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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AngieBear

  1. AngieBear


    ❤️❤️❤️ I'm having way too much fun indulging in clothes. It's good that I pretty much stick to second hand! I love those workout pants, they are super fun. One area that I need to work on is being more comfortable in patterned pants. I like them a lot, and they look great on you.
  2. AngieBear


    I've got it over a silk button up today, and it looks pretty nice. I'll upload a pic in a few. I go back and forth about sleeveless tops because of my arm skin, but I've come to the conclusion that nobody cares about it as much as I do. Tank tops are absolutely wonderful in the summer, so I wear the hell out of them then. I think we should all wear what we are comfortable in, but be kind to yourself ❤️
  3. AngieBear


    I found these 3 pieces at the thrift store today. I really love the vest. The 2nd pic is today’s outfit. Very simple, oversized sweater and leggings. The sweater wasn’t always oversized, 😂, but it’s still super comfy.
  4. AngieBear

    Food Before and After Photos

    I have never had that, and it looks AMAZING.
  5. AngieBear


    Agreed. Sophie is pretty dang smart.
  6. AngieBear


    I absolutely agree. I'd like to add that there is nothing wrong with the female/human body. It's a normal, natural thing. The idea of what one should/shouldn't do or wear are just social constructs, and they change over time. Plus, pssssst - look up Jane Fonda's body painting spread. And, I'd like to add that showing her body has NEVER been a problem for her. And it shouldn't be. I have a ton of respect for people with the confidence and self love to do what they want like that. This brings up something that has been on my mind with the "ideal" discussion. A bit of background: I was super obese my entire adult life. Either dieting or feeling ashamed because I wasn't dieting and "should" have been. While having an "ideal" is a fun exercise, it's really not something I'm serious about. My work right now is not changing my body into what I think I want it to be, and never being satisfied with it, to learning to love who I am now while still doing the stuff I love (I actually love weightlifting and running). Of course within that is a balance, I'm going to have plastics in a couple of years to reconstruct my stomach (and probably my boobs). But I don't want to keep chasing some major ideal. I want some peace, and I want to model that to my students. I know that we all have our own goals and our own wants. That's great and awesome and part of what makes us all unique and such a fun group. These are just some thoughts I'm having as I process what it means to choose to be in maintenance.
  7. AngieBear


    I’m on a bit of an emotional struggle bus, so I went with clothes that are comfy and just make me happy. I do have a meeting with my executive director, so I wore my fancy corduroy overalls instead of my denim ones 😂
  8. AngieBear


    I love this whole outfit.
  9. AngieBear


    My ideal is kind of a combination of curvy and strong. Like a pinup that will kick your ass like Linda Hamilton would. This is not attainable for a mere mortal, but we can dream?! (My weightlifting equipment is coming into the house this week, yay!).
  10. AngieBear


    She’s awesome, but not my ideal either. I like having hips, boobs, and a round rear. I do want a lot more muscle, though.
  11. AngieBear

    The Maintenance Thread

    Okay, so I’m home and have had a bit of time to process. One thing I realized is that in my entire adult life, I have never been at a weight that was one I wanted to stay it. It was always about losing the next 10 lbs, or whatever. Even when I was gaining I knew I needed to lose weight, so I was in that mindset. I was just beating myself up for what I weighed and for still gaining. This feels very very odd. Here is what I’m hoping for: building up my endurance so that I can go on 12 mile trail runs again. Last time I was up to that I weighed 230 lbs, so I’m interested to see the difference. Already hills are a VERY different experience. Right now when I run for more than 30 minutes, my body is trashed the next day. Not surprising, as I’ve been very low carb and low calorie. So my first priority is to get that in better shape. My dietician said to add in complex carbs and 2 snacks a day and see where that lands me. We are moving my powerlifting equipment out of the garage and into the house. My blood pressure is pretty low, and I get dizzy if I bend over too far, get up from laying down, etc. So it being in the garage was a safety issue (nobody was around). I’m looking forward to making headway in that area, too. In addition to being a longer distance runner, I was also a decent powerlifter a few years ago. My body composition will change as a result of my increased activity. I’m looking forward to feeling strong and fit again. i almost forgot! They printed out my intake photo. I’m including an after/current.
  12. AngieBear

    The Maintenance Thread

    Thanks! And yes. Feel free to track me down. This is me:
  13. AngieBear

    The Maintenance Thread

    Hi guys! I met with my surgeon and my dietician today. After we discussed my athletic goals, where I am now, where I started, we’ve decided to go ahead and shift into maintenance mode. Realistically, I will probably still lose the 10 more pounds that I had in my head, but weight loss will no longer be my focus. I’m going to start working on my endurance and building up some muscle 💪 I’m fortunate that my surgeon’s background is in sports nutrition. Later tonight I will start really perusing this thread!
  14. AngieBear


    I’m channeling my inner sheribear and wearing fun printed exercise pants. With the obnoxious pink shirt that doesn’t quite match 😂 And the pink hair. I’m going running in the woods after my dr appts. This morning, and somehow I think they’d find me if I got lost in this getup. These aren’t the shoes I’ll be wearing. My trail runners are bright green, but also covered in mud, so that tones it down a bit.
  15. AngieBear


    I really dig that blazer, silly.
  16. AngieBear

    Food Before and After Photos

    OMG - GIMME!!!! FYI - I jumped on the chia seed pudding bandwagon. I made it with optimum nutrition choc extreme protein powder and unsweetened coconut milk. It's legit way better than I expected, and SUPER easy.
  17. AngieBear

    🎈 Pity Party🎈

    Funks SUCK. Sorry you are in the midst of one. (((((hugs))))))
  18. AngieBear


    I’m seriously considering getting this dress: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WLD1S9Y/?coliid=I31MSVXBH5VK8F&colid=3J3C3D0WO9X39&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it The pleats/rouching at the stomach makes me hopeful that it would be a bit forgiving in that area? Or I can always be rescued by shapeware. I also have a zillion new fun belts in my cart, Silly Kitty. Amazon is awesome for finding fun ones. They verge on costume, but that’s my taste anyway, so whatever.
  19. AngieBear


    Thanks! I used to wear them really often, and had quite a collection (they are really scarves). I’m working on rebuilding it via my frequent thrift store visits.
  20. AngieBear


    I have a long work day today - I’ll be teaching screen printing tonight. Which, it’s not my medium of choice, but I do know how, so it will be fine. Ok, I’m looking forward to it. I haven’t taught in a while, and love it. So, today’s outfit is comfy, but still professional-ish. The silk shirt I found second hand (like most of my clothes). It drapes great, though, and I did some small modifications to it to make the fit a bit better. Really I just hemmed it because it was having trouble with my hips and my butt, really due to my being short. It’s loose everywhere else.
  21. AngieBear


    I love this outfit! And yep, you totally look like a size 4 tiny person!
  22. AngieBear


    Cute! I really like the pants.
  23. AngieBear


    OMG Sophie, you are the cutest ever! you look amazing, ALMOST as cute as your doggy (his ears are cuter, which edged you out, sorry/not sorry).
  24. AngieBear


    Today is hot pink and camo running clothes. It’s quite the statement.
  25. AngieBear

    🎈 Pity Party🎈

    This chair is oddly harder on my ass than it has been in the past. I am not a fan.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
