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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AngieBear

  1. AngieBear

    April Sleevers

    April 25th checking in!
  2. AngieBear

    I lied

    I’ve not been secretive. Maybe I’m just at an age where I don’t care what people think of me? In fact, today, while conversing with someone who dibsed a bag of clothes I have shrunk out of, I mentioned that I’m about ready to have bariatric surgery, so there will be more clothes if she wants them. I have a great wardrobe and I want it to be able to be enjoyed. Anyway, she said that she’s lost 100 lbs so far, but is going the way of diet and exercise rather than surgery - as if diet and exercise isn’t a major part of losing with wls. I could have been offended, but instead just said that I’ve decided to add this extra tool with the diet and exercise that I’m employing. She clearly was just ignorant. Chances are that she will regain, like I have previously and the vast majority of people who lose without surgery do. I hope she succeeds, but the odds aren’t in her favor. I refuse to pretend that the statistics are less grim than they are. That’s not a myth that I’m going to propagate. However, I’m emotionally in a place where someone saying I’m taking the easy way doesn’t bother me. They don’t have a clue what they are talking about. 15 years ago it would have had an emotional impact, but not now. This whole wls surgery stuff is tough enough without having to deal with other people’s ignorant bs. I totally respect those who choose not to by keeping it to themselves.
  3. AngieBear

    Excited, nervous, and excited!

    Thank you for the kind words of encouragement. I’ve been lurking on this forum quite a bit over the past 6 months, and learned so much here.
  4. After 6 months and a fairly rigorous pre-surgery program, the scheduler will be calling me Monday to set up a date. Apparently, once you are at this stage (all boxes checked and insurance approved) it’s only a week or two out until you have surgery. My emotions are a jumble. Nervous and excited, but mostly excited. I have lost about 20 lbs pre-surgery, and just went through my clothes to give away. Having this surgery means that I have a much better chance at keeping any weight I lose off. It’s a strange, awesome thought. I’m sure that my emotions are going to be all over the place over the next few weeks. But I feel ready. While the program has been rigorous, my hope is that it’s prepared me for life after surgery - as much as one can without being in that life yet. I’m hopeful that this will help me beat obesity.
  5. Hubby is a normal BMI. Myself and my father are the obese ones. My brother has maybe 20-30 lbs to lose, but nothing major.
  6. AngieBear

    Pre-op Liquid Diet

    My pre-op is 3-4 oz protein and 1.5 cups nonstarchy veggies at each meal. One or two meals a day can be subbed with a low carb protein shake.
  7. AngieBear

    Whats short of time frame

    My insurance required certain things, my surgeon’s office others. It’s been a bit over 6 months and I’m just waiting on my insurance approval now. It went by pretty quickly.
  8. AngieBear

    It's go

    I’m waiting on insurance, too, and trying not to be anxious.
  9. I’ve been very open about it. My initial reasoning is that by feeding into the idea that I lost it all through diet, etc. and that anyone could that way. There is already so much judgement on the obese, I didn’t want to add to it in any way. HOWEVER, I come from a space of privilege. My co-workers are exceptionally accepting and supportive, as is the nature of my work. My family and friends are as well. I don’t face any negative issues by being honest. That’s not always the case. Some people can be down right mean to patients who choose the surgery route. I would never judge anyone else for keeping it quiet. They need to do what is right for them and their situation. You need to do what is right for you and your circumstances. It’s nobody else’s business.
  10. I’ve been checking off the required behavioral changes for surgery, and I’m getting very close. I have 2 more dietician appointments and about 6 more pounds to lose, so we are probably looking at mid-February for surgery. My psychologist appt. is on Friday. I’m a bit nervous about that, though I’ve been assured that it’s all fine. It’s just an unknown. As surgery gets closer, it’s starting to feel more real. I am still trying to wrap my head around what I’m getting ready to do. It’s such a huge decision. I am quite sure that it’s the right one, but it is permanent. I can’t say that my food choices have been perfect over the past couple of months. But, they’ve not been bad at all. I’ve had the occasional sweet, really during the holidays. But it’s been reasonable. Over the next month and a half, I’m going to be pulling it all together, and being quite religious about logging my food, measuring it, etc. I’m nervous, I won’t lie. But I suspect that everyone is during this process.
  11. AngieBear

    Tips for Stopping Caffiene

    Giving up coffee was one of the first behavioral changes I made, because I thought it would be the toughest long term. I just weaned it down. I went from 2 cups of very strong sweet coffee a day to 1 and then herbal tea for a few days, then I went to just tea after that. I didn’t have any real side effects other than a headache and exhaustion on the first day. For you it may look different, as your ingestion is higher. But the principle is the same. Just cut it further every couple of days.
  12. AngieBear

    30 second elevator interview

    I’m in higher ed, and an artist. I’m smart, direct, funny as hell, kind of an a*****e, and very devoted to my students and family’s success and happiness.
  13. Hi all. I am just getting started on this process. I’ve had my intake appointment, next week I meet with my gp for an official referral (I’ve already run it by her, and she is THRILLED for me), and on Friday I meet with my nutritionist for the first time. My new job has far better insurance than what we’ve had, and this is the first time surgery has been covered. My BMI is only 6 pounds away from being 50, the point where I won’t need any comorbidities. I have a sleep study coming down the pipeline (first appt. for that is next week). If I have sleep apnea, which is entirely possible, then that will be the comorbidity piece. If not, then I’ll need to gain 6 pounds, which seems absolutely ridiculous, but it is what it is. Until my sleep study, I’m in a holding pattern weight-wise. A bit about me: about 5 years ago I lost 100 lbs. through eating a protein and veggie heavy diet, logging through MFP, trailrunning and weightlifting (all of which I’m taking back up). Over the past few years I’ve put 3/4 of that back on. Like most people struggling with obesity, I have yo-yo’d several times. It’s maddening, and frustrating. But, I’m not into pointlessly chiding myself for being amongst 95% of people, I’m into whatever works. And surgery works. So, here I am. I’m delighted that my insurance covers it, and I’m hopeful for the future. Last night I had the realization that any weight I take off prior to surgery will more than likely stay off. Not a 5% chance like before, but 65%. It was an amazing thought. I’ll mostly be lurking here, like I have been, due to not having gone through surgery and most of the process yet. I don’t have any answers that aren’t just theoretical. But already this place has been a wonderful source for me as I look forward and try to wrap my head around what I’ll be doing and going through during the next year. I’m already planning next summer’s backpacking trips, with the hope of being in far better shape than I am now. Otherwise, I’m an artist, I love my day job, volunteer for a kitten rescue org, previously with wildlife rehab, and I have 2 very supportive adult sons that live with us while they go to college. I’m inserting a recent picture so that you can put a face to my name, and to get it over with so that I don’t stay shy about how I look right now.
  14. AngieBear

    Just an introduction

    Yep, it is. The other requirements are pretty standard (x number of meetings with a nutritionist, psych evaluation, lose 5% of BW, etc.). But the BMI piece is higher than what is the current recommendation by the AMA. I think I’m close enough. I’ll find out soon. I’m certainly not putting on weight in anticipation of needing to. If I have to, I will, but I’d love to be starting to chip away at the 5% right now. The not knowing what I should be doing is a bit frustrating.
  15. AngieBear

    Just an introduction

    Yes, I’ve been very impressed with the community as I was lurking for the past few weeks. Thank you so much for the warm welcome, all. Like everyone at the beginning stages, I’m nervous, excited, nervous, grateful, nervous, and hopeful.
  16. AngieBear

    Just an introduction

    Unfortunately, not for my insurance to cover it. Their criteria is 50 or more without comorbidities, 40-50 must have at least one comorbidity, under 40 must have more than one or be type 2 diabetic. At 49.4, it’s put me in an odd position. But, I am thrilled that it’s covered at all.
  17. AngieBear

    Just an introduction

    WHOA, that was a wall of text. Mad props to whoever makes through it!
  18. AngieBear


    If this is a new thing, it sounds like a call to your surgeon might be a good idea.

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