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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by argon

  1. argon

    Who were you banded by?

    canadian bander, how long was the wait for you? Mandi
  2. argon

    My date!

    Congrats Bebabear! Yeah, I wish I had done this when I was 17 too. I was probably about your weight when I was that old, so it's great that you're taking care of it before it gets out of control. I'm getting my band on Mar. 29, and I'm not really nervous at all... I think *I'm* the weird one! Are you seeing Dr's Joffe or Yau? How long has your mom been banded? How's she doing with it? Welcome, and don't worry, it's normal to be nervous.
  3. argon

    Pre-Op Diet

    Oooh lampchops... I love you! lol I was thinking that last night... that this is a 'protein thing', so surely some chicken breast would be ok! I'll give em a call tomorrow. Is that what you did? How long before you finally cracked? Thank you
  4. argon

    Pre-Op Diet

    mmmmm.... broth and jello.... i'll dream about it tonight!
  5. argon

    Pre-Op Diet

    Woo! At least you're close to my diet! 5 shakes a day! I wish. No, actually I don't wish... I want meat ! Skippy, it depends on your surgeon... some don't require any pre-op diet at all.
  6. argon

    Pre-Op Diet

    Ugg....Day 2. This is horrrrrible. I'm supposed to be able to have a 'plate of specific steamed veggies" once a day, along with my 3 Optifasts a day... but I just don't feel like steaming veggies. I don't wanna eat plain hot veggies! I want butter or cheese on 'em! Last night I cooked a whole bunch of sliced mushrooms in a spritz of mushrooms and added a sprinkle of butterflavoured powder. Tonight.... a container of baby tomatoes. I do have a cucumber I might gnaw on later. How groooooss. What else can I possibly eat!? I don't want a salad, cause I can't have salad dressing... I don't ever want to be hungry again! *shakes fist* lol Sorry, I'm just frustrated, reading about crab legs and pecan-crusted grouper - I don't even know what that last thing is, but i wannnnt it! p.s. I'm in Canada! and I just quit smoking, and I've got my period, so everything's sooo much worse!
  7. argon

    Pre-Op Diet

    lol, that's exactly what I'm thinking.. I'm going to bed early too! I just started mine today. I'm doing 'Optifast', how about you? For how long? I've got 2 weeks of it before surgery... I believe, because it's low carb, you lose weight, in turn making your liver not quite so fatty... you won't necessarily lose 10 pounds. Maybe more, maybe less. Any loss is good and will help. I'll admit, I don't necessarily want *good* things, but I'd take pretty much whatever I can get. I'm allowed a plate of veggies once during the day, so I just had a plate of mushrooms. Eeeecck. Boring. Hopefully it gets easier. Good luck!
  8. argon

    Lapband Webcast

    I'm sure this has been mentioned around here before, but I haven't come across it... This is a webcast from last summer, but I recently came across it and found it pretty cool to see. I think it would be good for anyone who's curious to see what exactly they do in there, and how everything looks. Go HERE and go down the list until you see "Lapband surgery" and go to it. Click on "view live webcast". You'll need the RealMediaPlayer. If you don't have it there's a link to get it on the left margin of the page I linked to above. Enjoy!
  9. argon

    Powerseed and PBing

    WOoo! I think I will too! I was just browsing the site, and saw that you could order one (minus instructions and documentation) for $35 instead of $50. I imagine it's pretty easy to figure out, and while I'm sure the documentation is good and all, I'm willing to sacrifice some motivational materials to save fifteen bucks. Thanks for posting this.
  10. argon

    3 months gone

    Awesome! Good job, you've done fantastic. I hope I can do nearly as well! Keep it up
  11. argon

    Lapband Webcast

    Yeaaaaah... watching (or trying to) liposuction makes me sick too. ugg...yuck! Ok, ok... I won't make you watch the lapband surgery! But it is cool!
  12. argon

    Lapband Webcast

    It's actually surprisingly not gross... I was a little leary at first though. The worst thing, I though was when they were putting in the port. They don't show them making the incisions for the laparoscopic ports, or closing them up. C'mon... you know you wanna watch it! I was amazed that the liver actually looks like liver! lol
  13. argon

    Members Being Banded In March 06

    Whoah! Almost missed out on this! Hey guys, I'm getting banded on March 29. I start my Optifast on Tuesday... and I'm not looking forward to it. Glad to hear all of you who've been done already are doing good, and I'll be crossing my fingers for everyone coming up! Mandi
  14. argon

    Who were you banded by?

    Hey Diana, Are you from Canada? Who are you getting banded by? I think you should post this question on a 'main' board, like here : http://www.lapbandtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=17 ... make the topic "looking for long term banders" or something like that to make sure it catches their eye. I don't know if there's anyone on here banded that long, but give it a try. I read your previous posts and it seems like that's your main concern. I don't think it's been done in North American longer than that, so it may be hard to find anyone banded as long as you're looking for, since this seems to be a predominantely American board. You said that from what you read, no one's been able to lose all their weight and keep it off. I don't agree with that at all. I think you should read some more. I'm scheduled for March 29, and I'm not worried. I know that whatever happens, I'll be better off than I am now. What I'm doing is much more safe than getting the RNY I was initially shooting for, and even if I lose half of the weight I want to, it's better than nothing and better than I likely would have been able to do on my own. If you're not sure you want to do this, than don't do it. If you think you can lose all the weight on your own again, that's awesome, and all the more power to you. Good luck.
  15. argon

    What the Heck !!!!!!!!!

    Hey, It's called a Panniculectomy.... to remove the panniculus, which is the 'apron' of hanging fat that some are left with. Just thought I'd correct you guys, hope that helps Mandi
  16. You should try posting this in the "Texas" area, I'm sure you'd get lots of answers there! This should be the link : http://www.lapbandtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=64
  17. argon

    Band Size

    Cool... thank you! That's good to know! I live verrry far from where I'm having surgery, so I'm not able to attend any meetings (and there are none around here). All I've for band-support is this site and a couple other message groups. It would be nice to have actual meetings though. Thanks again... interesting stuff... that would be neat to see. I think my surgeon does have a 'demo' lapband, so I'll have to ask when I go see him next. Mandi
  18. argon

    Band Size

    Something else... ok, lets say that once the band is on, the actual size of the opening that food can flow through is ... 10cm-ish. What's the width of that part of the stomach *normally*? I know it would vary by person... but roughly, does it cut the size in half? I dunno, for some reason, I was thinking it would be about an inch across. I just don't get how, if you've got a 10cm outlet for food (what, maybe 8cm if fully inflated?) how anything could possibly get stuck, and/or not just fall through (to the bottom part of your stomach). :|
  19. argon

    Band Size

    Yeah, I knew about that diameter thing... BUT... is that the inside or outside diameter? and what's the inside diameter at various fill amounts?
  20. argon

    Band Size

    Hey cashley, I've actually been curious to know... how big would you say the opening is when the band is at 4cc, 3.5, 2? (ie how big of an opening for food to go through) Thanks, Mandi
  21. argon

    I HATE flossing.

    I'm sure there's others who do too. I've been thinking of how I can get away with not doing it. Now, I might be making this up, but I'm sure I read or heard somewhere that using a "Water Pik" ( I think its technically called an 'oral irrigator") is just as good, if not better than flossing. There's SOME reason I've been asking for one for the last 2 Christmas's.... some one tell me it's true! Mandi
  22. argon

    I HATE flossing.

    Hmmm... I think not brushing, and just using mouth wash is like driving your car through a car wash. I think using a waterpik and brushing would be like washing your car yourself at one of those pay places that have the high pressure hose, but going all out and using the foaming brush too! :confused: lol
  23. argon

    I HATE flossing.

    lol... yeah, I had one of those too. I've had a few different flossing gadgets, I have a "hummingbird" flossing thingy, which I thought was cool, but... it's all flossing, just tech-ed up a bit. It's not that I can't floss or it's difficult... I just really do not like to do it AT ALL! I think I'm gonna give a Waterpik a try. My name is Mandi, and I'm a try-and-if-I-don't-like-it-return-and-say-its-broken-aholic. :kev:
  24. argon

    Who were you banded by?

    Cloe, I haven't gotten my band yet, but I can at least say that from talking to him, he seems super nice, and so do everyone at the clinic that I've talked to. His nurse, Marie is sooo nice! Whereabouts do you live? If it's far enough away from the clinic, you should see about whether you can have a phone consult. I had mine a couple days after they got my consult fee. Dr. Cobourn called me at home at 8 oclock at night! How cool is that?! We talked for about half an hour, and that was considered my consultation. I have to have a quick meeting with him the day before surgery, but that's it. Good luck, Mandi
  25. argon

    My date!

    ( I don't mean a size ONE. lol A size that starts with one. ie: sz 18 !)( just wanna clarify in case any one says "What?! are you insane? That's TOO small!)

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