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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by slimm2be

  1. Well I know this may sound like i am being ungrateful but i am not happy about the 22 pounds lost. 10 of those were from the first few weeks :sneaky: which is not really weight loss more like my body recovering from the surgery. what i do not want is to have some other issues due to the band, i think i just want to take this band out. I lost 10 pounds alone the week before my surgery eating 1200 calories per day and exercising I did not include the 10 pounds in my 22 pound lost I am still doing the same exercise regimen and sometimes even more but eating waaayyy less due to the band. I Know the band does not work for everyone it is just so unfortunate that i was one of those people. I will keep my head up but i have to say i am very sad right now. 6 months supervised visits all of the pre op just to not be a success story. i am trying not to cry. :lol: my doctor seems very baffled on the reason why i am getting symptoms as if i have a fill. he checked it yesterday and he got in the port and there was nothing there he even put 1cc in there and pulled it back out to make sure he was in the right area. because i was having a hard time eating i did Protein shakes for most of the day Water and nothing else for a month still no major weight loss and that surprised me as well. i do need to just take it out and move on.

    i would like to try anoher wls surgery but I don't want to have to go through the whole six months supervised visits, the psychologists visit, and all the pre op test again to try to get approved for another surgery even though i really would like to just get the bypass now. That will be heart wrenching if i go through that and do not get approved. Not even sure if I have to do that all over again.

    Any way any body out there lost slow and then took off alot towards the one year mark or should i just let this go?

    by the way there will be no sweet spot for me i had one fill once and had to take it out three days later I slimed toooooo much. I have restriction now and no fill imagine th suffering i will go through with a fill.

  2. Omg that's nothing i had surgery last may and have only lost 22 pounds. I have no fills and still too much restriction i can hardly eat i slime after drinking Water and my doctor is going to do an xray to see what is going on with the band. I am so disappointed, and angry i just want this band out now!!!. I exercise, and try to eat. Even eggs get stuck... May i repeat i have no fill. I wish i got the bypass. If there is nothing wrong with this band i am going to have it remvd. I can not live like this. I WISH I WOULD HAVE AT LEAST LOST 40- 50 POUNDS MY GOD ONLY 22. I KNOW THE BAND DOES NOT WORK FOR EVERY ONE, BUT GOSH 22 POUNDS IN ALMOST A YEAR

  3. this just happened to me after being filled for about 4 weeks. even Water i drank was just sitting in my throat. now i am not sure why it happened 4 weeks after the fill I may have eaten to quickly, may not have taken enough bites not sure. l ran to my doctors office that same day that i could not take it any more. I had the same symptoms you had he removed all the liquid from my band and I had immediate relief.

    I say all of this to say sometimes doctors give you a little fill after surgery you should check with yours and see if he did. If you have no liquid in your band now and you are sliming maybe you should think about NOT getting your first fill yet

  4. HOw long before that incision healed?

    That is what happened to me the port incision is wider bc the tape came off too soon, it is taking a while to heal now i see my stitches and feel them pulling. They are going to cut the stitches Tuesday.

    I have no infection and the Doctors are keeping a close eye on me every week, but I want to hear from someone that had a similar problem as me. Thanks.

    I clean the are with Water and mild soap then I pat it dry with a sterile gauze rub neosporin on it then I cover it with a nonstick gauze pad and bandage it up.

    I asked the PA about using peroxide which I intially used before I asked her and she said not to use that bc it my irritate the area more so I stopped and just used the mild soap. It seems like it is closing now and getting smaller but geesh how long?

    I am healing now everything went fine doctor remvd stitches did not need debridement and the wound is closing

  5. Hi there im sorry to hear this has happened to you! I have been banded 6 years and had it happen twice...the first time was around a year out and i had it surgically corrected (which really isnt a big op at all) then it happened again a few months ago but when i went for the xray it had flipped itself back again, i have always had a bad port...it moves and everytime i have a fill it is in a different place (same round about area)

    Good luck with the revision, it will go quick :-)

    You have had your band awhile any other complications besides the Port flipping? Have you lost all the weight you hoped to lose any health issues due to the band .

  6. Hey Louisa,

    Good to know that everything is going okay for you. It has been pretty much pain free and I AM NOT HUNGRY(YET)!!!! The Jello has been the worst for me; I HATE IT. So, instead I do Water, tea, gingerale. Can't wait until Sunday when I can have something more substantial than clear liquids. Guess what, I went into to hospital at 225 lbs and came out 232 lbs. Well, keep up the good work, I know you will do well. OH YEAH, how's andrey????????

    I don't think you should drink gingerale b/c of the carbon it may make you gassy. stick to the Water and tea.

  7. i Just Had A Quick Question...

    I Had My Surgery On 5/21... And On Sunday I Had Planned On Takin My Son To A Swimmin Party.. That Would Be About 10 Days Post Op... Do You Think It Is Ok To Get My Scars Wet Yet? I Know I Have Been Gettin A Lil Wet In The Shower But I Have Been Tryin To Keep Them As Dry As Possible...

    My Surgeon Is Closed On Fridays..:thumbup:

    So I Can't Call Him And I Just Remembered About It... Any Advise That Yall Have Would Be Great! Thank So Much!


  8. Swollen and bruised is definitely normal . . . you are not very far out from surgery.

    Doctors have different instructions but I can share what I remember of mine with you.

    The "tape" I had were little white steri-strips that kind of helped hold the skin a little closer together. I was told to leave them be until they came off on their own. One came off early and I found later that the incision area in that spot was a little wider than the rest because I think that without the strip the edges moved a little further apart. I would just leave them alone.

    You should not take a bath, go swimming or in any way submerge your incisions in Water. However, showers are fine and the incision areas can get wet as long as they do not get very wet for very long. Basically I hopped in the shower, rinsed, soaped, rinsed in less than a minute for the incision site. Then I lowered the shower head and scrubbed everything else in a way that would not introduce much more Water to the incisions.

    Use a clean towel or paper towels to dry the incision area every time. Never use a washcloth more than once, and really I dont think you want to use one at all on the incision sites. This is to avoid any bacteria that may collect on these items from being introduced into the incisions.

    After a shower, I always made sure that I let the incisions dry completely, usually by just keeping the area uncovered and allowing them to air dry. After they were dry I used a little hydrogen peroxide, a little neosporin and then bandaged the area where necessary. I would never touch the area, bandages, anything along that line without thoroughly rewashing my hands first just in case. Even if I just got out of the shower and threw on some clothes, I would still rewash before touching.

    I never had any incision problems, everything healed well without infection. This is what worked for me.

    HOw long before that incision healed?

    That is what happened to me the port incision is wider bc the tape came off too soon, it is taking a while to heal now i see my stitches and feel them pulling. They are going to cut the stitches Tuesday.

    I have no infection and the Doctors are keeping a close eye on me every week, but I want to hear from someone that had a similar problem as me. Thanks.

    I clean the are with water and mild soap then I pat it dry with a sterile gauze rub neosporin on it then I cover it with a nonstick gauze pad and bandage it up.

    I asked the PA about using peroxide which I intially used before I asked her and she said not to use that bc it my irritate the area more so I stopped and just used the mild soap. It seems like it is closing now and getting smaller but geesh how long?

  9. the incision where my port is, is not healing well it opened, but the doctor said it was not infected gave me anitbiotics any way to be on the safe side. ad i have to put antibiotic cream on it with gauze twice a day. I have no fever no hot to the touch sensation jsut a wound that is taking forever to heal and close . It is very frustrating to me. It has been three weeks since my surgery my other woun ds are healing well and the wound looks like it is closing up now i go to the doctor every week for a follow up. But i am so annoyed right now. Has this happen to anyone else

    I have no drainage issues either with the wound

  10. slimm2be

    how are you doing with the hunger? do you find yourself feeling hungry or are you satisfied with what you are eating?

    I am feeling satisifed I am trying to concentrate when I am eating to realize that I am full. I added in a few things like more Fiber like the Beans and fruits. I am drinking only 1hour after meals helps me stay full longer

    I am just worried bc I have not started working out on my tread mill yet been tired when I get home. How long was it b4 you started walking on the tread mill.

  11. Don't know if it's a help or not, but when you're under 800 calories your body goes into starvation mode and you don't lose weight after a time. I lost weight on Clear Liquids right after surgery, but that will stop after a while. Also, when you move on to full liquids you might actually gain a pound or two temporarily. Most docs tell you to stick between 800 and 1000 cals per day to maximize weight loss.

    Slimm2be, can you send me your sample menus also?



    I started tracking my meals per day here is what I am doing

    Breakfast I have Protein shake 110 calories 25 grams Protein 0 sugar 0 carbs and I add fat free milk 110 calories. Then I have oikos greek yogurt plain fat free 90 calories I add unprocessed wheat Bran to this which is about 50 calories

    Breakfast 270 calories

    lunch I will have 1 cup of veggies and 3 oz salmon baked I blv the salmon is 155 calories alone and small portion of black Beans 118 calories

    lunch about 273 calories

    Dinnner I mainly have the same thing baked salmon 155 cal with salad and small portion of black Beans 118 calories

    dinner about 273 Calories

    added in the beans and apple after i spoke to jetti. before that my lunch and dinner was only about 180 calorie intake each.

    snack 1 apple 65 calories

    Now I am getting in about 881 for the day

  12. I love Jay Robbs strawberry whey Protein . it has no sugar, sweetened with a natural herb called STEVIA. 25 grams Protein per scoop no carbs 110 calories. once you can start adding fruit it tastes even better with fresh strawberries. But with out the strawberries it tastes like a strawberry milk shake. there are other flavors if you don't want strawberry but I have not tried those yet I make mine with SKIM MILk

    Banded 05-06-08

    10 pounds lost pre op surgery

    12 pounds lost post op so far

  13. slimm2be

    Im not taking any pills or diet aids. my calorie intake daily is most likely around 1400 I actually dont really count my calories. I make sure my portions are small so that I dont over eat out of habit but other then that I dont pay that much attention to what im eating. I dont eat fast food or junk food but I do still eat chocolate a few times a week but nothing like before I was banded. And if I want some cake or a cookie I allow myself to have it but not everyday. I try to hold out for special occasions like birthdays or a night out on the town. I feel very lucky that I have gotten this far and still have not needed a fill. I was thinking of getting a fill a few weeks ago but when i really thought about it I realized that I dont need one yet. I felt "not normal" because I dont have a fill. But I would rather wait until my weightloss slows down to get one.

    you are really an inspiration to me. I was wondering if you can post a sample menu of what you eat daily. i don't think i am gettin more than 600 calories a day in.. OMG jetti I just checked out your my space page you live in nj like me. Who was your doctor. you look grrreat I had my surgery at Saint Barnabas Hospital in Livingston, NJ Dr. Bilof was my Surgeon

  14. Hi,

    My name is Karen and I saw you live in the area. I am from West Nyack, NY (Rockland County). This site has been so helpful. I am suppose to get my band in Aug. I am very excited. Any suggestions or hints you have would be greatly appreciated.



    I used to live in Rockland County, originally from the bronx. I was banded May 5 2008 in NJ good luck!

  15. I agree that Portion Control plays the biggest part. make sure you keep your portions small and eat Proteins first. also start working out as soon as your doctor says you can. I started by doing the treadmill at home first and when I got bored of that I joined a gym and now I love going. I do 2 classes a day and they are fun so that makes me want to keep going. I have been lucky because I am over 6 months out and still dont have a fill and I am continuing to lose weight. keep up the good work and you will be just fine

    Wow no fill and you lost 60 pounds from november to April. How did you do it what is you calorie intake per day since you are exercising so much. do you take any appetite suppressants or diet pills. That is so grreat please tell me

  16. You might wnt to go with the myoplex carb control.

    Try Jay Robb whey Protein strawberry, delicious. 25g Protein per scoop no fat no sugar 1 g of carbs 110 calories.. It is sweetened with STEVIA natural sweetner that contains no aspartame. This is a good one try it. DO NOT DO the myoplex origial instead go for EAS myoplex low carb or EAS advantage.

    Banded May 5, 2008

    13 pounds lost

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
