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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by timarland

  1. My surgeon said 3-4 weeks for wine, beer whenever it doesn't make me uncomfortable.

    Of course, all of the other nutrition guidelines apply as noted in other responses.

    I asked this question of my surgeon day ONE, as I have a wine cellar that is WAY too valuable to go to waste...

  2. 13 minutes ago, aag80 said:

    Nice to meet you too Joanna! We're near sleeve twins. have heard from other friends about the stall, but it's hard when you are looking at that number. And no, my total includes the 51 lbs I lost on a two MONTH pre-op diet! :)

    TWO MONTH pre-op diet? Your surgeon is a monster.

  3. I'm 4 weeks post-op, so my favorite recipes so far have all been for soft stuff. I loved the ricotta bake - Shelly's I think? It's all over the place, and it was great right after all liquids. In fact, I'd say that even for a future low carb italian dinner, I'd probably do it again - maybe with some chopped up onions and bell pepper this time. I also did some pinto Beans in my instant pot - added some rotel and a few pig feet - that was super good, but no official recipe.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Tealael said:

    I've gone off plan and plan to again because I never planned to give up the foods I ate prior to surgery (pure maple , honey, spirulina, cacao, chia, flax, butter, etc. ) although they were never on any plan I saw...


    I was sitting in the mandatory pre-op nutrition class - my surgeon partners with a local hospital bariatric program to deliver them - LOVE my surgeon, but this group is awful.

    One of their post op recommendations: once you can start tolerating solid food and if you want to eat bread and rice, be absolutely SURE to stick to white rice and white bread - NOTHING with Fiber - we want your digestive tract to be very 'calm' as you continue to heal.

    WTF? That's the WORST **** you can put in your body, and I don't believe for a second that your digestive tract needs to heal so much (especially at 4+ weeks) that you should avoid healthy, whole, unprocessed foods.

    I became a fat ass by making conscious choices to eat wrong - NOT because I'm a f**king moron that can't recognize what good foods are.

    Sorry for the rant, those people just made me mad.

  5. 3 minutes ago, YummyMummy303 said:

    Well, I can say that despite my slip ups, I’ve still lost 20lbs in a month - I workout a lot though.

    I wouldn’t suggest cheating, but if you do, it isn’t the end of the world and don’t get shamed by asshats on here because that won’t help you get back on track tomorrow.

    Sleeved: 2/12/2017

    SW: 209lbs/95kgs

    Keep in mind that a exercise is a VERY small % of overall calorie burn for the day - as such, whatever you're doing with your diet is contributing to almost all of your weight loss. Feel good about yourself for that - it's a win!

    Check this out for some interesting tidbits on the impact of exercise on weight loss: https://www.vox.com/2018/1/3/16845438/exercise-weight-loss-myth-burn-calories

  6. 1 minute ago, Tealael said:

    I would love it if the people who cheated early would check back in 6 months from now. I would love to know if they won the war against their bad habits. That way we could have some advice from their perspective... To cheat or not to cheat.

    I'd suspect that almost all wls patients cheat in some way along the way, especially early in the process as you're learning to eat again, balancing your nutrients, etc. There's also a pretty high success rate for this surgery, so there's a clearly a way to balance some cheating with longer term success.

    I really feel sorry for the vets like Kate and Jess who (claim) to be perfect carbless eaters or whatever - as others have said, food is a joy, and the ultimate win is to get close to a goal weight but still have that nice tasting menu destination dinner with your significant other, or maybe have that slice of bday cake with your kid. Find a balance and love your life, and help others do the same. How miserable would it be to both constantly adhere to a super restrictive diet of no go foods - I guess we've seen that it makes some people so miserable they want to shame others to make themselves feel bitter, um I mean better...

  7. 1 hour ago, Redo2017 said:

    Sorry if my post is redundant. I skipped over a lot of content in the thread. I just had to chime in to say that you totally blew my mind with this post. “Unless I achieve moderation food is still in control.” You have completely boiled down my entire struggle with food. I am always feast or famine (pun intended). I completely agree with you but I am very scared to dip my toes into the world of moderation. I have stuck so close to my plan for the past six months for fear of going off the rails. The mental aspect of this process is by far the most difficult part!

    This is exactly why diets like Keto and Atkins don't work in the long term - it's also why so many of us have (likely) been yo-yo-ing up and down in weight our whole lives. Most people just can't quit bad foods cold turkey.

    Kudos to those with changed gut bacteria or other chemical changes since surgery that can, but the VAST majority of us can't.

    What most people need here is empathy (as mentioned by creekimp) - encouragement that falling off the wagon for a meal or a day doesn't ruin anything - a helping hand to get back on track and keep up good work.

    As for the direction this whole thread took - first of all, the OP and original post mentioned pizza, and didn't say anything about puking it up. I don't know about you all, but I've specifically spoken at length to my surgeon about eating foods out of order or a bit ahead of schedule on the plan - his comment was, after 7-10 days, as long as you don't puke, nothing you put in your mouth (food wise, I'm sure he didn't mean nuts and bolts and ****) is going to tear/rip/create a leak in your staple line. Even if you puke, it's rare, but possible to create a leak. Based on that, I don't think anyone here should be jumping on people and claim it's a medical thing.

    I think all of us are scared that if we eat too much, eat the wrong thing, gain a pound one week, we're suddenly fucked and we've ruined our surgery.

    What we need is a community that supports people that post about stuff like this with encouraging words and helpful tips on how to get back on track.

    NOT pious posts like those from jess9395 and Kate. Seahawks dude should at least wait until he's post op to post opinions or criticisms, even then, see my comments on pious posts...

    Chill out, grow up, and be nice - try to legitimately help people. It really shouldn't be this hard.

  8. 1 minute ago, Losebig said:

    Hmm now I want to try some salmon :-). Sounds like it was good!

    Get at me if you want any advice on cooking sous vide...I can't imagine doing this post op diet without it - from lighter than air egg bites to the soft, buttery salmon...no mushy **** for me!

  9. 8 hours ago, jess9395 said:


    Speaking as someone more than four years out and maintaining a 135 pound loss at goal (size 4).....

    What changed for me is chemical, hormones and gut bacteria. The sleeve (and I assume other surgeries) changes those things as well as the size of our stomachs. Some of us more than others, the research is still working on figuring out what works for whom.

    But I have so much more chemical willpower. I had to work on the mental part, we all do of course. And stopping the refined carbs and sugars (thanks to the chemical part and the restriction) made me lose my taste for it to a large extent, and that's habit plus the rest. If I went back to eating refined carbs and sugars daily I'm sure my taste for it would return, so I don't. I do it occasionally, but not frequently. Some I gave up entirely--rice and Pasta for example.

    And I have Foods I must avoid because they are triggers, and I can now largely because of the chemical changes. I cannot let a cheese-it near me!

    Does this help explain what's changed? What's different?

    Some foods I can eat in moderation, others I cannot so I avoid. That doesn't mean cheese-it's have power over me because I have taken their power back.

    I think this is great, but I also think that you're in the minority for those of us that are fat or were fat. I think it's also interesting that some people who CAN avoid 'trigger' foods for life seem to assume that it's that way for everyone. This assumption leads to a lot of negativity on forums and FB pages (at least from what I've seen)

    I'm not criticizing you or trying to get contentious - it's just what I notice.

    I joined this FB page for sleeve/bypass people to (supposedly) share recipes and stuff like that. The lady that ran it (also conveniently had a web store to sell shakes and stuff on) was 10 years out (bypass) and still lived a <20 carb Keto lifestyle, maintained a 200lb weight loss, etc. I think the admins were all friends of hers, too. Holy **** was that a sanctimonious crew - one would think that it was some kind of religion where anything with carbs was essentially satan himself. The admins and the people who wanted to be like the admins would totally jump on people's **** when they admitted to having a cookie, or even suggested substituting something in a shake or recipe - in one post, some lady got reamed for saying she put half a banana in her daily shake. I left the group after a couple of days.

    Point being - some things will change for some people, but the same thing won't change for all of the people. I think we should all take great care to qualify any advice we give on nutrition and eating here - make it very clear that what you're talking about works for you, maybe not the OP. Oh, and be nice and supportive too.

  10. 1 minute ago, Losebig said:

    I'll confess, I'm on Soft foods, but have had a few things like nuts and seeds that are more advanced... I am very careful to chew at least 25 times and haven't had issues. Protein is limited to 3 to 5 ounces depending on what it is and how quick I eat. I'm surprised you got 6 in. Some programs go to regular food almost immediately so I do think it's hard to cause damage, but better safe than sorry.

    Last night, I did a 6 oz portion of salmon (Oro King, super f'ing awesome) cooked sous vide - the texture was soft, almost buttery - not flaky or firm. Anyhoo - I was going to do mashed cauliflower as a little side, but my riced cauliflower was super freezer burned. Last minute, I diced and boiled a very small potato, and made about 3 oz of mash with that. I made sure to eat mostly the salmon first - with a couple of small bites of the potato - I got all the salmon in pretty easily, but barely any of the potato. So, I guess 6-7 oz is my limit.

    More than others obvi, but 1/3-1/4 of what I would normally eat, even with the band.

  11. Just now, Dr-Patient said:

    I remember Isopure; some days I could tolerate it, others, not. But I might try it again for a few days, since it's clear. Thanks.

    And I didn't have any "inconvenient" reactions to sucralose; it just blocks my weight loss. Documented...it really does. Thanks.

    Really? I've never heard of that, but I guess I haven't really looked into it. I just immediately started avoiding it and I was able to spend less time browsing insta in the bathroom...

  12. Just now, abefroman329 said:

    Yes, per my nutritionist, all of my dairy at the puréed stage has to be nonfat, though I am allowed to drink 1% milk.

    I'm not trying to be a bad influence - as all others qualify, follow your doctor's/nutritionist's advice. Mine had a worksheet that liste suggested foods, and 'foods that MAY cause distress'. Full fat dairy was listed the may cause distress box for my pureed stage. I risked it, and it didn't bother me. Everyone is different. Stay strong.

  13. 6 hours ago, MissSimpson said:

    My NUT said FF String cheese was ok. I guess bc its soft? Yeah, I know its not really pureed. I started a thread just for ideas and tips on pureed food. Maybe that'll help us all! :)

    fat free? I call bullshit - if you're at pureed, I don't think that fat will hurt you (weight loss wise). Plus, there's pretty credible research out there (that I'm too lazy to look up and link to) that full fat dairy products are much healthier for you than fat free/low fat.

  14. Just now, abefroman329 said:

    Ha! Finely shredded, unseasoned meat is the best way to describe it. It’s packed in gravy so it’s not too bad. I like the chicken and the turkey, the beef isn’t really doing it for me. I even eat it at room temperature. It’s Beech-Nut brand.

    Frankly, I think I’d prefer puréed meat to puréed anything else, Beans or eggs.

    Interesting - I seasoned the Beans (pinto) so they were like runny refried beans - not the best consistency, but taste was amazing.

    My nutrition people (not very good in my opinion) suggested pureeing eggs too - I skipped that and made sous vide egg bites - custardy and amazing (and better than sbux IMHO) - they went down fine last week.

  15. Thanks - I was sleeved on 12/18, so we're kinda surgery buddies I guess. You're absolutely right - maybe three of those filets would have been enough, even with the band...

    As for baby food turkey - how is it? I did pureed Beans and mashed up avocado for pureed - stayed away from meats.

    Also, what's it like being the sausage king of Chicago?

  16. I'm two days short of my 3 week band to sleeve anniversary.

    Ok - so before anyone starts on the safety issues they think there may be with what I'm about to say: I had my post-op appointment a week ago - at said appointment, I was already progressing into pureed foods pretty well. I asked my surgeon about continuing through the progression of foods - I asked if I were to progress faster than the foods of the week, could I seriously hurt myself. His response was, as long as I don't make myself throw up, nothing (within reason, obviously) I put in my stomach will hurt the staple line by this point. Yes, even a little bit of red wine is ok...

    Anyway - with that being said, I ate all of a 6oz filet of sole tonight for dinner. The fish market had fresh dab sole in today, and I got the smallest one, because I love sole. I did a quick saute in a carbon steel pan with cultured butter, minced shallots, and lemon zest. Very soft with a crispy crust...yum.

    I ate slowly, chewed well, paused between bites. Didn't get nauseous, no pain, no discomfort. I was absolutely full at the end, but not uncomfortably so.

    So my question is, has anyone else experienced this level or pace of progression to full Protein servings? I've seen some other posts surmising their surgeon had left too much of their stomach, etc. I trust my guy, so I don't think that's it.

    Between my pre-op diet and the three weeks of liquids/squishy ****, I was damn glad to be able to enjoy that piece of fish - but I'm a little concerned at the volume I'm able to eat so quickly.

    Thoughts? Experiences?


  17. 17 hours ago, AZLoser said:

    All of you are risking your health if you are cheating like within a few weeks of surgery. 'Treating yourself' is fine but why does it have to be with food? This is not to judge but to let you know this is not a path to success with the surgery. Yes, it will stop you from reaching your goal. And if you were sleeved 2 weeks ago, you are literally putting your life at risk. Seek out a good therapist to find out why you are sabotaging yourself.

    Literally putting your life at risk? A little dramatic, no?

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