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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Ed_NW

  1. I say send it. Unless you are getting a lawyer, it's going to fall on def ears anyway. I think your unedited anger will come across as intended. Make sure you add that you also put a copy of this on a few social media sites. These days, anybody that offers a service of any type is more afraid of bad press from social media than any other source. They will make changes just based on the possibility of getting a bad rep. GO GET EM TIGER! (oh, and move on afterwards)
  2. Ed_NW

    Late Night Snacking

    You might have to go do a sleep study where they record you on video all night. My son had to do that.
  3. I haven't had my surgery yet but reading about places like you went to for your WLS changes my thinking about the program I'm in. I started the process in April of this year and I won't even meet my surgeon until December 4th to decide on what surgery I will be getting (frustrating). I started out at 370 lbs and I will be under 300 lbs by the time my surgery takes place. It would be easy to get frustrated and turn to food for comfort like before but I'm done sabotaging myself like that. I'm looking at whatever surgery I get as a tool to assist me with my drastic lifestyle change. It's a very slow process but it gives me lots of time to research and learn what I'm getting myself into. If at any time during the process I feel like I'm not getting the best care possible, I can jump ship and go back to the drawing board as they say. I think too many people are rushed into surgery without knowing exactly what it is they are getting themselves into. I've had time to change my diet drastically and get into the right mindset well before I go under the knife. I will be educated before and after the surgery which I think is very important. You are in charge of what goes on with your body and can't really make informed decisions unless you are prepared beforehand. No matter what you do in your life, research everything before signing on the dotted line (in this case, before letting someone stab you in the gut with a scalpel).
  4. Ed_NW

    Pre Op HELP!!!

    If you went to weight watchers for 6 months, you shouldn't have any problem getting a statement from them to cover that part of it. The only tricky part I can see is having your PCP provide records showing you visited them twice within that 6 month period and discussed your weight loss attempts. If you're not sure, have your Dr.'s office pull your records to see if that all lines up with what your insurance wants. Your Dr.'s office should be able to help you fill the form out as well.
  5. Ed_NW

    I. DID. IT.

    I'm glad everything turned out good. I think you are on your way to the new improved you! 😃
  6. This is the reason there are so many destroyed relationships after WLS (marriages, friends and the like). I've had the misfortune of watching my youngest son's marriage fall apart (they have 3 young children) because his wife decided to jump on the holier than thou vegan wagon. She now spends her time condemning others for their food choices and expecting everyone to accommodate her food choices anytime she's around and might need to eat. Too many people start treating food like religion after they find something that worked for them. I'm sorry, but if I know it's an evangelist at my front door, I'm not answering it. I don't want to debate my beliefs with anybody. That's why a lot of the support group admin's on Facebook will pull out the ban hammer when people start preaching absolute (and potentially argumentative) opinions for a healthy lifestyle. They're considered trolls and get booted. I'm not saying that anyone should get booted here but save the judgmental rhetoric for your own circle. I think pretty much everyone on here has from time to time had to deal with judgmental people and their advice on the "healthiest way to eat" and just want to find what works best for them by filtering through lots of other people's experiences.
  7. Ed_NW

    Post op week 1

    You're doing great! A lot of doctors don't even care about the protein a little over a week out. It's the lack of hydration that kills people and you've got that licked. Keep up the good work!
  8. I think the best plan of attack for hydration post-op will be to just wear workout clothes and carry a water bottle everywhere sipping on it all day. People will always think you just finished working out or doing yoga (2 things that are super cool these days) AND you get your water in. Win win! LOL
  9. One of my jobs (among many) is, I manage a fleet of trucks. I've been around commercial trucks my whole life as my father always had 4 or 5 of his own. I take the trucks to outside mechanics for repairs. It's been my experience that ego gets in the way when dealing with some mechanics. I've found, some mechanics don't like to hear what my thoughts are on the cause of whatever the problem might be. If I feel that's the case, I take my business elsewhere. If you act like you are the only game in town and you can be a jerk to people wanting to give you money for your services, you aren't going to get my business. I've always thought of Doctors in the same way. If a doctor can listen to the patient and have a discussion rather than just plug their ears because they are predetermined that the patient is wrong about everything they are about to say, that's the doctor for me. Someone else on here mentioned one time that they liked Dr. Shaw Somers and the show he was on in the UK called Fat Dr. His videos on YouTube were some of the first that I came across over a year ago when I was contemplating WLS. If your Dr. isn't at least half as understanding and compassionate as Dr. Shaw Somers, I say he/she is in the wrong profession, go find another Dr.
  10. It's called a support group for a reason. If you think a person might not be supportive of your decision, they don't get into this elite group you created in your head. It's stress management and you're in control.
  11. Ed_NW

    1 week post op

    I hear ya, just made me chuckle. The tone sounded a bit like a challenge.
  12. Ed_NW

    1 week post op

    I like the defiance. Stop me if you can.. LOL
  13. The topic of WLS has came up before in casual conversation with family members outside of my house and those that weren't open minded about it, I put on the mushroom list. Feed em full of crap and keep em in the dark. LOL
  14. You got this. Looking at your picture, you are gorgeous and it can only get better from here. Just try to stay positive and keep sipping. If you feel too dehydrated, there's always IV fluids. You will get passed the hard part and become a better you because of it.
  15. Ed_NW

    Impact Advanced Recovery

    I think this is one of those times when you CHEAT! Oh my goodness, I think you just got punked (if that's still a thing). LOL
  16. You might want to check out some of the free Facebook accountability groups. Here's one that is specific to your situation. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1525014851069468/
  17. The difference essentially comes down to the location of the procedure. Both endoscopy and laparoscopy involve the use of a camera, mounted on some platform, to look inside the body to minimize intrusion (small incisions or no incision). Laparoscopy involves the use of a camera to look inside the abdomen (laparotomy -- cutting into the abdomen) and endoscopy is just a more generalized term and not specific to an organ/body location.
  18. Sounds like you are scheduled to have an RNY bypass. If you were scheduled for a sleeve, you would see "ectomy" (removal) in the description. You should definitely get this explained properly by someone in your surgical team.
  19. One of your 7 incisions was for the endoscope. The other surgery would be called an open surgery (zipper club) and those are rarely done nowadays except in difficult or emergency situations.
  20. Ed_NW

    Today marks 1 year!

    Amazing transformation! Very inspirational.
  21. Ed_NW

    Liquid diet

    Toss a protein shake in the freezer BOOM! fake ice cream. LOL
  22. Ed_NW

    2 Days Before Surgery!

    I don't think I do for this surgery but I did for a colonoscopy. It's like giving yourself an upset stomach on purpose.
  23. Texas is an awesome state. It's huge! My Grandmother on my Mom's side and her kin were all from Texas. My Mom's dad was from Joplin Missouri and I'm guessing they stopped on their way out west in Phoenix to give birth to my Mom. Good thing... LOL
  24. I have several friends that have a home in Arizona and a home here in NW Washington State. Two extremely different climates. LOL. My mom was born in Phoenix.

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