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Posts posted by mousecat88

  1. 4 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    ...so I finally got around to weigh myself "properly" this morning (i.e, first thing in the morning, after my pee and standing on scale buck naked): 109 lbs.

    I knew I would lose a bit of weight as I have not been eating close to my normal maintenance calories. MFP tells me I've been averaging about 1100-1200 cals for the past 2 weeks and a bit, so yeah, I guess weight loss was inevitable.

    But 6 lbs? Geez. This bums me out because according to my scale, my body fat percentage also went up to 19.3% (normally I hover around 13-15%). So this means I lost muscle. Now, Mr. says to take this morning's fat reading with a grain of salt, as it is just a single day measurement and I really need to have several days data in a row for a more reliable reading. But still. I worked hard for that stinkin' muscle. So I'm gonna go back to daily weighing to see if this was just an anomoly. Also, I'm now also thinking I should cut back on the recently increased exercise I've been doing?? Arg.

    If you think your body fat percentage went up and your muscle mass went down, why would you want to decrease your exercise?

  2. 7 hours ago, sillykitty said:

    I do not at all understand the shelf life on implants. I mean, what are the reasons for explanation? So, it could be capsular contraction, rupture or implant illness. Capsular contraction rates are diminishing as the cause is now thought to be known (bacteria from skin surface inside the pocket) and surgeons are mitigating that risk (insertion site, new technology etc) Rupture if a big freaking deal, especially with silicone, so it's not like that will happen to most women (or else who would get implants). And implant illness is controversial in and of itself, and not common on a % basis. I feel like it's a CYA thing, so people aren't upset if they do have to explant.

    But most importantly I hope you ex has forever lost the privileged to ever see your boobs again.

    I know my friend said with saline there is the chance for rippling, as well. I'll do a consult on it... I'm not sure my comfort level is quite there yet.

    And yes, my ex is banned from the boobies for sure. lmao.

  3. 2 minutes ago, ms.sss said:

    And mine did not give me any instructions regarding wet vs. dry! Only to dry my steri-strips after showering and tape over any loosening ones with new ones (at least until I see him again next week). 🤷🏼‍♀️

    lol my surgeon just yanked them all off and was like "they're really hanging onto you!" by the end of a few showers, most weren't even covering the incisions and were just hanging there. which is when i filled in the spots with calendula. my incision lines are super thin and i don't think they will be visible at all in a few months, honestly. i'm super happy with my surgeon and i'm excited for this october's next phase.

  4. 1 minute ago, ms.sss said:

    @mousecat88 did you not have steri-stips placed on your incisions either?

    Yes, I had steri-strips. They stayed on for about 2 weeks and slowly I pulled them off as they were peeling off. So, like as the strips came off, I was to fill in the gaps with moisturizing agents.

  5. 2 hours ago, 2Bsmaller18 said:

    Another question for you. Based on the arm lift when would you be able to color your hair at home? I am guessing the 3rd maybe 4th week?

    Were you able to physically tie your own shoes, get dressed etc after a few days? When would you have been able to help a child tie their shoes etc? I am trying to figure out a guess of recovery and scheduling.

    Coloring your hair would probably be 3rd or 4th week. The incisions/scar tissue gets tight and you have to keep stretching it and massaging it out. Holding your arms above your head that long would probably be uncomfortable. I do a few overhead tricep extensions and lat pulls at the gym and it does feel tight and I am 7ish weeks post-op. But that's a full extension and not bent, which your arms would be while coloring, I presume.

  6. 1 hour ago, sillykitty said:

    • My skin near my incisions is sooo dry! I'm flaking all over all my black clothes 🤣. I haven't moisturized because I don't want to get anything on my incisions. But maybe some coconut oil might be ok?

    I was told to keep my incisions moist... at first with Neosporin or Calendula or Aquaphor until 2 weeks post-op... now I use Calendula or Vitamin E oil. I also put Cetaphil lotion on on occasion.

  7. 2 minutes ago, ms.sss said:

    Bwha-hahhahhaa 😂

    No I haven't tried, but now I think I have to 😂😂😂

    Though i find that if I touch anywhere on my lower abdomen I feel it behind my belly button?!? #yikes

    I think that weird sensation I had where I touched one spot on my incision I could feel it halfway up my torso FINALLY went away. That was freaky.

    1 minute ago, ms.sss said:

    Yep, its official. You have like Wolverine-level healing abilities.

    Hey, this is like the only surgery I've ever has where I didn't have horrible complications. I'll take it! lol. And also my breast reduction. Maybe I am just made for plastic surgery.

  8. On 12/31/2019 at 12:33 PM, 2Bsmaller18 said:

    How many days post op we’re all of you able to drive? Go to the grocery store by yourself etc?

    I drove 3 days after surgery. I was told I could drive as soon as I wasn't taking narcotics and I only took like 2 pills. I was pretty much self-sufficient 2 days post-op. And dancing at a rave for hours 2 weeks post-op. lol. I started spin class and light weight lifting 4 weeks post-op.

  9. 3 hours ago, rs said:

    @ms.sss when do you think we can shave under our arms? Pretty soon I'm going to be able to start braiding under there! Also, have you used deodorant again yet? Dr said I can use it, but I haven't because the incisions freak me out.

    I still don't put deodorant ON the incision line and it's been 6 weeks. I put deodorant all around it. I also JUST shaved on the incision line for the first time last night. I was just doing my lower armpit and had a few long stragglers around the scar line. I put some deodorant on a few days post-op and it burned so I just avoid that area for now.

  10. I like how flat my stomach is, but I am really upset as to how prominent my stretch marks are. They aren't any more prominent than they were prior because I had really really thick stretch marks ever since I was a kid, basically, and they all got pulled down from the TT. I was hoping they'd all be cut away, but that is impossible. Eh. Vanity. All the ones below the belly button are gone, but all the ones from up high got stretched down.

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