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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by picturemethin

  1. I find that I can eat anything (I mean anything) as long as I chew it well and my band is pretty tight. When something feels like its going to come back up I usually will take a drink and it seems to pass through the band with minimal discomfort..

  2. I was banded March 18, 2008.

    I didn't feel the band until my 2nd fill. but I can definetly feel it especially now. I don't know if its because I have always been aware of how things feel going down or what.

    When I chew well, or drink Water its almost a full feeling that I get, even when I am not full with the band.

    If I am eating a meal and really need that drink of Water sometimes it gets stuck, like Santa gets stuck in the chimney. Theres a lot of pressure, and panic. So far it hasn't hurt, but it is definetly uncomfortable.

    actually feeling the band, I haven't felt it physically. I just know its there and am very aware when I have eaten too much or not chewed well enough.

    However, I am able to feel the port and the line from the port almost to the band. I rubbed my fingers on it to be sure and it was almost like it was flipping around inside... it was a weird sensation.

    _ Its not gas pain like you get from eating Beans, its pain from the gas that they load you up with under the skin to make the surgery easier... its one of the downfalls of Laproscopic surgery. Gas X and that sort isn't going to help it. I found that walking helped the best or forcing burps...but it still did not completely make it go away... I wasn't in terrible pain as I've read for other people just slight discomfort and only for a short time after the surgery. The gas will naturally release through your skin overtime.


  3. I understand, I was being tossed from person to person, doctor to doctor test to test... and I kept thinking this isn't worth it - and would go home and eat a burger....(sad I know)... I also received confusing information and a long list of insurance information required by my surgeons office. I called my insurance and sat on the phone 3 - 5 hours several times a week trying to get answers. I finally went to my surgeons office and spoke to the billing lady and about started crying and she promised me that she would get the information. The next thing I heard is I got the approval, which it was cutting it close and had to take two more classes (Surgeons requirement) and did the clear liquid for 9 of the 10 days and had surgery less than 2 weeks later. Everything went quick once the insurance gave the approval... I did have special circumstances, my job was changing insurances the end of that month and the new insurance would not approve the surgery without several months of consistent weight loss. Which I had already met all the requirements of the 1st insurance company.

    It was a mess, it was frustrating... I would not change a thing about my experience... and I LOVE my BAND -- Its like having kids...sometimes it doesn't listen, sometimes it makes you sick (like kids bring home stuff from school or daycare), and sometimes you are full up to here : ::reaches above head::

    Get back in it, and whenever you get stuck try a different approach..

    Good Luck!

  4. Anybody else noticing that the port is moving. My port is on the R - side about 5 inches below my breast midway between my right hip and belly button well thats where it was originally, its moving in towards the belly button more and has moved about 1.5 inches South. Is it going to end up in my crotch? I am just kidding, but anyone else experience that. My doc says its normal as you lose weight but, I am not so sure its supposed to move that much?


  5. Old habits die hard, I figured, I have had the habits a lot longer than the band... I just need to get really sick off of a bad habit and I will probably stop doing it... i am back on the bandwagon... now but it seems harder to control over the weekend even though there is so much temptation at work during the week... hmm... Oh the irony of it all...


    I agree I am just 57 lbs down and i feel amazing, just imagining how I will feel with another 57 lbs off of me... and then when I reach my goal, how euphoric it hopefully will be...

  6. Well, I also have PCOS it runs in every woman on each side of my family... ironically, I was the first to be diagnosed now all my aunts and mother have been diagnosed...I have been able to lose between 57 and 58 lbs since my surgery date march 18, 2008...the band has really been a life saver...alot of my symptons from PCOS seem to be either going away or relieving somewhat, I know that the more I lose the better off I will be... and hope to have children in the near future...

    Good luck to you!

  7. I found that the more I had to chew my food, the more I had to actually taste it and found there are a lot of things I don't like, but I still love my favorites and eat them occasionally, in addition to that I no longer crave fast food... it has to be the chewing, because it has a really bad taste after a couple chews. So the short answer is absolutely my taste buds have changed... for the better....

  8. I firmly believe from years of research that surgery or no surgery Protein is by far the most important, along with vegies and fruits. Take for example: what makes you... you are protein first, Water second, minerals and Vitamins third. So eat or drink your protein first and foremost, Get plenty of water and also take the Vitamin supplements or eat various fruits and vegies.. the darker the fruit or vegie the better for you they are... broccoli, asparagus, red cabbage, spinach... or various colored berries.. try it for a few days, thats all you will need to see a difference.. Good Luck!!!

  9. Most people have swelling that can last up to 4 months, the main reasons why we need fills within the first 4 months is because the swelling goes down and makes it easier to eat, so the band needs to be tightened. once the swelling is gone, and you have reached an adequate tightness you probably won't need anything fill or unfill, some people do reach it right away but most people don't until after the 4 months. Only you and doctor can decide if your at a good place or not.

    Congratulations and good luck!!!

  10. I have had comments from my grandparents similar to this... but luckily it hasn't truly been mentioned.. while being smaller can be more attractive, that was not the plan... I want to be healthy, and I want kids whether there is a man involved or not (I am extremely open to adoption and foster care). I love children. I also chose this surgery to make my life easier, like wiping my butt without pulling a muscle from reaching around, or not worrying about breaking someones furniture, fitting in seatbelts or on rides at the amusement park... not having to buy two seats at the airport because the seatbelt doesn't fit... being able to fit comfortably in a bathroom stall... to be able to shop for clothing and not wonder what people are thinking... To wear clothes that look professional rather than just because they fit... at my highest I wore mens shirts... because that all that fit that was comfortable. I think everyone can agree its not just to find a partner...

    Thanks for this thread...

  11. I was banded mid-March 2008, for the first two months I felt it wasn't worth it and imagined what my future would be gaining 8 lbs a year eventually being 400 lbs and miserable. I figured I'll give this band a chance considering that I just spent two weeks in misery. I had my second fill end of May and wow I think I have fallen in love with my band... While I still work hard to make it work for me, it has made 'dieting' super easy. I have another fill next week, can't wait...but not sure I need one, yet. Give it some time, work with it and enjoy your moments of bandster hell... Good Luck to you!

  12. Don't worry you are doing great! Just think if you hadn't had the surgery you probably wouldn't have lost even the 22 lbs, and you may have gained. How many fills have you had... you may need to have another one done... or even talk to your doc about an appetite suppressant.

    But you are doing great... you have lost 22 lbs in 2 months, count that up thats 44 lbs in 4 months and soo on.

  13. My first fill required a floroscope, it was somewhat uncomfortable, as the doctor had to do some digging. Although, to me its worth it. All of you other bandsters, please don't worry so much about the fills. Remember to breath through them, oxygen is a natural pain reliever.

    My second fill was smooth and easy, he added three cc's to a 14 cc band, for a total of 10 cc's the Water he had me drink went down slowly but did not cause me to get sick. However, sometimes if you happen to swallow air it can be incredibly painful.

    Tips to not swallow air, given to me by a long-time bandster-

    *Don't use a straw, the top 90% of the straw is air.

    *don't suck through a expandable top water bottle. take the entire lid off and take small sips.

    *try not to breath while swallowing food.< /p>

    If you do happen to get the stuck feeling, take small sips of water or other no air liquid, and walk around, until the pain subsides. If it does not call your surgeon or EMERGENCY ASAP for an unfill.

    When I swallow air, I usually have to dance as I go into panic mode when I get that feeling, its scary. I didn't know that Air could hurt that bad.

  14. So I had a busy weekend this last weekend for family graduations, didn't eat more than I was supposed to but chose different things, ie: a bite a mom's homemade baked Beans, a bite of potato salad, a couple bites of a hamburger patty. And I gained 3 lbs... I was busy, literally and physically busy busy constantly moving, my muscles were sore -- even. Chasing my small cousins, nieces and nephews, cleaning for the parties, decorating and cleaning up the messes. During this whole time I did not stop my normal exercise routine, either.

    While three pounds is not much, I was consistently losing 1.2 lbs a day, for my size and with the small amount I am eating, that is considered average. But how in the heck do you gain 3 lbs... Funny thing is they didn't creep on and those three pounds all showed up yesterday, after I had been back to eating 1.5 oz of canned solid white Albacore tuna or chicken breast salad for 3 times a day.

    I am bugged by this because I had gotten below the 300 mark, my very first goal. I don't want to gain anymore weight.

    And now, I don't really feel the restriction I was feeling prior to this weekend and worry that even with the appetite suppressant, I will continue to gain and gain and gain...

    I know the Surgeon did say that the swelling goes down slowly over 4 months, and that the band will feel tighter around the fill time and then slowly loosen, but I feel very little restriction.


    Anyone else dealing with small setbacks?


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