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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Bananabw

  1. Hi everyone- I somehow missed this thread and will have to go back and read it. I had surgery on the 16th also, down about 18lbs including pre-op but nothing since last week! I'm not too worried since I really can't eat too much yet and still just walking. I think with more exercise in a couple of weeks the weight loss will pick back up. So far so good, my surgery is healing well but I really can't tolerate solids much yet. I did have an EGD and all is well, I guess I'm just still sensitive. I have to have the Protein Shake or there's no way I'd get close to enough. This gets better every day though so I know I'll be having to watch how much I do eat soon, just like before. Anyway, glad the pain is pretty much over at this point, getting used to life with a sleeve.

  2. The good and bad- He does seem to be a good surgeon and I've had no complications so far, which I am grateful for. I expected some pain, I understand that I will have some after any surgery but this has been over the top painful and unnecessarily so. 3 days afterwards I had no medicine left (took less than prescribed actually because I was trying to make it last the weekend) and had to go to the er. Only go to Dr. Frenzel if you are prepared to recover with very little pain control. He did a good job on the surgery but they are pretty anti-pain medicine and the staff isn't very nice or understanding about it. If you tend to be sensitive or want pain control go somewhere else. They give about half the adult dose for the first week and don't like to refill. I got twice as much from another doctor once when I broke my pinky toe.

    **EDIT-5/14 I understand now that Dr. Frenzel is not the Dr. that is responsible for my initial pain medicine Rx, that was the discharging Dr. at the hospital (Tx General). Once I brought it up with Dr. Frenzel he corrected the situation and has talked to the hospital I was at. The surgery is healing well and all in all he did a good job, I just wish the hospital experience had been a little better.

  3. Princess, I was one of those ladies there that night. I am filing a complaint with the joint commissioner about that hospital. I just wish I had let my husband stay- I sent him home to sleep and come back. I was withheld pain medicine, had to use the restroom alone when I could hardly walk, I was laughed at by nurses when walking down the hall in pain. The discharging Dr. wrote every Rx wrong and I ended up in the ER by my house today for extreme pain. I got enough for 2 days on a 4 day weekend, and that was at half dose. When my husband got there he wanted to complain but I just wanted out of there. It was honestly the worst experience I've ever had. That said, I like Dr. Frenzel and my surgery is healing well (now that I have a minimum pain med dose I feel much better). I just will never step foot in that hospital again. If more than 1 person says something maybe it will get though to him. Feel free to message me.

  4. I did the 6 months for insurance, and it's almost time. Starting the liquid diet this weekend. I've been lurking here for a long time. First it was in 2008 I was going to do the band, and my insurance denied me so I spent 5 more years trying with diet and exercise. I had some success but gained it all back each time plus some. I have currently been with a trainer for 2+ years so I'm in great shape- underneath all of my fat! I just can't keep my calories low enough on my own for more than a few days. So I'm excited and scared but I know I have to do it. I have gotten 5 doctors opinions, they all say it's a good idea, I've read everything and I am intellectually ready, but still don't really believe I'll ever not be overweight. My diet is healthy food just obviously too much for my metabolism- I just feel like if diet doesn't work how will this- but I know I eat way too much. Looking forward to not being hungry all of the time.

  5. Are there any self- pays that regret spending so much money on it??? I'm probably going to have to pay, and am having a REALLY hard time with the idea of spending that much $$. I keep telling myself I can just diet. But when I diet I get so down. I just can't stick to it. Same old story I'm sure. I'm just exhausted after 4 hours of Dr. appts. today. and it's the first day trying.

  6. Sorry!!!! That is terrible. Have you applied for Care credit? It's a loan, which isn't as good as getting covered but I got approved with less than perfect credit. Most WL surgeons accept it. And they approve you on line. Pretty good plan- no interest for the 1st year... I've decided to have it as a back up in case BCBS won't cover.

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