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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Xann77

  1. Xann77

    Fills and Booze?????

    I had my fill today - Not a big deal AT ALL! ANyway, she (Dory Ferraro--very experienced LapBand NP) said that I should be able to drink alcohol no problem -- even tonight. Of course she warned about the empty calories but still, good to know I can celebrate St Paddy's!
  2. Hi all! So I have my first fill tomorrow and as many of you know, it's St. Paddy's Day!!! Of course I won't be drinking any green beer or anything -- I tried a sip of beer about a month after my surgery and it was SOOO painful. BUT I was wondering about wine or a white russian or something like that? Don't want to sound like an alcoholic or anything but I have a two big parties -- one on Friday night and one on Saturday afternoon (lots and lots of Irish friends) and I hate to think that I can't even have one drink. I know you're supposed to be on liquids for a few days following the fills --- do you guys think a glass of wine will really put me in pain or even a white russian with just a little booze in it?? HELP!??! :help: :help:
  3. Xann77

    Bad Back Pain

    It probably won't show on your scan no. There's a very good chance he put that extra stitch in though... seems to be the "new thing"... like I said though, I'd really try very vigorous massage and super, super hot showers/baths (as hot as you can take) and see how that goes too. I'm sure you'll be fine although trust me, I understand about not wanting to be in pain. I just wouldn't worry too much that there was something seriously wrong since it sounds EXACTLY like what I and Donna B went through and that type of mid-back pain isn't really symptomatic of common band problems. Your doc probably didn't tell you because some people are really psychosomatic and if they THINK there's going to be extra back pain, they'll defnitely feel it. Your office should be able to call your doctor and ask him a simple question though -- even if he's on vacation! It would save a whole lot of time and money if they did. Good luck to you!
  4. Xann77

    Bad Back Pain

    Hi! I'm not sure what your stats were at surgery time, but my doctor (Dr. Rumbaut) told me that while he was in surgery he was able to add an extra stich to the BACK of the band and so he went for it because it's supposed to decrease the risk of slippage. He can't do it on most higher BMI patients so it's not really a common knowledge type of thing. As a result though, I had REALLY bad back pain RIGHT in the same area as you... lots of people complain about shoulder pain, but for me, it was right in the back behind the strap. He told me he the second stitch in the back would really hurt -- and hurt it DID for a good MONTH almost! It's still sore honestly, but Advil does the job. ALSO (and very important) I got this little palm sized roller ball massage thing from the Vitamin Shoppe -- it WAS A LIFESAVER!!! My sweet BF would just roll it really hard up and down on either side of spine on the middle back and it really relieved a LOT of the pain. You should find out where exactly your surgeon put the stitches. Maybe he added a second one like me or maybe he put it in a different place (E.g., more towards the back of the band). Everyone is different and the surgeons don't always know exactly what they're going to do until they get in there and check things out. Who was your surgeon?? Mine was Dr. Rumbaut. He probably wouldn't have even mentioned the extra stitch if I hadn't freaked out in back pain on my first night He had to give me morphine for it!! Hope this helps! Oh, and here's the link for the massage roller -- if I were you I'd buy it online right now! Was such a HUGE relief for me! http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/store/en/browse/sku_detail.jsp?id=OI-1001
  5. Xann77

    4 Month Update!

    WOW!!!! Huge Congrats to you! You must be soooo proud I've got my first fill tomorrow morning -- totally nervous about it even though I know it's silly to be -- but I really hope I'm as successful as you! 10 pounds a month is great!
  6. Xann77

    Fills and Booze?????

    I was just worried about my stomach being all irritated and in pain after the fill and that alcohol would just irritate it more Is it anything like after surgery or much milder than that? I have to come right back to work after the fill and I'm really hoping I won't be in pain or anything.
  7. I did it. Right before I scheduled my surgery actually! It hardly worked for me. Maybe a few pounds that I gained right back. Plus, it really does have unpleasent side effects. And (I hate to be frank) but things don't just ooze out of your backside either. For us women, then come out of the "entrance" too.. Definitely pretty gross! I would DEFINITELY DEFINITELY go for the surgery. The longer you wait, the longer it will take to start your new life!
  8. Xann77

    worried about my best friend

    I don't think it's such a big deal. Everything is fine in MODERATION! If drinking a protein shake or smoothie satisifies her cravings, then I wouldn't think it would be a huge problem. HECK, it sounds a lot less fattening than drinking a bunch of booze!!! :)
  9. Xann77

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Gosh.... that's such a good question! One I've avoided thinking about for way too long. I should probably go to therapy to answer it. I mean the obvious culprits are there -- lack of exercise, love of chocolate and junk food, eating lots of food late at night and not eating all day. I totally do the "night picnic" someone mentioned. I actually get annoyed if my boyfriend comes home before my little food fest is over because I like to binge in privacy. But deep down, I think my weight gain always has to do with MEN. I've never been obsesssed with food in the way some people are talking about. I definitely don't think about it all the time or anything. In fact, the opposite is probably true. I DON'T think about it and then I get starving out of nowhere and eat whatever is in front of me, which ususally means fast food, junk food, processed food-- and the absolute WORST thing for my diet -- TAKE-OUT! I live in NYC and take-out is a way of life here. No one, and I mean no one, COOKS anything. In fact think one of my biggest problems is LAZINESS. I'm very lazy when it comes to food and I just want what's there and what's easy. Even now as I sit at my desk, the thought of going down two flights of stairs to get a salad and some tuna fish just seems like a big mission to me. I put it off and put if off and then the caf is closed and I have to eat something from the candy store instead. Which is really bad with the band and so I need to learn how to take the time to eat the right things or I'll end up losing nothing. But back to MEN -- let's see, there have really been two of them which have caused this gain. My father and my ex-boyfriend. My father died suddenly on vacation when I was 7 years old. My parents were in Italy and I was staying with an aunt who ended up being the person who told me he was dead because my mom was still stuck in Italy trying to get his body back home. It was a total nightmare because she didn't speak Italian and was hysterical and of course, I had no idea what was happening and wast totally terrified. Anyway, the first thing my aunt did is give me a king-sized Butterfinger. She kept giving me and my cousin candy money for the next couple weeks just to go to the candy store and of course, I put on a bunch of weight. I ended up losing most of it though as I grew up, just because -- thank heavens -- I ended up being really tall and lost a lot of the weight in puberty. Still, I don't think I EVER once in my life have not thought of myself as FAT since I was 7 years old. It's so sad, I look at my diary when I was a kid and there's all these "memoirs of a 7-year old", in this really childish handwriting, ranting about how fat and disgusting she was and how she would never, ever eat chocolate again -- and then I realize that's me! So like many of you, yes I guess food become a MAJOR comfort for me. But not just food in general, JUNK FOOD. And not even chips or fried stuff or anything like that, but CANDY. Yup, that fabled afternoon when I found out about my daddy dying -- just created one of the biggest sweet tooths imaginable. Fast forward a bit and then take-out food and alcohol became the big culprit --- that was always my problem in college and even when I moved to NYC. Take out is just so fattening, especially when you eat it late at night like I did (and still do unfortunately). Plus all the beer and booze you drink in college and as a single-girl in NYC.... EEK!!! Still, it was fairly under control until STEVEN. That's the evil ex. It's probably not appropriate to discuss but basically he had absolutely ZERO sexual interest in me and this would make me completely depressed and the bastard would SENSE this and bring home a pint of Ben & Jerry's. He basically placated my need for sex and intimacy with chocolate and sweets. I think he also WANTED me to get big in a way... the psychotic jerk. :angry So ultimately, sexual rejection = eating candy, and abandonment = eating candy. But here we are NOW. No sexual REJECTION (the new BF is wonderful and worships me just the way I am -- he's probably more concerned with me losing weight and finding some other guy or something ridiculous like that), and no ABANDONMENT (although I guess that always sticks with you, doesn't it?). So why am I fat now?? Last year I lost about 20 pounds through hard, hard work at the gym and in about 2 months, I gained it all back plus 10. Why?? Well, laziness is part of it -- I really don't like to exercise, although once I'm there, I enjoy it. Plus, I "hide my weight well" as they say, being 5'8 and all so gaining weight didn't really affect my confidence or social skills that much -- until recently of course, which is when I decided to have the surgery. But also, I think I JUST DIDN'T CARE ANYMORE. Strange really, but it was like I just gave up on the thought of ever being skinny. Even now with the band, part of me just can't imagine being skinny ever, ever again..... I simply don't believe that it's a possibility. I read everyone's success stories on here-- which are so inspiring -- but I have this deep down terror that the band just WILL NOT WORK FOR ME. I don't know, I guess I'm totally crazy. Anyway, sorry for the "book" guys. It just feels good to get all this stuff out though, doesn't it? Funny, I never thought I'd be exploring my internal struggles with perfect strangers, but there you go! Good luck and God Bless to all of you! Suzanne
  10. Ladysplenda -- I think your signature should read your surgery date as 12/1/2005 not 2006. Unless of course I've forgotten what year it is again!
  11. Wow! You guys are ALL an inspiration. I'm 5'8, started at 230 and would be thrilled with 150/160, although I haven't weighed that much in ten years. I swear that part of me doesn't believe it's even possible, even AFTER being banded -- like it seems completely out of reach or something... I haven't lost much since I was banded on 1/31 but I'm getting my first fill tomorrow and hoping that the band will work for me like it has for all of you. Wish me good luck!! Reading all your success stories is SOOO great! Thanks again!!! Suzanne
  12. Xann77

    Ways To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity

    LOVE IT!!! SO FUNNY!!!! I love No 2. Can just totally see myself paging myself over the intercom and all the lawyers in the office thinking I've gone bonkers. Thanks for the laughs!
  13. Xann77

    Expecting Too much

    Ladies, Ladies, Ladies!!!! HALT, STOP RIGHT THERE! YOU ARE FORGETTING SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT. LOTS, and I mean LOTS of people don't feel comfortable telling someone, "whoa, you look great, you must have lost a TON of weight" because they think it's rude because it implies that you were fat to begin with! I think all of us bandsters are SOOO used to discussing things that we used to think were really sensitive and personal -- weight, indigestion, fill injections, doctors appointments, PBing for godssakes! -- that we have become pretty DESENSITIZED and hardly even think of those things as taboo or impolite to discuss anymore! I know that when I've lost weight before -- even just 20 pounds -- the secretaries in my office would all sort of look at me but not say anything. And then a few of them finally said, "hey, you look great. I hope it doesn't offend you and I didn't know if I should say anything but you've definitely lost a lot of weight!" And I was like, "oh my gosh no! you're not offending me! compliment away!!!" So please please PLEASE remember that people are almost DEFINITELY noticing -- you simply cannot lose 50 POUNDS and not look different -- most of them are probably just uncomfortable with complimenting you. The ones that ARE comfortable talking about it are usually your family/friends and alot of times, they're just plain old jealous anyway (OR they see you all the time so it's not as drastic to them). The good compliments come from strangers but lots of times, strangers don't want to say anything!
  14. Hi Everyone! First off, thanks so much to all the people on this board. The information I get from the posts here is priceless! I've lost about 15 pounds since the surgery and I'm definitely NOT LOSING anything anymore. Even though I knew to expect this, it's so disappointing and discouraging -- especially because everyone I know EXPECTS me to lose so much already! Anyway, I am now officially 6 weeks post-op and hunting around for a good doctor in NYC who will do fills on patients who have had their bands implanted in Mexico (Dr. Rumbaut). I've found a few -- Ren, Fielding, Katz and a NP named Ferraro -- but I hear that they are more "conservative" than the Mexican docs and don't like to fill the band too much. I know its different for everyone, but what's a good cc range for the first fill? 1.0cc - 2.0cc? What has everyone's experience been in terms of fill quantity? I'm thinking I should insist on 2.0 cc's at the first fill and if it's too tight, I'll come back and get some taken out... or is that too much!? Maybe 1.7? I don't think any of these docs do it under flouro, but one woman does have you take an espophogram before the fill -- is that the same thing? Thanks!!!!
  15. Xann77

    Day 15 down 21 pounds

    Hi Newbies! Gosh, I guess I'm still a newbie although I had my surgery on 1/31/06. Anyway, just wanted to reassure you all that the pain/pulling at the port incision is TOTALLY normal. I'd go a week with it getting better everyday and then, BOOM, out of nowhere it would start hurting again and I'd have to baby it for a few days. I'm almost exactly 6 weeks out now though and (knock on wood!) I think the incision pain has pretty much passed. These sensations are completely normal-- remember that they sewed the port into your abdominal muscle so of COURSE it's going to hurt, especially when you're moving around and whatnot. I realized after my surgery just how much you use your abs, even just to stand up, roll over in bed, etc. You never really realized it before! Anyway, my incision can still be a little tender in the new skin area, but no more sharp pains. I'm such a baby though because I'm still too scared to "look" for my port by probing it. I figure that I don't want to upset the muscles by digging in there so I'll just leave it alone. A lot of people love trying to find their port but I'd prefer to pretend like it didn't exist :hat: My one piece of advice though is this -- the ABSOLUTELY WORST THING YOU CAN DO is sit around after surgery and read all the threads about erosion, port infections, slippage, etc. Take my advice and stay off the boards a few days if you have to. Your brain is one of the most powerful (and manipulative) things in the world. I know that for me, reading about people who had negative experiences made ME feel negative! And who the heck needs that! Just focus on healing for now and sticking to your post-op diet. The more you focus on the pain, the more you'll be in pain!! Good luck to you guys! Wish me good luck too since I go in for my first fill on Friday and I'm totally nervous about it!! Suzanne
  16. Thanks so much to all of you! This info is really helpful! Especially about all our stomach's being differ I definitely don't want to be so tight that I can't drink water. I basically can eat ANYTHING right now though and I'm trying to chew slowly but I bet I'll have a big wake up call after the first fill!
  17. Woo hoo Donna! That sounds good to me. Personally, I really don't want to wait around a few months for my weight loss to get started, but I guess everyone is different in what type of plan they want to follow. I hope you'll let me know how you're doing with the 2ccs?? Thanks!
  18. Hi! I was banded by Dr. Rumbaut on 1/31/06 and am MORE than ready to get my first fill and start losing SOMETHING! I lost about 12 pounds since surgery and I'm completely UNrestricted now and it's not fun Anyway, I found a doctor in NYC -- Dr. Katz -- who will do my first fill next Monday for $350 (which is the BEST deal I've found around here). The thing is, he doesn't use flouro. However, it seems like none of the doctors in NYC use flouro for the fills (Ren, Fielding, etc). I know that Dorry Ferraro -- a nurse practioner who seems really popular on these boards -- INSISTS on doing the first fill with flouro, but her calender is totally packed. Anyway, the point of this long tyrade is -- should I be worried about getting a fill without flouro? My BMI is around 35 and I'm worried about the doctor being able to find my port and not piercing it wrong or something. Do all of you guys get your fills with flouro? I know I should probably post this with the other fill threads but I see a lot more people on here today and I was hoping to get a good response. Thanks so much!!! :help: :help: :help:
  19. Hi Guys! Well I am now officially 6 weeks post-op and hunting around for a good doctor in NYC who will do fills on patients who have had their bands implanted in Mexico (Dr. Rumbaut). I've found a few -- Ren, Fielding, Katz and a NP named Ferraro -- but I'm just a little worried because none of them do it with flouro and I'm worried they'll all be really conservative with how much cc's they use. What has everyone's experience been in terms of fill quantity? I'm thinking I should insist on 2.0 cc's at the first fill and if it's too tight, I'll come back and get it out... or is that too much!?
  20. I know Christine Ren performs fills on other surgeons patients and I've heard very good things about her.
  21. Hey guys, where is Goshen? I live in NYC on the Upper West Side. Is it in the city? Is there a way to find out about support groups? I'd really love to join one! Thanks!
  22. Xann77

    Erosion: Our OWN Statistics.

    Dr. Rumbaut in Monterrey, MX Surgery Date: 1/31/06 Erosion/Complications: Probably too soon to tell but no.
  23. Xann77

    The WHY ARE MEN SO WEIRD thread.

    Ok guys, I've got the trump card: my boyfriend snores like a mack truck every single night. He breathes like a perfectly normal man 16 hours a day but as soon as he lays down next to me, he turns into a pig-man. I love him to death but I've literally been through over 20 different types of earplugs and numerous white noise machines. Do any of you have this problem? It's something I took for granted in previous relationships. I'd never wish it on anyone! Silence is like love and privacy, most manifest in it's absence.
  24. Xann77

    Scared! my port hurts/burns

    IMHO, eating spicy/rich things like enchilada's and quesidllas is NOT a good idea a mere 2.5 weeks after surgery. No offense at all but I got banded on 1/30 and was told to stay on liquids for three weeks (Dr. Rumbaut) and then mushies for another 3 weeks. Stomachs are very sensitive little buggers and a few weeks of protein shakes and hunger is better than potentially screwing the whole thing up. JAmaroose, if I were you, I'd go back to a liquid diet for a few days and see if the pain in the port area goes away. Your body just may not be ready for such rich/heavy food yet. Also, I heard that bread products (like tortillas) are a no-no because lots of people have problems tolerating them. Good luck!
  25. Hi everyone! I'm a new bandster who lives on the UWS in NYC! Banded by Dr. Rumbaut on 1/31/06. Still pretty darn sore and worried about going back to work next week -- didn't think I'd be this achy I guess. Nontheless, I am SOOO excited about the band and really hopeful that it will work with me!!! Are there any Lap-band support groups in NYC? It would be great it there were monthly meetings or something like Weight Watchers. Has anyone thought of organizing this or how we could do it??? Suzanne

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