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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by skierhj

  1. the people here are more than happy to talk to you. People you know who haven't had the procedure might be reluctant because they don't know what to say. I'm happy to help you however I can so feel free to send me a private message if you have any questions and I'll answer as quickly as I can

  2. First of all, welcome to the board. This is the place I discovered a few weeks before my surgery and it helped me so much. I was nervous and didn't know where to turn and I found lots of support and great answers here.

    If you want this surgery, you're going to do great. I've been feeling great and losing weight since my surgery on May 21st. I already feel like this was one of the best decisions I've made in years. I asked tons of questions and felt well armed for the surgery, there are lists on here for things to get in your house before the surgery (great help), look at the pre-op question section for ideas.

    Now, ask your questions and good luck

  3. Sounds pretty normal for the healing process. Even though the lap band is minimally invasive your body wants to heal itself. Unfortunately, that healing process sometimes isn't wonderful. You body's survival tools trigger fatigue after trauma (surgery) and returning to work will make that even worse.

    Now, after that, I felt really rough my first few days back at work but now, almost a full month out I feel better than I've felt in years!!

  4. May 21st here. I'm doing this pretty much on my own as well. I've kept it a secret from my friends. My mother and sister know but they're several hours away so I'm just plugging along on my own.

    Marie, you said your port area is aching? Is it the incision or the actual port? My port was tender for about two weeks and it's still something that I notice constantly. If it's the incision it may be the natural healing process. I would imagine that in either case it will start improving

  5. I had to self pay. Dr. Kirschenbaum in Denver has resonable rates and through his office they can help you find financing. I went ahead and bit the bullet and paid in full (that was the most painful part of the whole process) but as I near a month post surgery I haven't regreted the money a bit. Plus when I consider how much my weight would have cost me I guess it works out in my favor

  6. Welcome, it's a big decision. I spent lots of time telling myself why I shouldn't have the surgery. In that time I didnt' lose a single pound. I love being outside, I love skiing and cycling but to be quite honest, I was barely doing my favorite things because of my weight. I called a surgeons office and talked to one of his assistants and by the time we were done talking I started the process. I'm now two weeks post-op and am thrilled so far. Weight is coming down, I'm really excited about the things I will be able to do as I heal and drop the weight even further.

    My opinion, spend some time looking into this. My primary care physician told me not to do this that I could lose the weight on my own (I couldn't). My family was 100% behind me and without them I wouldn't have gone through with it. I have a long way to go on my journey but I can say this I truly believe this is going to work and allow me to be as active as I want to be and as healthy.

  7. I'm at 13 days and I'm all over the place. I'm on mushy foods and sometimes they go down really easily then the next time I try something I can't get anything down. I will say that if I keep to pretty bland foods I seem to fill up right away and stay full for hours. But if I eat something really tasty I want to eat more and savor the flavor. I'm sure that's in my head because even so my portions are way smaller than I've ever eaten. I am having trouble not drinking Water while eating because that's what I've always done.

  8. Ok, so I'm 6 days post-op and it's been pretty easy so far. I haven't taken any pain meds in a few days, the discomfort from the gas (that sucked) is pretty much gone, the diet has been easy to stick to because I don't feel like eating (though everytime I smell hot food my stomach growls), now tonight something not so pleasant.

    My surgeon said I could try cream of wheat pretty diluted, I took one bite and got massive pain in my stomach. It felt like I had been stabbed in the gut, I ended up coughing up some clearish liquid and my stomach pain has subsided a bit but, OWWWW! What the heck happened and why?

  9. I have only told a few family members and then only because they helped me through the surgery and the days immediately following. Quite frankly, I lied to my friends and co-workers as to what was really going on but, I didn't want to tell them. I'm not sure that my buddies would be all that supportive. Not because they don't care but because they don't understand what being overweight means. They all assume that I'm just a bigger guy and that I can do everything they can. So, I made the choice to keep this private. I took a couple of weeks off work so that by the time I go back they'll think I just had a really good vacation. Then I'll tell them that the diet I started several weeks ago has been working and I'm going to keep with it.

    Totally honest? no. Is it the right thing for me? yes.

  10. hey, you look great! You should feel fantastic about your progress. I know that the last few years I haven't exactly been attracting many ladies and I think that I've gotten myself into a negative self image. It's quite possible that you did the same thing and it takes effort to change that image. It is also a little tougher to meet people than anyone wants to admit. That's why there are so many dating sites on the internet. My advice to you, is relax, let yourself enjoy the new you and live life to the fullest. The next thing you know, you'll be such a happy person that some guy is going to notice that not only are you very pretty but you are happy and confident. They may be a little intimidated by you but it will happen.

  11. Had the surgery this past Wednesday, was home late that afternoon, slept on and off all day long and the next thing I knew it was Thursday. There was some discomfort but no real pain that made life unbearable. Prepare ahead of time and have somebody with you most of the time for the first few days and it will be easy.

    Good Luck!

  12. I went (actually didn't go) for four days after surgery. I've been pretty lucky so far and the diarrhea issue hasn't hit me at all. Keep in mind you aren't eating anything solid

  13. beef broth was rough but a low sodium chicken broth went down quite well. Hot tea has been great I've been able to start having some creamy liquids like creamed Soups but I have to strain them or any chucks really reak havoc. The warm creamy foods have helped. The surgeon also said to start trying thin cream of wheat which has made me feel so much better as it sticks with you for a while. I really haven't been too hungry. The problem I'm having is the Protein. The Protein drinks are horrible and are turning my stomach.

    I say that but right now I am hungrey and weak but some of that is from driving 3 hours back to my house today. When I can rally, I'll head to the kitchen and have a little something. By the way, today is my first day with no pain killers at all and that has been nice.

  14. I had it done on May 21st and after spending time with family I went home today. I had thought I'd do so several days ago but I didn't feel up to it and I was enjoying the care. I'm still weak, I'm starting to feel hunger but I also (as of today) am starting to feel better. The gas pain has dropped significantly, a little something in my belly makes the hunger pangs stop. I know I only have one day on you but yesterday I was feeling much different than I do today. Just remeber to go with the flow a little bit and know that the pain, annoying diet will improve and a few months from now you'll be too busy buying a new wardrobe to worry about how you felt for the first week

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