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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by drew05

  1. Hey there. Thanks! I was banded at the end of December of lat year. Are you banded yet?

  2. drew05

    Twenties NSVs

    great NSV's everyone! Jane I'm so proud of you :w00t: I officially fit into a 36 and a large shirt! I never thought I would be smaller than a XL.
  3. drew05

    Just Had Psych Eval...

    I was approved in less than a week.
  4. You look great Blackcherry! I finally have a decent before and after picture to compare. Here's the before, at 365 and after, at 220
  5. drew05


    My stomach growls ALL THE TIME. Sometimes so loud its embarrassing. As for the constantly being hungry, before you hit your sweet spot with restriction, you're gonna have to use your willpower to cut yourself off. From what you said you did that. Keep it up until the next fill!
  6. Here we go guys! Take a look at these. Before was me at 360 and the recent one is me at 230ish.
  7. drew05

    Twenties NSVs

    Awesome NSV's everyone! I had a great one today. My roommate was telling me about her calculus professor and when describing him she said "He looks like a fat ugly version of you actually." I've never had anyone tell me someone looked like a fat version of me. Wow!
  8. drew05

    Do you have a December Date?

    Hey just wanted to stop in and say hey! I'm about 20 pounds from goal, hoping to be there by the end of the year!Hope everyone is doing great.
  9. Hey you! How'd that interview go!?

  10. Hey just wanted stop by and say good luck on your journey!

  11. I posted a pic in my album... I didn't want to post it here because I don't have a before picture for it and I'm kind of self conscious about it :sad: but feel free to go check it out!
  12. drew05

    5 months to go

    Oh yeah. Do things to take your mind off of the wait and it'll fly by. I had a 6 month pre op diet that turned into 7 and it just flew by.
  13. drew05

    OK GUYS... I have a question

    I was just like you. I was hardly in the doctor's office for a good 3 year span. So long as the insurance can get ahold of the pediatrician and the pediatrician can fax your health records, you'll be fine. Good luck with getting approved!! And good choice going with the band. Best decision I've ever made :sad:
  14. drew05

    San Antonio

    Heyyy everybody. Just wanted to check in. I moved out of SA but I'm still just up the street in Austin. Just wanted check in and see how everyone was doing!
  15. Haha yeahhhh me too :P New York? I'm kind of jealous. I live in Austin, Tx. I'm from San Antonio though, I just moved here. I love it! I don't think I could ever live outside the city. Haha. Do you go to school?

  16. drew05

    No caption

    From the album: Me

  17. drew05

    No caption

    From the album: Me

  18. drew05

    I'm "practicing"

    Oh I still party too. I can play beer pong and chug drinks with the rest of them. I think I'm just the exception though, not the rule. But you will get drunk SUPER quick. I'm such a cheap drunk now
  19. Yeah I can't lie I break my diet sometimes. But my job is all exercise so I end up working it off anyways. There's times when I don't even get hungry all day. It's weird. Haha I guess my name should have been self-explanitory too :P where ya from?

  20. I smoke marijuana probably more than anyone else on this board (to be honest every single day) and I'm doing GREAT on my journey. it's all about WILLPOWER! Weed doesn't make you gain or loose weight, YOU DO. Don't insult people because they smoke weed. I don't insult people on here because they smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol. That's their choice.
  21. Thanks :) I love the band. i'm still able to eat what I want just not as much. Being a poor college student that saves me so much money it's not even funny. The journey has been amazing. Hearing all the people tell me how great I look is even better. I don't think I've ever talked to you before. Ha. I'm Drew.

  22. drew05

    Oh so HUNGRY!!

    Mine was super strict with the carbs. But I went through the same thing you guys are with the weakness. It'll change soon though, promise! In the meantime, try to get rest and don't do more work than you need to!
  23. drew05

    How cool is this!

    Welcome! This is a big first step (I remember my seminar and consult like it was just the other day) and if you have any questions we're here for you. We've been through it :thumbup:
  24. I have to resurrect this thread. I actually have to use marijuana to get myself to eat. After banding and losing all this weight I've completely lost my appetite. I can go an entire day without eating and not feel any adverse reactions. But that's not healthy. So while I do smoke for pleasure, I use it to help me eat when I need to.
  25. I agree with all of the above ones, but it comes down to you at the end. I told no one except like three close close friends and my family. My brother thought I was taking the easy way out and then he saw how hard I had to work to actually loose all the weight and now he wants it himself. As for my friends who don't know, they wouldn't understand. They've never been fat. They haven't been fat their whole lives and they didn't have to endure the ridicule I did as a kid. If they think it's the easy way out (like your bf) then they need to research and actually learn what the band does. It always hits home with me when someone says this is the easy way out. If they only knew...

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