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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AngieBear

  1. AngieBear


    I don’t think they look fake. The proportions aren’t off for your figure at all.
  2. AngieBear


    Okay, so is there anything wrong with looking like Big Bird? He rocks that yellow. And he’s a pretty cool guy!
  3. AngieBear


    Thank you so much for saying this. One of the reasons that I post in here is as a mental exercise to battle dysmorphia. I’m not the type to look in a mirror and give myself positive affirmations, but taking pictures of my outfits is something I can do. It helps with mentally mapping out my body. I’d have to say the dysmorphia is still there, but I suspect it’s far better than I would have if I didn’t participate here. My hope was that we’d have more people posting as they lose. I think it’s so important to love yourself where you are now, spend even a bit of money on some nice thrift store clothes as you shrink so that you feel confident in your skin, and celebrate the work you are putting in. I chose to have bariatric surgery not because I hated myself and where I was, but because I love myself and wanted the freedom that not being MO brings. Like it or not, the world is cruel to people who are MO. It’s personal as well as systemic. Anyhoo, enough rambling! Here is today’s outfit. I need to tailor the blazer’s sleeves a bit, but I think otherwise it hits well on my hips, and I can officially close it over my chest now! So, I got to pull it out of my “to shrink into” bin last night.
  4. AngieBear


    Oh, how pretty! I love the sparkles. A manicure and pedicure may need to happen for me next week....
  5. AngieBear


    That looks great! I especially love the textured sweater.
  6. AngieBear


    I love the coat, but it IS that particular Big Bird shade of yellow 😂
  7. AngieBear


    Oh yeah, I think I’ll still lose. This has only been a 3-4 week stall. But I’ve decided to only try to lose another 12-22 lbs and then to purposely switch to maintenance. It’s a higher weight than many would choose, but I think it’s right for me and for my body. But, we’ll see what my body decides to do. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  8. AngieBear


    Thank you!
  9. AngieBear


    I went with stretchy and comfy today. My weight loss is legit stalled out, which after some soul searching, I’m ok with. I’m solidly out of plus sizes and feel pretty dang good. My plan is to maintain in the 160s (another 12-22lbs), which still has me “overweight”, but will have me in 8s-10s, and that’s a good size for my figure. I won’t be “skinny”, but I never really wanted that anyway. As a result, I’m adding in some snacks and increasing my cals up closer to 900. I’ll still lose, but will feel a lot better and be able to really focus on weightlifting again. I lifted Monday and am not thrilled with how weak I am, so that’s gotta change. anyhoo - here is today’s work outfit. I went with a slight western vibe.
  10. AngieBear


    This outfit is pretty adorable, though. I love the ruffled shirt.
  11. AngieBear

    Weight loss and gain

    4lbs is well within the range of normal daily fluctuations. Just keep an eye on the longer trends rather than the day to day.
  12. AngieBear


    Trust me, I seriously thought of pairing the belt with it. Unfortunately, the jumpsuit is wrap styled, and the ties are pretty long and wide, so the belt would be problematic. The boots would look good, though! I knew I had a long day today, and didn’t want heels. But, next time I wear the jumpsuit I will for sure wear them with it.
  13. AngieBear


    Jumpsuit! I probably should have gone with other shoes, but dammit, these have spots and I was feeling spotty. Actually, now I’m feeling like tennis shoes, and I just happen to have some under my desk....
  14. AngieBear


    I really want to like this outfit, and abstractly I do. But I think where the waistline hits and the paper bag style doesn’t flatter my waist much. Oh well, I’ll still wear it. This selfie is from a CUTE bathroom in the historic building I work in. I work in 2 buildings, one of the newest/most modern on campus and one of the oldest. It’s kind of a cool contrast. Anyway, I know this bathroom is a pink nightmare, but I just love it. Oh, and I got my new jumper in. I LOVE IT! But I have no idea how I”m going to manage going to the toilet. It zips up the back.
  15. AngieBear


    Here is yesterday’s outfit. I’ll take a pic and post today’s at some point. Work has had me HOPPING, so I’ve not been in here much. Also, my weight loss has stalled and I’ve been busy pouting about it. It’s annoying! I LOVE this belt. Love it. I
  16. AngieBear


    I love all birds. But all of mine are too big for me now
  17. AngieBear


    OMG - I love this whole outfit, but especially the cardigan and the boots!
  18. AngieBear


    To add, here are a few things that made a big difference in my early stages and my ability to get in my fluids: A teeny fridge next to my bed, on my nightstand so that I could keep my protein shake cold. I’d pour out an ounce into a shot glass, work on that for 15 minutes, and the rest of the shake could stay cold. A little plug in mug warmer to keep my broth hot as I worked on getting it down. For some reason, room temperature fluids were AWFUL to try to ingest. But, hot or cold I could do. Understand that right now your job is to get in your fluids and to walk around so that you don’t get blood clots. That should be your focus.
  19. AngieBear


    Yes. I continue to be incredibly grateful for my surgery team’s rigorous pre-surgery program. It took 8 months or so, but it did prepare me well enough so that I had the tools I needed. The first week was ROUGH. It was a full time job to just get fluids in. I’m quite glad that I had already done so much of the head work prior to it, so that I had other coping skills/etc. Trying to do it at the same time as recovering from major surgery would have made it that much harder. That said, it doesn’t help OP’s situation that she’s in now. She can’t turn back the clock. OP - you need to start on the head work. Follow the program, no shortcuts. Work on finding other coping strategies (like meditation apps, walking, whatever works). GO TO THERAPY to help you in this. Don’t shirk the head work, it’s just as important as the physical surgery.
  20. AngieBear


    I just ordered my first jumpsuit. One I’ve been eyeing from the Gap went on sale for over 1/2 off, so I pulled the trigger. I may have regrets when I have to pee!
  21. AngieBear


    I love that outfit, especially the sweater.
  22. AngieBear


    I love this sweater dress! The vertical stripes, all of it.
  23. AngieBear


    This is a great look on you!
  24. AngieBear


    Today I went cheetah. I am thinking that this skirt may not be as flattering for my new figure as it was my old one. I may keep an eye out for a new basic black skirt. The sweater is probably supposed to be cropped on someone of normal height, but it hits perfectly on me. I do have a white tank top underneath, so that I don’t accidentally flash anyone.
  25. AngieBear


    I get it, Fluffy. I do. The loose skin mental battle is starting with me, too, and I know that I will get even more loose skin with the next 40 lbs. I am so far able to work through it, and I’m forcing myself to walk nekkid in front of my husband. I have been since the start. But the compulsion to hide is there. Anyhoo, I’m home sick today so no pics, but here is yesterday’s outfit. I was out and about with my partner, at the movies and whatnot. I continue to love this sweater, it’s super soft and cozy. I force myself to tuck in my shirt, because it really does look better. But man, do I want to hide the tummy! Also, the angles on all of my pics are a bit weird, as it’s the only way I can take them as close to the mirror as I have to stand. I’m really not THAT blessed in the boob area 😂

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