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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by KentuckySteve

  1. ok time for another update since i hit a milestone at just over 2 months out i officially weight in at 299 this morning that is 52 since surgery and 94 since June i feel fantastic i have been going to the gym 4 days a week 3 days of weight training for about 50 min then 20 min cardio session and 1 day of of cardio and or met cons for 40 to 50 min....i have been eating around 900 to 1100 calories my macro are usually 80 to 110 good carbs 40 to 50 fats and as much Protein as i can lol ends up around 150g+ on days i don't go to the gym I lower that calorie mark down to around 800 and lower carbs to about 70... so everything is going great but i think i only want to lose about 20 more pounds or so but only being 3 months out makes me think i will not be able to eat enough to build muscle and that is my next goal so that will be a conversation with my dietitian next month.. but thats my update my surgery was November 6th

  2. hey everyone just giving a update had my 1 month check up this week and was feeling pretty good about it was down almost 30 pounds since the surgery and thought dang im doing pretty good only to go in and talk to the dietitian and she telling me that if i dont start eating more im gonna be very malnutrition i was only eating about 500-600 Calories and less than 30g carbs and fats with well over 130g Protein . So she gives me a plan of getting in a minimum of 900 calories with 90+ Carbs and 40+Fats and im looking at her like you crazy? and she said for your build and your highth you need to get as close as possible to these totals. that was Tuesday i have got as close as 82 carbs and felt like i was gonna be sick all day from forcing my self to eat so i just dont know what to do about the whole eating thing but on the bright side i did sign up for the gym on Wednesday and have went the last 2 morning doing 1 hour on the treadmill both days so that felt good i get to start weight lifting next week. my highest weight i remember seeing was like 410 , i was 352 day of surgery a and as of this morning i am weighing in at 315. happy holidays to everyone

  3. Officially 1 month out today everything is going great i have started doing some light stretching and some light mobility exercises so when i get fully clear i can hit the gym running i have lost 29 pounds since the surgery and 73 since starting the journey i am able to eat fish this week or has the doc says anything that swims lol.....looking forward to chicken and pretty much everything next week besides steak and pork. i have been eating 3 times A day with the occasionally TBS of Peanut Butter if i have the extra fat left at the end of the day. how is everyone else doing?

  4. On 11/30/2018 at 10:58 PM, BlueCrush said:

    Lift WHILE you're losing weight. As far as routine, it doesn't matter as much as you think. Just get started. Check out bodybuilding.com forums and check out the beginner workout routines ont he sticky threads. Any of them will work to get started!

    thanks for the advise seems like every routine i look at as squats and i know squats is a major and important lift but im not even able to do bodyweight squats cant get low enough with out holding on to something. so it kinda makes me wont to avoid squats all together but i know i need squats ..also and im overthinking everything lol...should i do a core workout for a few weeks 1st?

  5. On 11/30/2018 at 20:47, BlueCrush said:

    I can't recommend weight lifting enough. Check out my progress thread below. I haven't updated in a while, but was planning to after next week when I finish up my current plan before I start the next 6 week plan.


    Yes I have been following your progress and I definitely wanna weight lift I just don’t know if I need to lose my weight first or lift while I lose my weight and what routine I need to do

  6. 4 minutes ago, skinnylife said:

    Starting out, You will find where your fitness level/ability is. No one expects you to run a marathon or lift seriously heavy. You will get stronger and have the ability to do more over time.

    Start slow while you are healing. How long and how far can you walk starting out? Are you released to weight lift?

    Cardio - (walking, bike , treadmill, swimming, zumba,elliptical, etc) - increase the intensity, speed or resistance as you get stronger.

    Lifting - find your strength ability starting point. How much can you lift?

    Find a plan. Research online for a home gym/exercise. Join a gym or hire a trainer.

    Ignore that this video below says exercise ban begin 3 to 6 months out. Follow your Doctor's instructions/plan



    yes i will be fully release in 2 weeks for all exercise including weight training...as far as how far can i walk my job dose require alot of walking so just walking never really been a issue for me i could walk 2 miles before surgery and be just fine i am walking upwards of 5 miles in a day right now i get upwards of 10,000 steps in a day.....

  7. I had my sleeve done on the 6th of November so in 2 weeks i will be cleared for exercise i thought i had it figured out what i was gonna do but the closer it gets the more uneasy i feel about it..do I just do cardio for a while? do I go straight into weight lifting? Do i just do body weight exercise? im just asking if anyone has and guidance they would like to share about getting started...I am a tall guy so that play a part into my routine I am 6'7. I am looking to get stronger and healthier get into better shape as a person. anything helps.

  8. 4 minutes ago, TomCruzMomShoes said:

    Hey @KentuckySteve Glad youre doing well. I was sleeved on 11/7 and just started my puree diet this Thursday. I'm curious how you're getting so much Protein in, I do a shake daily but I can seem to get enough from foods. Are you adding Protein Powder? I did buy an unflavored one to start mixing into foods but haven't started yet. Water isn't an issue at all but I cant seem to eat more than 2 to 3 ounces at a time and it limits my calories and Protein.

    hey i am using the unflavored protein genpro and mix it with Water and a crystal light packet i drink 3 bottles of that a day. Anything i get from food right now is just a bonus for me. yeah i cant eat very much either just a coupe bites anf i feel like that is too much sometimes

  9. checking in to see how my 11/6 peeps r doing its been almost 3 weeks im down 24 pounds since the surgery and a total of 65 since June getting about 80-100 oz of Water in a day and about 90 grams of Protein in a day.. Still have no hunger feeling i just eat something when i figure i should, usually its a half a banana with some PB and maybe a couple spoons of re fried Beans later in the day its crazy how thats all I need now. cant wait to get these last 3 weeks of weight restrictions off so i can start playing with my 2 yea old and go to the gym for some workouts....i hope everyone had a good thanksgiving....

  10. On 11/05/2018 at 08:56, paddyski said:

    Ok Where are my twins at??? Tomorrow is the big day... I feel a puddle of nerves but on the plus side I ended up losing 5 lbs total last week! Woo hoo! We got this good luck everyone!!

    I’m here getting everything ready I reached my pre surgery goal weight at 350.2 this morning ..not as much nervous here just ready to rock and roll and get it over with good luck to everyone

  11. 2nd week starts today did good the first 5 days slipped a little yesterday ate a few bites of chicken it was my daughters 2nd birthday and we had it at a all you can eat pizza place so i thought to my self i better eat something so i dont go in there and eat pizza so i ate half of a grilled chicken breast before leaving the house I know i wasn't suppose too but pizza being my all time fav im not so sure i could have went in there and not ate something so i ate something good for me to keep me from eating something very bad for me so its a decision im happy with and would make again that being said back on the liquids today week and one day till surgery down 15 pounds since last Sunday 9 pounds to go and im at my goal weight i wanted to be at before surgery. happy Sunday to everyone

  12. On 10/24/2018 at 15:49, paddyski said:

    That is brutal but awesome about the 9lbs... you have another class? I only have the one before surgery but there is a support group meeting on November 20th I am eyeing... not sure how I will be feeling etc, but might not hurt to go to one...

    No I got mine changed to the 29th instead of last Monday lol

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