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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by 2Bsmaller18

  1. I would guess that labs might look ok for now since it could take several months to years to show a deficit. That said I would talk to your MD and see if maybe you should take one every other day and retest in another 6 months. That way you are still taking them but will see more of a long term effect. I myself take them daily. It's the one thing I'm strict about but if I continue to have high Vit B I will look into another brand that has less. I am always forgetting to take my calcium but I get around 5 servings of dairy a day so I am not too concerned but I know I should make it a habit. I freaked out about still losing too quickly at the 8 month mark at 130 lbs and kept losing despite increasing calories. it eventually plateaued and now I am steady at 126 but with a 40% carb, 30% each protein and fat diet of 1700 calories. I had plastics a few months ago and after the swelling went down I dropped to 123. Which is still a healthy BMI however I am muscular and still have loose skin elsewhere so I look better heavier with a more curves and less sag. I do not plan on further plastics and feel I would look better around 130. It is such a mental game because when the scale hits 128 or 129 I feel panicky that it's going to be 150 a week later or that when I hit the natural regain at the 2-3 year mark that it will suddenly go up to the 150 or 160s. However I was also worried when I saw 123 and increased nuts and carbs to get calories in. I guess it's just the feeling that we need to have control over our weight. I can eat anything now which is good but also a little scary. If it is high sugar I don't feel good, not ill but feel crappy. It's enough that I purposely limit high sugar foods. I think I do see a slight weight gain if I have a few days where I hit over 1800 calories and do less activity so it seems that my metabolism makes sense. Do you find that to be true or you can't gain no matter the calories you take in? How are your arm incisions? I am 3 months post and they are starting to fade but still very pink/red in comparison to my skin. I don't feel comfortable in short sleeves yet. I have a few places on the incisions with skin folded on itself that i hope will smooth out or will need to be touched up. I also still have loose skin right at the pit if I hold my arm half way up to horizontal. It goes away as I lift my arm up higher so I don't know if it can be fixed since the skin has to stretch to allow me to lift my arm all the way up.
  2. 2Bsmaller18

    When Do i stop taking Pantoprazol?

    I would call the surgeon but when I had GERD (prior to surgery) it wasn't too bad so I dropped form 40mg to a 20mg dose. Maybe that will work for you in the short term.
  3. 2Bsmaller18


    I thought you were Ryan Reynolds for a second! You could be his twin.
  4. 2Bsmaller18

    Craving A Big Salad! When? How much?

    i had a one inch by one inch piece to test it around 3-4 month s and was in pain. I handled 1/2 c of cooked spinach with an egg after 2 months. At 5-6 months i tried salad and it went well. Only about a half cup with protein mixed in. At 1 year around 1 - 1.5 with protein, cheese tomatoes etc mixed in.
  5. 2Bsmaller18

    Fat malabsorption

    I just came across an article. I’m guessing your malabsorption is due to surgery but wanted to pass this along: Dr. De Latour says malabsorption (and floating poop) is typically caused by three main conditions: celiac disease, lactose intolerance, or pancreatitis.
  6. 2Bsmaller18

    Fat malabsorption

    I would ask if they feel like this could be temporary and that at 2-3 years out from surgery will your body naturally increase fat and thus Vit D absorption. I know that doesn't help now but at least maybe you only need to fix the issue in the short term. I would assume there's a max you can absorb from the sun. You probably wouldn't want to start using a tanning bed since you already have a lot of sun exposure. Can you research if Vit D can be injected or a compound pharmacy mix it into a cream you apply to absorb it through the skin? I have no idea if that's possible. Does Vit D absorb better if it is mixed with another vitamin? This is the only thing I came across. Vitamin D comes in two forms: D2 and D3. D2, also called ergocalciferol, comes from plants. D3, also called cholecalciferol, comes from animals. You need a prescription to get D2. D3, however, is available over the counter. It is more easily absorbed than D2 and lasts longer in the body dose-for-dose. Work with your doctor to find out if you need to take a vitamin supplement and how much to take if it is needed.
  7. Another post brachio question. Did anyone else have tightness in their forearm. If I straighten my elbow and try to bend my wrist back so that the muscles on the underside of my forarm are stretching I can see a 2-3 inch long thin indentation along my forearm about 2 inches long. I am not sure if it is a tight tendon or vein. It is one both sides, but worse on one side. I don't have any swelling that i can see in my forearm and maybe a little in my upper arm but not a lot.
  8. I am 1 year post op bypass. A few times a week I will get a twinge often to the right of my belly button, sometimes in other places like higher up towards the stomach. It is not immediately after eating. I wouldn't say it is pain just a fairly quick ache or twinge. I am thinking it's maybe gas or part of the digestion process. I can't find that its related to a certain food or activity. I think I am still at the mind set where I am physically reminded of my surgery and maybe it's just something I pay attention to. Has anyone had this? I don't think it's a medical issue it's been ever since surgery so nothing new. Does anyone else feel anything on a weekly basis. I don't remember ever feeling digestive little cramps or discomfort before surgery unless I was ill.
  9. Post brachio question. So I am 7 days post and I know I have swelling but from what I can see my arm is a round cylindrical appendage that comes off my body. It’s very strange since the past 8 months I have had an actual arm pit that was surrounded by muscles like a ceiling with walls. I feel like now my arm is a round pool noodle attached directly to my body. I don’t know if that description makes sense and I am hoping the swelling goes down since it looks so weird now.
  10. I also had a TT without the muscle tightened but the skin is so tight. I am now at day 6 and moving in general is better. I get maybe 5-6 hours of sleep with waking up for a few minutes ever hour or 2 but it's not comfortable being stuck in one position in a recliner. I am taking Tylenol every 4-5 hours but still get dull aches occasionally and quick twinges if I am reaching my arms too far or pulling a blanket or pillow that is stuck so there is some resistance to picking it up. I folded some socks and can pour a glass of milk from a half empty gallon that wasn't too bad but nothing else. The binder is driving me crazy. it doesn't fully cover the TT incision so the elastic at the bottom of it feels too tight and I swell above and below it. I rigged up a pair of tighter leggings to wear under the bottom few inches of the binder and that helps keep it smoother. It's almost like years ago if you work jeans 2 sizes too small. It digs in right there like a swollen muffin top. When will i be able to physically cook for myself and take a shower without help? I am so impatient.
  11. I am a few days post brachio and am having a little pity party. I’m off all meds except an extra strength Tylenol every 3-4 hours. The pain meds may me itch like crazy. I can almost raise my arms horizontally with slight discomfort but trying not to push it. I’m getting frustrated that everything is so hard. I have to lean my head Duden to brush my teeth and sleep is limited. A recliner is ok but only fir a few hours. I’m hoping that suddenly day 5or 6 will be a turning point. When were you able to lie relatively flat in a bed?
  12. 2Bsmaller18

    Bat Wings

    I wore 3/4 sleeve shirts. Men’s T-shirt’s have longer sleeves so I bought men’s t-shirts for the gym. My arms are really wrinkly. They are bad just hanging at my side and you can see it from 10 feet away. Surgery is pending!!
  13. 2Bsmaller18

    How do I cut the candy?

    I agree on healthier swaps but another tool is to divide up the candy into separate little baggies. If you have the willpower to let yourself have 10 M &Ms or 3 pieces of sour candy a day then you can look forward to that tiny treat but stop and really enjoy that tiny portion. Honestly if you had a big portion you stop really tasting it after a few bites anyway. This could be a dangerous path for some but it works for me. NEVER eat straight from a box or bag, always put what you are going to eat into a separate dish so you can visually see how much you are eating.
  14. 2Bsmaller18

    Go to meal

    Early on I ate 1/4 to 1/3 cup of refried beans (canned organic) with some cheese sprinkled. Just microwave it to melt the cheese.
  15. I’ve had mine out years ago. I never had these twinges after that surgery, only after the bypass.
  16. I am scheduled for later this month - brachio and modified TT (skin only). My PS office said I can put the garments in the washer on cool and dryer on cool while I take a shower. Will they dry fast enough for me to put it back on an hour later. I thinking the longer they are off the more you swell and the harder it will be to put it back on. The abdominal one has a fasten at the bottom to go to the bathroom easy but is Velcro around the waist so it seems like it would be easy to get back on. However, the arm one sounds more difficult. Should I buy a different arm one to have on hand? They will be giving me a long sleeve one that I should wear for 6 weeks. If that is too hot would it be ok to get a 3/4 sleeve one? Did everyone really wear them 24/7 for 6 weeks? Were you strict for a few weeks then slowly deceased the time you wore them? Their paperwork also said to stop any protein shake and vitamins that have vitamin E but i talked to the surgeon and he was fine with me continuing to take it. The nurse did recommend Arnica especially since I can't take anti-inflammatories.
  17. 2Bsmaller18

    High Vitamin B12 levels

    I had blood test at 6 months and again at 10 months. Both times B 12 came back at 2000 or just under. I take 1 bariatric vitamin that has a high does of B12. The Md didn't seem concerned. I can't cut back on it since it is in my all in on e vitamin. I also read conflicting information that its no big deal and also that it could mean i am not absorbing it and should be given via shot or sublingual. I just don't know what the people on here take for a multivitamin is they take it separately. Do they take a bunch of separate vitamins?
  18. 2Bsmaller18


    I am also wearing a size 4 (Old Navy) and a 27 from H and M. I don't know if they run big or are stretchy but the smallest part of my waist is 31.5 inches. Does your waist measure a 27? I assumed size 27 meant a 27 in waist. I am so confused with clothing sizes and hesitant to order anything online. I am 5'2ish and 125 but you have much better curves than me. I am basically a Sponge Bob rectangle. Do you wear size 4 consistently in different brands?
  19. I was below goal weight at 7 months so I increased from 600 calories to 1000 over several weeks then over a few months up towards 1500/1600 where I am now to maintain. Initially I added nut butters, I switched from low fat yogurt to 4%. I drank 2% Fairlife milk to up calories since it added nutrition and calcium. It took a long time to get more food in volume wise. I did start adding some slider foods but purposely chose things that were not very appealing like boring graham crackers or adding granola to yogurt. I didn't want to add tempting sliders like bread, pasta, pizza or donuts etc that could cause bad habits. Now at 1 year out I do have a piece (100 calories) of dark chocolate a few times a week and 1-2 cookies or 1/4 cup of regular ice cream 1-2 times a week. I have even had a few chips but I put them on a plate, never eat out of a bag. I was so scared of going into maintenance that I would over eat and make poor choices but I feel like I have a good handle on it now. Just remember to try a little of new food slowly to see what you tolerance is. I don't dump but get stomach discomfort from some foods.
  20. 2Bsmaller18


    I was eating around 500-600 calories for the first 6 months. I was averaging 60-70g of protein, half of that was from Premier shakes and the rest was mostly yogurts or high protein Fairlife milk since I could barely eat 1 egg or an ounce of meat at a meal until around 6 months out. I averaged around 20-30g of carbs until I hit my goal weight at 6 months and purposely added carbs to increase calories to slow down weight loss. My carbs during that first 6 months came from veggies and dairy. I didn't eat any potatoes, rice, pasta, bread etc for the first 6 months. Keep in mind I started at a BMI of 36 and i am only 5'2. I am now 11 months out at eat around 1500 calories to maintain with a BMI of 21. I have a daily goal of 40% carbs, 30% fat and 30% protein. It works for me for now.
  21. 2Bsmaller18

    11 month post op bloat, help!

    That happens to me sometimes. I find that lying curled up in a ball helps. Then walking around and marching my legs up and down or walking up stairs helps.
  22. 2Bsmaller18

    Food Before and After Photos

    Can anyone eat 2 eggs in one sitting. How many months out were you?
  23. I was at 450-500 until month 3 then up to 500-600 until month 6 when I was below goal weight and purposely increased to 1000 to stop the weight loss. The loss slowed a little until I hit 1500-1800 to hit maintenance.
  24. 2Bsmaller18

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    I could have written this except I am at 1600-1800 calories and basically maintaining between 125 and 127 for 3-4 months now. Someone at work said the word skinny describing me to someone else and I thought that was nuts. For the BD I have googled famous people to see compare their weight and height to me. If I am close to their size/height I am so surprised that they look thin but I don't think of myself as comparable. The only way I am getting in that many calories with a restriction is to add not so great high calorie food. I purposely eat a lot of nuts, nut butters, but also have a cereal bars or some crackers every day since they add fiber and I can get them in easily. I have a piece of dark chocolate everyday too. Not the best habits. I often don't even crave the chocolate I just think well, its easy calories to slide in with some antioxidants and calcium. I am a little worried that it could be a slippery slope but I am not eating bread and cakes.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
