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Everything posted by Great2BThin

  1. Great2BThin

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    Woo Hoo!! Taxes done, double checked and e-filed for federal and 2 states! Major refund coming! Double woo-hoo! Now I am glad for the outragous amount DH's employer took out in taxes. DH sat down with me and helped me go through everything one final time. Good thing, who knew a little thing such as a negative sign could make such a difference. LOL I inadvertantly dropped the negative sign for a loss on a stock sale and reported it as a gain. Thought it was a good day to do it as it's so dark, dreary and rainy outside. Though it has given DH spring fever, he's been busy looking at seeds, making his indoor planting boxes to start his seeds in a few weeks etc. He has plans for a 'salsa garden'. Linda, enjoy that sunshine 'cause if what we have here is headed your way there's no sun. But at least we don't have to shovel the rain. Though it supposed to change to snow in the night. ONly 1 to 3 inches though.
  2. Great2BThin

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    Well my cleaning lady just showed up, aka ME! LOL Wish I had one., but just never felt I could justify the expense when I didn't work outside the home. But oh would it be nice to have someone come like once a year or twice to do a deep clean! Now the tax lady is showing up, also ME! LOL I have them close to done, but want to go through everything from the beginning to be sure I didn't miss anything. Also, contemplating using part of DH's bonus to contribute to some IRA's or something so gotta see what sort of difference that will make. Very happy we are getting a very nice refund. Move years always make me nervous with all the moving expenses, reimburesement off, moving bonus, etc. plus both states want to tax you. I pray I have it figured out right. After the tax lady, the chef will have to show up and figure out something for dinner. Unless she can convince DH to take her out tonight as a kick off to the long weekend! LOL
  3. Great2BThin

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    Good afternoon. Well traffic court was okay, it was basically an assembly line to get more money I felt. It wasn't a time or place to plead your innocence or be heard by a judge, if you wanted that you had to go set up something else. This was for what they called 'plea in advance' or something like that. Basically you paid your fine whatever it was PLUS $25 and if you kept a clean driving record for 6 mos then the infraction won't show on your record and no points against your license. They moved you through really fast. I just did that, and be done with it. So I was in and out pretty quick. Then I went to Kohls on that side of town. OMG, the bargains I got! I know there's been discussion about Kohls on here being a hit or miss kind of place, yesterday and today it was a definite HIT! First yesterday I went because I had a $10 coupon. Well they had all their clearance an additional 25% off and it was already 70 or 80% off. Plus at checkout you got a scratch off coupon for an additional 15, 20 or 30% off. I got myself a cashmere sweater, 3 camisole tops, 2 long sleeve tshirt type shirts, DH a sweater, and 6 baby outfits. Care to guess what I spent? $57!! for all that, plus I got a $10 Kohls cash coupon to use starting next week. I saw a shower curtain that I liked there yesterday but they were out so I went to the Kohls by the traffic court and they had it so I got that and found a serving bowl on clearance and got another $10 Kohls cash so next week I will go get some co-ordinating towels or rugs. When we moved into this house I changed most of my decor colors, it used to be golds and reds and now it's like a robins egg blue and brown. Everything was switched to that except my main hallway bathroom so now it's switched too. Eva, thanks for the comments. Yes I loved Dragon Tatoo, I've read all 3 books. My only complaint would be the graphicness of them but it is part of the story. I also watched all 3 Swedish movies with the subtitles. There is a 4th book the author had almost finished before he died that's yet to be published his live in girlfriend and father are squabbling over the rights. Also come Dec. the Dragon Tatoo book will be released as a movie from Hollywood with Daniel Craig Mikeal Blomvist character. DD had her dr appt yesterday and they aren't inducing. It really won't help her gall bladder pain and insurance considers it elective then and won't pay til 39 weeks, she's 37. They are concerned about the size of the baby so did another ultrasound and baby appears fine but very tiny. 5lb 11 oz right now and DD is so small. When they measure DD's tummy she measures like she's only 30 weeks pregnant. Said she should have an easy labor with such a small baby, we'll see. I'm very anxious. Oh and my friend that I go to McD's for coffee/diet cokes all the time with, just found out yesterday that she is going to be grandma for the first time. our daughters think this could be very dangerous for us but beneficial for them when we hit the shops! LOL So it will be fun to share this with her. Oh, and, Eva, DH has his pond in each of our houses and I think every spring he goes through an algea problem after the freezes and thaws from the winters it must mess up the balance between the filter tank and the pond or somthing. Our pond is pretty thawed now and the gold fish are even swimming a tad. Phyl, hope you feel better soon! Joyce, how was the workout with the trainer? is this new? or have you been going? Arlene, hope you are better soon. Congestion is the pits! Meredith, have a great weekend with your sis! Laura, I hope the 21 yr old guy really takes to heart all you did for him. Cheri, where have you been?
  4. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good evening. Just got home from book club, our book this month was Girl with a Dragon Tatoo so we discussed that, but half the gals there hadn't read the book which makes for tough discussion. Tomorrow morning is my court appt for my accident. HOpefully that goes smoothly. I drove by it tonight so I know where to go in the morning. Kelley, I have a tough time with pork as well. I discovered I could do the cheaper cuts of pork chops probably cause they are fattier but I don't do them often. chicken I can do the dark meat but not the breasts (too dry). Beef I do better with cuts like filet mignon from costco and some rib eyes. Usually more expensive cuts but since my portion is so small I justify it as I get several meals out of it. My DH is avid hunter and has deer and elk meat in the freezer so when I get the expensive steak it's just for me as well, but sometimes he gets a beef one and gets a cheaper one so he can have more he says. LOL I like chili a lot as well. Also for fish, have you tried tilapia? It's very mild, easy to cook and easy to eat.
  5. Great2BThin

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    Good morning. Wouldn't you know the whole time we were in Hawaii it was about 60 here, we come home and it snowed last night. LOL I am ready for some spring. I enjoy the change in seasons but winter is usually about a month too long. LOL DD has a dr appt this morning at 1030 and they are going to discuss possible inducing of labor. I am anxious to hear if I gotta go pack quick for a trip to Denver to meet my granddaughter soon. Shanaya, I think it's normal to be scared before surgery but if you just no showed your surgery that's probably not. You can get a lot of info from just reading the various threads here on this website, but didn't you dr give you lots of info before as well? Mine I had to attend seminars, nutrition classes etc. and even see a psychologist to be sure I was mentally ready for this. Perhaps some counselling might help you out? Good luck to you. It is a major change and you have to really want it. KisKis, congrats on the 20 lbs you are doing great! Phyl, hope you are feeling better. Laura, was that Nelson I saw in the dentist chair on your FB?
  6. Great2BThin

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    Aloha, I am home! We had to take a detour home via Los Angeles instead of the non stop as the non stop filled up at the last minute. Then the plane had a mechanical but only delayed it about 45 min. Got into the airport here and DH had about 10 min to get on a conference call for 3 hours so I had to sit in the airport here. He said it could be 30 min to 2 hours. I didn't want to take the car and have it be 30 min and turn around and get him. So I bought a USA Today read the paper and did all the puzzles. Not as good as Apples on the crosswords though, couldn't finish it. But I am good at Suduko. I had a marvelous time, lots of time alone for some contemplation too. I finished my Boundaries book and gleaned a lot from it. The book was great at pointing things out, lacking in how to fix it, but I have some good ideas on where boundaries are needed. I will write more about that another time. Food/cravings: no it doesn't bother me usually to talk about them. Once in a while something will sound really good and I'll start dwelling on it but not often. My triggers are my triggers whether I talk about them or read about them or not. I know what my red light foods are, sometimes I think talking about them and bringing them out in the open takes some of their 'power' away from me. Yes I know I have power over the food. Mine are chips, salty crunchy things and fried things. Sweets, chocolate could leave those alone easy except maybe an M & M or chocolate covered macadamian nut! LOL And I was very proud of myself last time I brought home 3 bags of Hersheys macadamia nut kisses. Brought home none! Falls, I know I read someone else took a tumble, but sorry I don't remember who. I am getting over my sore shoulder and back from my ice tumble. It was aggravating me swimming but then just got better. Well got loads of laundry awaiting. Want to get it all done, just in case DD were to call and say she's in labor so I have clean stuff to grab to go to Denver. Not that I'd take summer stuff to Denver right now, but undies, jeans etc. all need awashing.
  7. Great2BThin

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    Aloha!! The hotel has a computer in teh lobby to use so thought I'd say hi, though I am lost on it, it's an Apple and seems very different. Happy Valentines day everyone! Having a great time. DH had a long day at work today over 12 hours so I have been on my own a lot, he thinks he'll be back about 6 to take me to dinner tonight and said not to eat without him. Tummy Tucks, I understand that if it's an insurance thing they pay for a pannectomy (sp) only but nothing with the tummy tuck persay with the muscles and all. Lately I've been developing some itching so may ask my dr to document it just in case. I think you can get insurance to pay part and then you pay part for the 'tuck'. Sandra, happy belated birthday! Well there's a wait for the computer. Sorry for the typos.
  8. Great2BThin

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    Good morning. My right arm, wrist, shoulder are pretty stiff and sore this morning but nothing worse than that thank goodness. Last night my right hand wouldn't stop shaking, DH wanted me to go get it checked out but that's gone this morning. He promises to try and chip away at the ice, it should melt today too. It's just a real small layer from just a skiff of snow we got, frustrating. North driveways! GRRRR The auto body place called last night and my car is all fixed so we are picking it up today. Also, have to get a pedicure for Hawaii, of course! LOL DH is working from home and we may go to lunch today. Meredith, DH and I had that same arguement yesterday most of it on the phone as he was getting ready to board a flight to Phoenix. We continued last night when he got home and all is good now. He is a major workaholic. Janet, when I was 18 I worked at a Walgreens, I was the lady in blue. Remember those? not sure if all had them but it meant you worked the cosmetic counter. Anyway we got robbed twice, once when I was filling in at the RX cash register a man with a gun came and demanded drugs. The other time it was my day off and someone came in as they closed the store and locked everyone up in a back room where we tossed all the empty boxes etc. It was scary. I quit shortly after that.
  9. Great2BThin

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    LInda, I got home from Denver yesterday and leave for Hawaii on Sunday, however, that might change to Saturday. Arlene, I've taken Advil before with no problems. KisKis, this time I am just going to Oahu (Honolulu) as the bulk of DH's business will be there, he'll go to Maui for the day one day but I won't be able to go with him. Bummer as I love Maui. Maybe next time. The soreness is okay from the fall but the weirdest thing is my arm/hand is shakey, not sure what that's about. DH wants me to get it checked out tomorrow if it's not better. I also get to pick up my car tomorrow it's all repaired from my crash last week.
  10. Great2BThin

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    Oh my aching back, shoulder, wrist, neck, knee. Why you ask? Clutzy me slipped on the ice in the drive way when my friend picked me up to go McD's for our coffee/diet coke marathon chat session. I just hate having a north facing driveway and vowed I never would again (we had one when first married) but what do I have?The south facing ones across the street are dry mine is a sheet of ice. Yes we shovelled and snow blew but still that little skiff that is left turned to pure ice where the tire tracks are. I don't think I seriously injured anything, was scared about my new knees. Think I will just be sore for a few days. First a car wreck, then this. Speaking of car wreck, what's your opinion on what I should do? I called the court today to find out my fine since I got the citation for improper lookout. The fine is $120 and a few points on my license. If I pay $25 extra I can do something called Plea in advance, the fine remains the same but the points would be taken off my license. This is my first ever citation in almost 40 yrs driving. Do I do it? or just pay it and be done with it? After all, my insurance knows I have the citation and has found me at fault and is paying for my car and the other to be fixed. So it's not like not doing the points would hide it from my insurance, etc. I just have never had any experience with this. There's no way the fine will be reduced. Why I got banded? My knees hurt bad and I needed replacement, for those to work the best and longest I needed to be at a much lighter weight. I wanted to be healthy, I wanted to be a fun grandma, I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I tried everything to lose and always ended up regaining everything I lost plus some. KisKis, welcome, congrats on your banding, stay around and let us get to know you.
  11. Great2BThin

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    Greetings! I am home from Denver. Got home about 2 this afternoon. We had a big snowstorm yesterday and the roads were really bad so I didn't want DD to drive me to the airport in that and risk getting stuck on her way home alone. Still no baby, she's off her anti contraction meds and off of bedrest. Depending on her gall bladder pain the dr may induce her in a week or so. It's gotten really bad and plus she's so small as far as showing goes and is all baby and it's pushing very hard on her ribs, she's just miserable. Plan is still on to go to Hawaii on Sunday but if she goes into labor I will go to Denver instead. I figure she'll wait til I get to Hawaii and then go into labor. LOL Julie, sorry to hear your DD is having gall bladder issues as well. Her due date is my birthday, good day to have a baby! Linda, I've enjoyed reading your experience with the Protein and 5 day pouch test. You don't sound preachy at all. We all gotta do what works best for us and share our successes and failures. Well I got lots of laundry to do and errands, going to take DH to work tomorrow so I can have the car, mine is still in the shop from my accident, supposed to be done on Friday. I have not driven since it either, so am nervous.
  12. Great2BThin

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    Good morning from blizzardy Denver! I am on my DD's computer and wanted to check in and say hi. All is well here other than I am snowed in, was to go home today but probably not now, I don't want her to get stuck in the snow and start labor or something. She's doing well, off all restrictions. Dr said baby can come any time not but probably won't for about a week. Her gall bladder is bothering her real bad now so they may consider inducing her next week so she can then get that taken care of. I've been reading on my Droid phone so am sortta up to date, just can't figure out responding on the thing. So a few of the things I remember to comment on: Arlene, that must have been quite the stuck episode, never heard of it lasting like that. When I get stuck I usually just have to excuse myself, cough or burp once or twice and get rid of the offender and then usually can go back and finish my meal. Normally it's because I wasn't paying attention to bit size or chewing, almost always happens when I am distracted, talking etc. rarely when I am alone and being a good mindful bander. Have never had to do liquids or anything after, so I feel for you and sorry you had such a horrible episode. Laura, I got your humor about the purse. Heck get 2! LOL Sounds like you really have things figured out though and it makes sense that a weight gain can tighten it if a weight loss can loosen it. I too am one that doesn't have good boundaries right now and over commit, hence the Boundaries book I am reading is helping me in that regard as well. Meredith, take it from an old lady, if you can start saving no now and setting up good boundaries for your time you will save yourself a lifetime of grief. Good for you for realizing it at your young age. When do you start your pouch test? Linda, hope you are feeling better. Eva and Apples, have a great road trip, don't be too much like Thelma and Louise, don't they drive over a cliff or something in the end? Joyce, sounds like maybe the 5 day pouch test might be a good idea for you too to figure out what's what with your band? When you are getting stuck are you eating too fast, too big of bites, etc? Did your DH support the band going into it or has he been against it all along and just wants you to be done with it? It's gotta be tough if you don't have the support at home. Well I hear DD up, upstairs, today we are going to set up the nursery. We went baby shopping yesterday and finished getting all the baby stuff she needed that she didn't get at her showers. It's so cute. It will be a day stuck indoors in this snow storm. I know I won't be seeing my folks today if they didn't want to go out yesterday to see me in the almost 60 degree weather because it was too cold and too far, I know they won't go out today. DS was real hurt as we were to meet him at his Walmart and then go to lunch, he hasn't seen Grandma and Grandpa since they got to town, and DD was looking forward to showing them the nursery. Oh well their (my folks) loss. But when I did see my sisters and folks the visit went pretty well. I stood up for myself when needed, mom got a little ticked but I left feeling guilt free!
  13. Great2BThin

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    Good afternoon. Remember a year or so ago when we had the dead battery-itis going around here? how so many of us caught it? Well I sure hope car accidents aren't contagious but guess who was in one this noon? Yep, Your's Truly. I'm fine and not hurt but car had to be towed so now I am carless. I can get a rental but decided to wait since we leave for Denver this weekend. I might need those days of a rental when I get back. My friend promised to come pick me up tomorrow for our McD's coffee/diet coke chat to get me out of the house. I am just so mad at myself that I got into the wreck. I was following my friend after Bible study (somethings not right about being spiritual and then getting in a wreck LOL). We were in a left turn lane, she was the first car in the lane and I was the 2nd. Light changed, she turned and I followed and I hit someone coming straight from the other way. I couldda swore I had the green arrow. He is saying he had the green. My friend thought the arrow was there too and she cleared the intersection. But when the cop asked her if she could say with 100% certainty that it was an arrow she said no and sadly neither could I. Basically I assumed as she went and I followed. So I got the citation for improper lookout. Thankfully she was there and came to stay with me during the whole process and gave me a ride home, etc. It's my first ever accident in almost 40 yrs of driving and I am just beating myself up about it. And so shook up, still shakey. Thankfully I had the vehicle I did as our other vehicle only has liability coverage since the insurance company won't write full coverage on it anymore after they totalled it out with the hail damage we experienced in our move last May. We have a $500 deductible and I am sure they will raise my rates now. Arlene, macaroni in a low carb Soup???? why does DH need the starch? With bypass is he supposed to have that, doesn't it give him dumping? Just hadda give you a bad time. Laura, hope you are feeling better. Cheri, how is your pain today? Linda, LauraK, Sandy, Cheri, and the rest of you in the snowy places be careful out there. WE got the cold but not the snow. It's warmed up already to a balmy 22 out. LOL Speaking of the cold, my house made so many creaky, popping noises in teh night from the extreme cold. I was afraid my pipes were froze or something, but all was well. Might have been the aluminum gutters.
  14. Great2BThin

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    Janet, I am using TurboTax and trust it pretty good, what I am unsure of is my enteries. LOL Part of our income is reported to 2 states and trying to decide which one taxes it or both. DH thinks there might be a mistake on his W2 so he's checking with his employer later this week. The numbers aren't making sense. Guess I am gun shy as I got audited once during a move year and 2 states taxed teh same income.
  15. Great2BThin

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    Oh, Ouch!! Cheri, I hope you are okay after the wreck. So scary with your vertebrae issues, praying that things stay put and all stays well. Take it easy tomorrow and rest.
  16. Great2BThin

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    Apples, do my eyes deceive me? Are you complaining it's chilly in AZ??? LOL Have you been there too long? LOL Now Zero outside today here with below zero windchills, now that's Chilly! LOL Just had to give you a bad time! Just went and saw the weirdest movie, Black Swan. DD told me I wouldn't like it, I should've listened. It's had so much hype I wanted to see it before the Oscars. Sorry I did. Not my kind of movie. So now I am rooting for True Grit and Kings Speech for the Oscars! King Speech number one. I loved that movie. I am busy working on taxes. I am very relieved. I am always so worried when we move and get all the moving expenses reimbursed etc. they add that to DH's income and tax it. I always worry they didn't hold enough out, but from the looks of things so far they held out way way way too much and we should get a huge refund. WOOHOO!! But I could be making mistakes. Not to fear though as the state says we didn't pay enough. GRRRR so they will get a good chunk of it. I am debating paying to have them done though just in case I am screwing up.
  17. Great2BThin

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    BRRRRRR it's cold outside! My thermometer out back says ZERO but the windchill makes it feel about 10 below they say, not quite as cold as Denver though. But a plus it is sunny! That foggy, muck, inversion is out of here. Yep I carried that cake onboard the airplane, put it in the overhead during flight. It made it fine, they wrapped it up pretty good. TSA didn't say anything about it in the Xray machine. Janet, how sweet of Andrew, glad you got to go. Arlene, hope the shot is helping the thumb issue. Eva & Apples, when do you go to Janets? Sounds like a fun time! Laura, that would be wonderful if your parents went on vacation with you. HOpe you are feeling better. Linda, glad you found some new muscles. LOL Apples, so tell us more about the Love Shack. Is it a condo, a park model? Do you have to furnish it or does it come furnished? How exciting to have a place you know is there waiting for ya. Did Tanker pick out his spot yet? LOL I call it 'grocery store' too. Didn't realize anyone called it anything different. LOL Your 'simple' life in MN sounds wonderful, would love to have a gathering there.
  18. Great2BThin

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    Honey I am home!!! I had a real nice weekend in Denver. I was able to read the posts on my phone but not respond so hopefully I remember everything I wanted to comment on. The weather was gorgeous, 69 degrees on Friday. We left just in time though, tomorrow's high is supposed to be single digits and a low of MINUS 16, brrrr. That's the thing about Denver weather it's very spoardic. If it's 70 this time of year, you know something is coming, they call it the warm before the storm. But I'll take a storm if I get a day or two of 70's this time of year! First off the shower, it was wonderful. DD got so many cute little outfits for Katelyn. This is the first baby in the family in years so everyone had fun and went overboard buying frilly little girly outfits. She got many necessities too. The cake was wonderful. I bought that here and carried it on the plane. I got a 'Nothing Bundt Cakes' cake, a white chocolate raspberry, and then made some candy molds out of the candy melt stuff of baby bottles on sucker sticks and stuck them in the middle of the cake (in the hole). DD's MIL behaved pretty well as well. The night before she was a handful, we had all gone to see DNephew's HS basketball game (he's her nephew too) and all I heard was how the notice for the shower was too short, and how she disagrees with DD's obstetrician on somethings. She's a NICU nurse and thinks she knows it all. But I think I will go with the Dr's opinion vs her's. And I am not getting in teh middle of it, DD is confident in her dr and listens to her. Next thing, in Denver I got to go to an Ann Taylor Loft outlet store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They opened one in Castle Rock in October, DH know how badly I wanted to go and took me. Loved it, got several things for $9 each. Good thing I had such a big suitcase from bringing all the baby things to Denver to bring my purchases home. LOL Meredith, you asked about Ann Taylor vs the Loft. Here's an article I found: http://www.associate...hat.html?cat=46 I am sure you'd find wonderful slacks at either one. I love the quality of their clothing. Next, I went to my lapband dr office while there, I saw the NP not the dr. but did get a small tweak of .25 cc's in my band. She also checked to see if all was still there and it is. I was happy with that as my restriction seemed to loosen up and I was afraid of a leak as I haven't lost weight obviously so couldn't understand why it would be looser. I am glad I went we had a great chat and she told me something that helped so much after I had said how I cancelled my last appt to come see them as I was embarrassed about gaining a few pounds back. She said you got banded but you still have a life. Things happen in life that can side track you, major stresses like divorce, death, MOVING! etc. that the important thing was to set boundaries. Allow yourself some time and then get back at it. It's the all or nothing thinking that doesn't work. So I have gained a few pounds, I had a major life change, and I know what to do and now you just get back at it. It just sortta eased all the pressure I was feeling and the failure. Now the other things if I remember I wanted to comment on: Chicago, still not sure if I can make it, but if I do, I would be all about wanting to sit and visit vs lots of running around and sightseeing. My opinion is I am coming to see all of you, not Chicago, but if there can be a combo of the two then great. Like the dinner cruise, we could see the sights but sit and talk over dinner as well. But, of course, would go with the majority, but wouldn't want to spend lots of money on admissions etc. to things. Linda's lapband article: Loved it, thanks for posting Linda. Do you think it's important to do the liquid days on the 5 day pouch test or just get back to pure Protein? Janet's bday: Glad you had such a wonderful visit with the family. I posted HB on your FB while gone and will add my belated wishes here. 5K: nope not interested in running with my fake knees but I make a good cheer section! I believe there was a discussion about FL vs AZ weather, give me AZ or Vegas or any desert type climate any day with the dry heat. I can't stand the humidity. I visit my folks in FL and just hate that humidity. I went once I think in October and that wasn't so bad but every other time of year it makes teh hot feel hotter and the cold feel colder. It's what I hated most about living in Delaware/Philadelphia area, well that and the rudeness. LOL Well I better go catch up on my emails and also around the house here. If I remember what else I wanted to post on I will be back. LOL Now I remember, Yoga, I did some power yoga. I liked that, but it was hard. It was none of the meditation type stuff, I don't think I'd like that.
  19. Great2BThin

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    Good afternoon. Happy Birthday Janet, you deserve and awesome day. I agree with the others, thank you for providing the place and being such a role model for us. I remember when I found your first post here and I was struggling with telling others I was having surgery. Wow that was over 2 yrs ago, going on 3. Thank you. I remember thinking I wanna be just like her when I grow up! I just made an appt with my lap band dr in Denver for while I am there. Not sure if I want or need a fill but going to talk about it. BBQ for us usually means hot dogs and hamburgers for some reason when we say that we mean that other wise it is grilling and we are grilling steak, etc. LOL Weird, I know. Janet, sorry to hear about BIL, hope it hasn't spread. Eva, mi Espanol is muy mal, pero puedo comprendo paquita (sp). Tengo tres anos en la escuela mucho anos ago. Arlene, glad you got a little break from your mom, not that you needed one because she is difficult or anything but just that you need one once in awhile even from pleasant chores. Gotta recharge those batteries. Well my bags are almost packed for Denver tomorrow. Had to get a bigger bag as I have been buying too many baby clothes. LOL It'll be empty coming home. I do have an Ann Taylor outfit packed for the shower. LOL
  20. Great2BThin

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    Linda, thanks for the definition, my mom has diagnosed herself with FM so was curious what it was. No dr has concluded the same thing though. The snow if it comes your way, the good thing was it was a fast mover but we got about 4 inches.
  21. Great2BThin

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    Good afternoon. Happy Bandiversary LInda!! Apples, are you going to buy a place in AZ? you must really like it down there. My workout today consisted of snowshovelling, the heavy wet kind. Aerobic and strength all in one. DH will be so happy to see the whole 3 car driveway cleared. Arlene, I am seeing DD this weekend for the baby shower. Be gone for a few days. What's lexapro? A FM Drug??
  22. Great2BThin

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    Workout done! Lots of planks today, they are a major weakness for me so have been practicing on just doing them sometimes when I am watching TV or whatever. My little workout avatar on the XBox missed me last week. LOL Jodi, Phyl and Janet, looks like a fun time was had by all including Dassi and the pups as well. Loved the pic of the dogs looking out the door. We have blue sky and sunshine today! More muck is supposed to come in about Thurs. but that's ok as I am leavng for Denver!
  23. Great2BThin

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    Welcome, LoriFlowers, I am Lori too. I lived in Delaware from April 2005 to Aug 2006 so not long. We were considered Wilmington but were just one exit into DE from PA DH worked in PHL and I worked in PA too at QVC. Congrats on your 28 lbs. Interesting that your dr hasn't told you when you get your fills. The general rule of thumb is at 6 weeks though some get a small fill in surgery (I did) and some go sooner or later than that. Usually they want to wait til all the swelling and healing is done from surgery. Then after that it's sortta on an as needed basis. I got them almost every 2 weeks for the first month or so until I got where I needed to be. It took me a lot of fills and others (like our Janet here) only needed one. Be careful, as it is so tempting, not to compare your fills with anyone else though. It varies for everyone so much. Also, there seems to be a difference of opinion on docs as to if you need a fill if you are losing. My dr gave fills if you were losing on the basis that you were losing the fat pad between the band and your stomach and it loosened up. Others say if you are losing well why do you need a fill? So the best thing to do is really track and keep track of your portion size and how hungry you are. You should be full on 1/2 to a full cup of solid Protein. If not you are too loose, if you can't even eat 1/2 cup you are probably too tight. Good luck to you. Keep posting so we can get to know you. Well gals, I slipped on the exercise last week. First it was the Monday holiday and DH being home, then it was going to DEN then well I just got lazy or said I would do it later and later never came. So Igot it on and ready in the other room and better get off my butt at the computer and go do it! Wanted to eat a little Breakfast first as I seem to get light headed when I don't. Talk to you later, post exercise!
  24. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    WOOHOO!! PACKERS! Joyce have a great time!!
  25. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good afternoon. Settling in and getting ready to watch my Packers beat some Bears! (at least I hope so LOL). Got the tshirt on even got DH wearing one. He's a diehard Broncos fan but since his team isn't in it and he really dislikes Jay Cutler after how he treated Denver, he's rooting for the Pack as well. DD is doing well. Contractions have really settled down. She has a dr appt in the morning and they are doing another ultrasound to measure the baby, cervix, etc. Linda & Janet, good job on the shopping! I might have to go check out Penneys by my house. I always find such bargains there for DH in the Tall department. Sandy, will be very curious to follow your journey and consulations regarding the tummy tuck. Laura, good going on tossing the rest of that cupcake batter before it even got baked into cupcakes.

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