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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AngieBear

  1. AngieBear


    The first week is ROUGH. It will get better. Work on your liquids, get a lot of sleep, walk a bit more each day, and read/watch bad (or good!) TV to distract yourself. You are uncomfortable, probably having a rough time getting in fluids, and went through major surgery. Give yourself some grace ❤️
  2. AngieBear

    The Maintenance Thread

    I trended downwards this week, which is fine. I’m glad I started edging up my calories now, though, it’s harder than I thought. I’m eating snacks, 2 a day, and I think I may add an evening one as well, because my cals are still in the 1000 range, and now that I’m upping my running some I think it’s just not enough. I’m okay losing a pound a week or so, but it’s a bit startling that even though I’m actively trying NOT to, it’s still happening. Who’d have thought?! Much of what I’m struggling with is mental. I went out with friends yesterday and had a brownie after lunch (which was all tempeh, veggies, and brown rice). My thought process was very “what am I doing?! I’m going to gain it all back!” - and then I weigh in this morning to a new low. GAH. I was definitely being silly. Finding a balance is going to be tough, I’m finding.
  3. AngieBear


    Thanks! I blame/thank you for my current belt kick. I ordered this one from Amazon as part of a 3 belt set.
  4. AngieBear


    Holy crap, you two look wicked awesome. So, what’s your instagram fashion influencer handle? Because 10/10, would follow!
  5. AngieBear


    Right?!?! We met in drawing class in art school in Baltimore as Freshmen. We were friends and then more than. He’s on an online comic book forum with a bunch of comic artists, and he said that one of them recently made the comment that introverts who are adopted by an extrovert can do pretty dang well. 😂 For some reason he thought that was relevant to us? I was definitely the one that had to be forward to get the dating thing going. He was shy AF. He’s been an awesome partner through these many years. I seriously doubt I will come home to V-day flowers today, he sent me a dorky cheesy drawing as a card, my guy is not one for traditional romantic gestures. But, that’s fine, on the day to day life he’s pretty dang great. Today’s OOTD: I was feeling the 90s rocker vibe today. I do have a meeting with my executive director, but wth, it’s casual Friday and I’m in the arts so, whatever. My hoody I’m taking with is one of those white fuzzy ones 😂
  6. AngieBear


    LOL, yep, 27 years in April. We have 2 adult sons that go to college and still live at home, 2 dogs, 2 goats, 2 chickens, a duck, and 3 cats (plus however many foster kitties we happen to have). Mr. Angie is a bit (a lot) of an introvert and HATES pics of himself (which is lame, as he’s very cute). My students are absolutely awesome as well. I’m very lucky to have the job I have and be able to work with them.
  7. AngieBear


    Thank you! My students have a great attitude. They comment a lot on my clothing (as I do on theirs, because dang they are a fashionable lot!). As far as weight, they don't really mention it unless I do, and they are interested in the process. Students are one demographic that don't treat me any differently than when I was closer to 300 lbs. Men my age and older are much nicer to me now, which was pretty irritating that it was such a drastic difference. I was still deserving of respect and kindness prior to weight loss. When we talk about it, my students are always interested in the social aspects like that, etc. I've been pretty open. One of my dreams is that young people won't spend as many years and as much bandwidth fussing over weight and body image, you know? One of our current crafty collabs is with a group on coming to love themselves as they are. With that in mind, my students never say "wow you look great!" because they are VERY adamant that I looked great before. I love and respect them for that. And they aren't wrong. But damn is it easier to go through the world as a smaller person. For so many reasons. I did have a couple of students concerned that I wasn't eating enough. We try to keep an eye on each other's stress levels and self-care. It was sweet of them, and my body image was WAY off, I admit. That conversation is one of the reasons I'm really pretty okay with staying at this weight rather than continuing to try to lose. My husband likes me curvy anyway. And TBH - I like me curvy! I will get this tummy skin/flab dealt with, but otherwise I'm tickled with where I'm at.
  8. AngieBear

    The Maintenance Thread

    I've upped my calories to about 1000 - 1100, and feel SO MUCH BETTER. I went for a run yesterday, pushed it, and didn't feel like utter rubbish today. Life with carbs back in my diet is much more comfortable. I am still anxious about gaining, but the 14 day average technique is helping to manage that fear.
  9. AngieBear

    The Maintenance Thread

    I agree with you wholeheartedly. My focus has shifted now from weight loss to exercise/fitness. Garmin is feeding what my scale was. The switch over was pretty damn immediate. Add to that that you are probably home bored, and, well, I can see why you ended up focusing on food again. I don't have any major words of wisdom, except that this time WILL pass, and in the meantime maybe research some fun trips to take/etc.? Something to look forward to? I wish I could fix this for you, just know that you aren't struggling alone in this. Many of us have the same not great coping mechanisms that we are working through. We will all have our ups and downs. I'm really really glad that you are aware of what's going on with you, just naming the thing is a big step. ((hugs))
  10. AngieBear

    The Maintenance Thread

    Me too! I was very confused!
  11. AngieBear


    Cute! That shirt is definitely too big, though. Have you considered a cute black belt? Or even red? Silly Kitty got me on this belt kick, and I have to say it's been pretty fun.
  12. AngieBear


    Look at all the room on that chair! And I really like those shoes. I’m considering picking up a pair in that style. I don’t really NEED any new shoes, but...
  13. AngieBear


    Today I’m all in on tweed. My skirt is super high waisted, which I like, but it’s taking a bit of getting used to. I got it super on sale from ModCloth. It was too small, but now zips up fine 🤷🏻‍♀️ My weight hasn’t changed much, so things are shifting around I think. The tweed jacket I thrifted. OMG I am realizing how much use I’ve gotten out of my 2 pair of tall boots. I think I must have a TON of tall boot wearing time to make up for since I missed so many years of bootential! s
  14. AngieBear


    Today’s OOTD features more thrift store finds. The lightweight sweater and the suede blazer were finds from last week. I LOVE the blazer, but I think it’s more of a fancy night out thing? The jeans were not a thrift store find. I, uhh, paid full price for them. I really like them, though, and since I’m supposedly in maintenance..... Plus, if I shrink more I can just take them in a bit. My puffy loose skin/fat thing on my tummy is annoying, but I think overall the outfit still looks best with my shirt tucked in.
  15. AngieBear


    OMG the sparkly shoes!!
  16. AngieBear


    Super cute. I love the pants!
  17. AngieBear

    Daily Menus for Maintenance

    This may be one of the things that we end up struggling with forever. Most of us have lost and regained weight many many times through the years. We are used to regaining the second we become complacent. The idea of regaining makes me VERY nervous, as I'm sure it does everyone. Because it does happen to some people. And it's happened to us in the past. I think our trick is going to be finding the balance between complacency and hyper vigilance. I don't have a clue about what that will look like for me. I feel like my real challenge, maintenance, has just started.
  18. AngieBear

    Daily Menus for Maintenance

    I have been seriously digging the chia seed pudding thing. I am loving eating snacks again!
  19. AngieBear

    Daily Menus for Maintenance

    Dang, that salad looks AMAZING. I haven't started taking a 14 day average look at my weight. It's a good idea. I was up less than a pound today, and though I know it wasn't "real" weight, it's messing with my head.
  20. AngieBear


    I found this dress at the thrift store. It’s pretty groovy. It feels odd when I pick up this more form fitting style of dress. I’m used to not feeling good/confident in them. So I have to remind myself to try them on and not just skip over them.
  21. AngieBear


    I really love that top.
  22. AngieBear

    Daily Menus for Maintenance

    I did ok. Because I can still only take in small amounts at a time, I think snacks will be key. I feel so much better now that there are carbs in my diet. I was starting to feel run down.
  23. AngieBear

    Daily Menus for Maintenance

    Here is today. I'm edging up my calories until I'm maintaining. I was eating about 700-800 calories previously. My goal this week is to get around 1000 calories a day. Then I'll add a couple hundred more. I'm still losing right now, and will be upping my activity level, so finding the right balance may take a while. Breakfast: 5 whole wheat crackers, 1 oz cheese, 3 slices salami, .2 cup half and half Morning snack: chia seed pudding, grapes Lunch: turkey meatballs, broccoli Afternoon snack: quest bar Dinner: turkey meatballs, broccoli Totals: Cals - 901 Protein - 74 Carbs - 72 Fat - 43
  24. AngieBear


    I'm so glad you posted in here! You look wonderful. That top is cute AF.
  25. AngieBear


    I love this dress! Especially with the boots.

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