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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by CRISTAN

  1. Last yr I had lost only 70-80 pounds around easter..I saw a new fill Dr that is aggressive and pushes for quick loss by exercise and low-no carbs and supplements........I lost 60 pounds in about 8 weeks....Put my total lost to 140..and girls, those next pounds you lose will make such a difference.......I spent the last yr trying to maintain, gained about 15 over the holidays, but I got back on the low carb plan and supplements and lost it in 2 weeks. I think the hardest part was going from unfilled ( like you had the reflux,needed a break..took a 6 month break..) back to eating like a bandster...I am struggling this time too......That mental part of you that got so used to eating like a bandster is screaming I don't WANT to.......but for me...going from a size 32 to a 12 is a good reminder that it is indeed worth the battle.....WHen i weighed 335, I dieted for 3 years to keep from gaining.....how scarey is that........;)

    Don't give up, don't give up, dont give up!


    banded 7/04/2005 335+

    today 2/23/2008 195

    Vangard Band...6.25cc:cool:

  2. I haven't been on for awhile, but have had some interesting insight to this great tool we have. In april I saw a new fill Dr, being banded in Mexico. Great care, the whole picture, nutrition,exercise,supplements...

    I had lost 80 pounds until then, being a bad bandster....but slowly getting there. His attitude was get it off quick, the band will make sure it stays off.....Looking at a 2 yr anniversary I agreed to follow his plan, which included a no carb diet. Well without getting into the ugly details...I went too tight for 5 weeks and lost 56 pounds. I didn't have to follow his plan, I could barely get Water down...I went from 266 to 211. Past my 100 pounds lost mark and kept going. I can understand how some women fight anerexia, I was so sick that my family finally made me go in. I had an unfill, it was better for a few days, then too tight, This happended 3 times, over another 2 month and got down to 195....so I had an upper GI and was thrilled to see that I was fine, no slip. Drs decided that I needed a break and unfilled me... I was horrified..When they took it out, they found there was an extra cc floating around in there....they do not use flouro....and somewhere along the line I was still very overfilled to 8.5cc when I never could tolerate more then 8cc....(this after 3 unfills ). This isn't a blast at my Dr as they kept seeing me, not charging me and working to fix me....But it was a complete mental freak to become unfilled.. I found out very quickly that I had the band for a reason....I love food. I didn't go crazy, it took a week for my stomach to feel "normal"again. But I had my favorites, a burger..a Ruben sandwich..and really enjoyed them..I tried to eat smart, I tried not to beat myself up when I wasn't being smart. ( was also on a vactaion for 8 days of it:) And I really missed my band..then it isn't a mental battle for me. I gained 10 pounds....but I figure a good 5 was from being so dehydrated to start...Yesterday I got my fill, on the way there I mourned the foods that I could no longer eat....not as bad as I mourned pre-surgery..because I now have the knowledge that you can go back with a big unfill. I do know that I am happeir mentally, when I have my band. I am not a constant struggle with urges I can not control...that is a big comfort to me. I have lost 130 pounds and am 25 from my goal. From here on out it will be slow and steady..my Band being a great tool, that I appreciate so much more ,now....

  3. I was banded 7/4/05 By Ortiz in Mexico. I have had no complications and it has been an easy, slow loss! I am the worse bandster in the world and I still manage to keep plunking away at it!

    The beginining of April I was happy wiht my 80 pounds down, saw a new fill Dr , who lectured me on the sins of sugar and the bad things I ingest, filled me alittle too tight, got back on track with my food and here I am down another 20....for the total of 100!

    He thinks the beauty of the band that once you get it off, it stays off...so he believes in working hard in getting it off, unlike I was doing!

    I wanted to be to my original goal by the 2 yr date and that is 215.....only 20 more pounds..I can make that!

    I know have a new goal..and its to see "onederland..." And I will!

    This saved my life and I have no regrets!


  4. So, what is that exactly? My fills are under flouro....would we see anything there? I think I am making myself sick worrying about the band. I had the food poisioning or the flu and vomited a few times..now it seems I have no restriciton...so I am concerned.

    Its only been 12 hours.....I have had great restriction for the last 3 months.....so I will wait and see what happens the next few days.:)





  5. My first fill was 4.9cc, 2 fills later and I am at 6.9cc and have had good restriction for 3 months now. The tech that does my fills says it takes a yr to tweak a VG...usually between 6-8....Getting fills under flouro helps..otherwise it is literally a shot in the dark.


    335/272....clock back 6 yrs!


    Banded 7/4/05

    Dr Ortiz

  6. I took the mantra that I want to make a difference in my life...I spent the cash, I went to Mexico..and in 7 month have lost 63 pounds. Like a recovering alcoholic, I enjoy sharing my story...plus it keeps me accountable. It sucks that your confidence has been betrayed, like dealing with little kids, only give a simple answer that you are comfortable with. If people ask I usually say I had WLS surgery and I no longer eat much....usually they ask alot of questrions, or none at all...

    The truth will set you free...and you should be proud that you are doing something that will improve your life....

    You can do it!


  7. I have been a Real Estate mortgage Broker for the past 8 yrs, I bartended for 10 yrs between college and this career. I also own a contruction company with my husband and do the business end of it for him! I love what I do, putting people in homes, helping people out of financial distress and the industry is always changing, so its never boring!


  8. I know its hard, I lost over 30 pounds in the first month....now its taken me 5 months to lose another 25...but you are going in the right direction and your body is adjusting! for me I go like a month with no weightloss..then

    bam...5 pounds gone..then I go another 3-4 weeks, bam some more gone. It took me 10 yrs to gain 100 ponds and I have lost 6 years of weight in 6 months....Thats what keeps me going! You CAN do it, even when you have down falls....your band will keep you on track..WORK IT!:clap2:


    335/275 and going down!

  9. Thanks for all the input. Do you think avoiding the "Rumored" causes of erosion will make a difference. coffee, asprin, alcohol and all the others listed. I have learned that its a crap shoot and we need to have that checkup at 18 months! I am getting so many unsolicited dos and don'ts from friends and familys and other bandsters...that is why I posted the question because if I should be doing something to help avoid its occurance, I want to do it....

  10. I am finding out more and more about the aftercare issue. I pay $350 a pop for my fills with a Dr. that won't provide aftercare because I was banded in Mexico (by the Doctor that trained him)...A little ironic.. My choice to go to Mexico wasn't as much money based as it was I wanted a very experienced Doctor. Now I think my success rate would be higher I had the aftercare, the accountablitly to someone. someone tracking my progress. I hate the American Medical System, but if I had it to do over I would probably pick a less experienced Dr who offered a whole package.

    Now about the erosion myths..should I pay attention? Is there anything backing them up? Where would you suggest I go for answers?

    thanks for the input



    335/275...and going down........

  11. I have a friend banded last april who keeps telling me that shes heard that caffine and alcohol lead to the erosion of the band. I have never heard the such. Has anyone else heard this? :D I have seen nothing like this in all the complication posts, or erosion topics


    Banded 7/04/2005-ORTIZ

    335-275 and losing!

  12. After being banded almost 7 months,I occassionally have a lapse of will power and do something dumb. With my restriction it doesn't take much.. My husband will say why did you do that? I have to remind him and myself sometimes that I did it for the same reasons that I let myslef get to a whopping 335lbs...I am not good about self control and old habits die hard....If I didn't have these issues,I wouldn't have my band.....

  13. :bananajump: I started out on lexapreo...about 1 yr, got up to 60mg...lost my sex drive...not a good thing! Tried wellbutrin , lost 15 pound, felt like I was on speed..felt like I was losing my mind......I have been on Cymbalta this last yr, lost 15 pounds before I had surgery, still like sex! I felt I needed something because I was anxious all the time, and uptight (being really fat.) I was self medicating with Alcohol and drugs and food. I feel very level , although I had some crash and burn things go on 3-4 months after getting banded, I think it was the massive weight loss. I feel great and my hopes are to get off them altogether. Serotonin affects your moods and you get it from carbs as well as natural chemicals in your body...so us bandsters can expect to be a little off.


  14. Hi Cristan, where do you go in Olympia for your fills? I'm in Olympia, had my surgery Jan 12th and am looking for a good doctor in the area to do the fills. I found a doctor in Tacoma but would prefer to have one here in town.

    I go to pacific Surgical in Olympia. Dr Neal. I just checked out his website to get you the name. Pacsurgical.com. They have a great new clinic. Anyone in the area should checkout this site as they are having a big convention in Seattle with 6 top Band Drs speaking. It should be very interesting. Dr Ortiz and a few other Mexican Drs as well as some from the US will be there.

    They go a great job, I have had a fill in Mexico when I had my follow up with Dr Martinez ( Dr Ortiz' Partner). I have had 2 at Dr Neals. I wont go to Fox in Tacoma because he does blind fills and I think thats a shot inthe dark!

    Good luck!

    Banded and losing!

  15. Christan - be thankful we didnt die???

    Good lord. You should send Pleatman a resume. Sounds like you would fit right in with his office as a staff member.

    These folks didnt start out by slaming and insulting anyone as you and Pleatman have done. They were simply expressing concerns about their own personal experiences with their own bodies. This is a message board designed for that. We have the right to share our failures, fears and victories without people like you coming here and starting your first post with your red thumbs down and insults to those of us who are friends.

    Did you show up to start trouble, or are you looking for a group of friends who share the same struggles and are really here for one another? If you came for the first.. well, you're little more than a fart in the wind. You'll go away soon. And if you came for the latter, you've got some serious attitude changes to make before you'll fit it with this great group of considerate and caring people.

    I came looking for support, but quickly found that this board is a real downer. I never insulted anyone PERSONALLY, weren't you the one that said if you can't say anything nice? The red thumbs down ment I don't agree.

    What I don't understand is why are these eroded non-bandster staying on this board freaking everyone out. I have not seen a reason why I would want to "fit" into this group. I didn't realize this board was a clique.. I left wanting to fit in in 7th grade, I thought these boards were about sharing opinions, which is exactly what I was doing. I was offended by some of the comments...gave my opinion...

    sorry you took it so personally. This email to me is pretty nasty AND PERSONALLY INSULTING, so I must have offended you as well..so it goes..

    I will find somewhere else to go.



  16. I love the work out, it covers all muscle groups and gives you the recommended cardio. No need for weights, its the resistance..the harder you work, the harder it works you. I have worked at at 2 different ones and never had the pep-rally problem. I also like the fact that they are a Christian based organization, thats also important to me.

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