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Posts posted by daniela

  1. Prep time: 20 minutes


    1 lb. tuna, cut into 2-inch pieces 1 small onion, finely chopped

    3 scallions, green parts only, coarsely chopped

    2 tbsp. garlic, finely chopped

    2 tbsp. fresh ginger, finely peeled and chopped

    1/4 c. cilantro, chopped

    1 tbsp. Dijon mustard

    1 tsp. salt

    dash of hot sauce

    1/2 c. flour for dredging

    1 tbsp. salt ,cooking oil

    • 4 hamburger buns


    Combine first set of ingredients in the bowl of a food processor and pulse until finely chopped - about 6 pulses.

    Do not overprocess. Shape the mixture into 4 burgers. Set these on a plate so they are not touching, cover well with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.

    Measure the flour and remaining 1 tbsp. salt into a large shallow bowl or pie plate and whisk together. Dredge the tuna burgers in the flour mixture so they are lightly dusted on both sides.

    Place a skillet, preferably cast Iron, over medium-high heat, add the oil, and let it get hot - about 2 minutes. Arrange the burgers in the pan so they aren't touching. Cook uncovered for 2 minutes.

    Turn and cook about 2 minutes more. The burgers should be rare to medium-rare.

    1. Serve on a hamburger bun.

    Serves: 4

    Serving size: 1 burger patty

    Nutritional analysis (per serving):

    223 calories

    27 g Protein

    9 g fat

    661 mg sodium

    31 mg Calcium

    Note: Nutritional analysis may vary depending on ingredient brands used.

  2. Healthy snack ideas for your hungry stomach.

    For many of us, snack time is when we lose control of our diets, either by overeating, or by indulging in high-fat, high-calorie foods. This often happens because we allow ourselves to get too hungry and then are unable to stop ourselves from overeating, says Dee Sandquist, spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association and manager of the Nutrition and Diabetes Center at Southwest Washington Medical Center in Vancouver, Washington.

    To avoid getting too hungry, Sandquist says she recommends always carrying a healthy, portable snack with you when you know you'll be out on the run without easy access to healthy food choices. Try getting at least two food groups in each of those Snacks so that you're getting a combination of carbohydrates and fat/protein, which will help keep you satiated longer, she adds. Here, some super snack food ideas:

    Plain Yogurt with Blueberries - Pair plain yogurt with blueberries for a sweet treat that has a similar texture to ice cream. Yogurt is a great source of Calcium and Protein, and blueberries are packed with valuable antioxidants that help fight off heart disease. If fresh blueberries aren't in season, try frozen instead they work great in cool, creamy yogurt. Or if you get bored with blueberries, substitute any other frozen fruit like cranberries or cherries.

    Recommended Serving Size:

    Plain, low-fat yogurt, 1/2 cup, 56 calories

    Blueberries, 2/3 cup, 30 calories

    banana with Almond Butter - This combination will keep you satiated for a longer time than either on their own because of the combination of Fiber in the banana and Protein and fat in the almond butter. Bananas are also an excellent source of potassium, which helps prevent muscle cramps and is essential for normal brain function. Of course, Peanut Butter would be a great substitute for almond butter.

    Recommended Serving Size:

    Medium banana, 95 calories

    Almond butter, 1 tablespoon, 101 calories

    Hummus with Pita bread - Made from chickpeas, hummus provides protein, Fiber, and carbohydrates. Spread hummus on pita bread for some added carbohydrates. Also try putting some veggies on your bread to make a great sandwich.

    Recommended Serving Size:

    Hummus, 2 tablespoons, 83 calories

    Pita bread, 1 round, 195 calories

    Apple with Brie cheese - Stick to a small amount of cheese with this snack because of brie's high saturated fat content. However, brie does offer a good protein source. Apples have a low glycemic index, which means they keep hunger at bay longer than other fruits.

    Recommended Serving Size:

    Apple, 47 calories

    Brie cheese, 2 ounces, 160 calories

    Salsa w/ Baked Tortilla chips - Ingredients in salsa vary greatly, but most tomato-based vegetable salsas are an excellent source of antioxidants, Vitamin C, and lycopene, which helps prevent heart disease and some cancers.

    Avoid high-calorie fried chips by purchasing the baked varieties instead, and be sure to look for varieties that list zero trans fats on their nutrition labels.

    Recommended Serving Size:

    Salsa, 2 ounces, 20 calories

    Baked tortilla chips, 1 ounce, 120

    Light Microwave popcorn - Although this is a single-food snack, Sandquist says she recommends it because of its high fiber and B Vitamin content. Plus, who can resist the smell of popcorn?

    Recommended Serving Size:

    1 cup, 30 calories

  3. When you have a history of heart disease in your family, it is important to take good care of your heart. Exercise is a main part of taking good care of your body, including your heart. Eating is important as well. But sometimes it seems like finding tasty food that is good for you can be difficult. And besides, who has time to prepare it? You do! Here are two delicious recipes that can get you started on the road to healthful and tasteful eating for your heart. And they're easy to make!

    Baked Dijon chicken (4 servings)


    1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast (or you can use turkey), removed of visible fat

    2 Tbl. lemon or lime juice

    1 Tbl. course-grained or Dijon mustard

    1/8 tsp. black pepper

    1/2 tsp. minced garlic (from a bottle works nicely)

    Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

    Rinse the chicken and pat it dry and arrange it in a glass baking dish.

    Using a small bowl, stir together all the remaining ingredients and spread over the top of the chicken. Do this piece by piece.

    Bake uncovered for 15 to 20 minutes. The chicken should be tender and no longer pink.

    Rosemary Turkey With Mushrooms (4 servings)

    This is a treat that you can serve company. It is an elegant and delicious dish.


    1 pound turkey breast tenderloin slices

    1/2 c. chicken broth, low sodium

    1/8 tsp. each black pepper and salt

    1 Tbl. cornstarch

    2 Tbl. balsamic vinegar

    8 oz. chanterelle or button mushrooms; these should be cleaned, trimmed, and sliced

    1/4 c. shopped onions or shallots

    1 tsp. fresh rosemary or 1/4 tsp. dried rosemary

    Rinse and pat dry turkey and set aside.

    Use a small bowl to stir together broth, salt and pepper, and cornstarch. Set this aside.

    Use vegetable oil cooking spray to coat a large skillet and place it over medium-high heat.

    Add half the turkey to the hot skillet and cook about two minutes on each side. The turkey should be tender and no longer pink. Set aside and do the same to the other half of the turkey. Remove the skillet from the heat, and keep the turkey warm.

    Add the vinegar and rosemary to the skillet. Scrap up all of the brown bits from the bottom of the pan. Then, put the skillet back on the heat and use it to cook the mushrooms and onions (or shallots). It should take about five minutes for the mushrooms to become tender.

    Stir in the set aside broth mixture. It will take about three minutes for it to become a sauce, thickened and bubbly. Cook for two more minutes after that, stirring constantly. This sauce is served with the turkey. For an elegant tough, the turkey can be served on a bed of fresh rosemary.

    Once you know what you can do to enjoy healthful meals without sacrificing the flavor, you can take better care of your body and of your heart. And that is a delicious proposition.

  4. In this day and age of heart disease, we all need to be careful. Did you know that 50% of men will die from heart disease? It is sad, but true. It is important that you watch what you eat. Not only if you are a body builder, but even if you aren't one. All of us should be concerned about our diet and our health. Take some notes and make sure that you pay attention. I'm sure there will be a few items on this list that you never dreamed were bad for you.. Solid oils. You know what these are. Stuff like Crisco and other shortening.

    I think that some people use them in place of lard and actually think it is better for them. If you are making a pie crust or something, skip the shortening and use the lard. Actually, the lard is better for you. People tend to use this kind of fat because it has a long shelf life. This stuff will stay good for ever. Personally, I hate the stuff. I can't see why anyone would like it. I think it tastes awful and it feels awful in my mouth.

    Deep fried foods. You should avoid these like the plague. It is said that when something is deep fried, its DNA changes. I don't know how true this is. I do know that deep fried foods have been linked to cancer.

    Refined flour and store bought flour. This has been bleached and everything under the sun done to it. When this happens, all the good stuff from it is taken away. The reason why you are eating is, is been stolen from you. Stick with good whole wheat. That is what is best for you.

    White rice. I would piss off most of the world if I said that you should never ever eat this stuff. Though, I have to say that brown rice is better for you. Brown rice has all the stuff white does and more. You can mix brown with white if you still aren't used to eating the brown rice.

    Sugar. This is a no brainer really. You should try to consume as little as you possibly have to. Also, fructose is a building block for cholesterol. Keep that in mind when you have your next can of soda.

    Canned Soups. These are almost always loaded with salt. If you want to buy these, make sure you get ones that are low in salt. If you have a craving for Soup, see if your local deli makes Soup. It will be lower in salt. That will make your heart happy.

    Alfredo sauces. Don't buy items with already made Alfredo sauce. Usally they are loaded with butter and salt. You don't want any of that.

    Processed meats. These tend to be high in fat and high in salt. They are a heart attack in a can.

    Hydrogenated palm oils. Avoid anything that is made with these. These will give you a heart attack faster than eating a bucket of lard.

    Lunchables and other items like them. They are loaded with salt and fat. I can't believe any parent would give this junk to their kids.

    What comes in, must come out. That is true with the food we eat. This might sound like a disgusting topic, but it is something that we should talk about. You can tell if your diet is high in fat by the stool you produce. If it sinks straight to the bottom, you are eating too much fat. You would think that fat would float, but it doesn't when it is coming out.

    Your stool should float in the toilet bowl. If it does, it is a hint that you have a good diet. If it doesn't, then you need to change what you are eating.

    To remember this, I try to make up a little rhyme like what was heard during the final moments of the OJ trial. If it doesn't float, you need to get off of the boat. Meaning, if it doesn't float, you need to change your diet.

  5. Normally following a tight regime of a controlled diet and regular exercises are the measures prescribed for weight loss. Most of the people find it difficult to follow these measures over an extended period.

    It is claimed that with Alli you can escape these grating restrictions and can follow near-normal routines; slowly but steadily you can manage to lose weight and lead a healthier life. Alli is a FDA approved OTC weight loss product. Alli is not a dietary supplement; it is claimed to help you lose weight gradually; by working as a fat binder or fat blocker.

    Excessive intake of calories causes increase of weight; and fats contribute far more calories in food-intake as compared to Proteins and carbohydrates. Fat in our diet is the main culprit in weight gain. When taken in the prescribed manner, the active ingredient of Alli attach themselves to some of the natural enzymes in the digestive system; this prevents these enzymes from breaking down over 25% of the fat you eat. This undigested fat cannot be absorbed by the body and it passes through the body in the natural way. This excess fat is prevented from contributing to weight gain.

    Alli only works on enzymes that would normally help in digestion of fat. So carbohydrates and Proteins are not affected and these nutrients are absorbed by the body in the normal manner. Alli works only in your digestive system; it does not act on your heart or brain. You would not feel unsettling effects such as sleeplessness, racing heart or jitters which are commonly experienced with other weight loss drugs or supplements.

    When you use Alli to lose weight, you may have to observe certain drastic dietary restrictions, depending on your existing diet. Manufacturers of Alli advise you to consume reduced-calorie meals of 15gms or less of fats on an average. For some this may be a rather severe restriction, but that is the price to pay for being able to have the option of slow but steady weight loss leading to a better life.

    You may suffer certain side effects such as loose motion, frequent bowel movements, gas, etc. if you do not observe the restriction of 15 gms of fat. Obviously if you are able to adjust to the dietary limitations and put up with the side effects – “treatment effects” as the makers of Alli call them – Alli should be able to work for you.

  6. As the air starts losing the cold bite of winter, you are happy in anticipation of the summer. You start planning holidays to sea resorts with friends and family. Until that fateful moment when you realize you have been too lax with your body and you are not in shape for the summer activities and swimming trunks or bathing suits cannot accommodate your body any more!

    Still don’t despair! Summer weight loss is still possible. Remember that losing weight is influenced to the extent of 70% to 80% by what and how you eat and the balance by the physical activities and exercises. Cut down intake of excess calories which increase fat in the body and exercise the body which will help in to burn body fat and to lose weight.

    The following simple natural weight loss suggestions if implemented can help you with summer weight loss and shape up your body to face summer with confidence in a matter of three to four weeks.

    Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of Water per day.

    Water plays very important role in our body functions. Body fat and bones account for 20% of water each, lean muscle tissues are 75% water and over 80% of our blood is water. Water helps kidneys remove toxins allowing liver to metabolize more fat. It works as a natural suppressant of appetite;

    Put alcohol on highly restricted list if you are serious on losing weight. Alcohol helps body in storing fat by slowing down metabolism;

    Main culprits causing excess weight are saturated fats. Saturated fats and sugar are strictly no-no for weight watchers. Avoid Desserts, ice creams, etc;

    Include low fat milk products such as yogurt, skimmed milk, cottage cheese in diet; they contain “good proteins” which help suppress cravings for food. They are essential in building muscles;

    Vegetables, Beans, whole grains and fruits contain “good” carbohydrates which are moderate on calories and fats, they are consumed slowly by the body and thus they help suppress hunger naturally;

    Omega 3 fatty acids increase metabolism and energy levels of the body. Eat fish such as Mackerel, Salmon, Sardines and Herrings; they are rich Omega 3 fatty acids which help prevent blood clotting, regulate blood pressure, and lower risk of heart failure. They are helpful in weight loss;.

    Eat four or five meals of smaller portions instead of the normal three meals. Smaller meals at shorter intervals help metabolism and burn fat; it helps to lose weight;

    Eat adequate Fiber food. Fiber food is more filling and it suppresses hunger. It takes longer in digestion and passing through the body it attaches to some fats and Proteins in our food and thus keeps them from being digested. Whole grains, brown rice, figs, Apples, broccoli, peas, lentils, beans, fresh vegetables and fruits and nuts are high on fiber content;

    Spices such as ginger, mustard, pepper, cinnamon, clove, bay leaf, etc decrease sugar cravings and are helpful in weight loss;

    Avoid late night meals within the two to three hours before going to bed. Allow time for digestion of the meal before going to bed.

  7. If you are like me, this is a weakness of yours too. I digest way too much caffeine each day. I probably have at least six or more servings each day. More than I should consume in several days. I drink too much cola. That is my problem. Not only is it loaded with sugar, it has caffeine in it too. A cup of coffee in the morning to get you going isn't going to hurt. It can help you wake up and be more alert. It can help jump start your day into something worthwhile. Instead of feeling sleepy and tired. Though, if you drink too much caffeine, you can have the opposite effect that you are looking for. It can drain all of your energy and make you feel very tired. It can also cause you to have problems sleeping. This can be a very big problem.

    You may not think of it as a problem, but it is. Caffeine is addictive. Yes, you can get hooked to it. I'm not saying that you will be like a crack head if you don't get a cup of coffee. But anyone who is addicted to caffeine knows how it feels to get the shakes when you don't have any in your system. This is the addictive qualities of it. You are shaking because you are going through withdraw. Your body is craving it and letting you know.

    Caffeine is a great pick me up. From that morning cup of Joe to the extra pep it gives you in your energy drink, it can be very helpful. The key thing is, you must use it right. You can't over due it. Caffeine can have very bad side effects if not used properly. Studies show that drivers who think they can substitute caffeine for sleep are a risk to everyone on the road. Your reaction times are slower and that may cause you to have an accident.

    The key thing is to understand the use of caffeine and how to use it right. If you are a bit tired in the evening, a cup of coffee is a great way to give you a little pep. If you are going to be using something dangerous like a chain saw, you should wait until you are fully alert to operate it. Don't think coffee will make you alert enough to be able to run it safely. So, you are tired at work. You need a little pick me up, but don't want to use caffeine. Well, there are some things that you can do to help you out.

    Avoid foods high in sugar. Don't run for a candy bar when you are feeling sluggish. Don't drink sodas with your lunch. This will give you a burst of energy, but it will make you tired when the energy is gone. I would suggest to you that you keep some fruit on hand for when you are feeling sluggish. Keep an apple in your desk or some other fruit that you can easily eat and not have to prepare. You can also try pears, peaches, or oranges. You do have to peel an orange, so that might not be the best solution for you if you need a pick me up right away.

    Drinking juice is another great way to get that pep you are looking for. You should consider buying a juicer. They aren't too expensive and the benefits of fresh juice are well worth the money. Also, you can make different kinds of juices. You can make an apple and pear drink. There is no end to the kind of drinks you can make. Also, you don't have to worry about what is in them. You make it, you know it is 100% juice.

    A serving of juice will help you regain your strength. It will give you the energy you need to get through the day. You might also want to drink juice with your lunch. If you do this instead of drinking sodas, you won't get burnt out as fast. Energy bars are a great thing if you have them on hand. Don't get ones that are full of sugar or honey. That will give you a burnt out feeling. Instead, go with something that is good for you. I have seen some chocolate covered energy bars, don't get this. Run like hell from these bars. It is a expensive candy bar.

    Of course, you can always take a nap. This is a great way of increasing your energy. Though, it is not always possible to do. You also should avoid a high fat diet. If you eat too much fat, it will drain you. It will also make you depressed. When you are depressed, you won't have the energy that you should have.

    The important thing is this in regards to caffeine. Have a cup of coffee from time to time if you are feeling a little tired. Don't let it replace sleep. Don't think that you can function the same on caffeine as you can fully rested. Don't think that because you had two cups of coffee that it is safe to drive your car even if you are drop dead tired.

  8. When it comes to burning fat, many people tend to practice lots of cardiovascular exercises and miss the benefits of weight training.

    Some medical authorities even guess that weight training is used for growing bulk muscles, not to lose weight. This article will explain that this is a wrong assumption, because the growing of muscle mass will eventually burn fat calories.

    According to a study by the Fitness Products Council and Sporting Goods Manufacturers, the number of people lifting free weights has increased 76 percent in the past decade.

    And this is a great tendency, because combining cardiovascular activity with weight training results in more effective fat loss. During and shortly after the end of exercising, your muscle metabolism arises.

    The main benefits of weight lifting exercises are more prolonged increase of muscle metabolism, long after you’ve finished doing weight lifting session. The most adequate weight training exercises include 1 to 20 repetitions. During the rest period your muscles will develop, tissues leaning and getting stronger, so your rest periods should be sufficient enough.

    In order to effectively tone or build your muscles, you should understand the process of muscle training. When lifting weights, muscle tissues are torn apart (at the microscopic level) from the stress, and it's in the recuperation period that your muscles become stronger and therefore able to support the extra stress. Usually it is recommended that you rest from 24 to 48 hours after the weight lifting activity.

    While your muscles have rest after the weight activity, the muscle metabolism still burns the energy, and you can start performing cardiovascular activity during this period. If you make high repetitions, your body gets tired, but not like after weight lifting. If you caombine low repetitions of weight lifting and high repetitions of cardiovascular exercises, the overall fat burning effect will increase dramatically!

    Weight lifting definitely help people lose weight, and if you have doubts look at the atheletes who specialize in short, intense bursts of energy and you still see that they are very low in body fat.

    The point is to combine a weight lifting routine with a good cardiovascular workout to increase muscle metabolism and total fat burning ratio.

    You should avoid quick weight loss schemes, as this can lead to losing lots of muscle mass. Muscle mass is the exact source high metabolism, so starvation and other quick diets should be avoided, as they are based on temporary effect. After you stop quick weight loss scheme, your weight will return back in most cases.

    Instead, concentrate on combining of weight exercises and cardiovascular activity, and let your muscles build up and increase your metabolism. The results will last much longer.

  9. Pot Roast with Vegetables

    Who said you can't eat pot roast and lose weight? Enjoy your roast beef with vegetables all for under 400 calories. Thrown in 1 cup of light ice cream for dessert and you have a delicious meal with dessert that's under 520 calories. You can also take leftovers to lunch or serve it the next day. Our roast with veggies is the perfect, healthy meal for the family. The oven cooking bag is the secret to a juicy and tender roast.

    If you're cooking for yourself, buy a one pound roast instead of two pounds and cut below ingredients by 1/2. Use leftovers for lunch, Snacks, and the next day's meal.

    Your serving should be 4 ounces of roast. That's about 4 good slices which is plenty. Eat your portion and no more! Save the rest for lunch, next day dinner or other family members. That's the secret to losing weight.

    Prep Time: 15 minutes

    Cook Time: 1 hour

    Serving size



    Roast Beef (4 0z) 250 11

    Potatoes ( 1/2 cup peeled) 60 0

    Other Veggies (1/2 cup) 30 0




    2 pound bottom round or rump roast (trim the fat!!!!)

    1 Oven Cooking Bag

    2 medium potatoes (peeled and quartered)

    1 green bell pepper - chopped

    2 onions - thinly sliced

    10 baby carrots

    4 celery stalk - sliced

    1 garlic clove - chopped

    1 teaspoon dry mustard

    1 teaspoon dry thyme

    2 cups Tomato juice

    1 lemon - squeeze juice from lemon

    Step 1

    Place roast in shallow roasting pan. Trim and remove all fat

    Squeeze lemon over roast and pierce with a fork

    Preheat oven at 350 F

    Step 2

    Place roast in oven cooking bag according to instructions on bag.

    Cut and peel potatoes and arrange them around roast. Also arrange carrots and onions around roast inside cooking bag.

    Put celery and bell pepper on top of roast.

    Sprinkle dry mustard, thyme and garlic over roast

    Step 3

    Pour tomato juice around beef in bag.

    Seal bag and cut slits in bag for venting

    Roast 1 hour at 350 F

    Step 4

    Remove from bag and let stand 5 minutes

    Cut into slices and enjoy. You will have natural gravy from the meat juices that will smother the vegetables for a delicious meal.

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