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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AngieBear

  1. AngieBear


    I agree 10000000000000000000%.
  2. AngieBear


    Tonight was late 80s rocker zombie. And now my zombie themed work events are done!
  3. AngieBear


    I love that coral color on you!
  4. AngieBear


    Zombie Hunter Velma is having a ROUGH day.
  5. AngieBear


    BOOM! Ordered. but not in the teeny size you linked 😂
  6. AngieBear


    LOOK GUYS! Tall boots!!!!
  7. AngieBear


    Omg I love those tights!
  8. AngieBear


    And here is your leaf peeping pic. For full effect, please note how bundled up I am because of how COLD it is.
  9. AngieBear


    This is ADORABLE. And I love the belt.
  10. AngieBear


    Thank you! I’ve been really into the neutrals this fall. I’m trying out the whole capsule wardrobe thing, so I’ve been pretty strategic about what I’m buying right now. Neutrals are playing a big part in this experiment. Oh, and I was very naughty today. I spent way too much money on some tall boots. But they fit, so I had no choice! For reals, this is HUGE. I’ve lusted over tall boots for years and never been able to wear them. The ones I bought have laces up the back, so they can adjust as I lose.
  11. AngieBear


  12. AngieBear


    I’m dressed pretty conservatively today. But really it’s about the cute Madewell spotted booties I scored at the thrift store this weekend.
  13. AngieBear


    Me too. It’s awesome.
  14. I agree. Obesity is classified as a disease. I wish I’d been able to have surgery at 16. It would have probably been healthier than developing anorexia to lose weight, which I then regained a couple of years later and held onto for 26 years. To get those years back and have my body not go through the wear and tear of obesity for all of that time? Not to mention the mental damage inflicted due to societal bias? Yeah, I’d take it in a heartbeat. And I would not want to watch my children suffer through what I endured at that age. NOPE.
  15. AngieBear


    They are super cute boots, though! Maybe just wear them over legwarmers? Like an arctic Flashdance character? 😂
  16. AngieBear


    Okay, this outfit is fine, but it would be MUCH better with tall boots. I clearly need to do some shopping! This dress is too big, but the belt is helping.
  17. AngieBear


    I agree completely
  18. AngieBear


    Ok, this is a weird OODT. We made puppets today for a free daycare. I AM technically wearing it.
  19. AngieBear


    I went full 90s today because it’s funny. There is even a zombie t-shirt involved. And this is the outfit my partner says I look hot in? He’s got a type, I guess 😂
  20. It’s been a struggle, especially in the beginning. I invested in belts, but that only goes so far. I keep a minimum of a few basics that I fit at all times: one pair of jeans, one pair of black pants, a black skirt, a pair of white pants, and then whatever tops are seasonal. I can mix and match things easily. I also have blazers, because these can be worn open when they are a bit on the small side, so they last a while. Dresses that can be cinched with a belt when they get big are great. I shop second hand for the most part, either thrift stores or Poshmark, but stick to those basic pieces. I consider it more that I’m renting clothes rather than buying them at this point. I have somehow maintained a business casual look with just a very basic wardrobe. It’s tempting to buy a ton now that I fit in regular sizes and the world has opened up, but until I stabilize I’m keeping it under control (mostly). Sometimes I wish I could just wear baggy sweats and t-shirts and save the money, but somehow I think it would be frowned upon at my job 😂 Besides, loose baggy clothes billowing around me drives me nuts! Thrift stores have been my saving grace.
  21. AngieBear

    Gastric Sleeve & Food Addiction

    Hi Jenna, I’m sorry you are having a rough time. I know it can be frustrating. My experience after surgery was different, still a struggle, but a different one than you are experiencing. I felt like hell, and had no desire to eat at all. A few questions: are you working with a nutritionist/dietician? Have you had counseling to help you through this transition? Or better yet, are you in counseling now? This is a HUGE change, especially if you are used to dealing with stress by eating. You have to set up alternate ways of coping. It can be a helluva process.
  22. AngieBear


    That jacket!!!!!!
  23. AngieBear


    This isn’t part of my capsule wardrobe, but I decided that I better wear it while it fits! Today is a slouchy, stretchy kind of day. I have a denim blazer in case I get called up to see someone in a different department.
  24. AngieBear


    As soon as my weight stabilizes, I’m getting some tall boots, dammit.
  25. AngieBear


    Your hair looks great. I love the curls.

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