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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bobbiezhere

  1. Hi Mary! Just checking in. How are you doing on your restart?

    Anyone want to check in?

    Omg..i finally went back to the dr for a minor fill. I got a .3 fill...about 2 weeks ago...dont feel a bit of difference. I'm at about 8.9 now, in a 11cc band. I cant seem to get my A** in gear ....I so want to but i've been eating crap and i just need to stop....I got the Wii Zumba disc andi love it, but havent been consistant in it...I'm not ready to admit defeat....sometimes i wish i had the gastric bypass instead, yet i was certain i did not want that and i wanted THIS...the gb scared me...irreversible, several issues with it, etc...but i think...i dunno...i had thought this was the key - andwhen i look at old pics, i CAN see that i've lost, but i had thought i'd lose sooo much more!

    I'm gonna keep looking for posts here from my july buddies to see if we can encouage each other forward..not back....I hope you all keep posting..

  2. I do not want to discourage anyone, that's for sure. I will give you my update, however, on my journey. I was banded July 09 also, was happy with my weight loss the first year. My port had flipped about 10 months after my surgery, had it corrected. The weight loss slowed down, but I take part ownership of that. Two weeks ago I started having pain under my left rib cage. I thought possibly I had pulled a muscle, so just really didn't do anything about it. It continued for about 5 days, so called my family doctor and went in and had xrays done and an ultra sound. That was on a Friday and was told if pain got worse, got to ER. The pain did increase and went to ER on Monday AM. Test were taken and discovered I had abscess all around my lapband, and the band had eroded into my stomach causing a hole. Surgery scheduled for next day, abscess and lapband completely removed. In hospital for 5 days and now home recovering. It was a complete surprise to me. Mentally, I am going to treat this as if I still had my band. Right now my scales are at the lowest they've been, and I just feel optimistic that I can continue to lose weight. I'm thankful that I went to the hospital in time and didn't delay any longer. I wish all of you the very best, just continue to be aware of your body, and just remember, this isn't anything to play around with.

    Omg i'm so sorry to hear this! How are you feeling now? I wish you continued success....and that you feel much better!

  3. Omg Lisa! I hope you are doing better! I had gallbladder surgery some years ago - i know the pain that goes with that - so I'm glad that part is over for you!

    I do understand the stress you have been under - my boss, who i worked for for 10 plus years, also passed away in the office on 12/17 - and I was the last one to talk with him, and in there when we were trying to recusitate (sp?) him - so the emotional impact of that, i can relate to :(

    I am confident we (you and i both) can somehow get back on track and conquer this weight thing..i have to be positive, we've gone through alot to get here!

    I made my appt with my doctor for another fill in June - it was the first appt I could get! I plan to ramp up my exercise and try to stop the snacking once again...I would love to lose about 40 lbs - that would take me below 200 on my 5'7" frame - and although thats still alot, i'd be thrilled to be under 200!

    Please keep us updated on what your next appt brings..and know that your not alone!

    Anyone that wants to email personally, please feel free: bobbie045@aol.com.

  4. Hello ladies,

    I've been missing in action for the entire summer but, now more than ever I need to get it in gear to lose these last 15lbs. I was banded July 1, 09 and I'm down 102lbs and I'm scheduled for my Tummy Tuck on Oct 27th...so, exciting but, yet that has motivated me to get back on my spin bike. Time to follow the rules,journal my food and decrease the carbs. Continued success everyone :blushing:

    Omg! I didnt see this message!!! you've done amazing - that is awesome!!!!!

  5. :rolleyes: Omg i haven't been here in AGES. I soooooo need encouragement ! Honestly, i have not done well with my band - well let me back up - i lost about sheesh - maybe 35 or 40 lbs - but so much of that was during the pre-op stuff! I have been so disappointed ! I was banded in July of 2009 and then due to a leak in the port - i found out in 11/09 that i was "leaking" - so no real restriction for any length of time! I ended up having to go back in for repair at the end of December 09. I have gone for regular fills - and finally i'm at a point where i feel a restriction..but the weight doesnt want to budge! I was losing again, slightly..and now..i seem to be heading up again. I dont know. It me..i have begun to snack again at night and i need to stop that. But i've just been so discouraged - i tried for so long - and one of the reasons i stopped posting is that it seemed everyone was doing sooo well, that i felt somewhat a failure! I was sooo ready to work this band - and did - and just didnt seem to have the success so many others were having!

    I am not ready to give up. My 11 cc band (or is it 12? I need to go look at posts - i dont recall!) is at about an 8cc fill. When and if i do go in, i'd probably only get .5 of a fill - because a little does a lot. I'm thinking of doing that - its been months since ive been back to the doctors office.

    To be honest, i need to look at all my stats on my ticker...bite the bullet and go weigh myself and see where I am - and TRY not to beat myself up because a year later i'm at the same spot!

    I recoginze alot of you from back in July of 09 - i'm going to read some of the other categories and i hope to reconnect with all my buddies here. I need support defiately..and i need to know that I can do this and that i can be happy for all of you that have done so well..and hope i can get there soon.

    I've missed this group!


  6. Ok..im another that hasnt been back too much....i had my band repaired at the end of December...and right now i have 7.75cc in my band..just prior to surgery i was at 8ccs, or so i thought.

    I have never been able to hit that 40lb mark and i am soooo very discouraged! I had thought i would be soooo successful! I wanted this so badly..yet im stuck yo yoing between 227 and 229.

    I guess part of the reason i dont come here, besides feeling awful about my lack of progress...is that seeing all my July bandster friends be so much more successful - really calls to mind my lack of success! I'm so happy for all of you, but i wonder why I have always had so much trouble losing my weight!

    I want/wanted this so badly. I keep hearing the commercials "i got lap band and lost 50...75...105 lbs" and it makes me crazy!

    I havent given up....i go back for another fill - i do honestly feel like im close to that sweet spot, but my band repair did impact my progress and i'm not yet at that 8cc's i was before i had that..but still...

    dunno...i guess i should really post and come here more often and see if i can be more motivated..heaven knows im not self-motivating myself very well!

    I dont know what kind of help i'm looking for..i know i need to do this myself...but....i miss my buddies here that all went through this at the same time almost a year ago...i need to know that i'm not a failure...i need to know that those out there that have done so well, are happy and confident and can help me to see that while it might take me longer, i can get there too....

    I used to chat with a few of you regularly..Paulette msg'd me and I am grateful for that..i'd love to hear from some of my other July bandster friends...any and all comments welcome!


  7. Call your Dr. and till them what is going on and if it will change when swelling goes down. It might be good to get a very small unfill then being stuck not be able to eat or drink over the weekend.

    I did just that. Called and talked to the nurse first...i had a MISERABLE night - i was up all night and by the time i walked into the office at noon, i was in tears. My doctor wasnt in, but the doctor that was, took 3/4's of the fill out (doctor yesteday had put almost 1 cc in) - so i ended up with about a .2 or .3 fill. But i feel so much better now. I'm exhausted from the day and i have a headache, but I know i'll be able to sleep well now!

  8. I had a great NSV yesterday and couldn't wait to share. I hope to post pics soon, too. (I forgot my camera, so I'll have to wait to get the pics from our cousin.)

    Yesterday was our cousin's daughter's seventh birthday party. It was at a place called Bounce House in Knoxville. For those who may not know, this is a place with huge inflatable slides, obstacle courses, and bouncy rooms where kids (and adults) can play. We took my 5yr. old nephew, and since he didn't know any kids there except for the birthday girl (who was spread thin among all her friends) I was who he wanted to play with. Surprisingly, I was under the weight limit (by three pounds) and was able to play on the toys with him. What's more is that I had the energy to play with him! I climbed, slid, jumped, and bounced like a kid. It was great fun and a great workout. I definitely had my heart rate up for the entire hour. Had I not lost those 61 pounds, I would not have been able to participate. I was able to keep up with the kids, and I wasn't the adult in the corner who couldn't keep up. It was awesome!

    That is very cool!!!!

  9. Im so happy for all of you and your success..and bummed that i've had such issues! I have only lost about 39 lbs...but then again, my band had a crack in it and i understand my fills were not staying...i think it set me back by a couple of months,but i had my band fixed December 29th. I'm back on the road, and I so hope to at least hit the 50 lb mark soon.

    I soooo want to be successful with this...you guys have all done great---i want to be there too!:(

    Maybe i need to get back to coming here for support....it truly helps I think...

  10. hello all! its been awhile since I've been here, but I truly need some feedback!

    Ok....heres my story--banded 7/7. Around end of Nov, found my band had leaked/defective. 12/29 had band repair. I had been (i thought) up to 8cc's in my band before it cracked (tubing crack). Dr put 3cc's in the band at surgery. I went back 6 weeks later, he added a couple more cc's etc. I was recently at 6.9cc's. Yesterday he added, then took some out because it was too much. I'm now at 7.8 cc's.

    Well, miserable night last night. I was able to have Soup at dinner...some liquids. But last night, i ended up with tightness in my chest (not even drinking any more!) and belching (small little ones, but all night)...plus feeling that "liquid' was going to come up - but never did.

    I know they say after a fill you swell somewhat.which is why you do liquids afterwards...is this normal? I've never had this before...this morning i'm slowlyyyy sipping liquids, but I am exhausted from very little sleep and wondering if i will have to somehow get back in tomorrow for an unfill?

    The thing is---typically i'm restricted for the first couple of weeks, but after that, it has always gone away and i've been able to eat way more thani should. I want to be satisfied with smaller portions---so i'm afraid of having him unfill...yet this belching and feeling like something MIGHT come up is not how i want to spend my weekend either!

    Help please! Need some feedback!

  11. Ok....heres my story--banded 7/7. Around end of Nov, found my band had leaked/defective. 12/29 had band repair. I had been (i thought) up to 8cc's in my band before it cracked (tubing crack). Dr put 3cc's in the band at surgery. I went back 6 weeks later, he added a couple more cc's etc. I was recently at 6.9cc's. Yesterday he added, then took some out because it was too much. I'm now at 7.8 cc's.

    Well, miserable night last night. I was able to have Soup at dinner...some liquids. But last night, i ended up with tightness in my chest (not even drinking any more!) and belching (small little ones, but all night)...plus feeling that "liquid' was going to come up - but never did.

    I know they say after a fill you swell somewhat.which is why you do liquids afterwards...is this normal? I've never had this before...this morning i'm slowlyyyy sipping liquids, but I am exhausted from very little sleep and wondering if i will have to somehow get back in tomorrow for an unfill?

    The thing is---typically i'm restricted for the first couple of weeks, but after that, it has always gone away and i've been able to eat way more thani should. I want to be satisfied with smaller portions---so i'm afraid of having him unfill...yet this belching and feeling like something MIGHT come up is not how i want to spend my weekend either!

    Help please! Need some feedback!

  12. Hoping you're doing well! I had my port 'reattached' on new years eve only to find out once he got in that there was a leaky port! And he's moved to a new hospital and no port there! Luckily I was quite out by then so missed the mad rush to another hospital for one. Healing up well and came on to catch up and saw your similar story! I was banded on July 20 so I feel your pain. Literally. *gentle pats*

    Hi there! Wow you did yours on new years eve? How are you doing now? Im pretty much healed..but no restriction at all yet. Hopefully soon! So thats 3 of us banded in July that have had leaky ports....what are the odds huh? I hope your doing well!!! Let me knowhow your doing! Thanks for the note!

  13. Hey, Bobbie, I just wanted to check in with you. I hope all is well and you are on the road to a speedy recovery.

    Hi Amy! Thanks for your note! It turns on my port was cracked..and he only had to make ONE incision and replace that, rather than replace the entire band. I think he affixed the port in a certain manner, because i surely feel the thing now...i had to press aorund more before to feel it! In any case, he only entered 3cc's at time of surgery, so i hope when i go on 2/5, he'll put a good fill so i can feel restriction again

    Thanks for the support!

  14. Well, as of last Tuesday, my band/port is now fixed. Doctor told me he put 3 cc's in the band. So i guess I'm starting all over again with fills.

    In any case, here is where I'm at now as I try to get in gear again....

    surgery wt: 244.7

    todays wt: 233.6

    2010 is the year....i had hoped to hit the 40# mark before now...so many of you have so surpassed that (sigh)....but I'm again on my way.

    Happy New Year to all!

  15. Hey all July bandsters...

    Well, after finding out I have some type of leak, I'm scheduled tomorrow morning for either a replacement of the tubing/port (if that is where the leak it) - or replacement of the entire band.

    I cannot BELIEVE I have to go through this all again...unreal...Ive been eating stuff i shouldnt have...and I havent gotten on a scale to see what the damage has been...but tomorrow i start again...and i will hope i can achieve the success i've seen you all achieve!

    I'll check in at the end of the week....hope everyone is doing good!

  16. bobbie, i'm sorry! That seriously sucks...please keep us updated on this and GOODLUCK!!!!!

    Thank you Barbie....yeah, it sucks..but hopefullyit will be taken care of relatively easily..just cant believe they're gonna have to reopen those places again...urgh...

    I wonder.....if they have to replace the actual band...if they have to start all over with slow increments of fills!? Hmm...hadnt thought of that...i was going to be up to a fill of about 9 or 9.5 in an 11 cc band...We'll see...

  17. Oh Bobbie,

    That just sucks! I'm so sorry this has happened. Fingers crossed they sort it out and that you recover quickly and are able to get back on track. Thinking of you my friend.


    Mary! Nice to hear from you! How are you????? Yes this sucks, but i did get the authorization now for the procedure to fix or replace the band...The girl who schedules is back in on Monday..hoping that she calls me Mon or Tues. My hopes is to do this before the end of this year...maybe the xmas to new years week which would be easier to get time off. We'll see.

    Thanks for your note! Happy holidays!

  18. So sorry, Bobbie.

    Just remember to try and remain positive. This is nothing but a bump in the road, right? You will have it repaired and then be back on your way. You can do this.

    Please keep us posted.

    Thanks Mary...i guess I'm over the shock now..! Gonna hope once its fixed, i can really get to that sweet spot.....!

  19. Guess what? I was banded 7/7...and i found out Friday---that i have a LEAK in my band! I had 6 weeks ago, 8 cc's in my band..and Wednesday, he withdrew 8 cc's...ok....I asked about how come I never maintain restriction...but Ive read in these groups that sometimes realize bands need 9ccs plus to get a good restriction---so i had relaxed on that. Well, he decided to be a little agressive and filled in a couple cc's...didnt tell me how much...but i noticed he had a little trouble locating the port...when he did....after he had put in the cc's..he withdrew it..and could only withdraw 4 ccs!

    I went back Friday--to try again, to make sure..well..he put in 9.5ccs..and again, coudl only withdraw 4ccs...definately a leak. Either in the tubing or the band. Until they do a test with blue dye they wont know what part needs to be fixed or replaced.

    I read up on this, and apparently doctors can puncture the port...i have a feeling this is what my doctor did wednesday. I'm sooooo bummed! He felt awful too but i'm the one that is going to need a repair or replacement. Apparently a replacment of the tubing/port is easier than replacing the band, but one or the other will have to be done.

    Un real.

  20. I had to have my port replaced due to a leak and my insurance did pay for it. I don't know about getting realize to pay for a defective band or to pay for your time off, my band was damaged from the dr asst digging around in it trying to do a fill and poked a hole in it. Good luck to you!

    On my band/surgery...the insurance paid, but i had a $1600 co pay amount to pay....did you have to pay any part the first time ? What about for the repair?

  21. well i see this issue addressed last year...my time now i guess...i had surgery 7/7. Seemed like i was doing pretty well...but i never felt much restriction...up to 8cc in a 12cc realize band...well, confirmed today, that there is a problem with my band.

    Now its only been 4 months..my doctor says they'/ll have to do that test with the blue dye - thats its either a problem with the port tubing - or the band itself--that they'll be able to tell after that test...

    My question is...obviously the doctor intends to fix this...but will insurance pay for this even tho it seems like a defective band??? Wouldnt "Realize" be repsonsible for part of this??? If i have to take days off to recover..shouldnt somebody (realize) reimburse those days???

    Need some advise, please.

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