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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by aculberg

  1. Thanks so much for replying! I have so many questions...first of all, do you know if you have to use the band docs on base? Do they have a weight loss program for you to follow, like with monthly appts? Do you know if they have access to fluroscopy? The move went well, were still getting settled in. It takes alot of time! My last fill was in June, and I'm doing great but I know I need to get in to see a new surgeon and get back into that routine. How long have you had your band? How long have you been at WP? Its nice to find someone stationed here that knows the docs and the hospital!

  2. Hi, Im Amie. We are moving to Centerville this June, my husband is in the AF being stationed at Wright Patt. I have been banded since Sept 08, out here in SLC. How are you doing so far? Im actually looking for a band surgeon in that area to transfer to and do fills. How do you like your doctor? Is the office good, do they offer alot of support? Its scary going from one doc that knows you so well, to another one that knows nothing about you!

  3. Wintobethin,

    Thanks so much for the reply. Its great that there are docs on base that do the band. Your progress so far is great! You should be so proud! How far is Franklin Twnshp from Centerville? How do you like the base? I've heard its a little different from most bases. Ive been banded almost 8 months, and its the greatest thing I've ever done. Right now I'm at a little plateau so I'm going in for a fill today! Gotta get back on track!

  4. Hi there, my name is Amie and we will be moving there in June. I see some of you have been banded at Wright Patt. That was one of my questions! lol Are the docs good? Do they do fills there? We are transferring there from Utah, and I love my surgeon here and will be sad to leave, but were looking forward to our move to Ohio. We bought a house in Centerville, after a quick house hunting trip to the area. How do you like the base, the hospital and the area? Are there local support groups or do you all ever get together? Thanks so much, cant wait to get there and meet new people!

  5. We will be moving to the Dayton area, Centerville to be specific, in June and I'm looking for a good band surgeon to switch to for my fills. I have been banded since Sept 2008. We are a military family, and I've heard Wright Patt has a very good medical facility, also wondering if they have a band surgeon on staff. Also checking in to see if there are any local support groups. Any input and referrals would be great! We are looking forward to moving to the area and meeting new people!

  6. I feel like things are always stuck. Almost everytime (maybe 7 out of 10 times) I eat I have a sliming episode. Even when I eat Slooowww. So slow the food is cold and I don't want it anymore. I get maybe 7 bites down, then I start feeling that uh oh, stuck feeling. I sit there and swallow and swallow and swallow the lump of yuck so I don't puke. Finally I have to get up and go to the sink and out the slime goes. :thumbup: After that, I'm fine. I can finish eating if I want. Has anyone else had this with all foods? I do NOT feel like I am too tight. I don't often even have a chance to get full because I do this first. I know what full feels like and sometimes it would just be nice to have that contented full feeling after a nice meal. I do have some restriction, however, because I can not eat breads easily, spaghetti is an absolute never again, french fries, and lettuce is troublesome. I have a two year old, and I portion my plate out to match his, figuring that is about the size my stomach should be. Does that sound right to you? Sometimes this is enough, other times not. I do not think I am to a good restriction yet, but I don't think I'll be getting a fill at the end of the month like I had planned, just so I can get this under control first. I have resolved to get the chew chew chew down to a science first!! Any other thoughts??

    This exact thing is happening to me also! Im so glad Im not alone...Eating is almost a chore now cause I know its going to get stuck and hurt...I have had 3 fills, not exactly sure how much is in the band, I think about 3cc's. My last fill was the week before Christmas, is it possible to still be that tight so far out? Im thinking of calling my surgeon and doing a fluro, just to be sure. I know its frustrating, I'm right there with you! Please let me know if you find out anything, or if anyone has any other ideas...

  7. I'm finally onto regular foods too, but I'm sticking with the soft things for now, and really trying to watch the calories. I havent PB'd yet, but I think I have had that feeling, that heaviness in my chest, it hurt so darn much and all I could do is breathe and concentrate on it *not* coming up! lol That happened with some chicken breast, and I tried toast this morning, and it didnt sit well either! My weight loss has really stalled though, but I havent gained either, so I guess its ok. My first fill is Oct 22, and I'm getting it done under fluroscopy, which the doc said can be pretty accurate, so we'll see.

    Anyone have some good recipes or any food suggestions? I'm always looking for something new!

  8. I have been wondering the same thing, so I've asked a couple of people at nutrition stores and looked it up online. It seems the body can only process about 30 grams of Protein at one time. I dont think it will harm you to have more, one nutritionist told me that you will just "eliminate it". I take the New-Whey protein bullets and divide it in two, mixed with a little crystal light, twice a day. Then if I have meat with dinner, that makes up the *at least* 60 grams of protein in a day. Hope that helps, and if anyone has any other info on this, I'd love to hear.

  9. JWRN - It does get better, I promise! Those first few days are really hard, I was so uncomfortable, but each day gets a little better and now, I'm 2 weeks out and I feel back to 100%. I still get kinda tired pretty easy, but ALL of the pain is gone, I agree with Restless, take your pain meds, get as much rest as you can,and walk, walk, walk! I have 6 incisions also, most of which are now healed and I've been putting neosporin and bio-oil on them, in the hopes that they fade quickly! lol

  10. Well, I am on soft foods now, but my typical day goes like this:

    Breakfast: about 1/2 to 3/4 cup malt o meal, or 2 scrambled eggs with salsa

    Lunch: Soup or rolled up lunch meat and cheese, or a little bit of chicken salad with cottage cheese or egg salad.

    Dinner: about 4oz of fish or chicken, some cooked veges.

    I have had a couple of Snacks in between because I am hypoglycemic and cant go more than about 3 hrs without eating *something* so I will usually have a string cheese, or cottage cheese, or this greek yogurt called Fage, it comes in little individual servings with a tiny side of fruit and it is soo good, and bonus, has 10 grams of protein!! I also have one 12 oz Protein Shake in the mornings, or else have one of those 42 gr Protein bullets split up in two during the day ( I mix it in a little crystal lt to kill the taste)

    So, thats pretty much my day, I feel like I'm eating alot, but I'm not, and I do get full pretty fast. My first fill isnt until Oct 22, but my surgeon does them under fluoroscopy so he gets it pretty accurate, so he says. And I've lost nearly 14 lbs so far, so Yay for us!!

  11. Did anyone here actually have tricare call them. I had read in earlier threads that someone from Tricare called to let them know they were approved and asked if there was anything they need to call them. They never once called me.

    Yeah, that was me :confused: A very nice woman from Tricare called to give me the "good news" as she put it, and was very sweet and genuinly happy to give me the news! Its amazing how different each Tricare employee can be...

  12. Ok, here's what I found when I googled it...

    "When more than 30-35 grams of whey is used at one time, it is absorbed too quickly, and what the body cannot assimilate for tissue repair is oxidized for energy. If you don't work it off, it ends up around the old waistline. The latest research has found that more whey Protein is oxidized for energy than was first thought. Most people should limit their intake of whey at a single sitting to approx 30 grams. Again these numbers are quite arbitrary, and everyone will respond differently. Mixing whey with milk, adding Peanut Butter or flax will probably help some, though it won't help as much as some people might think. "

    Someone on here mentioned those little Protein bullets, where do you get those??

  13. Hi guys, Teri, I really hope you feel better, if you cant get your fluids in, please call your doc. You may need an iv.

    Ok, so what is this about only absorbing 30 grams of Protein at a time?! I have been putting 2 scoops of the Protein Powder in my shakes, so thats about 42 grams, and getting that down ok. So, if thats the case...I'm gonna scream if I have to drink more than one of those a day! lol I think I will google it and let you all know.

    Went to my post op today, all is healing well, and I'm actually feeling alot better today, allowed to drive, but still on those dang liquids for another week...ugh! I got really hungry yesterday for some reason also, I guess all the swelling is going down.

    Anyways, its good to hear everyone's stories, lets keep comparing notes. Which band do you guys have? I have the Lapband AP small (10cc's). I get my first fill on Oct 22, but she said only if I want it...

  14. Yeah, everything has to be thin and runny, definately! I will be so scared when we actually get to eat real food! Thank you for sharing your experience Nicey, I get that tight feeling in my chest and cant burp from just drinking cold water! I just have to take it real slow, which is definately a learning experience...

    How is everyone healing? Are you all cleared to drive yet? My post op is on Tues so I'm hoping he clears me, my hubby has to go back to work on Thurs and I gotta get kids back and forth to school!

  15. I managed to get my Protein in also, but not my Water. But I guess anything we drink is considered Fluid, so I'm not doing so bad after all. When I make my Protein Shake, I put 2 scoops of the powder in with about 12 oz of skim milk, so I'm getting over 40 grams of protein with just that. Now, it takes me like an hour to drink it all, lol, but at least I'm getting it down and keeping it there. I am still on full liquids but that includes malt o meal or cream of wheat and grits and yogurt, so this morning I made a soft boiled egg and just mashed it with a little bit of butter and it was the same consistency as the Cereal, and it was Heaven! Thats the best thing I've eaten in 2 wks!!

    Alot of my pain has gone away, now just my port hurts, but they said to expect that for about a month, since its stitched into the muscle. Also, most of the gas is gone as well...so each day seems to get a little better. Keep up the good work!

  16. terilynn, Sounds like were having about all the same symptoms and reactions, I cant do cold Water either. I had a hiatal hernia fixed during surgery and I think that has alot to do with the pressure in my chest. I hope its not the band, or if it is, it lets up, cause it constantly feels like I have heartburn. My incisions dont really hurt, not even the port really, and I was actually able to sleep on my side last nite, woo hoo! But I still feel like things are moving around, or just something weird inside. I know were only 4 days out, and it will get better with time. Today I'm going to focus on getting the Protein and fluids in and try to get on a regular schedule with that.

    How is everyone else doing?

  17. Yeah, the diets are all over the place, I agree. I could move to full liquids the day after surgery, and that included things like cream Soups, cream of wheat, grits, anything of that consistency. After 2 weeks, I get to move on to mushy things, like egg salad, cottage cheese, flaky fish, etc.

    I too have alot of stomach pain from not having a BM, so yesterday I put a scoop of Miralax in my Protein Shake, and then today I had some prune juice with a little apple juice to cut the taste of it. That did the trick! I feel alot less pressure now, thank God! Still having alot of trouble sleeping though, just cant get comfortable, and I feel like things are moving around in my stomach! Does that make sense? Can anyone feel their band or the port? I think I can but dont want to think too much about it, lol.

  18. I know, its hard to get the Protein in, and the fluids, esp when you dont feel well at all. I am just trying to make myself remember to drink. If you can do a Protein Shake, try putting 2 scoops of protein in it, then it should give you about 40 or more grams including the milk, so I think thats pretty good, considering were only 3 days out from surgery. I had to take it really slow but I managed to get it all down! I also had a small bowl of thin malt o meal and about half a can of chicken and stars, so far today. What is everyone else eating/drinking? Maybe we can inspire each other! lol

  19. I just had my surgery done on Tues the 16th. I dont think they did any kind of xrays, but I dont know for sure. I heard they do the fluorscopy at the first fill. How are the rest of you feeling? I could not sleep lying down, had to sit up in the recliner. I have alot of pain in my neck and shoulders, like a truck hit me! The incisions arent too bad, but I also had a hiatal hernia fixed during the band surgery so I think thats why I'm in so much pain!

  20. Hi everyone! I had my surgery on the 16th as well. Just got home a little while ago, had to spend one nt in the hospital because they had to fix a hiatal hernia as well as placing the band. When I woke up from surgery, it felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest! A couple shots of morphine took care of that. But now that I'm home, my neck and shoulders are killing me, I guess from the gas pains. I've been up walking and that helps a little, but sitting and lying down hurt way too much. I've been using a hot pad on my shoulders and that helps too. If anyone has any other suggestions, that would be great. Also, my stomach is growling and going crazy, but I'm not really hungry, isnt that weird?! Good luck to us all and a speedy recovery...

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