lbs in 3 years time). My ring is on my middle finger, I would lose it on the ring finger. Even though it has little balls on the inside to prevent it from sliding off. In just over a year (jan 4th) we will be married for 20 years. (gasp!) By then I would be just over a year post op, and stablilized?? That would be a good moment to look for a new ring. I might get or make a ring guard until that time, or wear it on a pretty chain around my neck till then.

  13. The operation isn't without danger, true enough. But being overweight isn't without danger either, maybe not now but certainly in the long run. It is a choice you have to make, and if you are anything like me, I read the whole internet, a couple of books, and asked so many people about it, both pro's and anti's. A tough choice you need to make. But...

    Keep in mind that she is only talking about the people where it failed or went sideways. How many people (knowingly or unknowingly) has she met where a WLS was a success? It is always more dramatic to talk about people where it failed, sad as it is, then to talk about the succes stories.

    Wishing you all the wisdom to come to your choice!

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