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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by argon

  1. argon

    Help with exercise

    I would post your question here : http://www.lapbandtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=17 You should get something more that way! Welcome!
  2. Cowbay... Calgary isn't that far either, and you could get Dr. Mitchell to do it for $100. I got mine in Toronto and that's what I'll be doing.
  3. argon

    Any other Canadians???

    Me! But I think you know about me already.
  4. argon

    FREE clothes - again!!

    How much for shipping ? Are the khaki's shorts or pants?
  5. argon

    My date!

    Hi! Did you talk to Marie very recently? Cause I was originally meeting Dr. C for my fill on the 10th, at 2:30pm, at Foothills, but that got changed to Peter Lougheed Center (got an email on Tues.) Maybe he's going to be at Foothills in the morning, then PLC in the afternoon. ? p.s. Less than 2 weeks for you now! You must be getting excited! Where are you staying in Mississauga?
  6. argon

    is one fill ever good enough?

    Wowee... that's an old thread to drag up! Bonnie, start a new thread and ask your question, more people will be able to answer you if it's not hidden among this old one.
  7. argon

    my plane ride home...

    Hi Anne! I had a 4 hour flight 2 days after, like you. If you're at all able to, the more comfortable seat, the better (i.e. first class). I had the smallest, most uncomfortable seat ever. I think my face was 6 inches from the one in front of me. I'd sit along the aisle, so you can get up and walk often. And so in case you do have to go to the bathroom, you don't have to squeeze past anyone. Have chewable Gas-X and Gravol in your purse or bag with you... just incase. And if you get any prescription pain meds (or even non-prescrip.), have them handy as well. I had a big bottle of Water with me, and that's all I drank. I wasn't nauseous at all, but I had my gravol just in case. You might wanna take some before hand, as a preventative.. and sure, being closer to a bathroom wouldn't hurt. Just get up and walk as often as you can. I was told every 15-30 minutes... but I couldn't quite do it that much. Good luck! Mandi
  8. argon

    this kind of goes with the Hate it when

    OMG that is too funny. I had something like that happen to me not too long ago.. I was out and about, and had to use the bathroom ASAP, so I stopped at a 7-11... and around here at least, you have to ask for a key at the counter. I got the key, went in, and saw the Water in the toilet was a little 'low' looking. Normally I would have flushed it to just make sure, cause I've had many an experience with that before... BUT... I didn't. I went about my business... and flushed. The water started coming up, and up and up. I trucked it outta there as fast as I could, but I had to drop the key off at the counter first. There was a guy, waiting for the key to the bathroom, and I gave it right to him. I walked out of the store as fast as I possibly could, ran to the car and yelled "DRIVE! DRIVE!" to my boyfriend! As we drove out of the parking lot, I saw the guy come running out of the bathroom. Oh the embarassment. That was 'my' 7-11 too. I haven't been back since. lol
  9. argon

    sleeping on my stomach??

    I was sleeping on my side the first night after surgery and on my stomach 3 nights after! :|
  10. Hey guys, I don't know if this should be in 'complications' but I wasn't sure, so.... I'm wondering something... I'm trying to decide how I want to go about taking these caplets (is that what its called when a powder is encased in a 2 piece gelatinous 'shell'?) If I were to swallow them whole... and they got stuck.... would they not just dissolve eventually with a little Water? And if they didn't get stuck, but just sat in my 'pouch' for a a while til they were washed out... wouldn't they dissolve enough to slide through as well? I shouldn't bother asking, cause I did it anyways... I held them in my mouth long enough to get the gel coating really soft, then swallowed. I have to take 3 at a time, 3 times a day... and the powder inside tastes really nasty, so I'm trying to get around it.... In case anyone's wondering what the heck I'm taking that I need 9 a day... it's "Cold FX". I don't know if you have it in the US or not, but its supposed to be a 'cold remedy'... and I decided to give it a try. I know, I'm a sucker. I'm supposed to take 3, 3 times a day for one day, then 2, 3 times a day for one day, then 1, 3 times a day for one day. I'll let ya know if it helps. I've had this damn cough for a week, and I just want it to go away!
  11. argon

    "stuck' question

    I don't even know what that is, but I typed "metformin liquid" into google, and I got results... which seem to sound like there is a such thing. You could ask a pharmacist to be sure. :confused:
  12. argon


    You said you're paying $16000 plus taxes, so I imagine you're going to TLBC? I am sure that they have pretty much the same tests... and all I needed to get done was some blood work. I had to have mine done roughly 2 weeks before surgery.. I'm sure it wouldl be the same for you. I think if I was older, I would have had to get an EKG. There may be different tests, depending on if you've had any health problems which might be problematic for them. You'll probably have about a 6 week wait until surgery. Let me know how the consult goes, Good luck! Mandi
  13. argon

    Lap Band Surgery-BC Canada

    Cowbay: You mean Dr. Woodhead, right? I know someone who's friend just got banded by him, and it cost her $13500. But Jeanna, ask them for yourself to be sure. That's pretty ridiculous that they won't tell you the price. Just tell them something like you want to make sure it's something you can afford, and not have to waste $400 to find out you can't. Supposedly this person who went to Dr. Woodhead got in 'really quickly'.. whatever that means. I'm sure really quickly is a minimum of at least a month wait. Good luck. Mandi
  14. argon

    Post-Op Information

    Hey Cloe, no, I don't mind... call me whatever you like :eekB: Good luck with Optifast. If for no other reason, think of it as a really good way to kickstart your weight loss, and get you used to not eating solids, for after surgery. You'll do good! Mandi
  15. argon

    My date!

    Hey Cloe, I was pretty cool the whole time. When I first got there, I went into the office... there was a bunch of skinny pretty girls there, and I remembered it was also 'The Plastic Surgery Clinic', so figured they were there for boob jobs or lipo ! lol I sat there for a little bit... then Rose gave me a key and told me to go use the washroom down the hall. Did that, and when I got back, Rose took me and my aunt to the next room down the hall, which was the "surgical weight loss center"'s office. I sat there for not very long, and then Marie came and introduced herself to me... and brought me to a little exam. room.... where she left me to get changed and then weighed me, took my temp, and blood pressure. She talked to me for a while, and showed me what the band looked like. Then it was time to go in. I walked to the operating room, saw a couple people lying in recovery on my way in. As I was getting on the operating table, a nurse came in and said "Hey Mandi, Joe says hi!" I laughed and said to tell him hi too. The nurses in the operating room said "Oh, you know him!?" and I laughed and said yeah, that I had met him in an online support group (here!). That was pretty cool. Everything went really quickly. They put something on my chest, compression socks on my legs, some sticky thing on my thigh, and stuck the IV in my forearm. They asked how I was feeling, and all I could think of was "Thirsty"! I don't even remember if I was told to count down or anything... I just went googly eyed and then woke up in recovery an hour or so later! I haven't ever had surgery before either. But I wasn't worried. I was excited, and like you, just wanted it over with! Everyone there is so nice, I'm sure they'll set you at ease. You could also ask if there's anything you could take a while beforehand to calm you down.... they might do that. Like I said... once it was time to go into the operating room, everything went super fast. Like... I think I was out within a matter of a few minutes. That's probably good, cause I don't think I'd like lying on my back in the middle of a bright room with strange people all around me for too long. I hope that helps a little. Ask me whatever else you want to know. I think I was so cool going in, because I knew the answers to every concern I had. (like, asking Dr. Cobourn the day before surgery about whether he's had any erosions or slippages so far... he hasn't!) That made me feel more at ease. Mandi
  16. argon


    Hey Paula... I 'supposedly' have Rosacea too. I'm sure I do... cause my grandma has it quite bad too. I was diagnosed about 5 years ago, when I went to the doctor, cause I had weird bumps on my nose, kind orange peel-y like. I got a prescription for Metrogel. (is that what you got?) It made my skin super dry and peel too. I actually stopped using it because of that. I've also tried Dalacin (sp?), and it was the same thing. I keep them handy and use it when I get those little bumps.. which luckily isn't very often. Supposedly as you get used to it, the peeling will stop, but I couldn't stand it anymore. Do you have any other Rosacea type symptoms? All I really have is that I blush very easily, hot Water makes me face all patchy red... and I can't drink wine! I get SUPER blotchy and hot. Yeah, maybe see about getting a second opinion...
  17. argon

    Think Positive List

    Oh, I can't wait to not have to wear stuff to cover up too. I practically live in tshirt and hoodies in the summer. I haven't worn shorts in soooo long either, I don't know if I want to, but I'd sure like to be able to! I don't want to squeeze into chairs, and worry about how much is squeezing out beneath the armrests! I don't want to be so damn sweaty and gross feeling after the most minor exertion. I want to cross my legs, and not have to hold onto my calf, so it doesn't slide off. I want to be able to easily shave my legs! I want to wear a size with at least a 1 in the beginning, not a 2... and no "X"'s ! I don't want to be constantly pulling at my shirts, worry that it's stuck in my back-fat! lol I want to wear sexy underwear! I don't want to have to quickly look away when I pull up along another car at a stop sign or light, cause I think they're gonna give me a "Yuck" look, or laugh at me. I wanna get a brazilian! Wooo! lol
  18. argon

    My date!

    Actually, I'm from Saskatchewan... I only went to Vancouver after surgery for a couple weeks, for a visit. I don't know that he does this type of thing often, but he mentioned that since he's getting patients from all over the place now, that he might have to do something like a 'cross canada tour'. That would be nice... even if it weren't all that often. Yes, he prescribed the codiene, and my aunt (who came with me) went and got the prescription filled for me while I was in surgery, so I didn't have to worry about having to go to a pharmacy afterwards. There's a pharmacy in the same building as the clinic, so that's good. You are very welcome, ask me anything you need/want to know Mandi
  19. argon

    "stuck' question

    Cool.. thanks alot guys! Mandi
  20. Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone had any recipes for some really good marinades for beef jerky? I've got a dehydrator, and a meat slicer left over from my Atkins days, and I thought I'd start making jerky for myself again as a good way to get all my protein in... or just a good protein snack. I have some recipes already, but I'd like to try some others. Mandi
  21. argon

    Anyone make their own jerky!?

    Hmmm... I thought so, I've heard other people mention it. :| I can now, but I don't have a fill yet.
  22. argon

    My date!

    Ok... so now that I'm at 4 weeks: I can eat toooo much, or at least I think so. I can eat damn near anything I want, nothings a problem, I just make sure I chew it really well. I'm sure that will change once I get my fill. I haven't had any vomitting or anything that I was expecting. I've had stuff get 'stuck' a couple times, but it passed pretty quickly. It's a weird thing to go from super uncomfortable 'somethings wrong' feeling, to instant relief, as I feel it pass.. Yes, I stayed at a hotel overnight after surgery. Surgery was on a Wed, and I left on Friday, so really 2 nights. I went to the clinic before we left to the airport and Marie quickly checked me out, put on a couple extra steri-strips, some were coming off from my shower, I guess. I flew from Toronto to Vancouver. It was a 4.5 hour flight, and it was hellish. I was going to recommend bringing your pillow with you (to hold your stomach), but I don't think that's necessary. If you feel you need it, you could probably just ask the flight attendant for one. Make sure you have your chewable Gas-X and gravol with you, just in case. Yours is probably about a 3 hour flight? If you're on Optifast, you might want to take an empty pop bottle or something with you, filled with optifast, so you can just add Water to it on the plane in case you get hungry. I didn't have anything, and didn't think I'd be hungry, but once they started serving food, I got hungry, and the only thing they had on the 'menu' that I could do, was instant noodles (i was gonna just drink the liquid). It was waaay too gross and I couldn't have more than a few sips. Maybe buy a big 1 litre bottle of water and bring that with you (maybe even come crystal light to 'spice' it up.) You're going to want to sit along the aisle, so you can get up and do laps around the plane as much as possible (to avoid blood clots). Marie recommended every 15-20 minutes, but the plane was so crowded, and I was kind of embarassed to do that. Do it as much as you can though. Sitting up for me was not hard. A couple times I had to have my aunt (who came with me), kinda pull me up. I really just felt like someone had kicked me in the stomach. I didn't need my liquid codiene that they prescribed, but if I had been smart, I would have taken some before I got on the plane, to 'take the edge off'. I think I had the worst seat on the plane, it was soooo uncomfortable. Yeah, the day of surgery, I just went back to the hotel, lied down, watched some tv.... slept off and on, and the next day walked some (to Subway to get Soup minus the vegetables and noodles!). Getting my fill in about 2 weeks, and I can't wait. I hope I feel it! (not the needle, the restriction!) Oh... by the way. Dr. Cobourn's going to be in Calgary on May 10-11... I don't suppose you're gonna meet with him then? (that's when I'm getting my fill, from him in Calg.) Good luck!
  23. argon

    My date!

    How bout I email you with my exciting story!? lol I have it all typed up that I can just copy from an other email I sent, since so many people have asked me about my experience with Cobourn, I've got it handy! Mandi Oh... nevermind, I guess I can't email you through here. I'll make a new post with my answers.
  24. argon

    What the Hell??

    Yeah... that's weird. Maybe it's a case of people thinking "lap" and "lapband" are the same thing. I dunno... I'd email them and ask what the hell they're talking about... if I wasn't so lazy. Funny Duddies, I think you missed the fact that they aren't saying the GB can be done laparoscopically, but they're describing the lapband in the exact way you'd describe a bypass (cutting, reattaching, stapling).. and then saying "Lap band Gastric Bypass"? wtf is that?
  25. argon

    My date!

    I didn't have Dr. Joffe, but I've heard nothing but good things about him. You'll like him, I'm sure.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
