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Posts posted by NewBodySoon

  1. Hi everyone. I have never had depression in my entire life not even as a big girl. Now 6 wks put of surgery and down from 200 to 168 lbs I am being faced with all sorts of unstable emotions. My relationship with my partner is struggling. He isn't really the affectionate type to begin with but lately he has been distancing even more or so I feel. I feel rejected at times, feel like he comes up with vague excuses for his behavior. All he keeps saying is "your going through major image changes, I dont think I fit in anymore" he claims that I am always needing massive attention from him. But when one is feeling lonely, and rejected how could one not feel needy. This whole thing is just too much for me to handle. Its stressing me out to the point where I **** down my stomach completely. I made an appointment to see the bariatric physiologist tomorrow and I asked him to come with me. We have been together for 6 yrs and living together for 3.5 yrs. I dont know what to do. I feel we are all going through all sorts of changes. I want to be able to take control of my emotions and direct my attention on something else. I hate feeling this way and feel out of control. Any advice is welcome

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. I'm 6 weeks post-op tomorrow and until 2 weeks ago felt great. Now I'm nauseous all the time and still can't eat much. I struggle to get down more than a few bites of anything and it still has to be pureed. Anyone else experience this?
    Omgash I am 4 weeks post op today. Just like you Ibwas great pre ops, during and even 2 wks post. But honestly the translation to pureed/soft has not been easy for me. I struggle with finding food that sit well with my new tummy or I find myself struggling to get a couple bites in without having the urge to throw it all up again because it feels like its stuck in my throat and as it goes down it hurts like hell. [emoji30] [emoji17] [emoji85] . My one length follow up isn't till Oct 15th but I am going to call to get a sooner appointment. I get back to work tomorrow first time after my surgery and it makes me worry that with fast pace hectic work like mine I wont have time to get my liquids or Protein in. I honestly dont know what am I doing wrong. I'm trying to keep it as clean as possible. I even put a chewing timer on[emoji87]

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Ouch, I'm so sorry. I have those issues with some foods. Fortunately milk is still ok. Scrambled eggs were bad my 1st time better 2nd.

    Before wls u was a huge fan of egg in microwave, small paper bowl, spritz with butter or substitute crack an egg, cover cook for 30 sec, add cheese cook another 30. (Sometimes require 15 more sec) and it's the perfect healthy over medium egg.

    I forgot to mention also bought some guacamole and hummus packs. Those definitely are my go to for a flavored side
    I know..[emoji30] but thank you soooo much. You've been very helpful. Staying on a positive note and just being patient with my new tummy[emoji52]

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. I've become a huge fan of Starkist tuna Creations - I really like the Jalapeno the best, but the Ranch, Buffalo and other flavors are good too. Most don't need anything added and are very filling. If I do add something, The ranch and jalapeno I add 1 TSP of ranch dressing to make it a little more creamy and the buffalo add buffalo ranch 1 TSP.
    Cottage cheese (high protein) and I have become friends again and this too, easy to pack and store. cheese sticks most have less than 70 CAL and decent Protein
    Dannon Light and Fit Greek Yogurt and Oikos Zero both high in Protein and can be made into two meals - I add ground flax seed to increase my Fiber.
    I made a pot of chili last week (added a dollop of sour cream and shredded cheese) and it lasted.... My only concern with this, while my plan is all for Beans, I read today that Beans should be consumed in moderation, no more than twice a week due to its starchiness. So a late lesson, but I'll know for the future.
    Deli meat roll-ups. I get the deli to slice just a bit thicker than my usual preference of "thinly sliced" so it rolls nicely. If it's sliced right can get 2 - 3 slices and a cheese stick to make a meal
    I also bought on Amazon some WonderSlim shakes/pudding... fell in love with the chocolate caramel... have used it both as a pudding and a shake 15g Protein and it was that right sweet when you want a dessert. They have other flavors. The BP site has something similar too.
    my diet has been pretty boring at work, but this has worked for me and kept hunger at bay.
    All these ideas sound awesome! You got this under control I say[emoji16] . I know it's been only 4 wks post op but my stomach is super sensitive like it reject alot of things I use to be able to enjoy. I suddenly became lactose intolerant, cant handle any low fat milk based yogurt, scrambled eggs give me the runs(can only do a poached egg) you can understand the aggravation with trying to find things that work for me. I have tried 3 different Protein Shakes premier I can no longer do. The organic plant based didnt sit well with me felt so heavy and now I am trying the Isopure whey(tried it with almond milk and nope not good) so will try again with just Water. [emoji85] [emoji86] [emoji30] [emoji30] [emoji30] [emoji30] . Another thing is that when ever I try eating my 2oz or less I feel like my food is stuck in my throat wanting to throw up. When it's not that then I just feel cramps in my stomach sigh....[emoji17]

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. I packed everything in pre-measured containers and planned my meals accordingly (actually still doing that 5 weeks post). It makes eating so much easier especially if you are eating multiple meals and not just your standard 3 + 2. I use MyfitnessPal which has a reminder if I don't log my meals, but I also have it set for every 3 hours to stop and eat something (my day starts at 530a and I get home around 430p)
    As for Water, I have a 20 oz tumbler that I force myself to drink 2 - 3 times before leaving work and have 1 to drink on my way home from work to ensure I'm getting my fluids in.
    Good luck!
    Thank you so much. Will be try this[emoji16]. What kind of meals do you prep just to get ideas?

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Hi everyone. So I go back to work tomorrow after 4 weeks out for the sleeve surgery. I'm excited to get back to work but overwhelmed about being so busy at work and forgetting to get my liquids ne Protein in[emoji85] . I mean sometimes I forget to while being at home imagine while being at work where its fast paced all day? Anyone have any suggestions as to what to take to work ? I was thinking lots of high protein Snacks maybe? And setting up a snack, Water and meal timer?

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Looking for Protein powder recommendations!
    My NUT is on board with me using a Protein Shake either as breakfast or mid-morning snack, and the Premier Protein pre-packaged shakes are getting to be a pretty expensive habit. SO I want to switch to powdered to shake up in my Blender Bottle with Water or milk in the mornings...Anyone have favorite protein powders to recommend? I tried a few from BP website and found them gross-tasting and/or grainy, etc., so I'd love to hear from you what you've tried and liked!
    In the past I've done the ON "gold standard" brand which was fine, but I'd love to hear from you and maybe branch out!
    I'm trying this one11138785-1-569213-1537288569264.jpeg 11138785-2-569213-1537288577393.jpeg

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. I feel your pain! At 4 weeks post op, I have been loosing the same 1lb and gaining it for the past week. I fluctuate between 12 and 13 lost. Using the word Gain is painful post op. Especially because I'm well under 100 calories daily with my highest by far yet of 800 being yesterday, but every other day has been between zero and 600. So your mind is like WOW, I am eating SO much less than I ever did before and for so long, I should have melted twice over by now. I guess it brings into light how much we were overeating before and how our body really did not need all that food we thought we needed. It is definitely an emotional journey. Time seems to stand still when you are on those scales and they have not moved. I've started work again so trying to keep my mind preoccupied with that, but ofcourse in the back of your mind, you can't help but think...will this work for me...am I the freak for whom this will not work? And without food to comfort us which was our go to thing before, it can become quite intolerable waiting for the scales to move : /
    See that right there[emoji115] is your your head messing with you and your emotions. DO NOT allow it! You've come this far and it wasn't in vain. If you made it through the pre-op liquid diet then all is possible [emoji120] [emoji119]. Stop putting focus on that scale, put it away. Stay focus on eating right, drinking your water(detox Water ex:mint leaves and lemon slices in your water) and if your not clear to lift weights yet at least walk, swim, elyptical, put weights on your ankles, go up and down stairs, put YouTube on your tv and do at home body workouts, put your binder on while doing so. Put marbles on a jar of your highest weight on one and as you lose you take that amount of marbles and out to on another jar "lose" we are visual creatures when it comes to our weight. Jump rope, I mean the list goes on and on...

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. i’m having such a hard time getting my Protein in. i bought Isopure unflavored but i cant add it to oatmeal, applesauce or anything like that because it stays clumpy and tastes awful. any suggestions on brands or how to incorporate it?? i’m only averaging about 35g of protein a day and i should obviously be getting at least 60
    I was the same during my first 3 weeks. The plant based protein dis the same so I just decided to drink the premiere one they recommended but couldn't do it for to long since all of a sudden after surgery I kinda became lactose intolerant

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Hello all! Work has been keeping me away from here which makes me really sad! I'm glad to see everyone is doing well for the most part!
    I've had an unexpected side effect and I can't quite figure out why. I have been a nail biter for 25 years. Constantly biting my nails, chewing my cuticles and picking at the skin around them. My hands have always looked horrible and even manicures and fake nails never helped me break the habit. It was always related to stress because the minute I went on vacation I wouldn't do it anymore and my nails would start to grow.
    So now since the day of surgery I haven't bitten my nails once. I still have the same level of stress at home and at work as I did before so I can't figure out why it would stop now and what surgery would have to do with it. My nails are so long now that I'm going to have to get a manicure so I can actually type properly! lol
    Lol! That's a good side effect [emoji140] [emoji140]

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. Uggg. I'm in an stall and have actually gained 2 lbs from my lowest [emoji20] I'm 7 weeks out today and I'm drinking my Water, getting my Protein, and eating in my calorie range 500-800. On 9/12, I was 217.2 and today I'm 219.6. I just want to cry (and eat food I know I'm not supposed to have right now!)
    Lol "I just want to cry and eat food" I feel you. I gained 2lbs (what feels like 10) back on. Ots like the sleeve gets you all hyped about losing a lbs a day pretty much and then boom!! Nothing! Ughhhhh. I haven't got clearance to do anything else but walk for 20nmins but I am so tempted to just go at it in the gym at least that way I know the lbs I'm gaining is muscle gain related[emoji30]

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Anyone else experiencing joint pain in their pelvis/inner thighs? Mine have just been aching the last three weeks.

    Also- checking in- almost 9 weeks post-op. Down 37lbs. Basically should be down 65 in a few weeks (30% of excess body weight) but stalling for 3 weeks kind delayed progress substantially. Just keepin on’.
    You know what, it's funny you should ask that because my right hip gas been somewhat uncomfortable. I thought it was due to me sleeping on my right side? I'm using the Patches for medicine but I wonder if I am getting enough or maybe I should start taking them orally instead even if I crush them?

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  13. I’m sorry you got the flu. Wishing you a very speedy recovery. Good job on your 20lbs weight loss
    Same here surgery date August 24th down 21 lbs. Last weigh in was last Friday at 177lbs but I feel I might be retaining Water or I am about to fall in that famous stall everyone talks about in the 3 ton4 wks period[emoji30] [emoji30] [emoji30] [emoji30] [emoji85]

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
