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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Hrsnjs

  1. Hi all,
    I'm exactly one week post-op and yesterday I had my first follow-up and got my staples removed. I was told at the doctor's office that sometimes people experience an increase in abdominal pain after they get their staples out, because they start to move more freely and pull at the incision sites a bit more. So far I haven't had any trouble at all with abdominal pain since I got the staples out, but I have had very noticeable lower back pain that I never experienced at any point after surgery up til now.
    Is this common as well when people are just starting to increase their mobility more? I'm thinking it's just common muscle ache from not having stretched that area as much in the last week, but part of me is worried somehow that it's something more.
    I had some extreme lower back pain and then middle back pain for about 4 Weeks after surgery. I'm 7 months out on the 22nd. I think for me it may have been laying on the narrow flat surface of the operating table. It went away on it's own. It was weird.

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  2. I’ve recently started eating edamame spaghetti. Ridiculous amount of Protein per serving, and tastes like real Pasta to me. I have a shake for Breakfast once or twice a week, usually when I’m in a rush. I usually eat a cheese stick during the day and then nuts in the PM. I also eat a fair amount of lentils but need to get more creative with them.
    I’ve been doing a thing where I don’t buy meat at the supermarket, I only buy it st restaurants. This is partly because I was buying and wasting too much meat, and partly because cooking it for one person was a lot of work for such a small meal (or I’d have to eat it for days). It’s worked out much better for me, and all of the plant-based Proteins I use somehow seem to get eaten faster or go off more slowly than animal Protein.
    I must try this edamame spaghetti!!! Thanks for the info that helps

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  3. Thank you so much, how are you doing girl?!

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    Slowly but surely, it's coming off. I am impatient and it's slow, but it's definitely working. I love seeing so much success. When I get on here and see posts like yours I'm reminded how this is really life changing. [emoji175]

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  4. Also, if I found myself at the end of the day needing a bit more Protein, I'd make parmesan crusted fish/shrimp - helps with the Protein. Or, I'd figure out how much protein I needed and get that many ounces of milk.

    This is a great tilapia recipe, and really easy to cut down to small portions. I just froze the excess tomatoes in small portions and defrosted it when I needed it. https://www.bariatricfoodie.com/one-pan-cooking-tilapia-fire-roasted-tomato-sauce/
    Also liked egg salad, sometimes tuna salad, parm chips with hummus, etc. The baked tofu you can get at the grocery can be eaten cold, so that's easy to take to work.
    I have never tried tofu. I feel new things coming! Maybe when I go to Chipotle I'll try their sofritas too!

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  5. I'm a pescatarian. Before things went to **** (I felt great the first 2.5 months, the last 2.5 months I've been really sick), I was able to get all my Protein without land-based animals. I was routinely getting 70-80g protein/day. Some of my go-tos (again, when I was feeling well):
    greek yogurt
    cottage cheese (there is one that is higher protein)
    ricotta bake
    beans/lentils (although not a lot of Protein here)

    So, for example, I'd have the following:
    B: egg (7g), small veggie sausage (9g) (sometimes with some salsa, guac and cheese)
    L: ricotta bake (19g) with spinach
    S: cheese or almonds (appx 7g)
    2-3 oz fish/shrimp (10-15g), about 40g of veg.
    S: Fairlife Milk (13g)
    Total: 65-70g (not including incidental protein from veg, etc)

    Thanks, this is super helpful information. I'm excited to try it. I hope you get to feeling better yourself soon! I appreciate you taking the time to give examples.

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  6. I can't necessarily tell you from experience, but before I was sleeved I did try something called a "nutritarian" diet by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. It's largely plant-based and similar to a ovo-lacto pescatarian diet although his diet encouraged entirely plan-based and allows for occasional fish. I suppose you could take his basic premise and make what you need of it in terms of eggs, dairy, fish.
    Sadly, I reverted back to some bad habits, hence the sleeve. BUT, while I was on it, I felt great! I highly recommend Dr. Fuhrman's books and nutrition plan. The one that got me started was "Eat to Live". Good luck!
    Awesome, thank you! I'll check it out

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  7. I was waiting for my doctor's appointment to post my update. This is what my doctor put in my notes.
    "Jessica is 6 months following laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. She has lost 57 pounds or 58 % of her initial excess weight. This is ahead of schedule for typical weight loss at this time following surgery.
    She denies any nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain and is working to maintain a healthy balanced diet. She should continue to focus on Protein intake and hydration." I am very, very happy with how things are going. My doctor has a higher goal (175) than I do because once I saw I could do it, I thought I could lose more. So we will see. [emoji16]:286_four_leaf_clover:
    Woohoo, that's great!! Keep it up!

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  8. I’m 2 weeks out from surgery my gag reflex is awful like when I was pregnant. I cannot find any Vitamins I can get down that is suggested. I tried the fusion Celebrate and a couple others and Flinstones in pudding Protein Shakes nibbles all different kind of ways any other suggestions.
    I know some people use the Patches but they are a little spendy. Maybe ask your nutritionist about it. I could not stomach the chewables either, of any kind. I was allowed to switch to pills after four weeks but that may not help you completely. I would check into the patches.

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  9. So...any advice? I'm leaning toward trying an ovo-lacto pescatarian diet. I'm six months post op next week. meats sit ok on my tummy but I don't like how I feel on such a meat heavy diet. I can only hold so much food so I feel like I get mostly meat and very little veg and fruit. I miss my plant based foods! I love fish and it never gives me issues. I'm a little worried about Protein intake. I've never done a diet like this before it just seems like it will make me feel good. I'm very accustomed to a low carb diet so this alone will raise the carbs I get just with the veggies and fruits. Any other vegetarian or pescatarian peeps post-vsg? I'd like to keep super processed foods to a minimum if possible.

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  10. The restriction is still so real. I went yo chick fil a with my daughter tonight and ate two chicken strips, slowly. With sipping sauce. I was full. But I ate two of her (large) waffle fries. This is the first time I've felt so bad after eating. Like aching pain like I just had four plates of food on Thanksgiving. I'm almost six months out and was being careless. It's been about three hours and it still aches. All I can think is I stretched my pouch. Ugh why did I do this? I'm fine with having a couple fries once in a while. But I really should have listened to my body when it said "hey, all full down here. Don't send any more food!". Annoyed and uncomfortable. No vomiting thank goodness. But I'm so mad at myself.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Wow I really cannot type. Sorry! Lol

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  11. The restriction is still so real. I went yo chick fil a with my daughter tonight and ate two chicken strips, slowly. With sipping sauce. I was full. But I ate two of her (large) waffle fries. This is the first time I've felt so bad after eating. Like aching pain like I just had four plates of food on Thanksgiving. I'm almost six months out and was being careless. It's been about three hours and it still aches. All I can think is I stretched my pouch. Ugh why did I do this? I'm fine with having a couple fries once in a while. But I really should have listened to my body when it said "hey, all full down here. Don't send any more food!". Annoyed and uncomfortable. No vomiting thank goodness. But I'm so mad at myself.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Hrsnjs, thanks for the support. We are doing well! 113 from your highest and off 5 meds is wonderful! I have 54lbs until my goal, which could safely be accomplished by October. Funny, I too only weigh once a month... and also had zero issues or complications, we are blessed in that way. If I didn't get full off of a few bites or had incision scars I would really question if the surgery was done. Overall, the weight is coming off and it appears we may be "inch girls" rather than "scale"- what my surgeon calls it. From 20/22 to 14/16 is a great number of inches lost. You hang in there too, it will all balance out. We will look great at our 1-year post op with a low risk of the weight coming back #lostforever!


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  13. I had a similar problem. My nutritionist explained that it was probably acid production causing issues. I never even considered that because I have no reflux or heartburn symptoms, but as soon as I was on Prilosec for a could of days that feeling went away and I haven't had it since. When I ate, it went away too and I interpreted that as hunger. I take my Prilosec every day now! Maybe it could help?

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using BariatricPal mobile app

  14. Wow, 70+ down since surgery is great! What are you all doing that I'm not?!! I get my protien(90oz) and water(100+oz). Eating 900-1200 calories a day. I even stop my 2 Snacks per day. I just started working out about a month ago that I increase my weight loss...a little disappointed because I'm only down 35lbs since surgery, went from 18 to 14.[emoji848][emoji17] but I'm still glad I got my sleeve done, however, often think if it was done correctly. My husband and surgeon encourage me that slow is better less likely it will come back...on the other hand my nutrition states I should be at least 50 lbs down. I have to kick ass before my 6mths check up on the 17th.
    Nonetheless, I'm looking and fitting into to clothes is a plus, just wish a little but quicker.

    Also, try Neocell collagen for Hair loss works wonders!! I get the tasteless powdered and sprinkle it on everything. The new orange flavor is good is coffee too. I've only seen that one at GNC. I've been taking since month 2 and it stop my shedding in its tracks. But I'm also not losing lbs at quicker rate so it could be that as well.
    Hey all...you are doing fantastic!! Like Lolaj, I've been a slow loser. I had surgery 10/22 so I'm just over 5 months out. I was 243 that day and on 3/11 I was 207. I'm only weighing once a month per my surgeon request. It's helped me to not obsess. I have to look at my success differently...I'm off all 5 RX meds I was on for years...blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol are all normal now. I've lost 42.75" from all over my body (again, as of 3/11)...and gone from a size 20/22 to 14/16 and tops from 3XL to XL. It's a lot to feel good about. I want to get to Onederland so bad I can taste it! I'm good on quantity of food but don't always make the best choices and need to work on that til I get to goal. They expect I'll be able to get to 170 or so at least which would be awesome. I feel great. Overall it's a success! And I'm 113 pounds down from my highest weight, 78 in the last year alone...so I have to not let it bother me so much that I'm only down 36 pounds since surgery. My doctor expects that I will lose .5 to 1 pound a week until I hit the 18 month mark. So far no long stalls. And last month I was down 3lbs so he is right on the money. We will see where I'm at on 4/8. So Lolaj, hang in there....you're not alone. Sometimes I wonder if my surgery was done correctly too since I have no issues from it. No reflux, zero food intolerance or sensitivity. Nada. I'm lucky in that regard. I love seeing how you all are doing. Imagine in 6 more months!!

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  15. This is SUPER helpful to me. I'm a slower loser, but I also started at a lower weight. It's nice to see I'm almost right on track rather than to compare myself to others who are melting away. I find it such a mental fight and that I feel I'm failing, even though I am losing, and losing consistently! 🥰

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  16. Doing pretty well. Only lost 3 pounds in the last month and trying not to let that get to me. Only 36.2 lost total since surgery. But all my health issues have resolved. That's the main reason I did this. I've lost 42" (CRAZY) and gone from a size 20 to a 14. And I'm 113 down from my highest weight so that's good too. The next goal: hoping to get off the CPAP! You are all doing great. Let's keep it up! Will be awesome to see where we are all at at one year!

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  17. I’m a little curious as to how many calories are you guys consuming daily.
    I’m staying between 900-1300 and found that if I have less than 900 I hit stalls! I am thinking is because of the high intensity workouts I ak doing now and need more calories to burn more? 🤷‍♀️
    My doctor recommends between 400-600 a day at the stage we are at. He says 800-1000 a day at one year out, and forever. I cannot stay that low. I end up getting about 700-800 a day. I am losing like always. Slow and steady. No big drops, but no stalls really either.

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  18. I'm trying to wean myself off the scales - I am on them every day and because of all the fluctuations which I'm hoping is Water weight! - it's driving me nuts! I can't work out what's causing the changes every day but it's so depressing... I checked with my NUT and psych support and both have told me to continue to weigh every day as they say it will help me keep focused and accountable...! But, it feels like a constant struggle...
    I've started asking naturally thin people what their weight fluctuations are like and they have them too! [emoji4]
    My surgeon actually made me promise to only weigh once a MONTH! I have so much less stress. I concentrate on what it is I'm doing and it seems to work for me. Strange that doctors are so different, just like with the pre-op and post-op diets I guess. Hang in there!

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  19. Totally unrelated, but my nose runs like a mofo when I brush my teeth LOL Lord help you if you walk in on me brushing my teeth...it's a pretty gross sight! [emoji3]
    People at work are walking by my office looking in like I'm insane. Thanks for the snotty visual!! [emoji23]

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PatchAid Vitamin Patches
