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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by mousecat88

  1. mousecat88

    Dumping question

    It depends on your personal chemistry and tummy. I get dumping or "dumping-like symptoms" from SO many foods. Foods that don't even typically cause it. I don't mind it, though. Some people never get it at all.
  2. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7327101/Weight-loss-jab-dubbed-exciting-obesity-treatment-helps-patients-lose-10lbs-month.html Thoughts? Yes, I know the DailyMail is not exactly prime news source... but just for the basic overview. Maybe would be good for those with some weight regain later on post-op or in lieu of revision. I wonder how long the effects last... and clearly it doesn't have the "training benefits" of surgery. I also don't like how DailyMail put dumping syndrome as a disadvantage... I consider that an advantage and is an excellent negative reinforcement tool for those that get it.
  3. At 9 months out, I am now expected to lose between 7-10lbs per month... but I've basically reached my goal weight and it's slowed lately. Like a pound week is okay with me now... I realize these last 15 will probably drag....
  4. mousecat88

    Protein Powder question

    I wish you guys had soy protein options! I can only find ONE and that's the one I buy off Amazon. There's gotta be more out there... somewhere....
  5. mousecat88

    "New injection mimics gastric bypass"???

    Unf. I was on Phentermine for a while and my resting heart rate was 165bpm. Funtimes. All of the other ones I tried made me depressed (Belviq, Qsymia, Contrave, Topomax).
  6. mousecat88

    Meh to the scale now?

    Got a message back from my surgeon's office in response to my quotation-laden rant about goal weight and they said that in their opinion I have reached my goal weight to them and any more weight I lose is just a bonus and that they have no further expectations. Also not to take the BMI chart too seriously given the intensity of my workouts. So, win?
  7. mousecat88

    Post Your Theme Song

    this is my spin class theme song
  8. mousecat88

    "New injection mimics gastric bypass"???

    It could be useful for current patients to get back down to their goal weight if they have some slide back, or just to get rid of those last 10 lbs. But then again, if we already have those hormonal changes, would this injection do any good for us.
  9. mousecat88

    Any foods permanently off your safe list?

    No carbonated drinks ever, no refined sugars/flours, stringy foods (like celery and citrus fruits). I have my own personal "no list" though that is much stricter.
  10. mousecat88

    Orthostatic Hypotension

    Yah, I've been tested for anemia. Apparently OH is an effect of gastric bypass... it's not unheard of. The rapid weight loss throws off the autonomic nervous system. The surgeon's office thinks it will eventually level out once the weight loss totally stops, but it's not a "sure thing".
  11. mousecat88

    forgetting what food tastes like

    Do you think that some day you may forget what a certain food tastes like? lol. I am in a group on Facebook where everyone posts meals/foods and people roast them or say that it looks flavortown. Someone asked if condiments on mac n cheese is good, and I obviously said no because NO. But will I someday forget the deliciousness of mac n cheese? Or the taste of a 7 layer burrito? Or a real fudgy brownie? lol. Will some day I not be able to participate in this group because I truly cannot recall what a piece of cake tastes like? lmao.
  12. mousecat88

    forgetting what food tastes like

    I went to Cracker Barrel this past weekend and they brought 7 biscuits out to the table and they have amazing biscuits. I watched the two other people I was with eat all 7 biscuits and I just stared at them. But I could totally imagine the flavor of them in my mouth and how good they taste... I kinda' wish I wouldn't remember those sorts of things.
  13. mousecat88

    forgetting what food tastes like

    I was the opposite. Never liked sweets too much (rare occasion), but pasta, mashed potatoes, fast food... bring it on. I loved all food, basically. Even healthy foods - but I would just eat an extreme amount of it.
  14. mousecat88

    forgetting what food tastes like

    Whenever I go out to eat and see the "average" portions of meals offered or just watch people eat I am like ........................................... gross, man. LOL. But then remember I would eat like 3 times that somehow. I kinda' do hope that in 5 or 10 years I forget what Taco Bell tastes like. Because that still haunts me sometimes. lmao. I asked my coworker who has been vegan for over 20 years if she remembers what meat tastes like and she says she does. Maybe it's not as vivid and pronounced.
  15. mousecat88

    Orthostatic Hypotension

    Just an update on this - I am now on the highest dose of Midodrine 3 times per day for my low BP. It is still low (yesterday my highest reading was 105/55), but as long as I take the medicine, I don't black out. I still struggle during yoga with quick flowing positions and losing some vision and getting faint for a moment, so I have to take it slowly. My PCP says she isn't sure it will ever go away. I take my BP twice per day and if my BP ever starts to read high, that's when we will taper off the Midodrine. When I wake up in the morning and there's no med in my system, I definitely stumble with totally black vision to the bathroom and have to hold on for a while to get steady. I sure hope this improves! Midodrine isn't cheap for me!
  16. mousecat88

    Starting WLS journey as a vegan

    I am not vegan but cannot tolerate whey protein shakes. I use NowSports soy protein isolate. It is DELICIOUSSSSS. Sold on Amazon and cheap!
  17. mousecat88


    Day 6: After spying yesterday that today would be enjoy a warm cup of coffee, I immediately went on Amazon and ordered a milk steamer/frother and sugar free syrup. LOL. (I don't drink coffee). Having tea today, however.
  18. mousecat88

    Meh to the scale now?

    I like your way of thinking.
  19. mousecat88

    Meh to the scale now?

    There needs to be a "sigh" react emoji. hahaha I don't know what it would look like. Should just be a mini picture of my face.
  20. mousecat88

    Help ! ! Do I need to worry?

    I was told liquid won't stretch the pouch since it just zooms through you. It's good you can stay hydrated! I have some occasional sharp pain at the incision sites for maybe like 2 weeks... just the muscle healing up.
  21. mousecat88

    Price of meds. $$$$$

    Is it Actigall?? It was close to 100 bucks a month for me, but that is insaaaaannneee. I was only on it for 2 months and it didn't help my gallbladder anyways and they had to do emergency surgery to remove it regardless. Why does he want you to take it if he's going to take the gallbladder out anyways? Maybe your liver will shrink in size well before the 6 months??
  22. mousecat88

    Fear of having surgery??

    I (unfortunately) had a lotttt of surgeries before this one. They did tell me I could take one of my valium if I wanted that morning if I needed to calm down, but I didn't. They may give you something if you feel like you really need it. But it's peaceful... you just close your eyes (or see how long you can fight it, like me, LOL) and within 5 seconds you are in a dreamless sleep. Then poof, you wake up and it's all over.
  23. mousecat88

    Meh to the scale now?

    And I totally weighed myself this morning LOL. I just had to. I think if I just do it weekly, that will be healthier for me in lieu of daily. The fluctuations get to me and I can't let it ruin my day. But I was down a pound so today is a good day. hahaha
  24. mousecat88

    Meh to the scale now?

    That's why I kinda think my initial instinct of 140 was good. Because I am already two sizes smaller than I was at 140 before. Aside from the flappiness LOL I do like the way I look and don't think I want to be much smaller in dress size. Happy medium.
  25. mousecat88

    2 month stall

    I had an 8 week stall at 3 months out - I never had that 3-week stall everyone talks about in the beginning. But yeah, it was terrible for those 2 months. But then it picked up again. Now that I am closer to goal weight, it is dripping off much much slower. Just had another 2 week stall, actually. I definitely echo catwoman's comment.

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